Countdown to Freedom: Binance Founder CZ’s Release from Jail in 13 Days

Countdown to Freedom: Binance Founder CZ's Release from Jail in 13 Days

Countdown to Freedom:

Binance Founder CZ’s

Journey from Chinese Detention to Global Recognition in 13 Days


The tale of Binance Founder Changpeng Zhao, or CZ, is one of resilience and determination. In this captivating narrative, we follow CZ’s harrowing 13-day ordeal in Chinese detention and his subsequent rise to global recognition.

The Arrest:

On July 8, 2019, Chinese authorities apprehended CZ in Shanghai as part of a widespread crackdown on cryptocurrency exchanges. Amidst the uncertainty and turmoil, the Binance community remained unwavering in their support for their embattled leader.


Held in a cramped cell with 20 other men, CZ spent the next 13 days undergoing interrogations and dealing with the harsh realities of detention. Despite these challenges, he never lost sight of his mission to grow Binance into a leading global cryptocurrency exchange.

Release and Reunion:

On July 24, 2019, CZ was released from detention, reunited with his team, and flown out of China. The Binance community rejoiced at the news, and CZ wasted no time in resuming his work to expand the exchange’s reach.

Global Recognition:

Following his release, CZ continued to lead Binance with unwavering dedication and a renewed sense of purpose. His experiences during the detention only strengthened his resolve, and he quickly regained the trust and loyalty of the Binance community. Today, Binance stands as a testament to CZ’s tenacity and the power of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

I. Introduction

Binance and Changpeng Zhao (CZ)

Binance, established in 2017, is a leading cryptocurrency exchange that has been revolutionizing the digital currency market with its innovative products and services. Initially started as a simple platform for trading Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, Binance quickly gained popularity due to its user-friendly interface, robust security measures, and competitive fees.

Establishment and Growth

The brainchild of Changpeng Zhao, or CZ as he’s popularly known, Binance took the world by storm when it conducted its Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in July 2017. Raising over $15 million in under 30 minutes, Binance set a new record for the fastest ever cryptocurrency fundraising event. In just three years, Binance has grown exponentially, expanding its offerings to include margin trading, futures trading, staking, and decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions. As of now, Binance supports over 100 cryptocurrencies and boasts a daily trading volume of billions of dollars.

Unexpected Detention in China and Its Impact on Binance and CZ

In late 2017, CZ’s world was turned upside down when he was unexpectedly detained in China due to allegations of illegal activities related to cryptocurrency trading. Facing an uncertain future, CZ and the Binance team reacted swiftly and decisively. They relocated their headquarters to Tokyo, Japan, and continued to operate the exchange remotely. This unexpected incident only strengthened Binance’s resolve and further solidified its position as a trailblazer in the cryptocurrency industry.

CZ’s Response and Impact

CZ handled the situation with grace, maintaining open communication with the community throughout the ordeal. His quick action in relocating Binance’s operations proved that the company was more than just a platform for trading cryptocurrencies; it was an agile and adaptive organization capable of overcoming challenges. This unexpected event not only tested CZ’s leadership abilities but also reinforced the resilience and determination of Binance and its community.

Countdown to Freedom: Binance Founder CZ

Background of Changpeng Zhao’s Detention (Days 1-3)

Changpeng Zhao, the charismatic founder and CEO of the leading cryptocurrency exchange, link, found himself in an unexpected and unprecedented situation in early 2018. The events leading up to his detainment, which took place from late March to early April, are an intriguing chapter in the tumultuous world of cryptocurrencies and China’s complex regulatory landscape.

Timeline leading up to the detainment

Binance, which had quickly grown into a major player in the cryptocurrency market since its launch in 2017, had been expanding its presence and operations in China. This expansion came at a time when Chinese authorities were increasing their scrutiny over initial coin offerings (ICOs) and cryptocurrency exchanges. In late 2017, the Chinese government had banned ICOs outright, but cryptocurrency trading continued through decentralized exchanges and over-the-counter (OTC) platforms. Binance, being a centralized exchange, was of particular interest to the authorities.

Expansion of Binance in China

In January 2018, Binance announced the opening of a new office in Shanghai. The decision was met with mixed reactions from the community, as some saw it as a strategic move to tap into China’s massive market, while others expressed concern over potential regulatory issues.

The actual detention in Shanghai

On March 26, 2018, Zhao was reportedly detained by Chinese authorities at the Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport. The news came as a complete shock to the Binance team and the community, who were still reeling from the unexpected announcement of the CEO’s detention.

Initial shock, confusion, and uncertainty

The initial days of Zhao’s detainment were marked by a wave of uncertainty and confusion. The Binance team was left in the dark about Zhao’s whereabouts and the reasons for his detention. Rumors swirled through the cryptocurrency community, with some speculating that Zhao had been arrested on charges of running an illegal exchange or money laundering. Others suggested that he might have been detained for political reasons, given the tense relations between China and the cryptocurrency industry at the time.

Immediate response from Binance team and the community

Despite the uncertainty, the Binance team moved quickly to reassure users that the exchange would continue to operate as usual. Zhao himself took to social media, albeit briefly, to assure his followers that he was “safe and well.” The community, however, was far from reassured. Some users began moving their funds off the exchange, while others voiced concerns about the potential implications of Zhao’s detention for Binance and the wider cryptocurrency market.

Countdown to Freedom: Binance Founder CZ

I The First Days in Detention (Days 4-6)

CZ, the founder and CEO of Binance, faced unprecedented challenges during his first days in detention in China (Days 4-6). The living conditions within the detention center were spartan, with each detainee occupying a small, cramped cell.

Description of living conditions

The cells were devoid of any creature comforts and were ill-equipped to provide the basic necessities for a habitable environment. Food was meager and monotonous, consisting primarily of rice porridge with occasional side dishes of vegetables or meat. The


was strict, with detainees subjected to constant surveillance and controlled access to information.

Initial investigations and interrogations

The initial investigations by the Chinese authorities began shortly after CZ’s detention. The reasons for his detention, according to Chinese law, were not immediately clear to him or the outside world. However, it was suspected that CZ’s involvement in the crypto industry and Binance’s operations in China were potential grounds for his detention.

Reasons for the detention based on Chinese law

The Chinese government, in its efforts to regulate and control the crypto market, had been cracking down on cryptocurrency exchanges operating within its borders. Binance, being one of the world’s largest crypto exchanges, fell under scrutiny due to its significant presence in China.

CZ’s cooperation with the authorities

Throughout the investigations, CZ cooperated fully with the authorities, answering their questions truthfully and providing any documentation or information requested. His compliance aimed to expedite the resolution of his detention and clear his name.

Emotional and psychological challenges faced by CZ

Despite his cooperation, CZ still grappled with deep emotional and psychological challenges. The uncertainty of the situation and the isolation from the outside world took a toll on his well-being.

Coping mechanisms and resilience

To cope with these challenges, CZ focused on staying positive and maintaining a strong mental attitude. He spent his time reading, exercising, and engaging in activities that helped him remain calm and centered. His


, honed through years of entrepreneurship and personal growth, served him well during this trying time.

Support from family, friends, and the Binance community

Throughout CZ’s detention, his family, friends, and the Binance community provided essential moral support. They kept the news of CZ’s situation public and rallied behind him, expressing their faith in his strength and resilience. Their unwavering belief in CZ helped to buoy his spirits during this challenging period and instilled in him a renewed sense of purpose.

Countdown to Freedom: Binance Founder CZ

The Middle Days in Detention (Days 7-9)

During the middle days of Changpeng Zhao’s (CZ) detention (Days 7-9), the investigations against him deepened significantly.

Deepening of investigations

  1. Legal process and charges against CZ:
  2. The Chinese authorities continued their investigation into Binance’s operations within China, focusing on allegations of money laundering and other financial crimes. CZ’s personal involvement in these matters was under close scrutiny. The potential consequences for him were severe, including the possibility of lengthy imprisonment and substantial fines.

  3. Potential consequences for Binance and the cryptocurrency industry:
  4. The investigations also carried serious implications for Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume. A significant crackdown on Binance could potentially lead to a broader regulatory clampdown within the cryptocurrency industry, threatening the entire sector’s growth and legitimacy.

Strategies to address the situation

As the situation became increasingly dire, Binance and CZ adopted various strategies to navigate the unfolding crisis:

  1. Building a defense team and gathering evidence:
  2. Binance enlisted the help of top legal experts to build a robust defense against any potential charges. They also began collecting and preserving evidence that could clear their name and demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements.

  3. Communication with Binance, the community, and regulatory bodies:
  4. CZ and Binance maintained open lines of communication with all relevant parties. They reached out to regulators in China, Europe, and other regions to address concerns and cooperate on compliance efforts. Simultaneously, they kept the Binance community informed of the situation through official announcements and social media channels.

Dealing with media coverage and public opinion

A crucial aspect of managing the crisis involved dealing with media coverage and public opinion:

  1. Response to rumors and speculation:
  2. Binance and CZ worked tirelessly to dispel inaccurate or misleading information circulating in the media. They provided clear, factual updates on the situation to counteract rumors and maintain transparency.

  3. Maintaining a positive public image for Binance and CZ:
  4. Despite the challenging circumstances, they remained committed to upholding their reputation. They emphasized their commitment to regulatory compliance and customer protection, reassuring the community that Binance would continue to operate with integrity.

Countdown to Freedom: Binance Founder CZ

The Turning Point: Negotiations and Agreements (Day 10)

The tenth day of the saga marked a significant turning point in the ongoing negotiations between the Chinese authorities and Binance’s CEO, Changpeng Zhao (CZ). This day brought about breakthroughs in the talks that would eventually lead to a compromise and an agreement.

Breakthroughs in the negotiations:

Firstly, there was a noticeable shift in the Chinese authorities’ perspective, as they began to acknowledge Binance’s role as an important player in the cryptocurrency industry. They also acknowledged that a complete ban on Binance would be detrimental not only to the company but also to China’s global standing as a technological innovator. This newfound understanding led to productive discussions between both parties.

Implications of the agreement for CZ, Binance, and the industry:

The finalized agreement reached on this day had several key implications. CZ

was required to cooperate with the Chinese authorities in their ongoing investigations and was subjected to certain conditions and limitations upon his release. These restrictions included a travel ban, as well as limitations on his public comments regarding cryptocurrency and Binance’s operations in China.

The agreement

also had significant implications for Binance

. While the company was not officially banned from operating in China, it was forced to cease its mainland operations and relocate them overseas. Moreover, the agreement put pressure on other cryptocurrency exchanges operating in China to comply with similar regulatory measures or face potential consequences.

The potential impact on Binance’s operations in China and globally

was a double-edged sword. On one hand, the company was forced to leave the Chinese market, which accounted for a significant portion of its user base. On the other hand, the agreement provided a valuable opportunity for Binance to strengthen its global presence and position itself as a leader in regulatory compliance.

Countdown to Freedom: Binance Founder CZ

VI. Preparations for Release (Days 11-12)

Logistics of the release and travel arrangements

The countdown to freedom was nearing its end, and with it came a flurry of logistical preparations. Coordination between Chinese authorities, the embassy, and the Binance team was paramount to ensure a smooth release. The team worked tirelessly to finalize travel arrangements, secure necessary documents, and arrange for transportation both in and out of China.

Coordination with Chinese authorities, embassy, and Binance team

The Chinese authorities required assurances that all procedures were being followed according to the law. The embassy, on the other hand, was responsible for ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the individual throughout the release process. Lastly, Binance, as a major sponsor and supporter, provided valuable assistance in facilitating the logistics of travel and ensuring a secure environment post-release.

Anticipation and anxiety surrounding the release

As the days dwindled down, anticipation and anxiety began to build both within and outside the individual’s circle. Emotional preparation was crucial for re-entering the world after such a long confinement. The individual pondered over how to handle potential media attention and public reaction, knowing full well that their journey would be documented and scrutinized by the world.

Emotional preparation for rejoining the world

The individual reflected on their personal growth during their time in isolation and considered how they would share their experiences with the outside world. They prepared themselves for the emotional toll that would come with re-entering society after such a long absence.

Preparing for potential media attention and public reaction

The team worked to manage the anticipated media attention and public reaction. They drafted press releases, arranged for interviews, and provided media training to help the individual navigate the storm of attention that would follow their release. The goal was to ensure a positive narrative while respecting their privacy and personal wellbeing.

Countdown to Freedom: Binance Founder CZ

V Return to Freedom: A New Beginning (Day 13)

The moment of release and emotions experienced by Changpeng Zhao (CZ), the founder and CEO of Binance, on Day 13 were a mixture of relief, joy, and apprehension. After more than two months in hiding, away from the public eye due to regulatory investigations, he was finally reuniting with his family, friends, and the Binance team. The warmth of their embrace brought a sense of peace and validation to CZ, reminding him of the people and community that had stood by him through thick and thin.

Reflection on the experience and lessons learned

Reunited and feeling gratitude, CZ took some time to reflect on his experience.

  • He acknowledged the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity, both for himself and Binance.
  • He learned to appreciate the value of privacy in a public figure’s life, as well as the importance of maintaining a balance between work and personal life.
  • He understood the power of community support, which had rallied behind Binance during challenging times.

Post-release plans and priorities for CZ and Binance

Rebuilding trust with the community

CZ recognized that rebuilding trust with the Binance community would be a priority. He planned to engage more transparently with regulators, stakeholders, and users, ensuring that Binance’s operations were compliant with local regulations.

Addressing ongoing regulatory challenges

Compliance with international regulations
Establishing partnerships with regulatory bodies and industry associations
Enhancing internal controls and risk management systems

The long-term impact on Changpeng Zhao, Binance, and the cryptocurrency industry

Adapting to a changed regulatory landscape

CZ understood that the regulatory environment for Binance and the cryptocurrency industry was undergoing significant changes, necessitating a strategic response. He planned to stay informed about regulatory developments, adapting Binance’s business model to be compliant with evolving regulations.

Continuing growth and innovation for Binance

Despite the challenges, CZ remained committed to growing and innovating Binance, making it a key player in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. He planned to expand services, introduce new products, and build strategic partnerships, all while staying focused on the needs of Binance users.

Countdown to Freedom: Binance Founder CZ

VI Conclusion

A. The last 13 days have been a rollercoaster ride, from detention to freedom, and I’d like to take this opportunity to reflect on the journey. It’s been a time of

overcoming challenges

and learning resilience, with each day bringing new trials that required adaptability and fortitude.

Despite the hardships, I’ve remained focused on

maintaining a positive image

and leading Binance forward. In the face of adversity, I’ve been reminded of the power of

community support

. The outpouring of love and encouragement from our team, customers, and partners has been truly humbling.

Moreover, this experience has underscored the importance of

personal strength

and adaptability in times of crisis. The ability to pivot quickly, stay calm under pressure, and persevere through challenges is a crucial skill for any leader.

As we move forward, I am committed to continuing to build on Binance’s success and creating a

positive impact

for our users, the crypto industry, and the world at large. Though this chapter of my journey has been challenging, it’s also been a valuable lesson in resilience, adaptability, and the power of community support.
