Trump’s Bold Promise: Removing US Sanctions on Russia to Save the Dollar

Trump's Bold Promise: Removing US Sanctions on Russia to Save the Dollar

Trump’s Bold Promise: Removing US Sanctions on Russia to Save the Dollar

Donald J. Trump, during his 2016 presidential campaign, made a surprising statement that raised eyebrows in the world of foreign policy. He suggested that, if elected, he would consider removing US sanctions on Russia as a way to save the dollar and improve relations between the two countries. This statement was made during an interview with The New York Times, just a few weeks before the election.

Background of US-Russia Sanctions

The background to Trump’s statement goes back to 2014 when the US and its allies imposed sanctions on Russia in response to its annexation of Crimea. These sanctions targeted key sectors of the Russian finance/economy/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>economy

, including energy, finance, and defense industries. The US also expelled dozens of Russian diplomats and imposed travel bans on certain individuals. These sanctions were intended to punish Russia for its actions in Ukraine and to deter further aggression.

Trump’s Rationale

Trump’s rationale for considering removing the sanctions was based on his belief that they were not effective and were actually harming the US economy. He argued that the sanctions had not achieved their intended goal of changing Russia’s behavior and were instead driving up oil prices, which he believed was bad for American consumers. He also suggested that the sanctions were damaging US relations with Russia, which he saw as a potential ally in fighting terrorism and stabilizing the Middle East.

Reaction to Trump’s Statement

Trump’s statement was met with strong criticism from both sides of the aisle. Democrats and Republicans alike accused him of being too cozy with Russia and of putting Russian interests ahead of American ones. Some argued that removing the sanctions would send a signal to Putin that aggressive behavior was rewarded, while others warned that it could lead to further Russian aggression.

Impact of Trump’s Statement

Despite the criticism, Trump’s statement had an impact on US-Russia relations. It raised the prospect of a thaw in relations between the two countries and opened up a conversation about the potential for improving ties. However, it also heightened tensions and led to increased scrutiny of Trump’s relationship with Russia. In the end, Trump did not remove the sanctions during his first term, but he did pursue a policy of engagement with Russia and sought to improve relations between the two countries.


US-Russia Relations, Sanctions, and the US Dollar: A Complex Interplay

Background of US-Russia Relations and Sanctions

The US-Russia relations have been a topic of geopolitical intrigue and diplomatic tension for decades. Understanding this relationship requires examining its historical context, reasons for strained relations, and the significant role of sanctions.

Historical context

The Cold War (1947-1991) marked the beginning of a long-standing adversarial relationship between the United States and Russia, then the Soviet Union. Ideological differences, military tensions, and proxy wars fueled mistrust between both nations for over four decades.

Reasons for strained relations

The relationship further deteriorated in the 21st century due to several factors. Cyberattacks, including the alleged interference in the 2016 US Presidential Elections, fueled suspicion and allegations of Russian meddling in democratic processes. The annexation of Crimea in 2014, a territory historically part of Ukraine, sparked international condemnation and sanctions against Russia.

Timeline of sanctions

2014 Magnitsky Act:

In response to alleged human rights abuses, the United States enacted the link, which imposed sanctions on Russian officials implicated in the death of Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer.

2015 Ukraine-related sanctions:

In the aftermath of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, the United States and its European allies imposed a series of sanctions on Russia, including diplomatic measures, asset freezes, and restrictions on access to international financial markets.

The Importance of the US Dollar as the Global Reserve Currency

The US dollar’s role as the global reserve currency provides numerous benefits to the United States. It allows the country to collect seigniorage, or the difference between the cost of producing currency and the value it brings back when that currency is lent to other countries. The US dollar’s dominance also grants influence over international trade and financial systems.

With this context in mind, the

intention of President Trump to remove US sanctions on Russia

, as reportedly expressed during his 2016 campaign, raises several questions and potential implications for the global economy, US-Russia relations, and the role of the US dollar.

Argument for Removing Sanctions:
Economic Interests:
The economic rationale for removing sanctions on Russia is a compelling one, with potential benefits for the US and its allies.

Increased energy cooperation (oil and gas)

: The US stands to gain significantly from improved US-Russia relations in the energy sector. With Russia being the world’s largest natural gas producer and the third-largest oil producer, cooperation between the two countries could lead to mutually beneficial agreements in energy trade. This could result in a more stable global energy market and potentially lower prices for American consumers.

Trade opportunities in various industries

: The removal of sanctions could also lead to increased trade opportunities between the US and Russia in various industries, such as technology, agriculture, manufacturing, and finance. This could create jobs and economic growth both in the US and Russia, leading to a stronger global economy.

Economic challenges faced by US allies due to sanctions: However, the sanctions have not only affected Russia but also had negative economic consequences for US allies.

Impact on European businesses and economies

: European countries, particularly those that depend heavily on Russian energy, have been hit hard by the sanctions. The conflict in Ukraine and the resulting energy standoff between Russia and Europe has led to rising energy prices and economic instability in some European countries.

Russia’s pivot towards Asia as a countermeasure

: In response to the sanctions, Russia has been pivoting towards Asia, seeking to increase trade with countries such as China, India, and South Korea. This could lead to a shift in geopolitical power in Eurasia, potentially reducing US influence in the region.

Potential for geopolitical realignment and US leadership in Eurasia: The removal of sanctions could provide an opportunity for the US to lead a geopolitical realignment in Eurasia, fostering stronger relationships with its allies and promoting economic cooperation with Russia. This could result in a more stable and prosperous region, benefiting both the US and Europe.


I Argument for Removing Sanctions: National Security Interests

Removing sanctions against Russia, a crucial player on the global stage, can be justified from a national security perspective. The potential impact on US national security arising from Russia’s strategic partnerships with adversaries, such as China and Iran, cannot be overlooked.


is the world’s most populous country and a rising economic power. A strengthened Russo-Chinese alliance could lead to increased pressure on Taiwan, potentially disrupting regional stability in East Asia.


, another significant adversary with whom Russia has close ties, is a major player in the Middle East. The Iranian nuclear issue and ongoing conflicts in the region pose serious challenges to US interests. With Russia’s support, Iran may continue to act as a destabilizing force, threatening American allies and strategic objectives.

However, the argument for lifting sanctions does not rest solely on potential threats. There are also opportunities for cooperation between the US and Russia in countering common threats, such as


and other terror groups,


, and

nuclear proliferation

. The US and Russia share an interest in ensuring that the Islamic State does not regain territory or expand its influence. Joint efforts against terror groups could lead to a more stable and secure world, reducing the likelihood of future conflicts between the two nations. Furthermore, cooperation on non-proliferation issues, such as preventing North Korea’s nuclear program from advancing, could help protect US and global security.

Moreover, maintaining open lines of communication with Russia is crucial for US national security. Engaging in dialogue can help prevent misunderstandings and escalating tensions, as well as create opportunities to address shared concerns. By removing sanctions, the US can take a more constructive approach to its relationship with Russia and foster an environment in which cooperation is possible.


Criticisms and Counterarguments

Concerns regarding human rights violations in Russia

The United States’ decision to impose sanctions on Russia, particularly in response to the Magnitsky Act, has been met with criticism and counterarguments. One of the primary concerns raised is human rights violations in Russia.

Response to the Magnitsky Act (Reciprocal Sanctions Act)

Russia, in retaliation, enacted its own reciprocal sanctions law, which mirrors the Magnitsky Act. This move has further strained relations between the two countries and fueled criticism from Russia’s supporters that the United States is interfering in Moscow’s internal affairs.

Possible alternative measures to address human rights concerns

Alternative measures

Critics argue that the United States could have pursued alternative diplomatic approaches to address human rights concerns without resorting to sanctions. Some suggest that engaging in more dialogue and diplomacy with Russia on these issues could have been more effective.

Potential implications for US allies and their security

Implications for US allies

Concerns over US reliability as an ally

The application of sanctions against Russia has also raised concerns among US allies. Some fear that the United States’ actions could undermine its reliability as an ally, particularly in the context of other regional conflicts and security concerns.

Possible reactions from NATO, European Union, and other partners

NATO and the European Union have expressed concerns over the potential implications of US actions on their own relationships with Russia. Some members of these organizations may feel pressured to take a more conciliatory stance towards Moscow, potentially undermining the unity and cohesion of these alliances.

Impact on US credibility and international reputation

Impact on US credibility

Perception of the US as a consistent advocate for democracy and human rights

Critics argue that the application of sanctions against Russia, particularly in response to human rights violations, undermines the United States’ credibility as a consistent advocate for democracy and human rights. Some argue that the US government should lead by example and address its own human rights concerns before imposing sanctions on others.

Potential negative repercussions for US diplomacy and foreign policy goals

Furthermore, the application of sanctions could have negative repercussions for US diplomacy and foreign policy goals. It may make it more difficult for the United States to engage with Russia on other issues, such as nuclear nonproliferation or counterterrorism.



Removing US sanctions on Russia is a complex issue with significant potential benefits and challenges for both the United States and Russia. On the one hand, lifting sanctions could lead to improved relations between the two countries, increased economic cooperation, and potential diplomatic breakthroughs. For instance, Russia is rich in natural resources, particularly oil and gas, which could benefit the US economy by reducing dependency on Middle Eastern energy sources. Moreover, a thawing of US-Russia relations could lead to progress on global issues such as nuclear nonproliferation and climate change.


there are also potential risks associated with lifting sanctions. Some argue that doing so would send a message of weakness to Russia and embolden President Putin, who has been accused of human rights abuses and interference in foreign elections. Furthermore, removing sanctions could undermine the credibility of US foreign policy and potentially damage the reputation of the US dollar as a global reserve currency.

Implications for the future of US-Russia relations and the role of the US dollar as a global reserve currency

If sanctions are lifted, it is essential to consider the future of US-Russia relations. Improved ties could lead to increased economic cooperation and diplomatic progress. However, it is crucial that any engagement be predicated on respect for international law and human rights. Furthermore, the US must maintain a strong stance on issues where its values diverge from those of Russia, such as Ukraine and Syria.

Call to action: further research, dialogue, and engagement on this complex issue

Given the complexity of the issue, it is vital to encourage further research, dialogue, and engagement. Scholars and policymakers should explore potential strategies for engaging Russia constructively while maintaining US interests. Furthermore, it is crucial to consider the perspectives of other key stakeholders, such as European allies and Russian civil society. Ultimately, a balanced approach that prioritizes diplomacy and respect for international law is the best way forward for US-Russia relations and the global community.
