Machi Big Brother’s ETHcoin: The New Transaction Mining Token Behind Ethereum’s Gas Spikes

Machi Big Brother's ETHcoin: The New Transaction Mining Token Behind Ethereum's Gas Spikes

Machi Big Brother’s ETHcoin: This term has been circulating in the Ethereum community, causing quite a stir and leaving many developers, investors, and users puzzled. Ethereum’s gas spikes, a common issue that plagues the network, is at the heart of this mystery. Let us delve into the Machi Big Brother’s ETHcoin phenomenon, unraveling its secrets and shedding light on Ethereum’s gas spikes.

Understanding Gas

In the Ethereum network, gas refers to a measurement of the computational power required to execute a transaction or contract call. Every action on the Ethereum blockchain consumes a certain amount of gas, and users must pay this fee in Ether (ETH) to incentivize miners to validate their transactions. However, sometimes, the demand for processing transactions outstrips the network’s capacity, causing gas prices to spike.

The Role of Machi Big Brother

The term Machi Big Brother

(MBB) is believed to be a fictional character or group of entities with immense influence over the Ethereum network. Some believe that MBB manipulates the market by artificially inflating gas prices to their advantage. There is no concrete evidence supporting this theory, but it has fueled speculation and controversy within the Ethereum community.

Potential Causes of Gas Spikes

High Network Usage

One of the primary reasons for gas spikes is high network usage. As more users compete to use the network, miners are incentivized to process transactions that offer higher fees (gas prices). This creates a bidding war, driving up gas prices for all users.

Contract Executions

Another significant cause of gas spikes is contract executions. Ethereum’s smart contracts are self-executing programs that facilitate, verify, and enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. These contracts can be complex and require substantial computational resources to execute, leading to increased gas prices.

Whales and Bot Activity

Large transactions by whales (individuals or entities holding a significant amount of Ether) and bot activity can also contribute to gas spikes. Whales’ transactions often involve large amounts of Ether, requiring substantial computational resources and driving up gas prices. Bot activity can also create artificial demand for network resources, further exacerbating gas spikes.

Addressing Gas Spikes

Ethereum’s developers are working on scaling solutions to address gas spikes, such as sharding and the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade. Sharding involves splitting the network into smaller pieces called shards, allowing for more transactions to be processed in parallel. Ethereum 2.0 introduces proof-of-stake consensus, which is expected to reduce the computational power required for mining and make the network more scalable.

I. Introduction

Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization after Bitcoin, is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform that merges the rules of programmable digital currency and decentralized applications (dApps) into one. Launched in 2015, Ethereum is the pioneer of smart contracts, self-executing agreements with the terms directly written into code. The Ethereum blockchain allows developers to build and deploy these applications, which run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud, or third-party interference.

Brief overview of Ethereum and its role in blockchain technology

Ethereum’s unique selling proposition lies in its support for dApps, which can be programmed to perform a wide range of functions from simple tasks like automated payments to complex decentralized finance (DeFi) systems. Ethereum’s smart contracts can be used to create decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and other innovative solutions.

Explanation of gas and its role in Ethereum transactions

To execute a transaction or deploy a contract on the Ethereum network, users must pay a fee called gas. Gas is denominated in Ether (ETH), the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum. It acts as a measurement unit for the computational power required to perform an operation on the blockchain. Users pay gas fees to miners, who process transactions and include them in new blocks. The price of gas fluctuates based on demand, with higher gas prices incentivizing faster confirmation times and less congested network usage.

Increase in gas prices and its impact on users and dApps

Over the past few years, Ethereum’s gas prices have seen significant increases due to increased demand from the growing DeFi and NFT markets. High gas fees can negatively impact users by increasing transaction costs and making it less feasible for small transactions, potentially limiting the accessibility of Ethereum’s ecosystem. Additionally, high gas fees can impact dApp developers by increasing costs and potentially hindering innovation or adoption.

Introduction to Machi Big Brother and ETHcoin as potential solutions

In an attempt to address the issue of high gas fees, various projects have emerged, such as Machi Big Brother and ETHcoin. Machi Big Brother is a decentralized autonomous organization that aims to improve the Ethereum network’s scalability by incentivizing users to run nodes and process transactions off-chain, ultimately reducing gas fees. ETHcoin, on the other hand, is a hard fork of Ethereum with its own blockchain that aims to address scalability issues and lower transaction fees by introducing a new consensus algorithm. Both projects hold the potential to bring about significant changes in the Ethereum ecosystem, but their long-term impact remains to be seen.

Machi Big Brother

Understanding Machi Big Brother (MBB)

Background and Origins of MBB

Machi Big Brother, or simply MBB, is an innovative project initiated by Shenzhen AntForest Data Technology Co. Ltd., a leading Chinese AI firm. Established with the goal of promoting energy conservation and reducing carbon emissions, MBB represents an intriguing blend of artificial intelligence technology and environmental consciousness.

Overview of MBB’s Functioning and Goals

At its core, MBB employs sophisticated machine learning algorithms to analyze the energy consumption patterns of individual users. This data collection and analysis are performed anonymously, ensuring privacy while optimizing energy usage for both households and businesses. The ultimate objective is to create a more sustainable energy landscape by encouraging users to adopt energy-efficient practices.

MBB and Ethereum Connection: Incentivizing Users to Mine ETH

The link between MBB and Ethereum is the innovative use of blockchain technology to incentivize users. By reducing their energy usage, participants in the MBB program can earn ETHcoin, a unique digital token developed specifically for this project. Earned ETHcoins act as rewards for energy conservation, thereby encouraging users to adopt more efficient practices and reduce their carbon footprint.

Users can earn ETHcoin by reducing their energy usage

Users who successfully lower their energy consumption are rewarded with ETHcoins, which they can later use for various purposes or exchange on cryptocurrency markets. This gamified approach to energy conservation makes the process more engaging and incentivizing, as users work towards earning digital rewards.

MBB sells excess ETHcoin back to the market, causing demand and price increases

Furthermore, MBB sells excess ETHcoins back to the market. This sale of digital tokens creates a demand for ETHcoin, which in turn increases its price. The combination of users earning ETHcoins and MBB selling excess tokens creates a self-perpetuating cycle that encourages more people to participate in the energy conservation program.

Machi Big Brother

I ETHcoin’s Impact on Ethereum Gas Prices

The relationship between gas prices and network congestion

Gas prices reflect the competition for block space: Ethereum’s gas price mechanism determines the priority of transactions in the network. The higher the gas price, the faster a transaction is processed. Network congestion leads to higher gas prices: When the network becomes congested, miners prioritize transactions with higher gas prices to ensure they can earn a profit. This results in a bidding war for block space and an increase in gas prices.

MBB and ETHcoin’s role in Ethereum network congestion

MBB users mining ETHcoin contribute to the network congestion: Mining ETHcoin on Ethereum, which is based on a Monetary Policy Based (MBB) mechanism, requires significant computational power. The increased demand for network resources results in more transactions being added to the Ethereum blockchain and further contributes to network congestion.

Selling ETHcoin back to the market increases demand, driving up gas prices: After mining ETHcoin and selling it back to the market, miners may use their proceeds to pay for transaction fees on the Ethereum network. As more transactions are processed, congestion increases and gas prices rise even further.

Gas price volatility and its effects on Ethereum users and dApps

Users face higher transaction costs: With volatile gas prices, users may face significantly increased fees for their transactions, making it more expensive to interact with the Ethereum network and its decentralized applications (dApps).

dApp developers struggle to manage their costs and user experience: For dApp developers, the unpredictability of gas prices can make it difficult to offer a consistent user experience. Additionally, they may need to account for increased costs in their business models to remain competitive and profitable.

Machi Big Brother

Mitigating the Impact of MBB on Ethereum Gas Prices

Scalability solutions for Ethereum

Layer 2 solutions (e.g., Optimistic Rollups, ZK-Rollups)

Scalability has been a major issue for Ethereum, leading to high gas prices. To address this challenge, various Layer 2 solutions are being developed. These include Optimistic Rollups and Zero-Knowledge Rollups (ZK-Rollups), which enable off-chain transactions and batch processing, reducing the load on the Ethereum network and thus decreasing gas prices.

Sharding and Ethereum Serenity (ETH 2.0)

Another promising scalability solution is sharding, which involves splitting the Ethereum network into smaller parts, or shards. Ethereum Serenity (ETH 2.0), the upcoming upgrade, includes this technology and aims to improve transaction processing speed by allowing multiple transactions to be processed at once.

Alternative approaches to energy conservation incentives

Carbon credits or offsetting systems

Another approach to mitigating the environmental impact of Ethereum and reducing high gas prices is through the implementation of carbon credits or offsetting systems. These systems incentivize miners to use renewable energy sources by providing financial rewards for doing so. By promoting the use of cleaner energy, this approach can help Ethereum maintain its position as a sustainable and eco-friendly platform.

Decentralized solutions (e.g., Proof of Stake)

Additionally, Ethereum is transitioning from the energy-intensive Proof of Work (PoW) consensus algorithm to a more efficient Proof of Stake (PoS) system. With PoS, validators are chosen based on their stake in the network rather than their computational power, reducing the overall energy consumption of the network and contributing to lower gas prices.

Regulation and partnerships to ensure transparency and fairness

Collaborations between MBB and Ethereum Foundation or Ethereum community

To ensure transparency, fairness, and the long-term success of Ethereum, it is important for major players like MetaMask (MBB) to collaborate with the Ethereum Foundation or community. By working together, these entities can develop and implement solutions that benefit all stakeholders, including users, miners, and developers.

Government regulations to prevent monopolistic practices

Lastly, government regulations can play a role in mitigating the impact of MBB on Ethereum gas prices. By implementing laws and policies that prevent monopolistic practices, governments can ensure a level playing field for all participants in the Ethereum ecosystem and maintain its decentralized nature.

Machi Big Brother


In summary, the Maximum Bytes Per Block (MBB) limitation in Ethereum has been a significant factor contributing to the gas price spikes observed in recent times.


is a constraint implemented to prevent the Ethereum network from being overloaded with excessive data, which could potentially lead to slower transaction processing times and increased network congestion. However, this limit has inadvertently resulted in high gas fees for users seeking to interact with decentralized applications (dApps) during periods of network congestion.

Impact on Users and dApps

The high gas fees have proven to be a major hurdle for many Ethereum users, particularly those who rely on dApps. This has led to an unfortunate situation where some users are unable to afford the fees required to interact with specific dApps. Consequently, these users may be forced to abandon their preferred platforms and seek alternatives. Moreover, developers of dApps must bear the responsibility of covering these high gas fees, which could impact their operational budgets negatively.

Potential Solutions to Mitigate Negative Effects

To address the negative impact of MBB on Ethereum’s network, several potential solutions have been proposed. One such solution is the implementation of Layer 2 scaling solutions, such as Optimistic Rollups and Zero-Knowledge Rollups, to offload transaction processing from the Ethereum mainnet. These solutions offer enhanced scalability by allowing users to execute transactions at a lower cost and faster processing times.

Future Implications for Ethereum and Blockchain Technology

The MBB issue serves as a reminder that the current state of blockchain technology, particularly with regards to Ethereum, is not without its challenges. As the adoption of decentralized applications continues to grow, so too will the demand for a more scalable and cost-effective solution. The development and implementation of these solutions, such as Layer 2 scaling, could pave the way for Ethereum to maintain its position as a leading blockchain platform. Ultimately, resolving these scalability concerns will be essential in ensuring that blockchain technology can meet the needs of both current and future users.
