Why is India working against the BRICS?

Why is India working against the BRICS?

Understanding India’s Complex Relationship with the BRICS: A Deep Dive into the Factors Influencing New Delhi’s Position The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) bloc, established in 2006, has been a significant force in global politics and economics. Among its members, India holds a pivotal role due to its demographic size, economic potential,…

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Fed may cut rates this year amid inflation concerns tied to Trump

Fed may cut rates this year amid inflation concerns tied to Trump

The Federal Reserve is closely monitoring the economic landscape, with ongoing inflation concerns taking center stage. One key factor contributing to these concerns is the administration’s aggressive economic policies under President Donald Trump. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), the monetary policy-making body of the Fed, is expected to meet in late March to discuss…

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So, how is Japan’s economy faring now? - African News - News

So, how is Japan’s economy faring now?

Japan’s news/articles/2024-04-04/japan-s-households-continue-to-cut-spending-as-inflation-weighs?srnd=homepage-africa” rel=”nofollow noopener” target=”_blank”>economy is seeing some pretty wild twists and turns, making for an intriguing, but kinda nerve-wracking, story. For starters, the average household in Japan has been tightening the purse strings, and no, not out of a newfound passion for frugality, but because inflating prices are putting a damper on their shopping…

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Zimbabwe turns to gold in efforts to permanently ditching US dollar - African News - News

Zimbabwe turns to gold in efforts to permanently ditching US dollar

Buckle up, because Zimbabwe’s going for a wild ride down Gold Lane, ditching the us-be-affected-when-brics-ditch-dollar/” data-type=”post” data-id=”504791″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>US dollar like it’s out of fashion. Under President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s regime, this southern African gem is shaking up its monetary system yet again. This time, they’re pulling a bold move by introducing a new gold-backed currency….

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Federal Reserve v. ECB – Who will cut interest rates first? - African News - News

Federal Reserve v. ECB – Who will cut interest rates first?

Amidst the global economic rollercoaster, the million-dollar question that’s got investors biting their nails and analysts spitting predictions like fortune-tellers is: Who’s going to blink first in the face-off between the Federal Reserve and the contact Central Bank when it comes to slashing interest rates? You’re not getting an intro that starts with “In a…”…

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Eurozone’s inflation drops to 2.4% – but the numbers don’t add up - African News - News

Eurozone’s inflation drops to 2.4% – but the numbers don’t add up

March’s latest financial whirlwind has the inflation-maintain-its-deceleration/” data-type=”post” data-id=”504563″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Eurozone’s inflation taking a nosedive to 2.4%, throwing economists and their crystal balls out of sync. This unexpected drop from the previous month’s 2.6% has sent a buzz of optimism through the air, suggesting that a cut in interest rates by the contact Central Bank…

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Jerome Powell reiterates he has no plans to cut rates anytime soon - African News - News

Jerome Powell reiterates he has no plans to cut rates anytime soon

Jerome Powell, the governor at the Federal Reserve, inflation-is-easing-before-cutting-rates.html” rel=”nofollow noopener” target=”_blank”>threw a cold splash of reality on us this Wednesday, making it crystal clear he’s not about to hit the rate-cut button anytime soon. Yeah, you read that right. Despite the jitters and jitterbugs dancing around the idea of easing monetary policy, Powell’s standing…

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Federal Reserve doubles down on bullish outlook for U.S. economy - African News - News

Federal Reserve doubles down on bullish outlook for U.S. economy

The Federal Reserve isn’t playing games when it talks about the us-be-affected-when-brics-ditch-dollar/” data-type=”post” data-id=”504791″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>U.S. economy. With perhaps way too much confidence, it’s talking about an enduring strength in economic activity. The message is loud and clear. Don’t expect the cost of borrowing money to get cheaper anytime soon. Loretta Mester of the Cleveland…

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U.S. Treasury yields see shocking rise thanks to persisitent inflation - African News - News

U.S. Treasury yields see shocking rise thanks to persisitent inflation

The finance industry just got a bit more interesting, and if you’re anything like me—someone who just loves knowing what is up the us-be-affected-when-brics-ditch-dollar/” data-type=”post” data-id=”504791″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>U.S. economy at all times—you’re going to want to pay attention. Treasury yields have decided to take a little hike, reaching levels we haven’t seen in the past…

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