Onboard Secures Major Funding from Coinbase Ventures and LAVA: Unleashing Global Expansion and Onchain Economy Potential

Onboard Secures Major Funding from Coinbase Ventures and LAVA: Unleashing Global Expansion and Onchain Economy Potential

A Long Paragraph about Assistive Technology

Assistive technology, also known as assistive devices or accessibility technologies, refers to any tool, software, or device that enables people with disabilities to perform tasks that might otherwise be difficult or impossible. Assistive technology comes in various forms, from simple devices like magnifying glasses and hearing aids to complex systems like

Screen Readers

or speech recognition software. These technologies can be used to improve communication, learning, work efficiency, and overall quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

Adaptive Technology

One type of assistive technology is adaptive technology, which adjusts to the user’s needs. For example, text-to-speech software can help individuals with visual impairments read digital content out loud. Similarly, voice recognition software can be a valuable tool for those with motor disabilities. Adaptive technology is designed to provide equal access to information and opportunities for people with various types of disabilities.

Assistive Technology in Education

Assistive technology is increasingly being used in educational settings. For instance, students with dyslexia may benefit from text-to-speech software or spell-checking tools. Students who are deaf can use sign language recognition software or closed captioning to access audio content. Assistive technology also helps students with physical disabilities navigate digital learning environments and participate in online classes more effectively.

Introducing: Onboard is a decentralized identity platform that aims to revolutionize the way we manage and control our digital identities. Built on the link network, Onboard leverages the power of blockchain technology to provide users with sovereignty over their personal data.

Recent Significant Funding News

Onboard recently made headlines with their successful fundraising round, securing major investments from Coinbase Ventures and LAVA. This strategic partnership will enable Onboard to accelerate its development roadmap, further solidifying its position as a key player in the decentralized identity space.

Coinbase Ventures’ Investment

The investment from Coinbase Ventures, the venture capital arm of link, one of the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges, is a strong endorsement of Onboard’s potential. This partnership will provide Onboard with invaluable industry insights and expertise, as well as access to Coinbase’s vast network of resources.

LAVA’s Investment

On the other hand, LAVA (Laboratory for Advanced Vision and Applications), a research institute based in Barcelona, Spain, is contributing to Onboard’s fundraising round through its digital innovation lab. This partnership will allow Onboard to explore the intersection of decentralized identity and computer vision, potentially leading to innovative applications in areas such as facial recognition and document verification.

What’s Next for Onboard

With these investments, Onboard is poised to make significant strides in the decentralized identity space. Stay tuned for updates on their development roadmap and upcoming partnerships.

Onboard Secures Major Funding from Coinbase Ventures and LAVA: Unleashing Global Expansion and Onchain Economy Potential

Background of Onboard

Onboard is a leading maritime software solutions provider, serving the global shipping industry since its inception in 199Originally founded as Maritech Software in Aalborg, Denmark, the company has grown exponentially and now boasts a clientele that includes many of the world’s largest shipping lines. In 2013, Maritech Software was rebranded as Onboard, signaling the company’s commitment to expanding its portfolio beyond traditional maritime software solutions.

Early Years: Focus on Maritime Compliance and Fleet Management

During its early years, Onboard established itself as a pioneer in maritime compliance and fleet management software. Its flagship product, MarWare, provided an end-to-end solution for shipowners and operators to manage regulatory compliance, optimize fleet operations, and improve efficiency. The software enabled customers to automate various processes, such as document management, reporting, and communication with ports and authorities.

Expansion into New Markets and Solutions

Over the years, Onboard continued to expand its offerings and entered new markets. In 2006, it acquired FleetMaster, a German software company specializing in port call optimization and logistics planning. This acquisition significantly enhanced Onboard’s offering for ports, terminals, and logistics service providers. In 2015, the company acquired Seaprocess, a Norwegian software provider offering advanced solutions for vessel design, engineering, and maintenance. This acquisition enabled Onboard to penetrate the shipbuilding market and broaden its reach into the shipping value chain.

Current Offerings: Comprehensive Maritime Software Solutions

Today, Onboard offers a comprehensive suite of maritime software solutions. Its products cater to various stakeholders within the shipping industry, including shipowners and operators, ports and terminals, logistics providers, and regulatory bodies. The company’s offerings span the entire value chain of shipping operations, from design and engineering to compliance management, fleet optimization, port call optimization, logistics planning, and more. Onboard’s software is known for its flexibility, scalability, and ability to integrate with other systems, making it a preferred choice for many industry players.

Table: Key Milestones in Onboard’s History

1991Maritech Software founded in Denmark
2006Acquisition of FleetMaster (Germany)
2013Company rebranded as Onboard
2015Acquisition of Seaprocess (Norway)

Onboard Secures Major Funding from Coinbase Ventures and LAVA: Unleashing Global Expansion and Onchain Economy Potential

Onboard: is a decentralized identity protocol that offers secure, private, and interoperable solutions for the digital economy. With the rapid growth of Web3 applications, there is a pressing need for reliable and secure identity infrastructure that can facilitate trust between users and dApps in decentralized environments.

The Problem:

The current landscape of decentralized applications (dApps) lacks robust and privacy-preserving identity solutions. Users are often required to reveal sensitive personal information when interacting with dApps, putting their privacy at risk. Moreover, the lack of interoperability across different identity systems hampers the seamless transfer of digital assets and data between applications.

Onboard’s Solution:

Onboard addresses these issues by providing a decentralized identity protocol that enables users to control their digital identities and protect their privacy. By using zero-knowledge proofs, Onboard allows users to prove their attributes or credentials without revealing any sensitive information.


By employing cryptographic techniques, Onboard ensures that users’ identities are securely stored and verified on the blockchain.


Users have complete control over their digital identities, deciding which data to share and with whom. Onboard’s privacy-preserving approach enables users to interact with dApps without compromising their personal information.


Onboard’s decentralized identity infrastructure is designed to be interoperable across different blockchain networks. This allows users to easily transfer their identities between various dApps built on platforms like Polkadot, Ethereum, and Cosmos, fostering a more connected digital economy.

Partnerships and Integrations:

Onboard’s commitment to solving real-world problems in the Web3 space has led to collaborations with key players in the blockchain industry. They have integrated with Polkadot, Ethereum, and Cosmos, demonstrating their dedication to building a more interconnected decentralized ecosystem. These collaborations will facilitate the seamless transfer of identities between applications built on these platforms, further enhancing the user experience and driving adoption in the Web3 space.

Onboard Secures Major Funding from Coinbase Ventures and LAVA: Unleashing Global Expansion and Onchain Economy Potential

I Funding Announcement Details

Key Information at a Glance

The III Funding Announcement (FA) represents an important milestone in the ongoing research collaboration between Our Company and Partner Organization. The FA, which was announced on February 15, 2023, outlines the key aspects of the joint project. The total funding allocated for this research initiative amounts to $15 million over a period of three years. This significant investment reflects the shared commitment to advance scientific discovery and technological innovation in the field of Biotechnology.

Research Focus and Scope

Under the auspices of this joint FA, our collaborative efforts will focus on developing novel gene editing tools using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. This cutting-edge research aims to expand the current capabilities of this groundbreaking technique, paving the way for advancements in personalized medicine and other applications. Our teams will work closely together, leveraging each other’s expertise to tackle specific challenges and drive progress towards our shared goals.

Collaborative Efforts and Team Structure

The III FA fosters a spirit of collaboration and knowledge sharing between our organizations. Each team brings unique strengths to the partnership, with Our Company‘s focus on CRISPR optimization and Partner Organization‘s expertise in downstream applications. A joint steering committee has been established to oversee the project, ensuring effective communication and coordination between both parties. Regular progress reports will be presented to this committee, keeping all stakeholders informed of our collective achievements and milestones.

Timeline and Milestones

The III FA encompasses a three-year research project, commencing on March 1, 2023. Several key milestones have been identified throughout the collaboration, including:

  • Year 1: Identification and optimization of CRISPR components
  • Year 2: Development of novel gene editing tools
  • Year 3: Integration and testing of these tools in downstream applications

By achieving these milestones, our teams will be well-positioned to deliver meaningful outcomes from this joint initiative.

Onboard Secures Major Funding from Coinbase Ventures and LAVA: Unleashing Global Expansion and Onchain Economy Potential

Series A Investment: The tech startup, XYZ Inc., recently announced the successful closure of its Series A funding round., with renowned investors, Coinbase Ventures and LAVA, participating. The exact amount raised in this round has not been disclosed to the public yet.


Coinbase Ventures, a leading cryptocurrency company and venture capital arm of Coinbase, is known for its investment in innovative blockchain technologies. On the other hand, LAVA, Latin America Ventures, is a venture capital firm that focuses on early-stage tech companies in Latin America.

Funding Usage:

With the fresh influx of funds, XYZ Inc. plans to accelerate its global expansion, with a particular focus on Latin American markets. The company intends to use the funds for

product development

, enhancing its offerings and improving user experience. Additionally, there are plans for substantial

marketing efforts

to boost brand awareness and attract more users worldwide.

Onboard Secures Major Funding from Coinbase Ventures and LAVA: Unleashing Global Expansion and Onchain Economy Potential

Impact of Funding on Onboard’s Global Expansion

Funding has played a pivotal role in Onboard’s global expansion strategy. The company’s ability to secure significant investments has enabled it to expand its operations beyond its initial markets and establish a strong presence in new regions. With each funding round, Onboard was able to

invest in research and development


hire top talent

, and

build out its infrastructure

, all of which were crucial components in supporting its global expansion efforts.

In 2015, Onboard raised a $10 million Series A round led by Sequoia Capital. This investment allowed the company to

expand its team


establish a presence in Europe

. The following year, Onboard announced a $20 million Series B round led by Greylock Partners. This funding helped the company to

enter the Asian market

, specifically in China and India, where it saw significant growth potential due to the large number of tech-savvy consumers.

Fast forward to 2018, Onboard secured a $50 million Series C round led by Index Ventures. This funding enabled the company to

acquire smaller competitors


expand into new markets such as South America and Australia

. These strategic moves not only helped Onboard to consolidate its position in the market but also allowed it to gain a competitive edge over its rivals.

In conclusion, Onboard’s global expansion would not have been possible without the support of its investors. The funding it received allowed the company to invest in key areas and make strategic moves that enabled it to establish a strong presence in new markets and consolidate its position as a leading player in the industry.

Onboard Secures Major Funding from Coinbase Ventures and LAVA: Unleashing Global Expansion and Onchain Economy Potential

Funding Boost for Onboard: Global Expansion and Strategic Growth

Onboard, a leading fintech company specializing in blockchain solutions, recently secured a significant funding round. This financial injection is set to propel Onboard forward into new horizons, enabling the company to expand its global footprint. With the new resources at hand, Onboard plans to hire local teams and establish offices in strategic locations around the world.

Expanding with Local Teams

Local teams will be essential to Onboard’s global growth strategy. Hiring skilled professionals with deep knowledge of the local markets, regulations, and cultural nuances will help the company tailor its offerings to meet the unique demands of each region. Moreover, these teams will be instrumental in building trust and fostering long-lasting relationships with clients and partners.

Setting Up Offices Strategically

To maximize its global impact, Onboard will set up offices in key locations. These strategic positions will ensure the company’s close proximity to emerging markets and regions with high adoption rates of digital currencies and blockchain technologies. For instance, Onboard may choose to establish a presence in countries like India, Brazil, or Nigeria. These markets have shown great potential for digital transformation and are ripe for the adoption of innovative blockchain solutions.

Potential Markets: Emerging Economies and Blockchain Hubs

Emerging economies

The potential for Onboard to make an impact in emerging economies is immense. As these countries continue to embrace digital technologies, the need for secure and reliable blockchain solutions becomes increasingly important. Onboard’s expertise in providing accessible, user-friendly blockchain services can help bridge the gap between traditional financial systems and new digital currencies. This not only benefits consumers but also paves the way for a more inclusive and interconnected global economy.

Blockchain Hubs

Countries with a large number of blockchain developers

Another promising area for Onboard’s expansion are countries that boast a vibrant and thriving blockchain developer community. These blockchain hubs, such as Switzerland, Estonia, or Canada, can serve as ideal launchpads for Onboard’s global growth. By setting up shop in these regions, the company will have access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise, enabling it to create cutting-edge blockchain solutions that cater to the most demanding clients.

A Bright Future Awaits Onboard

With this newfound financial support and a clear expansion strategy, the future looks bright for Onboard. By hiring local teams and setting up offices in strategic locations, Onboard is well-positioned to make a significant impact on the global stage. Its focus on emerging economies and blockchain hubs is a testament to its commitment to innovation, inclusivity, and growth.

Onboard Secures Major Funding from Coinbase Ventures and LAVA: Unleashing Global Expansion and Onchain Economy Potential

Impact on Onboard’s On-Chain Economy Potential

Onboard is a decentralized platform that aims to bring blockchain technology to the masses by simplifying the process of buying, selling, and holding cryptocurrencies. The platform’s user-friendly interface and innovative features have positioned it as a significant player in the DeFi (Decentralized Finance) space. One of the most intriguing aspects of Onboard is its potential impact on the on-chain economy.

Simplifying Transactions and Increasing Adoption

By making blockchain transactions more accessible to the average user, Onboard is contributing to a surge in on-chain activity. This increased adoption of on-chain transactions could lead to more liquidity and stability within the crypto market as a whole. Additionally, simplifying the process of interacting with smart contracts could attract new users to the space who might have been deterred by the complexity of traditional decentralized platforms.

Promoting Decentralization

Onboard’s focus on decentralized solutions is a crucial factor in its potential impact on the on-chain economy. As more users adopt decentralized platforms like Onboard, the reliance on centralized exchanges and intermediaries decreases. This shift towards a more decentralized financial system can lead to increased security, transparency, and fairness within the crypto market.

Encouraging Innovation

The growing popularity of Onboard and similar platforms could lead to increased innovation within the on-chain economy. Developers might create new decentralized applications (DApps) that leverage Onboard’s user base or build upon its features to offer even more utility and convenience. This innovation could result in new use cases for cryptocurrencies, leading to a broader range of applications beyond just financial transactions.

Addressing Scalability Concerns

One of the most significant challenges facing the on-chain economy is scalability. With increasing adoption and transaction volume, existing blockchains can become congested, leading to high fees and slow confirmation times. Onboard’s use of layer 2 solutions like Optimistic Rollups could help alleviate some of these concerns by allowing for faster and cheaper transactions without compromising security.

Fostering a Sustainable Community

Finally, Onboard’s focus on creating a sustainable and inclusive community could be a game-changer for the on-chain economy. By making it easier for new users to access decentralized finance, Onboard is helping to build a more diverse and vibrant ecosystem. This could lead to greater innovation, stronger networks, and a more resilient financial system overall.

Onboard Secures Major Funding from Coinbase Ventures and LAVA: Unleashing Global Expansion and Onchain Economy Potential


on-chain economy

holds immense potential, as it aims to enable

seamless and secure transactions

between users in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. This innovative approach is a game-changer for the industry, as it reduces


and increases efficiency in DeFi applications. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, Onboard promises to streamline financial processes, making them more accessible to a wider audience.

The recent


that Onboard has secured will significantly contribute to this potential. With the injection of capital, Onboard plans to

hire blockchain developers

and build strategic partnerships with leading DeFi projects. This will not only accelerate the development of Onboard’s on-chain economy but also strengthen its position in the decentralized finance landscape.

Moreover, a substantial portion of the funds will be dedicated to

research and development

. This investment will enable Onboard to continuously innovate, ensuring it stays at the forefront of technological advancements in the blockchain space. By focusing on cutting-edge research and development, Onboard is well-positioned to create new solutions that address the unique challenges of decentralized finance and deliver value to its users.

Onboard Secures Major Funding from Coinbase Ventures and LAVA: Unleashing Global Expansion and Onchain Economy Potential

“The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus our energy, not on tasks, but on the key relationships.”

Peter Drucker

(Onboard Leadership, 2016)

In the realm of organizational development and leadership, few voices carry the weight and influence of Peter Drucker. His quotes continue to inspire leaders across industries, and his wisdom remains as relevant today as it was decades ago. In Onboard Leadership: A Practical Guide to Getting Your Team Off to the Right Start, Drucker’s insights on relationships take center stage. By emphasizing the importance of focusing on key relationships, Drucker encourages leaders to invest in their people and foster a culture that prioritizes connection and collaboration.

“If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.”

(Peter Drucker)

Embracing this idea of change and growth is crucial for any team or organization that aspires to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. Drucker challenges leaders to consider what they might be holding onto that no longer serves them, and to make the necessary adjustments to move forward.

“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.”

(Peter Drucker)

Effective communication – a critical component of successful relationships and teams – hinges on the ability to pick up on subtle cues, understand unspoken sentiments, and navigate complex emotional landscapes. Drucker’s quote reminds us of the importance of attentiveness in our interactions with others, helping us build stronger connections and foster greater understanding.

“Leadership is not about being in charge. It’s about taking care of those in your charge.”

(Drucker Quotes)

Ultimately, Drucker’s wisdom encourages leaders to lead with empathy, compassion, and a deep commitment to the people they serve. By focusing on relationships, embracing change, communicating effectively, and taking care of those in their charge, leaders can create a culture that supports growth, innovation, and success.

Onboard Secures Major Funding from Coinbase Ventures and LAVA: Unleashing Global Expansion and Onchain Economy Potential

Onboard, a leading provider of digital onboarding solutions, has recently announced the successful completion of its Series B funding round, raising a total of $30 million. According to CEO, Mike Sanborn, “This funding round is a significant milestone for Onboard as we continue to revolutionize the hiring process and help businesses streamline their onboarding processes.” The funds will be used to expand the company’s product offerings, accelerate research and development, and scale operations to meet growing demand.

Innovative Solutions for a Fragmented Market

Onboard’s vision is to provide businesses with a comprehensive, digital onboarding platform that simplifies the often-complex process of hiring new employees. “Our platform is designed to address the fragmented nature of the hiring process,” explained

Chief Product Officer, Jen Lee

. “We’re not just focusing on paperwork and compliance, but also creating a positive onboarding experience for new hires.”

Revolutionizing the Hiring Process

With this funding round, Onboard plans to further enhance its offering by integrating more third-party applications and expanding into new markets. According to

CTO, Dan Scholnick

, “Our goal is to make onboarding a seamless and enjoyable process for both employers and new hires. This investment will help us achieve that vision faster.”

Onboard Secures Major Funding from Coinbase Ventures and LAVA: Unleashing Global Expansion and Onchain Economy Potential


At the heart of this discussion is the importance of understanding artificial intelligence (AI) and its role in our lives. AI, represented by systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence, is a rapidly evolving technology with the potential to revolutionize industries and transform our daily lives.

Machine learning

, a subset of AI, has gained significant attention due to its ability to learn from data and improve over time without explicit programming.

Throughout this essay, we have explored various aspects of machine learning, including its history, applications in image recognition and natural language processing, ethical considerations, and future developments. One cannot overlook the phenomenal progress machine learning has made in recent years, resulting in numerous applications that have improved our lives. However, it is crucial to be aware of its limitations and challenges, such as the potential for bias and ethical concerns surrounding privacy and security.

As we look towards the future, it is evident that machine learning will continue to shape our world in unprecedented ways. The integration of AI and machine learning into various industries, from healthcare and education to transportation and entertainment, is an exciting prospect with the potential for significant advancements. However, it is essential that we proceed thoughtfully, recognizing the importance of ethical considerations and a commitment to transparency, fairness, and accountability.

In conclusion, machine learning is an incredible technology that offers vast opportunities for improving our lives while also posing significant challenges. It is essential to remain informed and engaged in this ongoing conversation, understanding both its capabilities and limitations. By doing so, we can harness the power of machine learning to create a better future for all while mitigating potential risks and ethical dilemmas.

Onboard Secures Major Funding from Coinbase Ventures and LAVA: Unleashing Global Expansion and Onchain Economy Potential

Recap: Onboard’s mission is to revolutionize the digital economy by enabling secure, private, and interoperable decentralized identities. By providing a solution that empowers individuals to control their digital identity, Onboard is addressing a critical issue in today’s digital world. With the increasing importance of data privacy and security, Onboard’s decentralized approach offers a more sustainable and trustworthy alternative to traditional centralized identity solutions.

Impact of Funding Round

Onboard’s recent funding round, which raised over $15 million, is a significant milestone for the company. This investment will fuel Onboard’s

global expansion

, allowing the team to reach more users and businesses across the globe. Furthermore, it will accelerate the development of Onboard’s on-chain economy potential. With the growing interest in decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Onboard’s decentralized identity solution could become a crucial component of the next generation digital economy.

Stay Updated

As Onboard continues to grow and innovate, it’s essential for the community to stay informed about the latest developments. Follow Onboard on link, link, and join the link to be the first to hear about new features, partnerships, and announcements. Together, let’s shape the future of secure and private decentralized identities for the digital economy.
