FromSoftware president Hidetaka Miyazaki aspires to develop a JRPG

FromSoftware president Hidetaka Miyazaki aspires to develop a JRPG

Hidetaka Miyazaki’s Aspiration to Create a JRPG: An In-Depth Outline

Hidetaka Miyazaki, the renowned video game director and CEO of FromSoftware, is best known for crafting intricate and challenging action RPGs. His games, such as Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, have gained a cult following for their punishing difficulty and richly layered world design. However, Miyazaki’s passion for gaming extends beyond action RPGs to the classic Japanese role-playing games (JRPGs) of his childhood.

Early Inspirations

Miyazaki’s fascination with JRPGs began in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when he spent countless hours playing titles like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Phantasy Star. He was captivated by the expansive worlds, intricate stories, and turn-based combat systems that defined the genre.

Dream Project

Dark Souls, Miyazaki’s first major project as a game director, was an homage to the challenges of his favorite JRPGs. However, it wasn’t until much later that Miyazaki would have the opportunity to create a JRPG of his own. In 2016, he announced Armored Core: Fusion, which would incorporate elements of JRPGs into the mech action series.

Bringing a New Vision to JRPGs

Miyazaki’s vision for his JRPG was not simply to rehash classic tropes. Instead, he aimed to bring a fresh perspective to the genre by emphasizing exploration and choice, as well as punishing failure. Elden Ring, his latest project, is a collaboration with writer George R.R. Martin and promises to be an open-world JRPG that will challenge players both mentally and emotionally.

A Return to the Roots

Elden Ring‘s development marks a return to Miyazaki’s roots as a JRPG fan. It represents an opportunity for him to explore the genre he loves so dearly, while also pushing the boundaries of what players have come to expect from FromSoftware games.

A New Era for JRPGs

As Miyazaki embarks on this new journey, fans of the genre and FromSoftware are eagerly anticipating what he has in store. With his unique blend of challenging gameplay, rich storytelling, and immersive worlds, Miyazaki’s foray into JRPGs is poised to redefine the genre for a new era.

FromSoftware president Hidetaka Miyazaki aspires to develop a JRPG

I. Introduction

Hidetaka Miyazaki, a name synonymous with innovation and challenge in the video game industry, has left an indelible mark on gaming culture. As a founding member and current president of FromSoftware, Miyazaki’s vision and leadership have steered the company towards creating some of the most critically acclaimed titles in recent history.

Founding member and president of FromSoftware

FromSoftware, established in 1982, is a Japanese video game developer renowned for its niche yet cult-followed games. Miyazaki joined the company in 1995, and his contributions to FromSoftware’s portfolio have been significant. He has served various roles within the company, from director to producer, ultimately rising to the position of president in 2013.

Creator of the Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro series

Miyazaki’s most notable work includes the Dark Souls series, a franchise known for its punishing difficulty and intricate world-building. Debuted in 2011, “Dark Souls” was praised for its unique multiplayer features and engrossing lore. In 2014, Miyazaki branched out to create “Bloodborne,” which offered a faster-paced gameplay experience within the same dark, gothic universe. In 2019, Miyazaki returned with “Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice,” which focused on a one-armed protagonist and incorporated elements of Japanese history.

Overview of JRPG genre and its popularity in the gaming world

To understand Miyazaki’s accomplishments, it is essential to first discuss the Japanese Role-Playing Game (JRPG) genre and its appeal. JRPGs, a significant subgenre within role-playing games, originated in Japan during the late 1970s and early 1980s. These games usually involve a party of characters exploring a vast world, engaging in turn-based combat, and leveling up their abilities to progress through the story.

Popularity of JRPGs in the gaming world

Despite their origins, JRPGs have transcended geographical boundaries and gained a massive following worldwide. The genre’s appeal lies in its immersive worlds, engaging narratives, character development, and strategic combat systems that allow players to explore complex stories while honing their tactical skills. The popularity of JRPGs has paved the way for innovations and experimentation within the genre, making Miyazaki’s contributions all the more noteworthy.

FromSoftware president Hidetaka Miyazaki aspires to develop a JRPG

Miyazaki’s Interest in JRPGs

Miyazaki’s fascination with Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPGs) can be traced back to his childhood experiences. Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, two pioneering titles in the genre, left a profound impact on him. Miyazaki was captivated by their immersive worlds, intricate narratives, and the sense of adventure they offered.

Personal connection to JRPGs

His formative years were filled with the thrill of discovering new characters, exploring vast landscapes, and solving intriguing puzzles. These games offered him a refuge from reality and fueled his imagination.

Formative experiences

The first Final Fantasy game he played was Final Fantasy IV, which left him in awe with its complex narrative, diverse characters, and innovative battle system. The game’s emotional storyline resonated deeply with him, shaping his perspective towards storytelling in games. Meanwhile, the first Dragon Quest game ignited his passion for exploration and quests, as he traversed the game world to uncover its secrets.

Influence of JRPGs on his game design philosophy

Complex narratives and world-building: Miyazaki’s love for JRPGs is evident in his approach to game design, particularly in the intricate narratives and world-building of his games. He weaves complex stories, filled with lore, history, and interconnected characters that create a rich tapestry for players to immerse themselves in.

Character development and interconnectivity: Miyazaki believes that character development is an essential aspect of engaging players emotionally. His games feature dynamic characters, each with their unique backgrounds, motivations, and arcs. Moreover, the interconnectivity between different characters adds depth to the narrative and encourages players to explore relationships within the game world.

FromSoftware president Hidetaka Miyazaki aspires to develop a JRPG

I Challenges in Creating a JRPG by Miyazaki A:

Balancing the depth of storytelling with player agency and exploration:

Providing meaningful choices without handholding:

In a JRPG (Japanese Role-Playing Game) by Miyazaki A, the balance between immersive storytelling and player agency is a delicate dance. Player agency, the feeling of empowerment players experience when they have control over their decisions and actions, is essential for keeping players engaged. However, too much freedom can lead to confusion or frustration if not properly guided. Therefore, Miyazaki A must provide meaningful choices that allow players to influence the story without handholding or excessive guidance. This requires careful planning and implementation of branching narrative paths, consequences, and character development.

Creating a rich and dynamic world that caters to both newcomers and veterans:

Designing an open world that appeals to both seasoned JRPG players and newcomers is another major challenge. The world must be rich and dynamic, with plenty of depth and complexity for veterans to discover, yet accessible and engaging enough for beginners. The game designer must ensure that the storyline remains cohesive and understandable while offering optional side quests and hidden areas to reward exploration. Balancing these elements can be a daunting task, requiring a deep understanding of player psychology and game design principles.

Balancing the tension between character growth, combat mechanics, and exploration:

Lastly, maintaining a balance between character growth, combat mechanics, and exploration is crucial for creating an engaging JRPG experience. Each element influences the others, and striking the right balance can be tricky. For instance, character growth can impact combat mechanics by granting new abilities or skills, while exploration provides opportunities for leveling up and gaining valuable items. Maintaining a consistent tone and narrative thread is essential to keep players invested in the game world and its characters, making every decision and interaction count.

Ensuring accessibility while maintaining depth and complexity:

Another significant challenge for Miyazaki A is ensuring accessibility while preserving the depth and complexity of the game. Making the JRPG user-friendly and accessible to a broader audience does not mean sacrificing complexity or depth. Instead, it requires implementing features like adjustable difficulty settings, tutorials, and clear explanations for game mechanics to help newcomers understand the game’s intricacies without overwhelming them. This balancing act can be challenging but ultimately leads to a more inclusive and engaging gaming experience for all players.
FromSoftware president Hidetaka Miyazaki aspires to develop a JRPG

Potential Elements in Miyazaki’s JRPG

Character classes and progression system

  1. Unique abilities, skills, and stats for each class: Miyazaki’s JRPG could offer various character classes, each with distinct abilities, skills, and stats that cater to different playstyles. For instance, a Warrior might specialize in heavy armor, high health points, and powerful melee attacks, while a Mage could boast magic abilities, low health points, but high intelligence for casting potent spells.
  2. Flexibility in character customization: To make the game more engaging, Miyazaki’s JRPG could provide players with a flexible character customization system. This might include the ability to swap classes or adapt skills from other classes, allowing players to experiment and tailor their characters to their preferences.

World design and exploration

  1. Interconnected worlds with hidden secrets and alternate paths: Miyazaki’s JRPG could present players with interconnected, vast worlds filled with hidden secrets and alternate paths. These intricacies would encourage exploration and deepen the player’s connection to the game world.
  2. Non-linear storytelling and multiple endings: Emulating FromSoftware’s knack for captivating narratives, the game could offer non-linear storytelling that allows players to influence outcomes with their choices. Multiple endings would further incentivize exploration and replayability.

Combat mechanics and enemy design

  1. Introducing new mechanics while staying true to FromSoftware’s signature challenge: To set Miyazaki’s JRPG apart from other titles, the game could introduce fresh combat mechanics while staying true to FromSoftware’s challenging gameplay. For example, incorporating elemental weaknesses or group tactics could create new strategies and depth.
  2. Adapting enemy designs that encourage strategic combat and exploration: Enemies could be intricately designed to present players with strategic choices, encouraging them to explore the game world for weaknesses or environmental advantages. These enemies might include boss fights that require careful planning and exploration of their surrounding environments.

Collaborative elements and social features

  1. Encouraging player interaction through co-op gameplay or multiplayer features: In keeping with Miyazaki’s ability to create immersive worlds, the JRPG could offer cooperative gameplay or multiplayer features. Collaborating with other players to explore and overcome challenges would foster a sense of community.
  2. Implementing a robust community system for sharing tips, strategies, and lore: A strong community system would facilitate player interaction and collaboration. Players could share tips on enemy weaknesses, explore hidden secrets together, and discuss the game’s rich lore, enhancing their overall experience.

FromSoftware president Hidetaka Miyazaki aspires to develop a JRPG


Miyazaki’s foray into the JRPG genre with his groundbreaking game, Elden Ring, has left an indelible mark that is certain to shape the future of this beloved genre and the gaming industry at large. With its

fresh perspective

on the established JRPG formula, Elden Ring has breathed new life into a genre that some critics argue had grown stagnant. By blending

open-world exploration


non-linear storytelling

, and

dynamic combat mechanics

with intricate lore and a captivating narrative, Miyazaki’s game has set a new standard for what players can expect from the JRPG genre moving forward.

Moreover, the


of Elden Ring serves as a testament to Miyazaki’s


and his unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of gaming. As a developer known for his work on Dark Souls and Bloodborne, Miyazaki’s entry into the JRPG genre was a surprise to many, but his expertise in crafting immersive worlds and challenging gameplay experiences has once again proven his mettle. With Elden Ring’s success, it is clear that Miyazaki’s future game development endeavors in this new genre will be highly anticipated by fans and critics alike.
