Catching Perfection: A Pokemon GO Player’s Journey to Nearly Perfect

Catching Perfection: A Pokemon GO Player's Journey to Nearly Perfect

Catching Perfection: A Pokemon GO Player’s Journey to Nearly Perfect

In the digital world of Pokemon GO, perfection is a lofty goal for every dedicated trainer. For one player, named Alex, this dream was more than just a whim. He aspired to create the nearly perfect Pokemon collection, striving for every species’ highest CP and IV stats. His journey was filled with challenges, excitement, and a few unexpected twists.

The Initial Inspiration

It all started when Alex stumbled upon an online forum where other trainers shared their perfect Pokemon collections. The sight of those perfectly balanced teams sparked his interest and ignited a fire within him to join the ranks of these esteemed trainers.

The Basics: IVs and CP

IVs (Individual Values)

To begin his quest, Alex researched the basics of IVs and CP. He discovered that IVs determine a Pokemon’s inherent power, while CP (Combat Power) measures its current strength. Aiming for high IVs and CP became the foundation of his journey.

IVs: Understanding the Ratings

Alex learned that IVs could be rated from 0 to 15 in each of three categories: Attack, Defense, and Stamina. A Pokemon with excellent IVs would have high ratings in all three areas, enhancing its abilities.

CP: The Current State

Alex also understood that CP was dependent on IVs, a Pokemon’s species, and its level. To increase CP, Alex needed to train his Pokemon by catching new ones, evolving existing ones, or powering up using Stardust and Candy.

The Search: Finding the Perfect Pokemon

Equipped with this knowledge, Alex set out to capture the perfect Pokemon. He spent hours scouring his neighborhood for high CP and IV creatures. The search was not easy – it required patience, strategy, and a keen eye.

The Strategy: Efficiency and Planning

To maximize his chances, Alex developed a strategy. He used maps to locate rare or high IV Pokemon and planned his routes accordingly. He also made the most of community days, special events, and other in-game bonuses to boost his catch rates.

The Unexpected: The Journey’s Surprises

Throughout his journey, Alex encountered many unexpected surprises. He met fellow trainers with similar goals and formed friendships. He discovered hidden abilities in Pokemon he had long overlooked, which brought new depth to his collection.

The Reward: Progress and Growth

In the end, what Alex gained from his quest for perfection was not only an impressive Pokemon collection but also a sense of accomplishment and personal growth. The journey taught him that even the loftiest goals can be reached through determination, patience, and a bit of luck.

Catching Perfection: A Pokemon GO Player

I. Introduction

The Pokemon franchise, a global cultural phenomenon, originated in Japan in the late 1990s as a collectible trading card game created by Satoshi Tajiri and Game Freak. Pokemon, which translates to “pocket monsters,” quickly gained international popularity with the release of the animated series and movies, as well as various video games. The franchise’s success can be attributed to its unique blend of fantasy, adventure, and collectibility that captivated audiences of all ages.

Brief overview of the Pokemon franchise and its history:

Origin in Japan as a trading card game: Pokemon started as a collectible card game where players could trade, buy, sell, and use holographic cards featuring various creatures called Pokemon. Each creature had unique powers, abilities, and stats that players could utilize to battle against their opponents.

Evolution into animated series, movies, and video games: As the franchise grew in popularity, it expanded beyond trading cards to include an animated series, movies, and video games. The anime followed the adventures of young trainers as they journeyed through various regions, capturing and training their Pokemon to become champions. These media adaptations allowed fans to further immerse themselves in the rich world of Pokemon.

Introduction to Pokemon GO:

In 2016, the world of Pokemon took a significant leap forward with the release of Pokemon GO, a mobile game app developed by Niantic Labs in collaboration with The Pokemon Company. This revolutionary game allowed players to catch, battle, and explore the real world while interacting with virtual Pokemon.

Release in 2016 by Niantic Labs and The Pokemon Company:

Pokemon GO marked a new era for the franchise, combining location-based technology with gaming elements. Players could visit real-world landmarks and use their smartphones to discover and capture various Pokemon that appeared in their surroundings.

Utilizes real-world locations for gameplay:

The innovative aspect of Pokemon GO lies in its integration with the physical world. Players could visit specific locations to encounter rare or exotic Pokemon, which added an element of adventure and excitement to their daily lives.

Author’s background as a lifelong Pokemon fan and newcomer to Pokemon GO:

As a lifelong Pokemon fan, I have spent countless hours collecting, trading, and training virtual creatures. However, with the release of Pokemon GO, I found myself excited to step out of my comfort zone and experience the franchise in a whole new way. My motivation for wanting to catch ’em all in the real world was fueled by the potential to engage with my community and explore new places while staying true to the core principles of the Pokemon franchise: adventure, friendship, and competition.

Catching Perfection: A Pokemon GO Player

Understanding the Basics of Pokemon GO

Overview of gameplay mechanics

Pokemon GO is an augmented reality (AR) game that allows players to capture, train, and battle virtual Pokemon in the real world. The game uses GPS on your smartphone to locate you in the real world, then overlays digital creatures on top of that environment.

Locating and capturing Pokemon in the wild

Players can find wild Pokemon by spinning PokeStops, which are located at real-world landmarks such as public art installations or historical markers. Once a player finds a Pokemon, they can attempt to catch it using a Pokeball. The success rate of catching a Pokemon depends on several factors, including the type of ball used and the Pokemon’s CP (Combat Power).

Gyms, PokeStops, and Eggs

Gyms are locations where players can train their Pokemon and engage in battles with other trainers. Each gym is associated with a team, and trainers can join one of three teams: Mystic (blue), Valor (red), or Instinct (yellow). PokeStops are similar to gyms, but they allow players to collect items such as Pokeballs and potions. Eggs can be obtained from PokeStops or by hatching them through walking a certain distance.

Importance of stats, types, and evolution

CP (Combat Power): CP is a measure of a Pokemon’s power in battle. It is determined by a combination of the Pokemon’s base stats and its individual IVs (Individual Values).

CP (Combat Power) and IVs (Individual Values)

IVs: Each Pokemon has three IVs: Attack, Defense, and Stamina. These stats determine a Pokemon’s maximum potential CP. Higher IVs result in higher CP.

Types: Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, etc.

Types: Pokemon come in various types such as Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, and so on. Each type is strong against certain other types and weak against others. For example, a Fire-type Pokemon is strong against Grass-type Pokemon but weak against Water-type Pokemon.

Evolution and evolution stones

Evolution: Most Pokemon can evolve into more powerful forms by using candy, which is earned by catching and releasing that specific species of Pokemon. Some Pokemon require an evolution stone to evolve.

Use of items, such as Pokeballs and Potions

Items: Players can use a variety of items to help them in their Pokemon GO adventure. Pokeballs are used to catch Pokemon, while potions are used to heal injured Pokemon.

Different types of balls (Great, Ultra, Master)

There are different types of Pokeballs, including Great Balls, Ultra Balls, and Master Balls. Each type has a different catch rate.

Importance of potions for healing Pokemon

Potions: Potions are essential for keeping your Pokemon team in fighting shape. Players can use them to heal their Pokemon’s HP (Hit Points) and restore their Stamina.

Catching Perfection: A Pokemon GO Player

I Strategies for Catching Rare and Powerful Pokemon

Utilizing Incense to Attract Rare Species

Incense is an essential item in Pokemon GO that can help trainers attract rare and elusive Pokemon. When used, it emits a sweet scent that draws Pokemon to the trainer’s location for 30 minutes. Description of How It Works and How Long It Lasts: The incense lasts for a total of 30 minutes, during which time the trainer will attract various Pokemon species. Trainers can walk around while the incense is active to increase their chances of encountering rare and powerful Pokemon. Tips for Maximizing Its Usage: To get the most out of incense, trainers should plan their routes carefully and visit areas with a high concentration of rare Pokemon. Using incense in conjunction with other items like Lures or Egg Incubators can also increase the chances of encountering rare and valuable Pokemon.

Investing in High-Quality Balls and Berries

Explanation of How Balls Affect Catch Rates: The type and quality of the Pokemon ball used can significantly impact a trainer’s catch rate. Great, Excellent, and Curveball throws increase the chances of catching a Pokemon compared to regular throws. Importance of Curveballs and Nice, Great, Excellent Throws: Curveballs are valuable because they earn bonus experience points when thrown correctly. Nice, Great, and Excellent throws also increase the chances of catching a Pokemon and award extra experience points. Investing in high-quality balls like Master Balls or Golden Razz Berries can help trainers catch rare and powerful Pokemon more efficiently.

Implementing the Buddy System to Earn Candy and Eggs

The buddy system is a feature in Pokemon GO that allows trainers to select a Pokemon as their buddy. When a Pokemon is chosen as a buddy, it earns candy every time the trainer walks a certain distance. Description of How It Works: Trainers can select a Pokemon as their buddy by visiting its page in the Pokedex and tapping on the “Buddy” button. The trainer will then earn candy based on how far they walk with their chosen buddy. Strategies for Choosing Buddies for Specific Pokemon: Trainers should consider choosing a buddy based on their current goals, such as evolving a specific Pokemon or preparing for a raid. For example, if a trainer is trying to evolve Pidgey into a Pidgeot, they should choose Pidgey as their buddy and walk with it to earn Candy.

Participating in Community Events and Raids

Explanation of How They Work: Community events and raids are special in-game features that allow trainers to collaborate with each other to catch rare and powerful Pokemon. Community events are themed activities that often involve completing certain tasks or catching specific types of Pokemon. Raids are large boss battles where trainers can work together to catch powerful and mythical Pokemon. Importance of Coordinating with Other Trainers: Participating in community events and raids is an excellent opportunity to catch rare and powerful Pokemon that may not be commonly found in the wild. Coordinating with other trainers can increase the chances of success and make the experience more enjoyable.

E. Utilizing Third-Party Tools and Resources

Pokemon GO Map Apps for Tracking Nearby Pokemon: Third-party apps like PokeMap, Pokemon Go Map, and Pokevision allow trainers to see nearby Pokemon in real-time. This information can help trainers plan their routes efficiently and maximize their chances of encountering rare and powerful Pokemon. IV Calculators to Determine a Pokemon’s Worth: IV calculators like The Silph Road or PoGoIVHelp can help trainers determine the individual values (IV) of their Pokemon’s stats, which can be crucial when deciding whether to keep or trade a Pokemon. In-Game Tools Like the Pokedex and Journal for Tracking Progress: The in-game tools like the Pokedex and journal are essential resources for trainers looking to catch rare and powerful Pokemon. They allow trainers to keep track of their progress, identify weaknesses in their collection, and plan their strategy accordingly.

Catching Perfection: A Pokemon GO Player

The Author’s Journey to Catching Nearly Perfect Pokemon

Setting goals and creating a personal collection strategy

As a dedicated Pokemon GO trainer, I set out on a mission to catch nearly perfect Pokemon, with the goal of maximizing their Individual Values (IVs) – the hidden stats that determine a Pokemon’s natural abilities. To begin, I carefully decided on which species to prioritize, based on their utility in battles and my personal fondness for them. Gyarados, with its high Attack and Speed IVs, was a top pick, as it could lay waste to many an opponent.

Implementing the strategies discussed in the previous chapter

With my priorities set, I implemented various strategies to acquire high IV Pokemon. One method involved hatching eggs obtained from spinning PokeStops. My personal experience saw me hatch a near-perfect 98% IV Charmander, the start of my quest for an elite Fire-type Pokemon. Another strategy was participating in Raid Battles and trading with other trainers to acquire higher IV species. Although this method brought challenges, such as coordinating trades and dealing with inconsistent internet connections, the rewards were worth it – I obtained a near-perfect 97% IV Vaporeon from a trade.

Continuously adapting to game updates and changes

As the world of Pokemon GO evolved, so did my strategies. The introduction of Shadow Pokemon brought new opportunities to boost existing Pokemon with powerful moves. I embraced this change by catching and powering up various Shadow Pokemon, such as a near-perfect 94% IV Alolan Grimer, which proved to be an invaluable addition to my collection.

Reflecting on the personal growth and enjoyment gained throughout the process

Throughout my journey, I built a community of fellow trainers, sharing tips and experiences. The friendships formed along the way added to my enjoyment of the game. Additionally, Pokemon GO had a positive impact on my physical and mental health, as I found myself exploring new areas and engaging in daily walks to catch ’em all. The pursuit of nearly perfect Pokemon became a lifelong goal, filled with countless adventures and memories.

Catching Perfection: A Pokemon GO Player


As we reach the end of our journey to catch nearly perfect Pokemon in Pokemon GO, it’s important to reflect on the strategies and experiences discussed throughout this article.

Strategies and Experiences:

Firstly,, we delved into the importance of researching each Pokemon’s strengths and weaknesses to effectively choose the right moveset for your collection. We also explored the significance of teamwork, as seen in Raids, where cooperation between Trainers is essential to success. Furthermore, we discussed the importance of dedication – the hours spent tracking down elusive creatures and perfecting one’s collection is a testament to the commitment that being a Pokemon fan entails.

Impact on the Author’s Life:

This journey to capture nearly perfect Pokemon in Pokemon GO has had a profound impact on my life as a fan. I’ve discovered

new joys

in connecting with others through our shared passion for Pokemon. The camaraderie that arises from collaborating on Raids and trading Pokemon is truly unique and heartwarming. Furthermore, the excitement of continuing to explore this new frontier in the world of Pokemon never fades – every new evolution discovered or rare creature encountered is a reminder that there’s always more to learn and discover.

Connecting with Others:

Being able to share this experience with the global community of Pokemon GO Trainers has been an incredibly rewarding experience.

Meeting new people

and making friendships based on a common love for the franchise has added an extra layer of depth to my involvement with Pokemon. The social aspect of Pokemon GO is one that cannot be overlooked, as it allows us to form connections that extend far beyond the screen.

Exploring New Frontiers:

The excitement of exploring new frontiers in the world of Pokemon never truly ends. With constant updates, new events, and the ever-evolving metagame, there’s always something new to discover. The feeling of anticipation that comes with each new feature or event release keeps the community engaged and invested in the game.

In Conclusion:

Our journey to catch nearly perfect Pokemon in Pokemon GO has been a memorable one, filled with new strategies, experiences, and personal growth. The connections made and the excitement of exploring this new frontier in the world of Pokemon have left a lasting impact on my life as a fan.
