Syria’s Historic Move: Formal Request to Join BRICS

Syria's Historic Move: Formal Request to Join BRICS

Syria’s Historic Move:

Syria, the war-torn country in the Middle East, has recently made a historic move towards joining the BRICS alliance. This move comes as a

surprising development

in the international community, given Syria’s ongoing conflict and political instability. The BRICS


held in June 2018 in South Africa, provided an opportunity for Syria to express its intention of joining the grouping.


Syrian government

‘s request to join BRICS was conveyed through its Ambassador to South Africa, H.E. Ali Abdulkarim. He met with the

Chairperson of BRICS Business Council

, Iqbal Surve, and discussed the potential benefits that Syria could derive from being a part of this influential alliance.

The proposed membership of


to BRICS is not without controversy. Critics argue that Syria’s ongoing conflict and instability could negatively impact the alliance’s unity and goals. However, supporters of Syria’s bid maintain that joining BRICS would offer

political and economic stability

to the war-torn country. Moreover, Syria’s addition would increase the

geographical representation

of BRICS and further solidify its role as a

global influencer


I. Introduction

Syria, a country located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia in the Middle Eastern region, has been a significant player in the geopolitics of the area for centuries. With a rich history that dates back to ancient civilizations, Syria’s strategic location along major trading routes has made it an essential link between the Mediterranean world and the Middle East.

Now let’s discuss BRICS, an acronym for an influential bloc comprising five major emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Established in 2006, BRICS members share a common goal of strengthening cooperation among themselves and promoting their collective role in the global arena.

Background of Syria

Syria’s complex political landscape, diverse religious demographics, and geographical proximity to various regional powers have contributed to its involvement in numerous conflicts throughout history. The country’s instability in recent years, particularly since the onset of the civil war in 2011, has amplified its need for strong international affiliations to protect its interests and security.

BRICS: A Powerful Bloc

As leading economies with increasing global influence, the BRICS countries have been forming closer ties through various initiatives like the New Development Bank, the Contingent Reserve Arrangement, and the BRICS Summit. The bloc aims to foster economic growth, political cooperation, and collective decision-making on issues related to international finance, trade, and sustainable development.

Importance of International Affiliations for Syria in the Context of Regional Instability

Given Syria’s tumultuous political climate and instability, forming alliances with influential international organizations like BRICS has become crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it offers Syria potential financial support and economic opportunities that can help alleviate the socio-economic consequences of the ongoing conflict. Secondly, being part of a larger group with shared interests and goals could provide Syria with diplomatic protection against regional pressures and potential geopolitical conflicts. Finally, collaboration with the BRICS bloc might bring technological advancements and knowledge sharing that could help rebuild Syria’s infrastructure and economy after years of war.


Motivation Behind Syria’s Request to Join BRICS

Syria’s decision to seek membership in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) alliance is driven by a complex set of reasons that span both political and diplomatic, as well as economic considerations.

Political and Diplomatic Reasons:

Seeking International Support, Recognition, and Solidarity: Syria’s turbulent political climate over the past decade has left it feeling isolated and vulnerable. The ongoing civil war and subsequent sanctions have limited its international options, making it increasingly reliant on the support of like-minded countries. Joining BRICS would provide Syria with a platform to engage with influential nations and gain recognition in the international community.

Recognition and Solidarity:

Syria’s request to join BRICS can also be seen as a deliberate attempt to forge diplomatic ties with countries that have been critical of Western policies in the Middle East. The alliance’s members share a common vision of sovereign equality, which could provide Syria with much-needed solidarity and support amidst geopolitical tensions.

Economic Reasons:

Potential Benefits from Trade, Investment, and Development Cooperation: Syria’s rich natural resources, including oil, gas, and minerals, make it an attractive prospect for economic partnerships. BRICS members have significant investments in the energy sector and could potentially provide Syria with much-needed financing to kickstart post-conflict reconstruction efforts.

Syria’s Rich Natural Resources:

With an estimated 2.5% of the world’s oil reserves and 3% of its natural gas reserves, Syria possesses significant hydrocarbon resources that could be harnessed for economic development. BRICS countries have extensive experience in extracting and processing these resources and could provide valuable expertise to Syria.

Opportunities for Investment:

Post-conflict reconstruction is expected to cost billions of dollars, and Syria will require significant foreign investment to rebuild its infrastructure and economy. BRICS members could potentially provide the necessary capital and expertise to help Syria on its path to recovery.

Strategic Reasons:

Balancing Geopolitical Influence and Countering Perceived Threats: Syria’s request to join BRICS also reflects its strategic interests in the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East.

Countering Western Influence:

Joining BRICS would provide Syria with an alternative to traditional Western alliances, allowing it to diversify its diplomatic and strategic partnerships. This could help counterbalance the influence of countries like the United States and Europe in the region.

Building Alliances with Emerging Powers:

BRICS members have been gaining influence on the global stage and could provide Syria with valuable political backing. As emerging powers, they share common interests in challenging traditional power structures and promoting multilateralism, which could benefit Syria in its international negotiations.

Membership:Brazil, Russia, India, China, South AfricaSeeking membership
Political and Diplomatic Reasons:Shared vision of sovereign equalitySeeking international support and recognition
Economic Reasons:Significant investments in energy sectorRich natural resources (oil, gas, minerals)
Strategic Reasons:Challenging traditional power structuresCountering Western influence in the region


I Proposed Benefits of Syria’s Membership in BRICS

Political and diplomatic benefits:

  1. Increased international visibility, recognition, and legitimacy: Syria’s membership in BRICS would provide the country with a larger platform to engage with other prominent global players. This could lead to increased visibility, recognition, and legitimacy on the international stage.
  2. Opportunities for dialogue and cooperation on regional and global issues: Membership in BRICS would offer Syria the chance to collaborate with other members on various regional and global issues. This could lead to fruitful dialogues and potential conflict resolution initiatives.
  3. Potential for conflict resolution initiatives and mediation roles: As a member of BRICS, Syria could assume important mediatory roles in various conflicts. This would be an excellent opportunity to demonstrate diplomatic prowess and contribute positively to the international community.

Economic benefits:

  1. Access to new markets, investment opportunities, and financial mechanisms: Syria’s entry into BRICS would open up new markets and investment opportunities for the country. It could also provide access to various financial mechanisms that might not be available otherwise.
  2. Infrastructure development through collaborative projects and initiatives: BRICS membership could lead to significant infrastructure development in Syria, as the country would have access to resources, expertise, and funding opportunities from other members.
  3. Opportunities for capacity-building and technology transfer: Syria would greatly benefit from the knowledge, skills, and expertise of other BRICS members in various sectors. This could lead to substantial capacity-building and technology transfer that would strengthen Syria’s economy and industrial sector.

Strategic benefits:

  1. Diversification of Syria’s diplomatic and economic ties beyond the Middle East: BRICS membership would offer Syria an opportunity to diversify its diplomatic and economic relationships, moving beyond the Middle East and engaging with other prominent global players.
  2. Enhanced bargaining power in international forums: Syria’s presence in BRICS would significantly increase its bargaining power in international forums, enabling it to negotiate more effectively on key issues.
  3. Opportunities to engage in multilateral cooperation on key issues (climate change, global health, peacekeeping missions): As a BRICS member, Syria would have the chance to collaborate with other members on important issues such as climate change, global health, and peacekeeping missions. This would be an excellent opportunity for Syria to contribute positively to the international community while furthering its own interests.


Challenges and Obstacles to Syria’s Membership in BRICS

Political Challenges:

Syria’s membership in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) alliance faces significant political challenges. The primary concerns revolve around human rights violations, conflict resolution, and regional instability.

Potential Impact on International Community’s Perception:

Syria’s entry into BRICS could potentially impact the international community’s perception of the organization. The Syrian conflict, marked by widespread human rights abuses, has led to immense criticism from the global community. Associating BRICS with such a contentious issue could tarnish its reputation and potentially disrupt diplomatic relationships.

Role of External Actors:

The role of external actors like the United States, Europe, and Israel in shaping Syria’s membership prospects is significant. These countries have been critical of Syria’s actions during the conflict and could potentially exert pressure on BRICS members to reconsider Syria’s membership bid.

Economic Challenges:

Syria also faces considerable economic challenges that could hinder its membership in BRICS.

Extensive Post-Conflict Reconstruction:

The country requires extensive post-conflict reconstruction, which would demand significant financial resources. Syria’s economy is in shambles due to the conflict, and rebuilding its infrastructure will be a lengthy and costly process.

Limited Human Resources, Technology, and Financial Resources:

Moreover, Syria’s limited human resources, technology, and financial resources could impede its ability to fully participate in BRICS initiatives. The country’s economy is not yet prepared to contribute meaningfully to the alliance, further complicating Syria’s membership prospects.

Logistical Challenges:

Lastly, there are numerous logistical challenges that must be addressed for Syria’s participation in BRICS meetings and initiatives.

Security Concerns:

Security concerns are a major obstacle. Given the ongoing conflict and instability, ensuring the safety of Syrian delegates and other participants would be a significant challenge.

Infrastructure Development Requirements:

Infrastructure development requirements for hosting BRICS meetings in Syria are also substantial. Upgrading transportation networks, communication systems, and accommodation facilities would be necessary to accommodate the large number of delegates and ensure a successful event.


Proposed Solutions to Address Challenges and Obstacles

Political solutions:

  1. Diplomatic efforts to address concerns through dialogue, negotiation, and compromise: It is crucial for BRICS nations to engage in diplomatic efforts to resolve political disputes and address each other’s concerns. Diplomacy can help build trust, foster better understanding, and promote peaceful conflict resolution. Compromise is key in diplomatic efforts to ensure that all parties involved benefit from the resolutions reached.
  2. Implementation of human rights improvements and conflict resolution measures: BRICS nations can take a proactive approach to address human rights concerns and conflicts within their borders. This could include implementing measures such as independent investigations, dialogue between parties, and the establishment of conflict resolution mechanisms to promote peace and stability.

Economic solutions:

  1. Seeking international assistance and investment for post-conflict reconstruction and infrastructure development: BRICS nations can look to the international community, including other BRICS members, for assistance in rebuilding after conflicts. International investment can help fund infrastructure projects, create jobs, and spur economic growth.
  2. Engaging in capacity-building initiatives to develop human resources, technology, and financial capabilities: Capacity-building initiatives can help BRICS nations improve their economic potential. This could include investing in education, research and development, technology transfer, and financial institutions to build the necessary infrastructure for sustainable economic growth.

Logistical solutions:

  1. Establishing strong diplomatic relationships with BRICS members to facilitate cooperation and coordination on security concerns: Strengthening diplomatic ties between BRICS nations is essential for addressing common security challenges. This could include regular high-level meetings, information sharing, and joint military exercises to build trust and enhance cooperation.
  2. Investing in infrastructure development, including transportation networks and communication systems: Infrastructure development is necessary to support participation in BRICS initiatives and promote economic growth. This could include investment in transportation networks such as highways, railways, and ports, as well as communication systems to facilitate effective coordination and collaboration.


VI. Conclusion

Syria’s request to join BRICS, an influential bloc comprised of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, carries significant geopolitical implications for the Middle East and the global context. This potential membership would bring

new economic opportunities

for Syria, as BRICS members boast combined gross domestic product (GDP) of approximately $17 trillion. Syria could leverage this economic clout to

rebuild its war-torn infrastructure

, attract foreign investment, and improve its citizens’ quality of life. Moreover, Syria’s accession to BRICS would grant it

diplomatic influence

within the bloc and beyond, which could help in resolving regional conflicts and enhancing international cooperation.

However, Syria’s membership prospects are not without challenges. Principal among these is the ongoing

civil war and instability

, which has created a volatile political climate. Additionally, there are concerns regarding Syria’s

human rights record

and its relationship with influential global powers like the United States and Israel. Furthermore, BRICS members may face diplomatic pressure from other countries opposing Syria’s inclusion.

It is essential to adopt a collaborative approach to address these challenges and support Syria’s membership prospects. This could include providing diplomatic and economic assistance, engaging in dialogue between relevant stakeholders, and addressing human rights concerns through constructive engagement. It is crucial to recognize that

Syria’s stability

is pivotal for the entire Middle East region and beyond, making it a matter of global concern.

Further research, dialogue, and cooperation are needed to fully understand the potential benefits, challenges, and obstacles of Syria’s possible membership in BRICS. This could lead to a more informed perspective on this geopolitical development, which will ultimately contribute to finding a sustainable solution for Syria and the Middle East region as a whole.
