Worldcoin extends WLD token unlocking to 5 years

Worldcoin extends WLD token unlocking to 5 years

Worldcoin’s New Token Unlocking Policy: Extending the WLD Token Vesting Period to Five Years

Worldcoin, the decentralized digital identity and economic system, recently announced an update to its token unlocking policy. WLD, the native utility token of the Worldcoin ecosystem, will now have a five-year vesting period instead of the previous one-year vesting period. This change is aimed at promoting long-term commitment and stability within the community of Worldcoin holders.

Understanding the Previous Policy

Under the previous policy, newly minted WLD tokens were unlocked and available for use or sale one year after the initial minting. This meant that Worldcoin holders would have to wait a full year before they could fully access and benefit from their token holdings.

The New Policy – Five-Year Vesting Period

The new policy extends the vesting period for WLD tokens to five years. This means that 50% of the tokens will be unlocked and available every year, starting from the fifth year after initial minting. This policy change is expected to encourage a long-term holding strategy among Worldcoin holders.

Implications of the New Policy

This new policy has several implications for Worldcoin holders. First, it may lead to a reduced supply of WLD tokens on the market, as holders are incentivized to keep their tokens for longer periods. This could potentially lead to price appreciation due to scarcity. Additionally, this policy change aligns with Worldcoin’s goal of fostering a strong and committed community of users. By requiring holders to commit to a longer holding period, the platform may attract more serious investors and users who are interested in the long-term potential of the Worldcoin ecosystem.

I. Introduction

Worldcoin is a decentralized digital identity platform that aims to bring the next 4 billion people into the digital economy. Worldcoin‘s mission is to create a universal basic income (UBI) for every eligible person on Earth, starting with those who are currently underserved or excluded from the traditional financial system. The platform uses facial recognition technology to issue unique digital IDs and distribute its native token, WLD, as a form of UBI.

Importance of the WLD Token in the Worldcoin Ecosystem

The WLD token plays a crucial role in the Worldcoin ecosystem. It serves as the primary currency used for transactions within the platform, enabling users to access various financial services, such as loans, savings accounts, and investments. Additionally, holding WLD tokens entitles users to receive a daily UBI distribution, which is intended to help bridge the financial gap for those who are currently underserved or excluded from traditional financial systems.

Explanation of the Previous Token Unlocking Policy (1-year vesting period)

Previously, newly minted WLD tokens were subject to a 1-year vesting period. This policy was put in place to promote long-term commitment and engagement within the worldcoin community. During this period, token holders could not sell or transfer their tokens. Instead, they were encouraged to participate in the platform’s various services and contribute to its growth. This vesting period was designed to create a stable community of users committed to using Worldcoin for its intended purpose, rather than for short-term profits.

Worldcoin extends WLD token unlocking to 5 years

Rationale behind Extending the Token Unlocking Period

Reasons for considering an extension

Extending the token unlocking period in the Worldcoin ecosystem is a topic that has been under deliberation for quite some time. The primary reasons behind this proposition are threefold:

Aligning token release with long-term project goals

First and foremost, aligning the token release schedule with the long-term goals of the Worldcoin project is a crucial consideration. By extending the unlocking period, the project can focus on building and developing key features and infrastructure before mass token distribution. This approach allows the team to create value and demand for the WLD token organically, rather than relying solely on speculation and market forces.

Encouraging community commitment and engagement

Another reason for the extension is to encourage community commitment and engagement. By making the token release a gradual process, Worldcoin can foster a deeper sense of ownership and investment among its community members. As individuals wait for their tokens to unlock over an extended period, they are more likely to stay engaged with the project and contribute to its growth in various ways.

Promoting a more sustainable economy within the Worldcoin ecosystem

Lastly, extending the token unlocking period can lead to a more sustainable economy within the Worldcoin ecosystem. With a more gradual release of tokens, inflationary pressures are slowed down, enabling a more stable economic environment for the project to thrive.

Potential benefits for Worldcoin, token holders, and the broader crypto community

Encouraging long-term investment and commitment: By extending the token unlocking period, Worldcoin is signaling a commitment to its long-term vision. This approach can lead to increased investment and commitment from the community and potential investors, as they see the project’s dedication to building value over time.

Slowing down inflationary pressures

Slowing down inflationary pressures: Extending the token unlocking period can help reduce inflationary pressures. With fewer tokens entering the market at once, price stability is more likely to be maintained. This approach benefits both the project and its token holders by providing a more predictable economic environment.

Enhancing the value of the WLD token through scarcity

Scarcity: The extended token unlocking period can also enhance the value of the WLD token through scarcity. With fewer tokens available in the market, each one becomes more valuable. This scarcity can lead to increased demand for the WLD token and potentially higher prices.

A positive impact on the broader crypto community

Broader crypto community: The decision to extend the token unlocking period can have a positive impact on the broader crypto community. By demonstrating a commitment to long-term value creation and sustainability, Worldcoin can lead by example in an industry that is often criticized for short-term focus and speculation.

Worldcoin extends WLD token unlocking to 5 years

I Detailed Outline of the New Token Unlocking Policy

Description of the new 5-year vesting period

The new 5-year vesting period for Worldcoin tokens represents a significant shift in our token distribution strategy. This policy will impact both new token distributions and existing token holders in various ways.

Breakdown of the unlocking schedule

Under the new vesting policy, tokens will be released from the vesting period at a scheduled pace. This could be on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, depending on Worldcoin’s strategic decisions. For instance, if tokens are released quarterly, a new token recipient will receive 25% of their tokens each quarter for five years.

How this impacts new token distributions and existing token holders

The 5-year vesting period will result in a more gradual token distribution and a longer-term commitment from token recipients. For new token holders, this could mean delayed gratification but potentially greater alignment with the Worldcoin mission and community. For existing token holders, the policy may impact their token-related decisions, such as selling or staking tokens.

Transition plan for current token holders

Worldcoin is committed to a fair and transparent transition process for our current token holders.

Options for accelerating the unlocking process (if desired)

Token holders may have the option to accelerate their token vesting schedule, subject to certain conditions and fees. This could provide an exit strategy for those who need immediate liquidity or wish to cash out sooner.

Communication and support provided during the transition

Worldcoin will provide clear communication and support to token holders throughout the transition process. This includes regular updates, FAQs, and dedicated customer service channels to address any concerns or questions.

Implications for Worldcoin’s treasury management and ecosystem development

The new token unlocking policy also has significant implications for Worldcoin’s treasury management and ecosystem development.

Balancing token distribution, development funding, and community incentives

Worldcoin must balance the need for token distributions with development funding and community incentives. The 5-year vesting period will help ensure a steady stream of funds for ecosystem growth while providing long-term token holder commitment.

Strategies for maintaining a healthy balance between circulating supply and demand

Maintaining a healthy balance between the circulating token supply and demand is crucial to Worldcoin’s long-term success. The 5-year vesting period will help regulate token distribution, preventing sudden price fluctuations and ensuring a stable ecosystem.

Worldcoin extends WLD token unlocking to 5 years

Potential Challenges and Solutions

Possible challenges related to the new policy

  1. Impact on liquidity and trading volumes: The new token distribution model may lead to a decrease in immediate liquidity and trading volumes as users may choose to hold onto their tokens for longer periods due to the unlocking schedules. This could potentially impact market efficiency and price discovery.
  2. Perception of a less “user-friendly” token distribution model: Some users may perceive the new policy as being less user-friendly, especially if they were expecting an immediate or easy access to tokens. This perception could lead to a negative impact on community sentiment and adoption.
  3. Potential for uneven distribution among early adopters and latecomers: The new policy may result in a more even distribution of tokens over time, but there is still a risk that early adopters or those who engage more actively in the community will end up with a disproportionate share of tokens due to their engagement and participation.

Strategies for addressing these challenges

  1. Enhancing token utility to encourage long-term holding: One way to address the potential decrease in liquidity and trading volumes is by enhancing the utility of the token. This could include building a robust ecosystem with various use cases that incentivize users to hold onto their tokens long-term, rather than selling them for short-term gains.
  2. Implementing dynamic unlocking schedules based on community participation and engagement: Another strategy is to implement dynamic unlocking schedules that are based on community participation and engagement. For example, tokens could be unlocked at a faster rate for those who actively engage in the community or contribute to its growth. This would help to encourage long-term holding and engagement, while also ensuring that tokens are distributed more fairly over time.
  3. Fostering a strong, active community through education, collaboration, and incentives: Finally, it’s important to foster a strong, active community that is engaged in the project and its development. This could include regular education and updates, opportunities for collaboration and co-creation, and incentives for long-term engagement and participation.

Worldcoin extends WLD token unlocking to 5 years


In this article, we delved into the intricacies of Worldcoin’s innovative Proof of Humanity protocol and its potential impact on the cryptocurrency landscape. Firstly, we highlighted the novelty of this system, which aims to ensure equal access to digital currency for every individual on Earth by verifying their unique human identity.


, we discussed the implications of this policy change, including increased security against bot and duplicate account creation, potential reduction in energy consumption, and fostering a more inclusive and equitable digital economy.


, this policy shift could significantly contribute to Worldcoin’s growth and success. By creating a more level playing field, Worldcoin can potentially attract a larger user base and maintain its commitment to fair distribution. Moreover, the implementation of Proof of Humanity sets Worldcoin apart from other cryptocurrencies, making it a unique and valuable investment opportunity for those who believe in the importance of decentralization, accessibility, and inclusivity.


, we urge our readers to stay informed about Worldcoin’s ongoing development and engage with the community in various ways. First, you can sign up for the waitlist to be among the first to receive Worldcoins. Second, join discussions on social media or forums to share your thoughts and insights. Lastly, consider contributing to the project through various means, such as volunteering, donating, or spreading awareness about Worldcoin’s mission.

By staying involved and supporting this groundbreaking initiative, you can help shape the future of digital currencies and contribute to a more equitable world.
