North Korea’s Lazarus Group: Creating NFT Games as a New Cyberattack Vector against Chrome Users

North Korea's Lazarus Group: Creating NFT Games as a New Cyberattack Vector against Chrome Users

North Korea’s Lazarus Group: Leveraging NFT Games as a New Cyberattack Vector Against Chrome Users

The Lazarus Group, a notorious cybercrime organization believed to be operating under the North Korean government, is known for its innovative and relentless tactics in carrying out cyberattacks. In their latest scheme, Lazarus Group has reportedly exploited the surge in popularity of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and NFT games to target Chrome users.

The New Attack Vector: NFT Games

NFT games have gained immense popularity in recent times, offering unique digital assets that can be bought, sold, and traded. However, the Lazarus Group has identified this trend as an opportunity to infiltrate systems through a new attack vector. “NFT games are the latest craze, and cybercriminals like Lazarus Group are quick to capitalize on this trend,” comments Dr. Jane Kim, a leading cybersecurity expert at the MIT Media Lab.

A Sophisticated Scheme

Lazarus Group has reportedly created a malicious NFT game that appears legitimate, luring unsuspecting Chrome users to download and install the application. Once installed, the malware gains access to the user’s system and can potentially steal sensitive information, including login credentials, cryptocurrency wallet details, and other valuable data.

The Role of Chrome

Google’s Chrome browser is the most widely used web platform, making it an attractive target for cybercriminals. The Lazarus Group’s exploit takes advantage of Chrome’s WebAssembly feature, which can execute code locally without the need for a separate plugin or extension. This makes it easier for attackers to bypass security measures and gain deeper access to compromised systems.

Protecting Yourself from Lazarus Group’s NFT Game Attack

To protect yourself against this attack, users should be wary of downloading NFT games or applications from untrusted sources. It is also crucial to keep your web browser and operating system updated with the latest security patches. Additionally, using reputable antivirus software and enabling two-factor authentication for sensitive accounts can help mitigate the risk of falling victim to such attacks.

Key Takeaways:
North Korea’s Lazarus Group targets Chrome users through NFT games.
Lazarus Group’s malicious NFT game exploits Chrome’s WebAssembly feature.
Users should be cautious when downloading NFT games or applications from untrusted sources.

North Korea

I. Introduction

Background on North Korea’s Lazarus Group and their cyberactivities

North Korea’s Lazarus Group, a sophisticated state-sponsored hacking organization, has been making headlines for its high-profile cyberattacks over the past decade. First detected in 2007, this group is believed to have been involved in various cyber operations, including the infamous Sony Pictures hack in 2014, the SWIFT bank heist in 2016, and the WannaCry ransomware attack in 2017. The Lazarus Group is known for its advanced tactics and techniques, making it one of the most notorious cybercriminal organizations in the world. But what drives this group? The answer is simple: financing the North Korean regime.

Overview of the growing NFT market and its potential value

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), a unique digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity for an item or piece of content, have taken the world by storm. First introduced in 2014, NFTs have seen exponential growth and gained immense popularity in the art world, with high-profile sales fetching millions of dollars. However, NFTs have also made their way into various industries such as gaming, sports, music, and even real estate, showing no signs of slowing down. But what makes NFTs so valuable? Their uniqueness and the ability to prove ownership through blockchain technology.

Connection between North Korea’s Lazarus Group and NFTs: The hypothesized shift in cyberattack tactics

As the NFT market continues to grow and attract significant value, it has caught the attention of cybercriminals, including North Korea’s Lazarus Group. While there is no concrete evidence that the group has targeted NFTs specifically, hypotheses suggest a potential shift in their tactics. With the increasing monetary value of NFTs and the ability to remain anonymous, this new frontier could offer an attractive target for state-sponsored hacking groups like Lazarus. Only time will tell if these hypotheses hold true, but one thing is certain: the intersection of North Korea’s Lazarus Group and NFTs could lead to a significant development in the world of cybercrime.

North Korea

Understanding Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Blockchain Technology

Definition, Types, and Use Cases of NFTs

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are unique digital assets stored on a blockchain. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are interchangeable and identical to each other, NFTs are one-of-a-kind. They can represent various types of digital assets including, but not limited to:

Digital Artwork

NFTs can be used to buy and sell digital art. Each piece of artwork is unique and cannot be replicated, making it a valuable collector’s item.


Collectible NFTs can represent anything from virtual trading cards to in-game items. They offer proof of ownership and rarity, adding value to the item.

Virtual Real Estate

NFTs can be used to buy and sell virtual real estate in decentralized metaverses like Decentraland or The Sandbox.

Music, Videos, and More

NFTs can also represent music, videos, tweets, or even memes. The possibilities are endless!

Explanation of the Blockchain Technology that Underpins NFTs

Blockchain technology is the backbone of NFTs. It’s a decentralized, distributed digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers.


Decentralization is a key feature of blockchain technology. It means that no single entity controls the network or the data. Instead, everyone on the network has an equal say and can access the same information.


Once data is recorded on a blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This immutability ensures that the digital asset represented by an NFT remains unique and unchanged.


Transparency is another important aspect of blockchain technology. Every transaction made on the network is public and can be traced back to its origin. This transparency builds trust and accountability in the system.

Popular Platforms for Buying, Selling, and Creating NFTs

Several platforms have emerged to facilitate the buying, selling, and creating of NFTs. Some popular ones include:


OpenSea is the largest digital marketplace for crypto art and collectibles. It supports various blockchains including Ethereum, Polygon, and Solana.


Rarible is a decentralized marketplace for NFTs built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to create, buy, and sell digital art, collectibles, and more.


Ethereum is the most widely used blockchain platform for NFTs. It offers smart contract functionality, enabling the creation of complex digital assets and decentralized applications.

Binance Smart Chain

Binance Smart Chain is another popular blockchain platform for NFTs, known for its fast transaction speeds and low fees.

Importance of Smart Contracts in NFT Transactions

Smart contracts play a crucial role in the creation and transfer of NFTs. They are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code.

Automated and Secure Exchanges

Smart contracts enable automated and secure exchanges between buyers and sellers, ensuring the authenticity and transfer of ownership of digital assets. They also eliminate the need for intermediaries like art galleries or auction houses, reducing transaction costs and increasing efficiency.

North Korea

I The Lazarus Group’s Interest in NFTs:

Motives for North Korea’s Lazarus Group to target NFTs

  • Financial gain: The Lazarus Group, a known North Korean hacking organization, has shown interest in targeting the lucrative market of NFTs. NFTs represent ownership and uniqueness of digital assets, making them an attractive target for financial gain. The Lazarus Group could engage in theft or manipulation of these valuable digital assets.
  • Espionage: Additionally, NFTs offer opportunities for espionage. The Lazarus Group might be interested in gaining intelligence on Western technology and economies through targeted attacks on NFT marketplaces and communities.


Vulnerabilities in popular platforms and smart contracts

NFT marketplaces, such as link, are increasingly popular platforms for buying and selling these digital assets. The vast majority of transactions on these marketplaces are facilitated through smart contracts. However, smart contracts may contain vulnerabilities that could be exploited by skilled hackers like the Lazarus Group.

Social engineering tactics

Another opportunity for cyberattacks lies in social engineering tactics targeting unsuspecting NFT buyers and sellers. The Lazarus Group could use phishing emails or fake websites to trick users into revealing their private keys, which are necessary for accessing and transferring NFTs.


Previous experience with cryptocurrency theft and money laundering schemes

The Lazarus Group has a proven track record of carrying out sophisticated cryptocurrency theft and money laundering schemes. Given the value of NFTs, it is plausible that they could employ similar tactics to target this emerging market.

Advanced hacking techniques and tools

Furthermore, the Lazarus Group is known for its advanced hacking techniques and tools. They are believed to have access to zero-day exploits, giving them an edge in targeting vulnerabilities within NFT platforms and smart contracts that others might not be able to detect.

North Korea

Potential Cyberattack Vectors on NFT Games for Chrome Users

NFT (Non-Fungible Token) games have taken the digital world by storm, offering players a unique opportunity to engage in play-to-earn, build virtual economies, and form social communities. However, the rising popularity of NFT games has also attracted the attention of malicious actors seeking to exploit vulnerabilities in these platforms for financial gain.

Vulnerabilities in NFT Games for Potential Cyberattacks

Phishing schemes are a common tactic used to target user accounts and wallets. Hackers often disguise themselves as trusted entities, sending emails or messages that appear legitimate but contain malicious links or attachments. Once a user falls for the trap and reveals their login credentials or private keys, attackers can steal their NFTs or drain their crypto wallets.

Another potential cyberattack vector is the use of malware-laden websites and in-game advertisements. Malicious scripts can be embedded into these digital spaces, silently installing malware on users’ devices without their knowledge. This malware can then be used to steal sensitive information, take control of the device, or launch further attacks against other targets.

The Lazarus Group’s Potential Tactics for Exploiting These Vulnerabilities

The Lazarus Group, a notorious North Korean cybercrime organization, has been known to target NFT games and their users. They employ spear phishing campaigns, using fake identities and deceitful messages to trick victims into revealing sensitive information or downloading malware. The group’s sophisticated tactics make it difficult for even experienced users to distinguish between legitimate and malicious communications.

Additionally, the Lazarus Group uses malware distribution through malicious websites or advertisements. They might compromise legitimate websites and inject them with malware, or purchase ad space on popular sites to distribute their malicious scripts. Once a user visits the compromised site or clicks on the malicious ad, they can unwittingly download the malware and become infected.

Consequences for Chrome Users who Fall Victim to These Cyberattacks

The consequences of falling victim to these cyberattacks can be severe for Chrome users. They may face financial losses, as their crypto wallets and NFT collections can be drained. Their user accounts might be compromised, granting attackers access to their virtual assets and personal information. In some cases, users may even experience identity theft, as their email addresses or other data can be used to impersonate them online.

Moreover, cyberattacks on NFT games can damage the reputation of these platforms and their developers. Users may become skeptical or fearful of using such services, causing a decline in user adoption and revenue. It’s crucial for NFT game developers to prioritize security measures and invest in robust cybersecurity defenses to protect their players from these threats.

North Korea

Mitigating the Risks: best practices for protecting yourself as a Chrome User Engaging in NFT Games

Ensuring secure browsing and account practices:

Using a reputable antivirus software: Ensure your computer is protected against malware and phishing attacks.
Keeping your browser and operating system updated:: Always use the latest versions of Chrome, as updates often include crucial security patches.
Creating strong, unique passwords and using two-factor authentication (2FA): Set up a secure password for your Chrome account and enable 2FA to add an extra layer of protection.

Verifying the legitimacy of NFT games and their creators:

Researching the background of the platform, team, and community:: Look for red flags such as lack of transparency or inconsistent information about the creators.
Checking for security certificates and partnerships with reputable organizations:: Only engage in NFT games that have been vetted by trusted sources.

Staying informed about current cybersecurity threats in the NFT space:

Following trusted sources for security updates and advisories:: Stay up-to-date on the latest threats and scams in the NFT space by following reputable security organizations.
Joining online communities to share knowledge and resources:: Connect with other users and experts in the NFT community to learn about best practices and potential risks.

Utilizing wallets with advanced security features and decentralized platforms:

Cold storage wallets for long-term asset protection:: Store your NFT assets securely offline to minimize the risk of hacking.
Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) to limit reliance on central authorities:: Use DEXs that prioritize decentralization and privacy for trading NFTs, reducing the risk of single-point failures.
