Crypto firms are returning to Hong Kong en masse

Crypto firms are returning to Hong Kong en masse

Crypto Firms are Returning to Hong Kong En Masse: A Comprehensive Outline


Since the 2018 regulatory crackdown in China, the crypto industry has been on a constant search for a new home. Many firms turned to Japan and Singapore, two countries known for their crypto-friendly regulations. However, the latest development in the crypto space has seen a significant number of firms returning to Hong Kong.

Reason 1: Favorable Regulations

One of the main reasons for this trend is Hong Kong’s favorable regulations. The Special Administrative Region (SAR) maintains its own legal system, which allows it to adopt more progressive and business-friendly policies than mainland China. In recent years, Hong Kong has been actively promoting itself as a crypto hub by issuing licenses to crypto exchanges and supporting the development of blockchain technology.

Reason 2: Political Stability

Another factor drawing crypto firms to Hong Kong is its political stability. Unlike mainland China, where the government’s stance on crypto remains uncertain and subject to change, Hong Kong offers a more predictable regulatory environment. The SAR’s commitment to maintaining its independence from China’s political system has given investors and businesses confidence in the long term.

Reason 3: Talent Pool

Lastly, Hong Kong’s talent pool is a major attraction for crypto firms. The city has long been known as a global financial hub, and many of its residents have extensive experience in finance, technology, and law. With the influx of crypto firms, there is also an increasing demand for skilled professionals in this field, making Hong Kong an attractive destination for both employers and employees.


In summary, the combination of favorable regulations, political stability, and a talented workforce has made Hong Kong an ideal location for crypto firms in Asia. The trend of returning to Hong Kong is expected to continue as the industry seeks a reliable and supportive jurisdiction in which to grow and thrive.

Crypto firms are returning to Hong Kong en masse

I. Introduction

Brief Overview of the Global Cryptocurrency Market

The global cryptocurrency market has seen unprecedented growth since the inception of Bitcoin in 2009. According to a link, the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies surpassed $3 trillion in late 2021, up from just $14 billion a decade ago. This represents an average annual growth rate of over 30%. Regulatory frameworks, both favorable and unfavorable, have significantly shaped the industry’s trajectory. For instance, countries like El Salvador and Ukraine have adopted Bitcoin as legal tender, while others like China have imposed strict regulations leading to mining bans.

Significance of Hong Kong as a Financial Hub

Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China, has long been recognized as a financial hub. Its strategic location and robust legal system have made it an attractive destination for businesses. Historically, it was the last European colony in Asia, which facilitated its role as a bridge between the East and the West. Advantages for businesses, particularly those in finance, include a free port system, zero percent tax on profits from overseas, and a well-regulated financial sector.

Introduction to the Topic: Crypto Firms Returning to Hong Kong

In recent years, several crypto firms

have announced their plans to return or relocate to Hong Kong. This trend is driven by the SAR’s business-friendly environment, its role as a global financial hub, and its unique regulatory framework for digital assets. In this paragraph, we will

explore these reasons in more detail

and discuss the implications for both the local economy and the global cryptocurrency industry.

Crypto firms are returning to Hong Kong en masse

Regulatory Environment in Hong Kong for Cryptocurrencies

Hong Kong, as a leading financial hub, is known for its robust regulatory framework that ensures the integrity and transparency of financial markets. One of the key organizations responsible for this is the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC).

Overview of the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC)

The SFC, established in 1989, is the primary statutory body responsible for regulating and supervising securities and futures markets in Hong Kong. Its main objective is to protect investors, ensure fair trading, and maintain market integrity. The SFC accomplishes this through the enforcement of securities laws and regulations.

Regulatory Framework for Cryptocurrencies

Regarding cryptocurrencies, the SFC has taken a proactive stance, adopting a risk-based approach. While initially viewing Bitcoin as not being a security or commodity for regulatory purposes, the SFC has since taken a more nuanced position. In recent statements, it has indicated that certain virtual assets may constitute securities or commodities depending on their characteristics.

Position on virtual assets as securities or commodities

If a cryptocurrency is deemed to be a security, it would fall under the SFC’s purview, meaning that any fund dealing with such assets would need to register with the Commission. Compliance with regulations such as licensing, investor protection rules, and disclosure requirements would then be necessary. Conversely, if a cryptocurrency is classified as a commodity, it would fall under the jurisdiction of the Commodities and Futures Trading Commission (CTFC).

Guidelines for setting up a fund dealing with virtual assets

Should a fund intend to deal in cryptocurrencies, it must register as a “Recognized Scheme” under the SFC’s Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds. This entails meeting various conditions, such as having adequate risk management systems in place, complying with disclosure requirements, and maintaining a minimum net asset value of HKD 200 million.

Impact of the regulatory environment on crypto firms

The regulatory environment in Hong Kong has both attracted and presented challenges for crypto firms. On one hand, clear regulations provide a degree of stability and transparency, making it an attractive destination for businesses dealing with digital assets. On the other hand, compliance costs and challenges can be significant, which may deter smaller firms or startups from entering the market.

Attraction to Hong Kong due to clear regulations

Clear regulations are viewed as a positive for businesses, providing certainty and a level playing field. In the crypto space, this is particularly important given the volatility and evolving nature of digital assets. Firms that are able to navigate these regulations can build trust with investors, establish a strong reputation, and potentially attract more business.

Compliance costs and challenges make it complex

However, compliance with regulations can be costly and complex. Regulations, such as those outlined by the SFC, require significant resources to implement. Firms need to invest in technology solutions, hire skilled personnel, and develop comprehensive risk management systems to meet regulatory requirements. This can make it difficult for smaller firms or startups to enter the market.

Crypto firms are returning to Hong Kong en masse

I Factors Driving the Return of Crypto Firms to Hong Kong

Regulatory Certainty

One of the primary reasons why crypto firms are returning to Hong Kong is the regulatory certainty that the region offers. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has taken a proactive and measured approach towards regulating the crypto industry, providing clear guidelines for operating in a compliant manner. This regulatory clarity is essential for businesses looking to establish a stable and predictable operational environment. Stability and predictability are crucial factors for any business, especially in the rapidly evolving crypto industry. The HKMA’s approach to regulation not only encourages innovation but also ensures that businesses operate within a legal and ethical framework, thereby fostering trust and confidence among investors and customers.

Strategic Location and Connectivity

Another significant factor driving the return of crypto firms to Hong Kong is its strategic location and connectivity. The region’s proximity to major financial markets in Asia makes it an ideal hub for businesses looking to tap into the vast potential of this region. Availability of talent and expertise is also a critical factor, with Hong Kong boasting a highly skilled and educated workforce that is well-equipped to meet the demands of the crypto industry. Furthermore, the region’s advanced infrastructure and robust connectivity make it an attractive destination for businesses looking to establish a global presence.

Business-friendly Environment

Finally, Hong Kong’s business-friendly environment is a significant draw for crypto firms looking to set up shop in the region. Low taxes and a streamlined business registration process make it easy for businesses to get up and running quickly. The supportive government policies for innovation and technology further enhance the region’s appeal, providing businesses with a competitive edge in the global marketplace.

Crypto firms are returning to Hong Kong en masse

Case Studies of Successful Crypto Firms in Hong Kong


BitMEX is a leading cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform, headquartered in Hong Kong. Established in 2014, the company provides leveraged trading services for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. The unique selling point of BitMEX is its high-leverage contracts with up to 100x leverage, attracting experienced traders and institutional investors.

Background and business model

The founders of BitMEX, Arthur Hayes, Ben Delo, and Samuel Reed, identified a gap in the market for a derivatives exchange with high leverage. They saw an opportunity to cater to the needs of experienced traders and institutional investors. BitMEX’s business model is based on charging a percentage fee on each trade made on its platform, generating revenue through transaction volume.

Reasons for choosing Hong Kong

BitMEX chose Hong Kong as its base due to its favorable regulatory environment and robust financial infrastructure. The city’s low tax regime and well-developed legal framework made it an attractive location for a crypto firm. Additionally, Hong Kong’s proximity to mainland China, the world’s largest cryptocurrency market, provided access to a large customer base.

Impact on the company’s growth and success

BitMEX’s strategic decision to base its operations in Hong Kong has contributed significantly to the company’s growth and success. The favorable regulatory environment and robust financial infrastructure have enabled BitMEX to attract a large user base, including institutional investors and experienced traders. As of 2021, BitMEX reportedly has over $4 billion in daily trading volume, making it one of the largest cryptocurrency derivatives exchanges globally.

OSL Group

OSL Group is a Hong Kong-based digital asset platform that offers trading, custody, and OTC services to institutional investors. Founded in 2018 by Jun Hasegawa, the company aims to bridge the gap between traditional finance and digital assets.

Background and business model

OSL Group’s founders recognized the growing demand for digital assets in the institutional market. The company offers various services catering to this demand, including trading, custody, OTC, and market intelligence. OSL’s business model is based on charging a commission for its services and generating revenue through transaction volume.

Reasons for choosing Hong Kong

Hong Kong was an attractive location for OSL Group due to its regulatory clarity and established financial infrastructure. The city’s regulatory environment allows digital asset firms to operate legally, while its well-developed legal framework provides a level of certainty and trust for institutional investors.

Impact on the company’s growth and success

OSL Group’s decision to base its operations in Hong Kong has been instrumental in the company’s growth and success. The regulatory clarity and robust financial infrastructure have enabled OSL to attract a large clientele of institutional investors, making it one of the most prominent digital asset platforms in Asia.

Digital Asset Holdings (DAH)

Digital Asset Holdings (DAH) is a Hong Kong-based digital asset investment firm that focuses on institutional investors. The company provides a range of services, including digital asset custody and advisory services.

Background and business model

DAH was founded in 2015 by Yuji Takahashi, a veteran of the financial industry. The company’s mission is to bring digital assets to institutional investors through its expertise and services. DAH offers custodial solutions, advisory services, and market intelligence to help institutions navigate the complex world of digital assets.

Reasons for choosing Hong Kong

Hong Kong was an attractive location for DAH due to its regulatory transparency and well-established financial infrastructure. The city’s regulatory framework allows digital asset firms to operate legally, providing a level of certainty for institutional investors. Additionally, Hong Kong’s robust financial infrastructure and proximity to mainland China make it an ideal location for digital asset firms catering to the Asian market.

Impact on the company’s growth and success

DAH’s strategic decision to base its operations in Hong Kong has contributed significantly to the company’s growth and success. The regulatory transparency and robust financial infrastructure have enabled DAH to attract a large clientele of institutional investors, making it one of the most prominent digital asset firms in Asia.

Crypto firms are returning to Hong Kong en masse

Challenges and Opportunities for Crypto Firms in Hong Kong

Competition from other financial hubs

Hong Kong, being a major financial center, is witnessing increasing competition from other global financial hubs such as Singapore, Dubai, and Switzerland. These cities also offer attractive business environments for crypto firms with favorable regulations, robust infrastructure, and established financial markets. However, Hong Kong has unique differentiating factors that set it apart, such as its proximity to the Chinese market and its common law legal system.


Singapore, for instance, has been actively promoting itself as a hub for crypto and blockchain businesses with the launch of its digital asset regulatory framework, the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s Payment Services Act. This framework provides a clear regulatory landscape for crypto businesses, making it an attractive alternative for firms looking to establish a presence in the region.


Dubai, on the other hand, has been positioning itself as a global blockchain hub. The city’s government has announced its plans to become the first blockchain-powered city and has been offering incentives to crypto businesses looking to set up shop. Its tax-free environment, business-friendly regulations, and proximity to emerging markets in the Middle East make it an appealing option for firms in the industry.


Switzerland, with its long-standing reputation as a global financial center and its crypto-friendly regulatory environment, has also been attracting crypto businesses. The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) has taken a pragmatic approach towards regulating crypto assets and has granted several licenses to crypto businesses. This regulatory clarity, combined with Switzerland’s strong financial infrastructure and stable economy, makes it a formidable competitor for Hong Kong.

Regulatory developments and changes

Crypto firms in Hong Kong are closely monitoring regulatory developments and changes. The Security and Futures Commission (SFC)


announced that it will be updating its regulatory framework to include digital assets. This move is expected to provide greater clarity on how crypto businesses can operate in Hong Kong, making it a more attractive location for firms looking to establish a presence in the region. However, there are concerns that the new regulations may be too strict and could drive businesses away.

Anticipated updates to regulatory frameworks

The anticipated updates to the regulatory frameworks are a double-edged sword for crypto firms in Hong Kong. While clear regulations will provide a more stable business environment, stringent regulations could discourage businesses and limit innovation. It is crucial for the SFC to strike a balance between providing regulatory certainty and fostering an environment that encourages growth and innovation in the crypto industry.

Impact on the industry and businesses

The impact of these regulatory changes on the crypto industry in Hong Kong is yet to be seen. Some firms may choose to relocate to more crypto-friendly jurisdictions if the regulations are too restrictive, while others may see it as an opportunity to establish a presence in a stable and regulated market. The outcome will depend on the specifics of the regulatory framework and how it compares to that of other financial hubs.

Long-term growth prospects for the crypto industry in Hong Kong

The long-term growth prospects for the crypto industry in Hong Kong are promising, given its strategic location and established financial infrastructure. Education, awareness, and adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in Hong Kong are on the rise, with several universities offering courses on these topics and major financial institutions exploring their use.

Role of education, awareness, and adoption

The role of education, awareness, and adoption is crucial for the long-term growth of the crypto industry in Hong Kong. As more people become familiar with cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, demand for related products and services is likely to increase. This trend is expected to attract more firms to set up operations in Hong Kong, contributing to the growth of the industry.

Potential for innovation and technological advancements

Moreover, Hong Kong’s strategic location, robust infrastructure, and established financial markets make it an attractive destination for innovation and technological advancements. The city’s vibrant startup ecosystem and its close ties to the Chinese market make it an ideal place for crypto firms to develop new products and services, further boosting the industry’s growth prospects.

Crypto firms are returning to Hong Kong en masse

VI. Conclusion

Recap of the reasons why crypto firms are returning to Hong Kong

The regulatory environment in Hong Kong is a significant draw for crypto firms looking to establish a presence in the Asia-Pacific region. The SFC’s regulatory framework provides clarity and certainty, enabling companies to operate within a legal and compliant structure. Furthermore, Hong Kong’s strategic location and business-friendly environment make it an attractive destination for firms looking to expand their reach in the region. The city’s robust infrastructure, skilled workforce, and proximity to mainland China are essential factors contributing to this trend.

Discussion of the potential impact on Hong Kong’s financial landscape

The return of crypto firms to Hong Kong is set to have a profound impact on the city’s financial landscape. One of the most noticeable effects will be the creation of growth in employment opportunities, as these companies seek to hire talent in areas such as technology, marketing, and compliance. Moreover, the expansion of financial services and products offered by these firms will further diversify Hong Kong’s financial sector, making it a leading hub for cryptocurrency innovation.

Final thoughts on the future of crypto firms in Hong Kong

Potential challenges and opportunities

While the future looks bright for crypto firms in Hong Kong, they will undoubtedly face several challenges. Regulatory changes, cybersecurity concerns, and competition from other financial centers are just a few of the issues that may arise. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and growth, as companies adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the cryptocurrency industry.

Role as a global leader in cryptocurrency regulation and innovation

By embracing crypto firms, Hong Kong has the chance to become a global leader in cryptocurrency regulation and innovation. The city’s forward-thinking approach to digital assets will attract both local and international talent, further strengthening its position as a financial hub. With continued collaboration between government, industry, and academia, Hong Kong can establish itself as the go-to destination for businesses looking to navigate the complex world of cryptocurrency.
