President Putin and Xi own Asia as more countries aim to join BRICS

President Putin and Xi own Asia as more countries aim to join BRICS

President Putin and Xi’s Expanding Influence in Asia: The BRICS Effect

The BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – have emerged as significant global players in the 21st century. Among these nations, Russia and China, led by their respective presidents, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, have been expanding their influence in the Asia-Pacific region. This expansion is not only a strategic response to the shifting geopolitical landscape but also an opportunity to bolster their economic ties.

Strategic Responses

President Putin‘s Russia has been reasserting its presence in Asia through various means. Firstly, Moscow has been strengthening its military capabilities in the region as a counterbalance to the growing US presence. For instance, Russia is building up its military presence in the Far East and has been conducting joint military exercises with China and other Asian nations. Furthermore, Putin’s visit to Iran in February 2017, where they signed a 20-year cooperation agreement, further solidified Russia’s role as a significant player in the Middle East and its proximity to Asia.

Economic Ties

President Xi‘s China, on the other hand, has been focusing on economic diplomacy to expand its influence in Asia. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a massive infrastructure project spanning multiple Asian countries, is China’s flagship economic diplomacy initiative. This ambitious project aims to create a new economic and trade network through land-based and maritime routes, connecting Asia with Europe and Africa. The BRI has already garnered the participation of over 70 countries, including members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

BRICS’ Collective Influence

The BRICS effect, which refers to the collective influence of these five nations, has been felt across Asia in various ways. Their growing economic and political power has led to the establishment of new regional organizations such as the BRICS Development Bank and the New Development Bank, which challenge the dominance of traditional institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Moreover, their diplomatic initiatives have created new opportunities for cooperation, including the BRICS Summit and the ASEAN-BRICS summit.


The expanding influence of Presidents Putin and Xi in Asia through the BRICS effect presents both opportunities and challenges for the region. While their economic and political power can create new opportunities for growth and development, it can also lead to increased competition and potential conflicts. Nevertheless, it is clear that the BRICS countries will continue to play a significant role in shaping the future of Asia and the global landscape.

President Putin and Xi own Asia as more countries aim to join BRICS

I. Introduction

Brief explanation of BRICS

BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, five major emerging national economies. The organization was initially established by the foreign ministers of these countries during a summit held in Yekaterinburg, Russia, on June 16, 2009. The primary objectives of BRICS were to strengthen cooperation and establish long-term strategic partnerships between its members. Originally, the organization was called the “BRIC Summit,” but South Africa joined later in 2010, resulting in the name change. Economically, BRICS represents over 40% of the world’s population and nearly 25% of the global economy.

Current geopolitical landscape in Asia

Politically, the Asian continent is experiencing increasing competition for regional influence between major powers, namely the United States, China, and Russia. The South China Sea dispute, North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, and territorial claims in the Himalayas are just a few examples of the geopolitical tensions that have emerged. However, despite these challenges, there is an emerging trend in the region: countries expressing interest in joining the BRICS organization.

President Putin and Xi Jinping’s growing partnership

Recently, there has been a significant shift in the relationship between China and Russia, with President Putin and Xi Jinping’s partnership shaping up to be one of the most influential in the region. The two leaders have pledged closer ties, increased military cooperation, and economic integration. This growing partnership is expected to strengthen both countries’ positions in the geopolitical landscape of Asia.

President Putin and Xi own Asia as more countries aim to join BRICS

The Growing Partnership Between Putin and Xi

Historical context of Sino-Russian relations

The historical context of Sino-Russian relations is marked by a complex interplay of geopolitical factors. Both Russia and China have seen each other as essential neighbors, yet potential rivals, throughout their shared history. In recent years, however, the relationship between President Putin of Russia and Xi Jinping, the President of China, has evolved into a strategic partnership. This shift is driven by mutual geopolitical considerations.

Geopolitical importance for both leaders

For Putin, the growing partnership with China offers a counterbalance to the perceived threat from the West, particularly in the context of ongoing tensions with NATO and the European Union. For Xi Jinping, Russia is seen as a crucial ally in balancing the influence of the United States in Asia, particularly in the context of territorial disputes in the South China Sea and ongoing tensions with Japan.

Economic ties between Russia and China

Economic ties have become an increasingly important dimension of Sino-Russian relations. Both countries are interdependent on each other’s resources, with Russia providing China with energy and commodities, while China exports manufactured goods to Russia.

Dependence on each other’s resources (energy, commodities)

China is the largest buyer of Russian natural gas and oil. The Yamal LNG project, which started operation in 2017, is an example of this growing energy cooperation. Russia, on the other hand, imports a significant amount of commodities from China to meet domestic demand and to finance its budget deficits.

Trade statistics and growth trends

According to the Chinese Customs Administration, China-Russia bilateral trade reached a record high of $108.6 billion in 2017, representing an increase of 25.4% compared to the previous year. This growth trend continued into 2018, with trade increasing by another 24.7% to reach a value of $129.3 billion.

Strategic alignment and joint initiatives

The strategic alignment between Russia and China goes beyond economic cooperation to include military cooperation and shared security concerns.

Military cooperation and shared security concerns

Russia’s military presence in the Eastern Mediterranean has been a point of concern for China, which has led to increased military cooperation between the two countries. In 2018, Russia and China conducted joint military exercises in the Sea of Japan, marking a significant expansion of their military cooperation beyond Central Asia.

The role of the BRICS in strengthening their partnership

The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) organization has played a crucial role in strengthening the partnership between Putin and Xi.

Economic benefits for both countries

The BRICS Summit provides an opportunity for the leaders of these emerging economies to discuss ways to enhance their economic cooperation. For Russia and China, this includes exploring new opportunities in areas such as infrastructure development, science and technology, and finance.

Political significance of the organization

The BRICS also serves as a platform for Russia and China to coordinate their positions on global issues and challenge Western dominance in international organizations. For example, in 2015, the BRICS countries opposed a resolution at the United Nations Human Rights Council that would have criticized China for human rights abuses in Xinjiang.

President Putin and Xi own Asia as more countries aim to join BRICS

I More Countries Expressing Interest in Joining BRICS

Reasons for wanting to join

Economic growth and development: Many countries are attracted to BRICS due to its focus on economic cooperation and development. They believe that being part of this organization will provide them with opportunities to learn from each other’s experiences, share best practices, and boost their own economic growth.

Political influence and diplomacy: BRICS is not just an economic bloc, but also a platform for political dialogue and diplomacy. Countries seeking membership are aware of the influence and clout that comes with being part of this group. They hope to enhance their international standing by engaging in diplomatic initiatives, building partnerships, and addressing global issues collectively.

Potential new members and their motivations

South Korea:

South Korea, a major Asian economy, has expressed its interest in joining BRICS. Its motivations include strengthening economic ties with other member countries, enhancing regional security through cooperation, and contributing to the organization’s efforts towards global economic governance.


With a large population and rapidly growing economy, Indonesia is another potential candidate for BRICS membership. The country aims to achieve economic growth, maintain political stability, and increase its global influence by joining this prestigious group.


Thailand’s strategic location and its focus on economic diversification make it an attractive candidate for BRICS membership. By joining, Thailand hopes to promote regional cooperation and integration, learn from the experiences of other members, and contribute to the organization’s efforts towards creating a more equitable global economic order.

Challenges and implications of expanding membership

Financial commitments and obligations: Expanding the membership of BRICS may require new members to make significant financial contributions to the organization. This could pose a challenge for some countries, especially those with limited resources or large debt burdens.

Political alignment and consensus-building: BRICS is known for its consensus-driven decision-making process. New members would need to align their political stances with those of existing members, which could be a challenging task given the diverse political ideologies within the organization.

Maintaining the cohesion and effectiveness of the organization: Adding new members to BRICS could potentially dilute the focus and effectiveness of the organization. It would be essential for the existing members to ensure that the expansion does not lead to fragmentation or a loss of momentum in their efforts towards economic cooperation and diplomacy.

President Putin and Xi own Asia as more countries aim to join BRICS

The Impact of Putin and Xi’s Influence on Asia and Beyond

Geopolitical consequences

  1. Shift in regional power dynamics: The rise of Russian and Chinese influence in Asia has led to a significant shift in the regional power dynamics. Russia, with its strategic location and vast resources, has been reasserting its role as a major player in Eurasia. Meanwhile, China’s economic might and military modernization have made it a formidable force in the region. This has led to a power struggle between Russia and China, as well as with the U.S., which has traditionally been the dominant power in the region.
  2. Implications for U.S.-China and U.S.-Russia relations: The increasing influence of Putin and Xi in Asia has major implications for U.S.-China and U.S.-Russia relations. The U.S., which has been the dominant power in the region, is facing a challenge to its hegemony. The U.S.-China relationship is becoming more adversarial, with trade tensions and military posturing in the South China Sea. At the same time, U.S.-Russia relations are at a low point, with tensions over Ukraine and Syria. The U.S. is seeking to maintain its presence in the region through alliances and military deployments.

Economic implications

  1. Increased trade, investment, and economic cooperation between BRICS members: The influence of Putin and Xi in Asia has led to increased economic cooperation among the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). This includes increased trade, investment, and joint projects. For example, the BRICS New Development Bank was established to fund infrastructure projects in developing countries. This economic cooperation is challenging the dominance of Western financial institutions and could lead to new markets and opportunities for non-BRICS countries.
  2. Potential for new markets and opportunities for non-BRICS countries: The economic cooperation among the BRICS countries could create new opportunities for non-BRICS countries. For example, non-BRICS countries could provide raw materials or technology to support infrastructure projects. This could lead to increased trade and investment, benefiting both the BRICS countries and non-BRICS countries.

Global implications

  1. Role in international organizations: The influence of Putin and Xi in Asia has major implications for international organizations such as the United Nations and World Trade Organization. As permanent members of the UN Security Council, Russia and China have significant power to veto resolutions. Their growing influence could lead to more assertive roles in these organizations and a shift away from Western dominance.
  2. Influence on global economic and political trends: The influence of Putin and Xi in Asia is also having a significant impact on global economic and political trends. Their economic cooperation could challenge the dominance of the Western-led global economy. At the same time, their military posturing in the region is increasing tensions and creating instability.

President Putin and Xi own Asia as more countries aim to join BRICS


In the last decade, the partnership between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping has significantly shaped the geopolitical landscape of Asia. Putin‘s and Xi’s growing influence in the region can be seen through their successful establishment of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) alliance. The BRICS summit provides a platform for these countries to collaborate on various issues, including economic development, political cooperation, and security matters. This partnership has led to an increasing challenge to the traditional dominance of the U.S. in the region.

Recap of Putin and Xi’s Influence through BRICS

Through the BRICS alliance, Putin and Xi have strengthened their economic and political ties. This partnership has allowed them to bypass the Western-dominated financial institutions, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Furthermore, BRICS members have established their own development bank and a contingency reserve arrangement to counteract any financial instability. These initiatives demonstrate the growing independence of these countries from the U.S.-led financial system.

Significance for Regional and Global Power Dynamics

The significance of this trend is multifold. First, it challenges the traditional power dynamics within Asia and beyond. The U.S., which has been the dominant superpower in the region since World War II, is now facing competition from these emerging powers. Second, it shifts the focus of international relations towards the Asia-Pacific region, which is expected to become the global economic and political center in the coming decades. This trend could lead to a new world order, where the power shifts from the Western hemisphere to Asia.

Implications for the U.S., China, and Other Major Powers

The rise of Putin and Xi’s influence in Asia has significant implications for the U.S., China, and other major powers. For the U.S., it requires a rethinking of its foreign policy in Asia. The U.S. needs to adapt to this new reality and find ways to cooperate with these emerging powers, rather than trying to contain them. For China, this trend offers an opportunity to assert its leadership role in Asia and beyond. However, China needs to be cautious not to provoke a backlash from the U.S. or other major powers. Finally, for other major powers in Asia, such as India and Japan, this trend presents both opportunities and challenges. They need to find ways to collaborate with each other and with the emerging powers to maintain their influence in the region.


In conclusion, the partnership between Putin and Xi has significantly shifted the geopolitical landscape of Asia. Their growing influence through the BRICS alliance challenges the traditional power dynamics and shifts the focus towards the Asia-Pacific region. The U.S., China, and other major powers need to adapt to this new reality and find ways to cooperate with each other to maintain their influence in the region.
