Putin’s Proposal: A New Challenge to the Dollar at BRICS Summit

Putin's Proposal: A New Challenge to the Dollar at BRICS Summit

Putin’s Proposal: A New Challenge to the Dollar at BRICS Summit

At the recent BRICS summit held in South Africa, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed the creation of a new

multilateral reserve currency

that would challenge the dominance of the US dollar in international trade. This move, if implemented, could have significant implications for the global economy and financial markets.

Putin‘s proposition was made during a meeting with the leaders of

Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa

(BRICS) on July 25, 2018. The idea is to create a

pool of national currencies

that could be used for transactions between the member countries, thereby reducing their reliance on the US dollar.

According to Putin, this move would help “reduce our economies’ dependence on the dollar, which is an obvious trend but one that is not yet easy to implement.” He also emphasized that this would lead to a more “fair and democratic” international monetary system.

The proposal

was welcomed by some BRICS members, with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressing his support for the idea. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, however, was more cautious, stating that he would need to consult with his team before making a definitive statement.

The potential impact

of this move on the US dollar and the global economy is still uncertain. Some analysts believe that it could lead to a shift away from the dollar as the dominant currency in international trade, which could weaken its value and increase inflation. Others argue that it would be difficult for BRICS to agree on a single currency pool, given their economic differences.

In any case

, the proposal is a clear indication of growing discontent among emerging economies with the current international monetary system, which has been dominated by the US dollar since the end of the Bretton Woods system in 197As such, it represents a significant challenge to the status quo and could lead to further shifts in the global economic landscape.


I. Introduction

BRICS, an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, is a renowned grouping of emerging economies that came into being during the 2001 summit in Golden Beach, Durban, South Africa. This organization was born out of a desire to deepen the cooperation and collaboration between these dynamic nations.

Origin and history

The seeds of BRICS were sown when the then-presidents of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa met on the sidelines of a G8 summit in 200Over the years, the grouping has evolved into an influential platform for international diplomacy and economic cooperation.

Economic significance

BRICS members account for about 41% of the world’s population and over 25% of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on a purchasing power parity basis. The economic heft of this bloc makes it an indispensable part of the global economic architecture.

Background of the BRICS Summit

The BRICS Summit is an annual event where leaders of the BRICS nations convene to discuss matters of mutual interest and further the objectives of the organization. This year, the 14th BRICS Summit is scheduled to take place on September 9-10, 2023, in the historic city of New Delhi, India. The capital city will provide an ideal backdrop for the high-level discussions and negotiations between the BRICS leaders.

Location and date

The choice of New Delhi as the venue for this year’s summit underscores India’s commitment to strengthening its ties with BRICS nations.

Previous agreements and initiatives

The upcoming BRICS Summit will build upon the success of previous meetings, including the Xiamen Summit in 2017 and the Johannesburg Summit in 2018. These summits have led to significant agreements and initiatives, such as the BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) and the New Development Bank (NDB). The

YearLocationKey Outcomes
2017Xiamen, ChinaBRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA)
2018Johannesburg, South AfricaNew Development Bank (NDB)

are just a few examples of the tangible outcomes of BRICS summits. The upcoming summit is expected to yield similar results in the areas of economic cooperation, diplomacy, and sustainable development.


The Dollar’s Dominance in the Global Economy

Explanation of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency

The US dollar holds a unique position in the global economy as the world’s reserve currency. This status means that many countries hold and transact in US dollars for their foreign exchange reserves, international trade, and financial transactions. The benefits of this situation are significant for the United States, providing it with several advantages such as:


The ability to print money and issue debt in the global currency is a powerful tool for a country. The U.S. can mint new dollars and sell them as bonds, earning interest on its debt in its own currency.

Control Over the International Monetary System

Being the dominant currency gives the U.S. considerable influence over international economic institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which use dollars as their unit of account.

Criticisms and challenges to the US dollar’s hegemony

Despite the advantages, the US dollar’s dominance also faces criticisms and challenges. One major concern is:

Economic Instability in the US and Europe

The financial instability of key dollar-holding countries like the United States and Europe can potentially threaten the global economy. For instance, during the 2008 financial crisis, the dollar’s value fluctuated wildly due to the instability in the US financial sector.

Another challenge comes from:

Rise of Alternative Currencies and Payment Systems

The increasing popularity of alternative currencies like Bitcoin and the emergence of new payment systems, such as Alipay and WeChat Pay in China, which use their local currencies (Chinese Yuan) for international transactions, may gradually erode the dollar’s dominance.


I Putin’s Proposal: A New Financial Architecture for BRICS

Motivations and objectives behind the proposal:

  • Economic self-interest: The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) sought to strengthen their economic cooperation and reduce their reliance on the traditional Western-dominated financial institutions. They aimed to create mechanisms to better manage their collective financial resources and mitigate risks in their economies.
  • Geopolitical considerations: The proposal also reflected a broader geopolitical shift towards multilateralism and a challenge to the US-dominated international financial system. By creating their own institutions, BRICS aimed to assert their collective influence on the global stage.

Key elements of Putin’s proposal:

Establishment of a new development bank (BRICS Development Bank):

  • Purpose and scope: The BRICS Development Bank was proposed to provide development loans, finance infrastructure projects, and promote economic cooperation among the member countries.
  • Initial capital contributions: Each member country was expected to contribute an initial capital of $10 billion, resulting in a total capital base of $50 billion.

Creation of a pooled reserve fund (BRICS Contingency Reserve Arrangement):

  • Size and composition: The proposed fund was intended to be worth $100 billion, with each member country contributing proportionally based on their economic size.
  • Role and function in the event of financial crises: The fund was designed to help member countries cope with balance-of-payments crises, providing short-term liquidity support and fostering financial stability.

Implications for the US dollar and global financial system:

  • Potential shift in economic power dynamics: The establishment of the BRICS Development Bank and Contingency Reserve Arrangement could challenge the primacy of Western-dominated institutions like the World Bank and IMF. This shift in economic power dynamics might lead to new alignments and alliances among emerging economies.
  • Challenges to US-dominated international financial institutions: The creation of alternative institutions could weaken the influence of the US and its allies in the global financial system. This could potentially lead to a more multipolar world where emerging economies have greater representation and autonomy.


IV. Reactions and Responses to Putin’s Proposal:

Global financial community

  1. Support from emerging economies: Several emerging economies, including China and India, have expressed support for Putin’s proposal to pay for natural gas in rubles instead of dollars. This shift towards using national currencies could strengthen economic ties between these countries and Russia, potentially reducing their reliance on the US dollar.
  2. Criticism and skepticism from developed countries and international institutions: However, developed countries and international financial institutions have criticized Putin’s proposal, citing concerns over its potential impact on the global financial system. The European Union (EU), which is a major consumer of Russian natural gas, has expressed skepticism about the idea, with some EU officials suggesting that such a move could violate international sanctions against Russia.

The United States

Potential diplomatic and economic responses:

The United States, a major critic of Russia’s actions in Ukraine and its involvement in Syria, has expressed concern over Putin’s proposal. Some US officials have suggested that such a move could be seen as an attempt by Russia to undermine the global financial system and weaken the US dollar’s role as the world’s reserve currency. The US could respond with diplomatic pressure, including sanctions against Russian entities involved in the gas-for-rubles trade.

Impact on US-Russia relations:

The implementation of Putin’s proposal could further strain already tense relations between the United States and Russia. The US has accused Russia of interfering in its elections, annexing Crimea from Ukraine, and supporting separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine. Putin’s proposal to pay for natural gas in rubles could be seen as a retaliation against US sanctions and a challenge to US global dominance.



Putin’s proposal for a new international currency reserve system, as discussed at the BRICS summit in July 2014, has significant implications both in the short term and the long term. Short-term consequences include a possible shift away from the US dollar as the dominant reserve currency, with BRICS countries reducing their holdings of US Treasury bonds and instead increasing their holdings of each other’s currencies. This could lead to a decrease in demand for the US dollar, potentially lowering its value and increasing interest rates, which could have negative effects on the US economy.

Long-term implications for global finance and geopolitics

Long-term implications are even more profound. The proposed new reserve system could challenge the US dollar’s dominance in global finance, potentially leading to a multi-polar world economy where no single currency holds sway. This could have major geopolitical implications, as the US has historically used its economic power to influence global politics and foreign policy. A shift away from the US dollar could weaken this tool of US influence and lead to a more balanced distribution of economic power among major global actors.

Future directions of BRICS cooperation and challenges to the US dollar’s dominance

Further collaboration among BRICS countries in areas such as infrastructure, trade, and technology could accelerate this trend. The BRICS Development Bank and the Contingency Reserve Arrangement, established at the summit, are steps in this direction. However, potential roadblocks and limitations include differences among BRICS countries in economic development levels, political systems, and priorities, as well as the challenges of coordinating such a large and diverse group.

Areas for further collaboration

Infrastructure: The BRICS countries have identified infrastructure development as a priority area for cooperation. This could include joint investments in transportation, energy, and telecommunications projects, which could increase economic interdependence among BRICS countries and reduce reliance on the US dollar for international trade.


Technology: Another area of potential collaboration is in technology development, particularly in the fields of renewable energy and information and communication technology (ICT). BRICS countries have significant technological capabilities and could benefit from cooperation in these areas.


Trade: Increased trade among BRICS countries could also reduce their dependence on the US dollar. The BRICS countries have been discussing the establishment of a free trade area, which could lead to increased economic integration and reduced reliance on the US dollar for international transactions.


However, challenges to the implementation of these initiatives exist. Differences in economic development levels and priorities among BRICS countries could make it difficult to coordinate actions. Political instability in some BRICS countries, such as Ukraine and Venezuela, could also derail efforts at cooperation.


In conclusion, Putin’s proposal for a new international currency reserve system and the future directions of BRICS cooperation have significant implications for global finance and geopolitics. While there are challenges to implementing these initiatives, the potential benefits of increased cooperation among BRICS countries could lead to a more balanced distribution of economic power and a reduction in reliance on the US dollar as the dominant reserve currency. The coming years will be crucial in determining the success or failure of these efforts.
