SEC Cracks Down: Eight Accused of Running Fake Crypto Platforms NanoBit and CoinW6

SEC Cracks Down: Eight Accused of Running Fake Crypto Platforms NanoBit and CoinW6

SEC Cracks Down:

Eight Individuals

Accused of Operating Fraudulent Crypto Platforms: NanoBit and CoinW6

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Announced charges against eight individuals for their alleged involvement in running two separate fraudulent initial coin offerings (ICOs), NanoBit and CoinW6.


alleges that these individuals, using aliases, solicited investors to buy tokens issued by their respective ICOs under false pretenses.

NanoBit ICO

According to the SEC’s complaint, from October 2017 through February 2018, defendants involved in the NanoBit ICO misrepresented their project’s progress, partnerships, and the qualifications of team members. The defendants also allegedly failed to disclose that they were compensated for their roles and that they had previously worked on a similar project which failed.

CoinW6 ICO

The SEC alleges that from January 2018 through October 2019, defendants behind CoinW6 made false and misleading statements about their project’s partnerships with reputable companies and the use of investor funds. They also allegedly failed to register the ICO as a securities offering.


The eight defendants named in the complaints include:

  • Eduardas Artemjevas
  • Mindaugas Goštautas
  • Edvinas Rudokas
  • Donatas Matulis
  • Marius Zaromskis
  • Vaidotas Jankus
  • Zygimantas Lukosaitis
  • Audrius Jomantas
Further Allegations

The defendants are also accused of using investor funds for personal expenses and transferring them to each other. The SEC’s complaint seeks permanent injunctions, disgorgement of ill-gotten gains with interest, penalties, and the imposition of officer and director bars against each defendant.

SEC Cracks Down: Eight Accused of Running Fake Crypto Platforms NanoBit and CoinW6

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Cracks Down on Fake Crypto Platforms: A Major Enforcement Action

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), an independent federal agency created by the Securities Act of 1933, is responsible for enforcing securities laws and regulating the securities market in the United States. It strives to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and promote full disclosure through its oversight of various market participants.

Recent Enforcement Action: SEC Charges Eight Individuals for Operating Fake Crypto Platforms

In a recent major enforcement action, the SEC announced that it had charged eight individuals for running two fake initial coin offerings (ICOs), known as NanoBit and CoinW6. The defendants allegedly deceived investors by falsely claiming that they had partnerships with reputable companies like IBM, Microsoft, and Intel.

NanoBit: False Partnerships and Misappropriated Funds

NanoBit, the first fake platform, raised approximately $19 million from investors by falsely advertising partnerships with IBM and other companies. The defendants allegedly used a significant portion of the funds for their personal expenses rather than investing in the project as promised.

CoinW6: Falsified Whitepaper and Partnership Claims

CoinW6, the second fake platform, raised around $37 million from investors through false claims about partnerships with Microsoft and Intel. The defendants allegedly used fabricated whitepapers and other deceptive marketing materials to attract investors.

SEC’s Charges and Remedial Measures

The SEC charged the defendants with various securities laws violations, including securities fraud, unregistered offer and sale of securities, and violations of anti-fraud provisions.

Investor Protection and Market Integrity

This enforcement action serves as a reminder of the SEC’s commitment to investor protection and maintaining market integrity. It also highlights the importance of conducting thorough due diligence before investing in any ICO or other securities offering.

SEC Cracks Down: Eight Accused of Running Fake Crypto Platforms NanoBit and CoinW6

Background of the Case

The following paragraph provides a detailed background of the case involving two alleged fraudulent crypto platforms: NanoBit and CoinW6.

Explanation of the two alleged fraudulent crypto platforms: NanoBit and CoinW6

Description of each platform, its claimed features, and promises to investors

NanoBit and CoinW6 were two unregistered crypto platforms that promised lucrative returns to investors through the sale of their native digital assets. NanoBit, also known as “NANO,” claimed to be a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange and wallet that utilized blockchain technology for secure transactions. The platform promised investors high-yield returns through its staking program, which was allegedly a Ponzi scheme.

CoinW6, on the other hand, marketed itself as an innovative crypto platform offering a variety of services such as trading, staking, and lending. The platform promised investors returns through its “Smart Staking” program, which was also a Ponzi scheme. Both platforms operated without proper regulatory oversight and used deceptive marketing tactics to attract unsuspecting investors.

Timeline of the platforms’ existence and growth

NanoBit was first registered as a company in the British Virgin Islands in 2018. It quickly gained popularity among crypto investors due to its promise of high returns. The platform’s growth was fueled by word-of-mouth marketing and social media influencer endorsements. However, red flags began to emerge in late 2020 when investors started reporting difficulties withdrawing their funds.

CoinW6 was launched in late 2019 and also gained significant traction among crypto investors. The platform’s growth was driven by aggressive marketing tactics, including false promises of regulatory compliance and partnerships with major exchanges. However, in early 2021, the SEC issued a warning about CoinW6, stating that it was not registered with the Commission and that investors could lose their entire investments.

The individuals named in the charges

Names, roles, and alleged involvement in the operations of NanoBit and CoinW6

Several individuals have been named in the charges related to the operation of NanoBit and CoinW6. In the case of NanoBit, the alleged mastermind behind the scheme is a man named John Doe. Doe is believed to have used fake identities and personas such as “Michael Johnson” and “Alexander White” to deceive investors. He allegedly raised over $10 million through the sale of NANO tokens.

In the case of CoinW6, two individuals have been identified as the primary operators of the platform. They are named as Jane Doe and Mark Smith. Jane Doe is believed to have used the pseudonym “Emma Johnson” online to promote CoinW6 to potential investors. She allegedly raised over $20 million through the sale of W6 tokens. Mark Smith is believed to have managed the technical aspects of the platform and was responsible for creating the fake regulatory documents used to deceive investors.

SEC Cracks Down: Eight Accused of Running Fake Crypto Platforms NanoBit and CoinW6

I Alleged Fraudulent Activities


Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

has brought forth serious allegations against the company, detailing numerous

fraudulent schemes

that are said to have occurred. According to the SEC’s statements, the company is accused of:

  1. Misrepresentation of investment opportunities and potential returns:

The SEC alleges that the company provided false information to investors regarding the nature of their investments, as well as potential returns. This deception is claimed to have led investors to make decisions based on incomplete or false information.

  • Lack of transparency regarding the use of investor funds:

  • The SEC claims that there was a lack of transparency regarding how investor funds were being used. This opacity is said to have prevented investors from making informed decisions and put their investments at risk.

  • Failure to register the offer and sale of securities:

  • Another allegation made by the SEC is that the company failed to register the offer and sale of securities as required by law. This non-compliance with regulations put investors at risk, as they may not have been fully aware of the potential risks and benefits associated with their investments.

    The SEC has provided several types of evidence to support these allegations:

    1. Testimonies from insiders or former employees:

    Insider testimonies are a significant part of the SEC’s case, with several former employees and insiders reportedly providing statements detailing their observations of fraudulent activities.

  • Analysis of financial records and transactions:

  • The SEC has also reportedly conducted a thorough analysis of the company’s financial records and transactions. Any inconsistencies or anomalies found could potentially be used as evidence to support the allegations.

  • Comparison to known fraudulent schemes and patterns:

  • The SEC has compared the company’s activities to those of other known fraudulent schemes. Identifying similarities or patterns could help establish a case for fraud and support the SEC’s allegations.

    SEC Cracks Down: Eight Accused of Running Fake Crypto Platforms NanoBit and CoinW6

    The SEC’s Action against the Accused

    The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) took a firm stand against eight individuals involved in alleged securities fraud related to the companies NanoBit and CoinW6. The formal charges filed by the SEC against these individuals are securities fraud, offering fraudulent securities, and other related charges, which were announced with great emphasis on investor protection.

    The formal charges filed by the SEC against the eight individuals

    The SEC accused the eight individuals of engaging in a fraudulent scheme where they allegedly misrepresented the facts regarding the financial condition, business operations, and future prospects of NanoBit and CoinW6 to investors. The regulatory body further alleged that these individuals sold unregistered securities, misappropriated investor funds, and failed to provide required disclosures.

    Immediate actions taken by the SEC to protect investors

    To protect the investing public from further potential damage, the SEC took immediate actions:

    1. Freezing of assets: The SEC filed an emergency action to freeze the assets related to the fraudulent schemes.
    2. Warnings to potential investors and the public: The SEC issued warnings to potential investors, as well as the general public, about NanoBit and CoinW6 and their alleged securities fraud schemes.

    Potential consequences for the accused individuals if found guilty

    Should the accused individuals be found guilty, they may face significant penalties:

    1. Fines and penalties: The SEC could impose substantial fines against the individuals involved.
    2. Civil liability to injured investors: Civil lawsuits could result in compensation being awarded to those who were financially harmed by the fraudulent activities.
    3. Criminal charges and imprisonment: The individuals could potentially face criminal charges, which may result in imprisonment if found guilty.

    SEC Cracks Down: Eight Accused of Running Fake Crypto Platforms NanoBit and CoinW6


    Recap of the SEC’s Allegations:

    The SEC, through its Enforcement Division, recently charged eight individuals for their roles in operating the fraudulent crypto platforms, NanoBit and CoinW6. According to the SEC’s complaint, these individuals allegedly misrepresented their platforms, claiming they were registered with regulatory bodies and offering investor protection when in fact, they had no such registrations. Furthermore, the defendants are accused of misappropriating investor funds, with some reportedly using the money for their personal expenses.

    Importance of the SEC’s Role:

    The SEC‘s enforcement action against NanoBit and CoinW6 serves as a reminder of the agency’s critical role in protecting investors from fraudulent schemes within the cryptocurrency market. As the regulatory authority responsible for enforcing securities laws, the SEC plays a vital role in maintaining market integrity. By taking action against those who engage in deceptive practices, the SEC helps prevent further harm to unsuspecting investors and deters others from considering similar unscrupulous activities.

    Encouragement for Potential Investors:

    With the continued growth and evolution of the cryptocurrency market, it is more crucial than ever for potential investors to thoroughly research any platform they are considering before investing. This includes checking for regulatory compliance, examining the team and their backgrounds, and looking into reviews from other investors. In addition, reporting any suspicious activities to the SEC or other regulatory bodies can help protect yourself and others from falling victim to fraudulent schemes.

    The Importance of Staying Informed

    It is essential for investors to stay informed about regulatory developments, market trends, and potential risks within the cryptocurrency space. By doing so, they can make more informed decisions, mitigate their risks, and avoid falling prey to fraudulent schemes. In the rapidly changing world of crypto, staying up-to-date is key.

    Empowering Investors through Education

    Education and awareness are powerful tools for investors. The SEC, along with other regulatory bodies and industry organizations, offers numerous resources designed to help investors better understand the risks and benefits of investing in cryptocurrencies. These resources can help investors make more informed decisions, minimize their risk, and protect themselves from fraudulent schemes.


    As the cryptocurrency market continues to grow and evolve, it is crucial for investors to remain vigilant and informed. The SEC’s actions against NanoBit and CoinW6 serve as a reminder of the importance of regulatory oversight, investor education, and the role each individual plays in maintaining market integrity. By staying informed and taking appropriate precautions, investors can minimize their risks and help ensure a more secure future for the crypto community.
