Trump Bows Out of Third Debate: Harris Takes Commanding Lead

Trump Bows Out of Third Debate: Harris Takes Commanding Lead

Trump Bows Out of Third Debate: Harris Takes Commanding Lead


The third presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, scheduled for October 15, 2020, was meant to be a final opportunity for the candidates to present their cases to voters before the November 3 election. However, just days before the debate, Trump announced that he would not participate in a virtual format due to his COVID-19 diagnosis and recovery.

Impact on the Campaign:

With Trump‘s absence, Kamala Harris, Biden’s running mate, was expected to fill in for him at the debate. Harris seized the opportunity to take commanding lead in the campaign, delivering a powerful performance that showcased her intelligence, poise, and passion for the issues. She criticized Trump’s handling of the pandemic and his divisive rhetoric, while also highlighting Biden’s plans to address healthcare, climate change, and racial justice.


Harris’s performance was widely praised by Democrats and critics alike, with some pundits suggesting that she had solidified her status as a potential future presidential contender. Meanwhile, Trump‘s decision to skip the debate was met with criticism from his opponents, who argued that he was shirking his responsibilities as a candidate and failing to engage with the American people.


In the end, Trump’s absence from the third debate allowed Harris to take center stage and make a strong case for the Biden-Harris ticket. While the impact of the debate on the election outcome remains to be seen, Harris’s performance was undoubtedly a highlight of the campaign and a turning point in her political career.

Trump Bows Out of Third Debate: Harris Takes Commanding Lead

The Impact of Trump’s Absence from the Third Debate on Harris’s Lead

Introduction: A Brief Overview of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was a significant event in American history, with millions of citizens casting their votes to determine the future leadership of the country. The election featured four major candidates: President Donald J. Trump (Republican Party), former Vice President Joe Biden (Democratic Party), businessman Howard Schultz (Independent), and Senator Bernie Sanders (Democratic Socialist). The race between Trump and Biden was particularly intense, with the two candidates engaging in a series of debates to present their platforms and persuade voters.

Importance of Debates in Shaping Public Perception and Voter Decisions

In a democratic system, debates serve as an essential tool for voters to make informed decisions. They provide opportunities for candidates to present their ideas, respond to critics, and engage in a dialogue with each other and the public. Debates can shape public perception, as they allow voters to observe candidates’ demeanor, communication skills, and policy positions firsthand.

Introduction to the Topic: Trump’s Absence from the Third Debate and Harris’s Subsequent Lead

In the lead-up to the third and final presidential debate, which took place on October 22, 2020, President Trump announced that he would not participate in a virtual format due to his COVID-19 diagnosis. Vice President Biden, on the other hand, agreed to engage in the debate despite the health risks. This absence left a significant impact on the race, particularly for Senator Kamala Harris, who was then Biden’s running mate. In this paragraph, we will explore how Trump’s absence from the third debate contributed to Harris’s lead in the polls and the subsequent implications for the election.


Description of the presidential debates leading up to the third one

The presidential debates leading up to the third one in 2020 were marked by chaos and contentiousness. The first debate between then-President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden took place on September 29, 2020. This debate was held at the _Folan School of Business_ in the _University of Notre Dame_, Indiana. The debate was chaotic and contentious, with both candidates interrupting each other frequently and making personal attacks. However, the debate took on an unexpected turn when President Trump announced during the debate that he had tested positive for COVID-19, leading to concerns about his health and ability to continue campaigning.

Announcement of Trump’s decision not to participate in the third debate

The _second debate_ between the two candidates, scheduled for October 15, 2020, was canceled due to disagreements over format and rules. The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), which organizes the debates, proposed a virtual format in light of Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis. However, Trump rejected this proposal and insisted on an in-person debate. Biden agreed to the virtual format, leading to its cancellation.

President Trump’s withdrawal from the third debate came as a surprise to many. He cited both health concerns and disagreements over format as reasons for his decision. Trump’s campaign manager, Bill Stepien, announced the withdrawal in a statement, saying, “_The President will not participate in a virtual debate, so instead he will hold his own rally in Miami on the scheduled date and time._”

The reaction to Trump’s withdrawal was mixed. Some Republicans expressed support for his decision, while others criticized him for skipping the debate and missing an opportunity to confront Biden directly. The Democratic Party and their supporters applauded Biden’s decision to participate in the virtual debate and accused Trump of being afraid to face his opponent. The media also weighed in, with some pundits praising Biden for taking the high road and others criticizing Trump for avoiding a chance to engage in a substantive debate on the issues.

Trump Bows Out of Third Debate: Harris Takes Commanding Lead

I Kamala Harris’s Performance at the Vice Presidential Debate

Overview of the vice presidential debate on October 7, 2020

The vice presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris took place on October 7, 2020. This event served as a critical opportunity for both candidates to showcase their abilities, styles, and strategies before the American public. Comparatively, Pence approached the debate with a calm and collected demeanor, sticking to well-rehearsed talking points and avoiding any major gaffes. On the other hand, Harris, as the Democratic nominee, was more aggressive in her approach, frequently interrupting Pence and pressing him on several issues.

Key moments and highlights from the debate

Notable moments from the debate included Harris’s assertion that Trump had “refused to condemn white supremacists,” a statement that drew criticism from Pence but resonated with many voters. Additionally, Harris’s response to a question about packing the Supreme Court was a defining moment in the debate, as she articulated the Democratic perspective on the issue while maintaining her composure.

Impact of Kamala Harris’s performance on public perception and voter sentiment

Analysis of polling data and public opinion surveys

In the days following the debate, several polls and public opinion surveys indicated a shift in voter sentiment towards Harris. A CNN poll conducted after the debate showed Harris leading Pence by 11 percentage points among registered voters, while a Quinnipiac University survey indicated that 59% of voters felt that Harris had won the debate compared to only 38% who believed Pence had triumphed.

Assessment of her debate strengths and weaknesses

Harris’s aggressive style, which had drawn criticism from some earlier in the campaign, was seen as a strength during the debate. Her ability to challenge Pence directly and assertively addressed key issues that resonated with voters. However, her tendency to interrupt and talk over Pence did raise concerns about her temperament and composure.

Discussion on how Harris’s performance influenced the narrative surrounding the election

Harris’s strong performance in the vice presidential debate solidified her role as a formidable figure in the Democratic Party and helped shift the narrative surrounding the election. Her assertiveness and ability to challenge Pence on key issues earned her praise from many voters, and her impact on the race was felt both in terms of public perception and polling data.

Trump Bows Out of Third Debate: Harris Takes Commanding Lead

Consequences of Trump’s Debate Absence and Harris’s Lead

Impact on Voter Turnout and Engagement

  1. Effects on undecided voters: Trump’s absence from the third debate could have a significant impact on undecided voters. With Harris delivering a strong performance, she may have convinced some undecided voters to lean towards Biden. Conversely, Trump’s absence might also reinforce doubts among his detractors.
  2. Swing states: The outcome of the election will largely depend on swing states. Trump’s absence from the debate could impact voter sentiment in these crucial battleground states. Harris’s performance might sway voters in these areas towards Biden.
  3. Demographic groups: The impact of the debate absence and Harris’s strong performance could vary among demographic groups. For instance, women and minority voters might be more likely to be influenced by Harris’s debate showing.

Analysis of Trump’s Campaign Strategy Moving Forward

Adjustments to messaging: With Harris’s strong performance, Trump may need to adjust his campaign messaging to counteract the impact of her debate showing. He might try to discredit her or focus on her record as California attorney general.

Focus on specific issues:

Trump might also need to shift his focus towards specific issues, such as the economy and healthcare, in an attempt to appeal to voters. Harris’s debate performance could force him to address these topics more directly.

Use of social media:

Social media will continue to be a crucial tool for both campaigns. Trump’s team might increase their use of the platform to counter Harris’s momentum and shape public perception.

Evaluation of Joe Biden’s Role in the Election After Harris’s Strong Performance

Impact on his campaign strategy: Biden’s role in the election could change as a result of Harris’s strong debate performance. He might adopt some of her messaging or focus on issues that resonated with voters during the debate.

Public perception:

Harris’s performance could also impact public perception of Biden. She demonstrated a strong command of the issues and delivered effective attacks against Trump, potentially boosting Biden’s standing.


  1. Reflection on the importance of debates: The significance of Trump’s absence from the third debate and Harris’s commanding lead underscores the importance of debates in political campaigns. They provide an opportunity for voters to assess candidates directly and can shape public perception.
  2. Discussion on how this event could shape the remainder of the 2020 election: This event could have lasting implications for the remainder of the 2020 election. Trump’s absence might reinforce his unconventional campaign style, while Harris’s strong performance could bolster Biden’s chances.
  3. Final thoughts on the implications for American democracy and political discourse: Ultimately, this event reflects larger issues in American politics and discourse. It highlights the importance of engaging in meaningful dialogue and the need for effective communication between candidates and voters.
