What will a Kamala Harris win mean for America’s economy?

What will a Kamala Harris win mean for America’s economy?

The Economic Implications of a Kamala Harris Presidency: An In-Depth Analysis

A Kamala Harris presidency could bring significant

economic changes

to the United States. As the first woman and person of color to hold the office, Harris would face unique challenges and opportunities. Here is an in-depth analysis of what her presidency might mean for the U.S. economy.

Progressive Policies

Harris has expressed support for several progressive economic policies. These include the Green New Deal, which aims to address climate change while creating jobs and reducing income inequality. Her campaign platform also includes increasing the minimum wage, expanding access to affordable healthcare, and investing in infrastructure.


Harris has proposed increasing taxes on corporations and high earners. She wants to impose a 3% surtax on companies with over $1 billion in annual profits and a 1% tax on households earning more than $400,000 per year. This could generate significant revenue to fund her proposed initiatives.


Harris has advocated for expanding access to affordable healthcare. She supports the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and wants to add a public option, allowing Americans to buy into a government-run insurance plan. Additionally, she has proposed lowering prescription drug costs by allowing Medicare to negotiate prices with pharmaceutical companies.

Technology and Innovation

Harris has emphasized the importance of technology and innovation in her campaign. She supports increasing funding for research and development, particularly in areas like artificial intelligence, clean energy, and biotechnology.

International Trade

Harris’s stance on international trade is less clear. She has criticized China for its human rights abuses and intellectual property theft but has also expressed support for the benefits of free trade. Her approach to trade policies could significantly impact American businesses and workers.

The Bottom Line

A Kamala Harris presidency would bring about substantial changes to the U.S. economy, particularly in areas like healthcare, taxes, and technology policy. While some initiatives could boost economic growth and reduce inequality, others may face opposition from businesses or Republicans in Congress.

I. Introduction

Kamala Harris, the first woman of South Asian and African American descent to be elected Vice President of the United States, has made history in more ways than one. Her political career began in 2003 when she was elected District Attorney of San Francisco, making her the first woman and the first person of color to hold this position. In 2010, Harris was elected as California’s Attorney General, becoming the first Indian-American and the second Black woman to be elected to a statewide office in California. Her rise to the Vice Presidency came after serving two terms as a United States Senator from California, where she gained a reputation for her progressive policies on healthcare, climate change, and criminal justice reform.

Importance of Understanding the Potential Economic Impact of a Harris Presidency

As we look towards the future, it is essential to understand the potential economic impact of a President Harris. While her policies on healthcare, climate change, and criminal justice reform have been widely discussed, her plans for the economy could significantly shape the lives of millions of Americans. Harris has proposed policies aimed at reducing income inequality, increasing access to affordable education and childcare, and expanding social safety nets. She has also advocated for a green economy that will create jobs in renewable energy and infrastructure. Additionally, Harris has expressed her support for raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour and expanding paid family and medical leave. These proposals could have a profound effect on the economy, particularly in areas with high levels of poverty and unemployment. As we move forward, it is crucial to monitor Harris’s economic agenda closely and consider how it may impact businesses, workers, and consumers alike.

What will a Kamala Harris win mean for America’s economy?

Background:: Kamala Harris‘s economic stances and policies have been shaped by her extensive experience as a Senator from California, Attorney General of California, and Vice President of the United States. Let’s take a closer look at some key areas of her economic agenda.

Examination of Harris’s past policy proposals and statements related to the economy:

Middle-Class Tax Cuts and Tax Reforms:

During her tenure as Senator, Harris has been a vocal advocate for tax policies that benefit the middle class. She has proposed various plans to expand the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC), as well as close tax loopholes that disproportionately benefit the wealthy. Harris has also expressed support for a higher minimum wage and increasing funding for public education.

Infrastructure Investment:

Harris has long recognized the importance of infrastructure investment in driving economic growth and creating jobs. She has championed a $1 trillion infrastructure plan that includes investments in transportation, broadband internet, water systems, and affordable housing. This plan is intended to create millions of jobs and make the United States more competitive on a global scale.

Climate Change and Green Economy:

As a Senator, Harris has been a leading voice on climate change and the transition to a green economy. She has proposed a $10 trillion plan to address climate change through investments in clean energy, electric vehicles, and infrastructure projects. Harris believes that this transition will not only help mitigate the worst impacts of climate change but also create new jobs in the renewable energy sector.

Health Care and Pharmaceutical Industry:

Harris has been a strong advocate for expanding access to affordable health care, including support for Medicare-for-All and the Affordable Care Act. She has also taken aim at high prescription drug prices in the pharmaceutical industry, proposing legislation to allow Medicare to negotiate directly with drug companies on prices.

Analysis of Harris’s economic views through the lens of her career:

Throughout her career, Harris has demonstrated a commitment to policies that promote economic opportunity for all, particularly for marginalized communities. Her positions on taxes, infrastructure investment, climate change, and health care reflect her belief in a strong safety net and a government role in creating jobs and driving economic growth. Harris’s experience as both a Senator and Vice President has given her a unique perspective on the intersection of economic policy, social justice, and global competitiveness.
What will a Kamala Harris win mean for America’s economy?

I The Impact on Small Businesses

Discussion of Harris’s Proposed Small Business Initiatives

During her presidential campaign, Kamala Harris proposed several initiatives aimed at supporting and empowering small businesses in the United States. One such initiative is the

Tax Cuts for Small Businesses

. According to her campaign, this proposal would provide a tax cut to small businesses with under 50 employees and less than $750,000 in annual revenue. This tax relief would allow these businesses to reinvest in their operations, hire new employees, and potentially increase wages for their current workforce.

Another proposal is the

Increased Access to Capital and Contract Opportunities

. Harris plans to create a $10 billion Small Business Community Development Block Grant Program, which would provide funding for community development financial institutions (CDFI) and minority depository institutions (MDI). This funding would help expand the reach of these institutions, allowing them to provide more capital and resources to small businesses in underserved communities. In addition, she wants to increase federal contracting opportunities for small businesses, especially those owned by women, people of color, and other historically underrepresented groups.

Analysis of How These Initiatives Could Impact Small Businesses, Particularly in Underserved Communities

The proposed tax cuts for small businesses could significantly impact these entities, as they would receive much-needed relief and potentially more resources to grow. This is especially important in underserved communities where small businesses often face unique challenges, such as a lack of access to capital, limited networking opportunities, and higher operating costs.

The increased access to capital through the CDFI/MDI funding could be a game-changer for these businesses. It would allow them to obtain loans, lines of credit, and other financial resources that are crucial for expansion, hiring, and day-to-day operations. Additionally, the increased federal contracting opportunities would provide these businesses with a larger customer base, potentially increasing revenue and creating more jobs in their communities.

What will a Kamala Harris win mean for America’s economy?

IV. The Impact on Corporations and Big Business

Examination of Harris’s Stance on Corporate Taxes and Regulations

During her presidential campaign, Kamala Harris proposed a number of policies that could significantly impact corporations and big business. One of the most prominent areas of her platform was corporate taxes and regulations. Harris advocated for increasing corporate tax rates, which could potentially bring the United States more in line with other developed countries. For instance, she proposed a plan to impose a 28% corporate tax rate on businesses with annual profits over $10 million. This is an increase from the current rate of 21%, which was enacted as part of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Proposed increases in corporate tax rates

Harris’s proposed corporate tax rate hikes would primarily affect large, profitable corporations. Smaller businesses and those with annual profits below the threshold would be exempted from these changes. However, it’s important to note that the United States already has one of the lowest corporate tax rates among developed countries. A significant increase could potentially make U.S.-based corporations less competitive compared to their foreign counterparts and lead to a potential exodus of businesses from the United States.

Analysis of How These Policies Could Impact Corporations, Particularly in Relation to Foreign Competition and Shareholder Value

Impact on Corporate Profitability and Foreign Competition

The proposed corporate tax increases could negatively impact the profitability of U.S.-based corporations, particularly those in industries with significant foreign competition. This could lead to a loss of jobs and potentially result in U.S. businesses relocating overseas to take advantage of lower tax rates in other countries. However, it’s important to note that many corporations are multinational and have operations in multiple countries. They may be able to absorb the tax increase by shifting profits to lower-tax jurisdictions.

Impact on Shareholder Value

Another potential concern for corporations is the impact of these policies on shareholder value. If investors believe that Harris’s proposed corporate tax increases could negatively impact profits and share prices, they may sell off their holdings in anticipation of this outcome. This could result in a drop in stock prices, which would negatively impact the value of pension funds and other investment vehicles that rely on publicly traded stocks for their returns.

What will a Kamala Harris win mean for America’s economy?

The Impact on Income Inequality and the Middle Class

Senator Kamala Harris’s proposed policies aim to address income inequality and offer support to the middle class in significant ways.

Expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit

One of her key initiatives includes expanding both the EITC and Child Tax Credit. The EITC, a refundable tax credit, would be expanded for low- and middle-income families with children. This expansion could mean an average income boost of $500 per year for more than 27 million working families, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Additionally, Harris plans to make the Child Tax Credit fully refundable, ensuring that every family receives this benefit, regardless of their income level.

Impact on Income Distribution and Poverty Rates

The potential impact of these policies on income distribution and poverty rates is substantial. By increasing the amount of money low- and middle-income families receive, Harris’s plan aims to reduce income inequality. According to a report by the Economic Policy Institute, the expansion of the EITC and Child Tax Credit under President Obama reduced poverty for children in the United States by around 2.6 million. Similarly, raising the minimum wage, as Harris plans to do, would help close the income gap between low-wage and middle-income earners.

Improving Economic Mobility

Lastly, these policies could significantly impact economic mobility within the United States. By providing a financial boost to families, Harris’s plan can help individuals and families escape the cycle of poverty. According to a report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the United States ranks near the bottom in terms of economic mobility, meaning that children born into poor families are more likely to remain poor throughout their lives. Harris’s proposed policies can help address this issue by providing financial support and opportunities for upward mobility.

What will a Kamala Harris win mean for America’s economy?

VI. The Impact on Infrastructure and Climate Change

Examination of Harris’s Proposed Infrastructure Investments and Climate Change Initiatives

Joe Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, has proposed a comprehensive plan to address both infrastructure needs and climate change. Her green energy initiatives include investing in renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and geothermal power, with a focus on job creation in these industries. Harris plans to create 10 million new jobs through these efforts, making green energy a major component of her economic platform.

Green Energy Projects and Job Creation

Harris’s green energy initiatives encompass a wide range of projects, from expanding solar and wind power production to modernizing the electric grid. Her plan includes building 500,000 new energy-efficient homes and upgrading two million existing homes with energy efficiency improvements. Harris also intends to invest in electric vehicle charging infrastructure and promote the use of zero-emission public transportation, such as buses and trains.

Analysis of How These Investments Could Impact Economic Growth, Energy Independence, and the Environment

The potential benefits of Harris’s infrastructure investments extend beyond job creation in the green energy sector. These projects have the capacity to spur economic growth through increased productivity and innovation, particularly in the areas of clean technology and infrastructure modernization. Harris’s focus on energy independence also holds significant potential for reducing the country’s reliance on fossil fuels and improving its global standing in the transition to renewable energy.

Economic Growth

By investing in infrastructure and green energy, Harris aims to create new industries, attract private sector investment, and modernize existing systems. This could lead to increased productivity, as well as reduced transportation, water, and energy costs for businesses and households. These improvements would in turn stimulate economic growth by creating jobs, generating new revenue streams, and improving the competitiveness of American industries.

Energy Independence

Harris’s commitment to green energy and infrastructure modernization has significant implications for the United States’ energy independence. By investing in renewable energy sources, Harris seeks to reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels and secure its position as a global leader in clean technology. This shift away from fossil fuels could lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved air quality, and increased energy security.


The environmental implications of Harris’s infrastructure plans are substantial, as they represent a significant step toward addressing climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Her commitment to green energy and modernizing transportation systems could lead to substantial reductions in carbon emissions, particularly in the transportation sector. Additionally, her focus on water infrastructure improvements could help mitigate the impact of climate change on water resources and protect communities from the effects of extreme weather events.

What will a Kamala Harris win mean for America’s economy?

V The Impact on Health Care and Pharmaceutical Industry

Discussion of Harris’s Proposed Health Care Policies

During her presidential campaign, Kamala Harris proposed significant changes to the health care system in the United States. One of her most notable proposals was to expand the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare. Harris aiming to build on the ACA’s successes by making it more comprehensive and affordable for all Americans. She advocated for adding a public option, which would create a government-run insurance plan that could compete with private insurers. Another crucial aspect of her health care agenda was to address the high cost of prescription drugs. To tackle this issue, she proposed implementing price controls on pharmaceuticals, enabling the government to negotiate drug prices directly with manufacturers.

Analysis of How These Policies Could Impact Healthcare Access, Cost, and Innovation in the Industry

The expansion of the Affordable Care Act could potentially lead to a significant increase in health insurance coverage for millions of uninsured or underinsured Americans. A public option would offer an alternative, more affordable choice for consumers, driving competition among insurers and potentially decreasing overall premiums. However, critics argue that adding a public option could lead to higher taxes or increased government spending, which may be unpopular with some voters.

Price Controls on Pharmaceuticals and Prescription Drugs

As for price controls on pharmaceuticals and prescription drugs, this policy could bring immediate cost savings to consumers. However, critics argue that it might stifle innovation in the industry by reducing incentives for pharmaceutical companies to invest in research and development. Additionally, there is a risk that price controls could limit access to newer, expensive medications that may offer significant health benefits for patients with chronic or life-threatening conditions.

What will a Kamala Harris win mean for America’s economy?

VI The Impact on International Trade and Globalization

Examination of Harris’s Stance on International Trade and Globalization

During her presidential campaign, Kamala Harris expressed a nuanced view on international trade and globalization. She acknowledged the benefits of free trade in driving economic growth, job creation, and lowering consumer prices. However, Harris also voiced concerns about the negative impacts on American workers and industries, particularly in sectors that have been hit hard by globalization.

Proposed re-negotiation of NAFTA and other trade agreements

Harris called for a renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and other trade deals to ensure they are more equitable for American workers. She advocated for stronger labor protections, environmental standards, and enforcement mechanisms in these agreements. Harris believed that these measures would help prevent the outsourcing of jobs to countries with lower labor costs and lax regulations.

Analysis of how these policies could impact American exports, imports, and foreign relations

The implementation of Harris’s proposed trade policies could have significant implications for American exports, imports, and foreign relations. By advocating for stricter labor and environmental standards in trade agreements, Harris’s administration may face resistance from other countries. This could potentially lead to a decrease in American exports to these countries or a rise in protectionist measures.

On the other hand, Harris’s stance on labor and environmental protections could also incentivize American companies to maintain production within the United States or relocate back from overseas. This shift in manufacturing could result in a surge in domestic demand for raw materials and components, leading to increased imports to meet this demand.

Furthermore, Harris’s call for renegotiating trade agreements could lead to improved diplomatic relationships with countries that share similar concerns about labor and environmental standards. This may result in stronger alliances and more cooperative international trade policies, ultimately benefiting American businesses and consumers alike.

What will a Kamala Harris win mean for America’s economy?

IX. Conclusion

During her tenure as Vice President, Kamala Harris has expressed strong commitments to various economic policies aimed at addressing income inequality, climate change, and healthcare access. Let’s recap the key economic implications of a Harris presidency based on her proposed agenda:

  • Income Inequality:

  • She has advocated for raising the minimum wage, expanding access to affordable housing, and increasing funding for education and childcare.

  • Climate Change:

  • Harris supports the Green New Deal and has promised to invest in renewable energy, electric vehicles, and infrastructure projects.

  • Healthcare:

  • She has expressed her support for expanding the Affordable Care Act and potentially implementing a single-payer healthcare system.

However, it is essential to acknowledge the potential challenges and limitations

to implementing these policies:
  • Political opposition:
  • The Republican Party and other opponents might block or water down proposed legislation.

  • Economic constraints:
  • The economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and potential deficits may limit the ability to fund ambitious initiatives.

Despite these challenges, a Harris presidency could have significant long-term economic impacts

  • Income Inequality:

  • Reducing income inequality could lead to a more stable and prosperous economy, with fewer people living in poverty and increased consumer spending.

  • Economic Growth:

  • Investing in green energy, infrastructure, and education could spur economic growth by creating jobs and promoting innovation.

  • International Relations:

  • A Harris presidency could lead to improved international relations through diplomacy and collaboration on issues like climate change and global health crises.
