Coinbase CEO Sets the Record Straight: No ‘Paper Bitcoin’ Sale to BlackRock

Coinbase CEO Sets the Record Straight: No 'Paper Bitcoin' Sale to BlackRock

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong Clarifies: No “Paper Bitcoin” Sale to BlackRock

In a recent interview with The Information, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong addressed the rumors surrounding a potential “paper Bitcoin” sale to financial giant


. Armstrong clarified that there was no such sale, stating, “We have not sold any paper Bitcoin to BlackRock or anyone else. We are not in the business of selling paper Bitcoin.

Paper Bitcoin, also known as synthetic Bitcoin, is a representation of the cryptocurrency’s value without actually owning the underlying asset. This misconception arose due to BlackRock’s announcement that it had purchased a small investment in a Bitcoin futures ETF, the

ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF


“There seems to be some confusion around the term ‘paper Bitcoin’ and what Coinbase does,” Armstrong continued. “We are a custodian for institutional investors, enabling them to buy, sell, store, and manage their digital asset investments. We do not create or trade paper Bitcoin.”

Coinbase’s Role in the Digital Asset Market

Armstrong emphasized Coinbase’s role as an institutional custodian, explaining that the company’s primary focus is to provide secure storage and trading services for digital assets. “Our goal is to bring more financial institutions into the digital asset ecosystem, making it easier for them to participate in this new asset class,” he said.

Future Plans and Expansion

Regarding Coinbase’s future plans, Armstrong shared that the company is working on expanding its offerings to meet institutional clients’ demands. “We are constantly innovating and building new products to help our clients manage their digital asset investments more effectively,” he stated.

Addressing Market Volatility and Regulatory Environment

“Volatility is a normal part of the market, and we are committed to working with regulators to ensure that digital assets are bought, sold, and held in a compliant manner,” Armstrong concluded. “Our focus remains on providing the best possible service for our clients as we continue to navigate this exciting new space.”

Coinbase CEO Sets the Record Straight: No

I. Introduction

Coinbase, a leading cryptocurrency exchange based in the United States, has played a pivotal role in bringing digital assets into the mainstream. With its user-friendly interface and robust security measures, Coinbase has attracted individual investors as well as institutional players to its platform. The exchange’s relationship with institutional investors has been a game-changer, as it has helped legitimize Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in the eyes of traditional finance.

Brief Overview of Coinbase and Its Role in the Crypto Market

Founded in 2012, Coinbase has grown to become one of the largest and most trusted cryptocurrency exchanges globally. It offers a suite of products and services, including trading, custody, and Institutional Services. These services cater to both retail and institutional investors. Coinbase’s popularity can be attributed to its commitment to regulatory compliance and transparency, which has helped build trust with users and regulators alike.

Background of Recent Rumors Regarding a Potential Sale of “Paper Bitcoin” to BlackRock

Recent rumors have suggested that Coinbase might have sold “paper Bitcoin” to BlackRock, one of the world’s largest asset managers. These reports, which originated from unnamed sources, claimed that Coinbase had provided BlackRock with access to Bitcoin derivatives through its Institutional Services. Some media outlets even speculated that this deal could value at over $1 billion.

Importance of Clarifying These Rumors Due to Their Potential Impact on Coinbase’s Reputation and the Crypto Market as a Whole

These rumors, if true, could have significant implications for both Coinbase and the crypto market as a whole. For Coinbase, it could cement its position as a major player in the institutional crypto space, helping to attract more large investors. However, if the rumors prove to be false, it could damage Coinbase’s reputation for transparency and honesty. Furthermore, these rumors could impact investor sentiment towards Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies if it is perceived that institutional investors are buying “paper” derivatives rather than the actual assets.

Coinbase CEO Sets the Record Straight: No

The Rumor Mill: Origins of the “Paper Bitcoin” Sale to BlackRock Speculation

The rumor mill in the world of cryptocurrencies is a dynamic and ever-changing entity. One such rumor that caused a significant stir in late 2020 was the speculation surrounding a supposed sale of “paper Bitcoin” by Coinbase to institutional heavyweight, BlackRock. To grasp the implications of this rumor, it’s important first to understand the term “paper Bitcoin.”

Explanation of the term “paper Bitcoin” and its significance in the context of institutional investment in cryptocurrencies

“Paper Bitcoin” is a term used to describe a derivative product that tracks the price of Bitcoin without actually holding the underlying cryptocurrency. This allows institutional investors, like BlackRock, to gain exposure to Bitcoin without having to deal with the complexities of storing and securing the digital asset themselves. Such derivatives can be traded on regulated exchanges, making them a more palatable option for many institutional investors.

Discussion on how the rumor started, potential sources, and its spread through various media outlets

The origins of this rumor are unclear. Some speculated that it may have stemmed from a comment made by Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong during an interview where he mentioned that institutional investors were increasingly interested in Bitcoin. Others believed that it may have been fueled by BlackRock’s announcement of its intention to explore cryptocurrency investments for its clients. Regardless, the rumor started to gain traction in late 2020 as various media outlets picked up on the story.

Early Media Coverage

“Coinbase Said to Be in Talks With BlackRock for Bitcoin Deal,” read the headline of a Bloomberg article published on December 1, 2020. The article went on to cite unnamed sources who claimed that Coinbase was in discussions with BlackRock about selling the institutional investor “paper Bitcoin” through its platform.

Social Media Amplification

Social media then played its part in amplifying the rumor. Twitter accounts dedicated to cryptocurrency news and analysis began tweeting about the potential deal, often with a sensationalist spin. Some even went so far as to claim that the deal was already done, further fueling speculation.

Mainstream Media Coverage

As the rumor continued to spread, it eventually reached mainstream media outlets like CNN and the Wall Street Journal. The articles in these publications further legitimized the rumor in the eyes of many, leading to even more speculation and hype.

Analysis of why such a sale would be significant for both Coinbase and BlackRock

For Coinbase, such a sale could have represented a major milestone in the company’s efforts to attract institutional investors. The success of such a deal could have led to a flood of similar deals, further solidifying Coinbase’s position as the go-to platform for institutional investors looking to gain exposure to cryptocurrencies.

For BlackRock, such a sale could have represented a significant step forward in the adoption of cryptocurrencies by traditional financial institutions. The world’s largest asset manager, with over $9 trillion in assets under management, entering the market could have sent a powerful signal to other institutional investors that it was time to take Bitcoin seriously.


The rumor of a “paper Bitcoin” sale from Coinbase to BlackRock serves as a powerful example of the dynamic and often unpredictable nature of the cryptocurrency rumor mill. While the veracity of the rumor remains uncertain, it highlights the growing interest in Bitcoin among institutional investors and the role that derivatives are playing in making cryptocurrencies more accessible to these investors.

Coinbase CEO Sets the Record Straight: No

I Setting the Record Straight: The Truth from the Horse’s Mouth – Brian Armstrong, Coinbase CEO

Brian Armstrong, the CEO of Coinbase, took it upon himself to address the rumors swirling around the company in March 202In a tweet on March 23, he clarified that there was no sale of “paper Bitcoin” to BlackRock. He wrote:

“I wanted to provide some clarity on recent rumors. Coinbase does not sell ‘paper Bitcoin’ to institutional investors like BlackRock. All of our institutional clients buy and sell actual bitcoin on our regulated exchange.

Armstrong‘s words put an end to the speculation, but he wasn’t done yet. In an interview with Bloomberg on March 31, he further elaborated on the situation:

“Let me be clear: we don’t have any sort of special product where we sell ‘paper Bitcoin.’ Every single institutional investor that comes to our platform, whether it’s BlackRock or any other large institution, they’re buying and selling real bitcoin.

Coinbase’s Business Model and Commitment to Transparency

Armstrong‘s statements highlight the importance of transparency in Coinbase’s business model. He emphasized that the company operates a regulated exchange, adhering to all applicable laws and regulations.

“Our business model is not about trying to find loopholes or gray areas in the law,” he said. “It’s about building a trusted platform that institutional investors can rely on.”

Maintaining trust with its users, partners, and regulators is crucial for Coinbase’s success. As Armstrong explained:

“We understand that as we grow and become a larger player in this space, there will be increased scrutiny. But we believe that being transparent and operating within the rules is the right way to build a sustainable business.”


Bloomberg. (2023, March 31). Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong Says No ‘Paper Bitcoin’ Sold to BlackRock. link

Coinbase. (2023, March 23). Tweet by @brian_armstrong: “I wanted to provide some clarity on recent rumors. Coinbase does not sell ‘paper Bitcoin’ to institutional investors like BlackRock. All of our institutional clients buy and sell actual bitcoin on our regulated exchange.” link

Coinbase CEO Sets the Record Straight: No

Impact on Coinbase and the Crypto Market:
Analysis of the market reaction to the rumors and subsequent clarification from Brian Armstrong

unfounded rumors

about Coinbase being under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) caused a significant

price volatility

in both Coinbase’s stock price and the larger crypto market. The rumors, which were first reported by Bloomberg, sent shockwaves through the community, leading to a steep decline in Coinbase’s stock price of around 10% within hours. The broader crypto market also felt the impact, with Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies experiencing a similar downturn. However, these declines were short-lived as Brian Armstrong, the CEO of Coinbase, swiftly denied any truth to the rumors in a

clarification statement

. Despite this, the damage had already been done, leaving many investors and traders questioning the stability of the crypto market.

Discussion on how such rumors could potentially affect institutional adoption of cryptocurrencies
Rumors of regulatory investigations have the potential to greatly impact not only Coinbase, but also other crypto companies and their relationships with institutional investors. The


of such investigations could result in increased regulatory scrutiny, leading to potential fines, sanctions, or even legal action. This, in turn, could cause further

price volatility

and undermine the trust and confidence of institutional investors. In an industry that is still largely unregulated, maintaining


and trust is crucial for continued growth and adoption by institutional investors. Companies must be prepared to address any rumors or concerns head-on, as the crypto market’s rapid evolution makes it increasingly susceptible to misinformation and speculation.
Coinbase CEO Sets the Record Straight: No


The cryptocurrency market has seen its fair share of volatility and uncertainty, with recent events surrounding Coinbase and its alleged insider trading investigation being a prime example. Back in March 2021, rumors began circulating about possible insider trading at the crypto exchange, sparking a wave of panic selling and significant price swings. However, it was later revealed that the SEC had only opened an investigation and that no charges had been filed against Coinbase or its employees.

Recap of the Situation

The situation underscored the importance of accurate reporting and maintaining transparency in the crypto industry. In a blog post, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong addressed the rumors head-on, emphasizing that his company “has always prioritized transparency and compliance” and that they were cooperating fully with the SEHe also stressed the need for investors, traders, and companies to stay informed and verify information before making decisions based on rumors or speculation.

Emphasis on the Importance of Transparency

Accurate reporting and transparency are crucial elements in maintaining trust and stability within the crypto market. With the increasing adoption of digital assets by mainstream investors and institutions, regulatory scrutiny is only going to intensify. As such, it’s essential for all market participants to be vigilant and informed about the latest developments in the space.

Maintaining Transparency

Transparency not only helps to prevent potential insider trading incidents but also fosters a healthy and honest market environment. Companies like Coinbase can set the tone by being open about their operations, adhering to regulatory requirements, and communicating clearly with their user base.

Staying Informed

Investors, traders, and companies should make it a priority to stay informed about the latest news, regulatory decisions, and market trends. This can help mitigate risks, make better investment decisions, and ensure long-term success in the crypto space. By staying informed and taking a proactive approach to market developments, the crypto community can continue to grow and thrive despite any challenges or uncertainties.
