New York City Takes Transparency to the Next Level: Proposed Bill to Publicize AI Tools Used by Agencies

New York City Takes Transparency to the Next Level: Proposed Bill to Publicize AI Tools Used by Agencies

New York City Takes Transparency to the Next Level:

In a groundbreaking move towards government transparency, the New York City Council has proposed a bill that would require city agencies to publicly disclose the

Artificial Intelligence

(ai) tools they use in their operations. This initiative, if passed, will make New York City the first major U.S. city to mandate such disclosure, setting a


for other municipalities and potentially even the federal government.

The proposed bill, titled the “ai Transparency Act,” aims to ensure that citizens have a clear understanding of how their tax dollars are being used and to foster trust between the public and government agencies. By requiring agencies to publish information about the ai systems they employ, including the vendors who provide them, the intended use cases, and data input and output, the Act seeks to promote



public engagement


New York City Council Member, Amy Lopez, who is sponsoring the bill, emphasized that “Transparency is key to building trust and ensuring that our city’s technology serves the needs of all New Yorkers. By requiring agencies to publicly disclose their use of AI, we can ensure that these tools are being used responsibly and ethically.”

Artificial Intelligence (AI) a branch of computer science that aims to create machines capable of performing tasks that would normally require human intelligence – has been increasingly adopted by

government agencies

worldwide. From enhancing public services and improving operational efficiency to making data-driven decisions, AI offers numerous advantages that can significantly benefit the

public sector

. However, as with any technology that deals with large amounts of sensitive data and critical decision-making processes, transparency is key.

Transparency in AI Use

The use of

AI tools

by government entities must be transparent to maintain public trust and ensure accountability. Transparency in AI means that the processes, data sources, and decision-making logic behind AI systems are clear and accessible to the public. This includes providing information about how the system was developed, who has access to it, and the potential impacts on individuals or communities.

Importance of Transparency

Transparency is essential for several reasons. First, it helps build trust with the public. When people understand how AI systems work and what data they are using, they are more likely to accept the results and have confidence in the decisions made by government entities. Second, transparency helps promote fairness and prevent bias. By making the decision-making process clear, it’s easier to identify any potential biases or inaccuracies in the system and address them. Lastly, transparency is crucial for compliance with regulations and legal obligations. Government agencies must comply with various data protection laws and ethical guidelines when using AI tools, and transparency helps ensure that they are doing so.

New York City Takes Transparency to the Next Level: Proposed Bill to Publicize AI Tools Used by Agencies


Explanation of current state of transparency in AI usage by NYC agencies

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by New York City (NYC) agencies is a growing trend, but the level of transparency surrounding its implementation leaves much to be desired. Currently, there are lack of clear policies and guidelines in place that outline when and how AI tools are being used by various city departments. This lack of transparency can make it difficult for the public to understand how their data is being collected, stored, and utilized. Furthermore, there is limited public information available on which specific AI tools are being used by NYC agencies and for what purposes. This absence of transparency raises concerns about potential biases, errors, or misuses of AI systems that could negatively impact the city’s residents.

National and international trends towards transparency in AI usage

At the national and international levels, there are emerging trends towards promoting greater transparency in AI usage. For instance, the European Union’s (EU)‘s link

provides individuals with the right to explanations for automated decisions that significantly affect them. This regulation requires organizations to explain the logic behind their AI systems, as well as the data and factors used to make specific decisions. Similarly, San Francisco recently passed the “Transparent AI in Government” ordinance, which requires city departments to disclose when they are using AI systems and to provide public access to data used by those systems. These trends towards transparency aim to build trust in AI technologies, promote accountability, and prevent potential abuses or biases.

New York City Takes Transparency to the Next Level: Proposed Bill to Publicize AI Tools Used by Agencies

I Proposed Bill “Transparency in AI Use by NYC Agencies”

Summary of the proposed bill:

Requirement for NYC agencies: to disclose which Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools they are using in their operations.
Public reporting: on the use and impact of AI tools, including but not limited to, the purposes for which they are used, data sources, and outcomes.

Details of the proposed bill:


Artificial Intelligence and AI systems: are defined as software, algorithms, or hardware systems that automate tasks previously performed by humans and exhibit characteristics of intelligence such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and self-correction.


Disclosure: is required within 90 days of the bill’s passage, and reporting: annually thereafter.


The bill includes exemptions for proprietary information, national security concerns, and minimal impact AI systems.

Potential benefits of the proposed bill:

Increased public trust and accountability: by ensuring transparency in AI use and its impact on the community.
Opportunities for public feedback and engagement: allowing for input on AI policies, procedures, and potential biases.
Improved understanding of the impact of AI: on different communities, leading to informed discussions and policy development.
Potential for spurring innovation and collaboration: among agencies through the sharing of best practices, lessons learned, and partnership opportunities.

New York City Takes Transparency to the Next Level: Proposed Bill to Publicize AI Tools Used by Agencies

Challenges and Considerations

Potential challenges to implementing the proposed bill:

Privacy concerns and protection of proprietary information:

One of the most significant challenges to implementing the proposed bill lies in addressing privacy concerns and ensuring the protection of proprietary information. With the collection, analysis, and reporting requirements outlined in the bill, there is a risk that sensitive data could be compromised. This concern is particularly relevant for agencies dealing with personally identifiable information (PII) and confidential business information.

Limited resources and capacity for data collection, analysis, and reporting:

Another challenge is the limited resources and capacity available to agencies for data collection, analysis, and reporting. The bill’s requirements are extensive, and agencies may not have the necessary staff, technology, or budget to effectively implement and maintain these initiatives.

Ways to address these challenges:

Implementing best practices for privacy and data protection:

To mitigate the risk of privacy breaches, agencies must adopt best practices for data security and privacy. This could include implementing robust encryption methods, access controls, and incident response plans. Agencies may also consider partnering with third-party vendors that specialize in privacy and data protection to supplement their internal capabilities.

Providing support and resources to agencies:

To help agencies address the resource constraints, governments could provide additional funding or grant programs. This support could enable agencies to hire skilled personnel, invest in technology upgrades, and implement data sharing agreements with other organizations to streamline their efforts.

Potential unintended consequences or trade-offs:

Impact on competition among vendors:

One potential unintended consequence of the bill is its impact on competition among vendors. The extensive data reporting requirements may favor larger vendors that have greater resources to comply. This could stifle innovation and discourage smaller vendors from entering the market, ultimately limiting consumer choice.

Trade-offs between transparency and innovation:

Another trade-off to consider is the balance between transparency and innovation. The bill’s emphasis on reporting requirements could discourage agencies from experimenting with innovative solutions due to the potential risks of non-compliance. Finding a way to encourage innovation while maintaining transparency will be essential for agencies to effectively address the challenges outlined in this section.

New York City Takes Transparency to the Next Level: Proposed Bill to Publicize AI Tools Used by Agencies


Transparency is an essential element in ensuring trust and accountability in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by government agencies. As we have discussed, AI has become an integral part of many public services, from law enforcement and healthcare to education and transportation. However, the potential risks associated with AI usage, such as bias, privacy invasion, and security threats, necessitate strict regulations and guidelines. This is where the proposed New York City AI Transparency Act comes in.

Recap of the Importance of Transparency in AI Usage by Government Agencies


ensures that the public is aware of how AI systems are being used, what data they are processing, and who has access to this information. It also enables citizens to hold their government accountable for any potential misuse or abuse of AI. Moreover, transparency helps build trust and confidence in the use of AI in public services, which is crucial for maintaining social cohesion and preventing polarization.

Emphasis on the Potential Benefits of the Proposed Bill for NYC and its Residents

The proposed New York City AI Transparency Act

offers several benefits for the residents of NYFirst, it ensures that the use of AI by government agencies is transparent and accountable, providing citizens with greater visibility into how their data is being used. Second, it sets clear guidelines for the collection, storage, and sharing of AI data, ensuring that individual privacy rights are protected. Third, it establishes a regulatory framework for addressing potential biases in AI systems, promoting fairness and equal access to public services. Lastly, it fosters innovation by encouraging collaboration between government agencies, technology companies, and the public to develop ethical and effective AI applications.

Call to Action for Stakeholders to Engage in the Discussion and Implementation of this Proposed Legislation

We urge all stakeholders, including policymakers, agencies, and the public, to engage in the discussion and implementation of this proposed legislation. By working together, we can ensure that AI is used in a transparent, accountable, and ethical manner in government services. This will not only benefit the residents of NYC but also serve as a model for other cities and states to follow.

Together, we can harness the power of AI to create a more equitable, efficient, and accessible society for all.
