Nigeria’s regulator proposes new rule for crypto service providers

Nigeria’s regulator proposes new rule for crypto service providers - African News - News

The Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is set to implement new regulations for Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs) within its jurisdiction. These rules aim to strengthen oversight and regulation of the crypto industry, with a particular focus on companies facilitating the trading, exchange, and transfer of virtual assets.

Nigeria’s SEC Announces New Regulations for Digital Asset Exchanges

One of the major proposals by the Nigerian SEC is the requirement for VASPs to be incorporated in Nigeria and maintain a physical office within the country. Furthermore, the CEO or managing director of these firms must reside in Nigeria, ensuring a local presence and accountability.

These requirements apply not only to domestic VASPs but also to foreign or non-residential operators targeting Nigerian users directly or through their agents. This broader scope reflects the SEC’s intention to regulate all platforms involved in virtual asset activities within Nigeria’s jurisdiction.

The Scope of Regulation

Recent actions taken by Nigerian authorities, including the blocking of certain digital asset platforms and the detention of senior executives from a prominent crypto exchange, highlight the country’s stance on enforcing regulatory compliance within the crypto space. In line with these efforts, the Nigerian SEC has replaced the previous requirement for foreign crypto exchanges to establish local offices with a more comprehensive mandate.

This shift towards a more extensive regulatory approach emphasizes the need for compliance across various functions within digital asset entities. Additionally, the SEC has revised fees associated with crypto license applications. The proposed fee increases, including a fivefold rise in registration fees, demonstrate the regulator’s commitment to allocating resources effectively for robust oversight and enforcement.

Stakeholder Consultation

Stakeholders and industry participants have been invited to provide feedback on these proposed regulations. The SEC has established a deadline for comment submissions, encouraging open dialogue between regulators and the crypto community to establish a balanced and effective regulatory framework.

These proposed regulations from Nigeria’s SEC mark a significant step towards enhancing oversight, accountability, and fostering a healthy and compliant crypto ecosystem within the country’s regulatory framework. These measures are crucial in promoting investor confidence, protecting consumers, and mitigating risks associated with digital asset activities.

Impact on the Crypto Industry in Nigeria

The implementation of these new regulations is expected to bring transparency and stability to the crypto industry in Nigeria. It also aims to enhance investor protection, promote market integrity, and address potential risks associated with virtual asset trading.

These measures come at a time when countries are increasingly focusing on regulating the crypto industry to ensure consumer protection, combat fraudulent activities, and mitigate potential risks. The Nigerian SEC’s proactive approach demonstrates its commitment to establishing a robust regulatory framework for the crypto industry within Nigeria.


The Nigerian SEC’s proposed regulations for VASPs mark an important milestone in the country’s journey towards effective regulation of the crypto industry. By requiring local presence and accountability, the SEC is paving the way for a more stable and transparent digital asset market in Nigeria.

These regulations are crucial in fostering investor confidence, protecting consumers, and mitigating risks associated with digital asset activities. As the crypto industry continues to evolve, regulators play a vital role in ensuring a level playing field for all participants while maintaining investor protection and market integrity.