US-Nigeria Relations: A New Challenge with Binance and Tigran Gambaryan

US-Nigeria Relations: A New Challenge with Binance and Tigran Gambaryan

US-Nigeria Relations: A New Challenge with Binance and Tigran Gambaryan

Since the end of the Cold War, the United States (US) and Nigeria have enjoyed a strategic partnership based on shared values of democracy, human rights, and economic development. However, recent developments involving the cryptocurrency exchange Binance and its CEO, Tigran Gambaryan, have raised new challenges to this relationship.

Binance’s Expansion into Nigeria

Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, entered the Nigerian market in early 2021, offering Nigerians an alternative to the country’s unstable and often scarce traditional financial system. The move was seen as a positive step for Nigeria, which has the largest number of cryptocurrency users in Africa, according to data from Statista. However, it also raised concerns among US authorities.

US Concerns over Binance and Tigran Gambaryan

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have been investigating Binance since 2018 over allegations of unregistered securities trading and tax evasion. In June 2021, the SEC charged Binance and Gambaryan with “failure to register as a national securities exchange.” The charges come amid growing concerns over the use of cryptocurrencies for illicit activities, such as money laundering and terrorism financing.

Nigeria’s Response

Nigerian authorities have yet to take a clear stance on Binance and Gambaryan, but they have expressed concern over the potential risks associated with cryptocurrencies. In July 2021, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) issued a statement warning citizens against using cryptocurrencies for transactions due to their volatility and lack of regulation. The CBN also asked financial institutions to desist from facilitating cryptocurrency transactions.

Implications for US-Nigeria Relations

The developments surrounding Binance and Gambaryan have the potential to complicate US-Nigeria relations. While Nigeria may see Binance’s entry into the country as an opportunity for financial innovation and inclusion, US authorities view it as a potential threat to their regulatory framework. The situation also highlights the need for closer collaboration between nations on issues related to financial innovation and cybersecurity.

Future Prospects

The future of US-Nigeria relations in the context of Binance and Gambaryan remains uncertain. While both countries share common interests, such as promoting economic development and combating illicit activities, they also have divergent views on the role of cryptocurrencies in the financial system. It is essential that both sides engage in constructive dialogue to find a mutually beneficial solution that balances innovation with regulation.

Keywords:US-Nigeria Relations, Binance, Tigran Gambaryan, Cryptocurrencies, Regulation
Sources:SEC Press Release, IRS Newsroom, Statista

US-Nigeria Relations: A New Challenge with Binance and Tigran Gambaryan

I. Introduction

US-Nigeria relations, a significant bilateral partnership between two major global actors, have evolved over the decades with varying degrees of cooperation and tension. From shared democratic values and mutual economic interests to security concerns and human rights issues, understanding the context of current challenges is crucial for fostering a productive dialogue between the two nations.

Brief overview of US-Nigeria relations

The United States and Nigeria have a long history, dating back to the 1800s when American missionaries first arrived in West Africa. Over the years, US involvement has ranged from cultural exchanges and economic cooperation to security partnerships and humanitarian aid. In recent times, Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation, has been a key player in regional security issues, including the fight against terrorism and piracy.

Importance of understanding the context of current issues

As the United States and Nigeria navigate their relationship in an increasingly complex global landscape, it is essential to understand the context of current issues. From geopolitical tensions with neighboring countries to economic challenges and human rights concerns, a nuanced understanding of these challenges is necessary for effective diplomacy.

Introduction to Binance and Tigran Gambaryan as new factors in US-Nigeria relations

Enter the world of crypto currencies, specifically link, the largest global cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, and Tigran Gambaryan, a renowned Armenian-Nigerian entrepreneur. Binance’s recent foray into Nigeria marks a new chapter in US-Nigeria relations, bringing with it opportunities for economic cooperation and innovation, as well as potential challenges related to regulatory frameworks and security concerns.

Tigran Gambaryan’s role in US-Nigeria relations through Binance

As the Nigerian representative for Binance, Tigran Gambaryan is at the forefront of this new development. With a background in entrepreneurship and a strong connection to both Nigeria and Armenia, he is uniquely positioned to facilitate collaboration between the two countries on this exciting new frontier. However, the challenges posed by the unregulated nature of cryptocurrencies and potential security risks cannot be ignored. As US-Nigeria relations continue to evolve, the role of Binance and Tigran Gambaryan is an intriguing factor to watch.

US-Nigeria Relations: A New Challenge with Binance and Tigran Gambaryan

Background of US-Nigeria Relations

Historical context: Colonialism, oil, and migration

The historical context of US-Nigeria relations is shaped by several factors, including colonialism, oil, and migration. Nigeria, located in West Africa, was a British protectorate from the late 19th century until its independence in 1960. The British colonial rule had a profound impact on Nigeria’s political, economic, and social development. The country was divided along ethnic and religious lines, creating tensions that persist to this day.

Another significant factor in US-Nigeria relations is the discovery of oil in the late 1950s. Nigeria is now the largest petroleum producer in Africa, and the United States has long been a major importer of Nigerian oil. This shared economic interest has led to a complex relationship between the two countries.

A third factor is Nigerian migration to the United States. According to the US Census Bureau, as of 2019, there were over 1 million Nigerians living in the United States. Many Nigerian immigrants come to the US for education or economic opportunities, and their remittances play a crucial role in Nigeria’s economy.

Contemporary issues: Terrorism, human rights, and economic cooperation

In the contemporary context, US-Nigeria relations are shaped by several issues, including terrorism, human rights, and economic cooperation. One of the most pressing concerns is Boko Haram insurgency. This terrorist group has been waging an insurgency in Nigeria since 2009, leading to thousands of deaths and the displacement of millions of people. The United States has provided military aid and intelligence support to Nigeria in its fight against Boko Haram.

Another issue is human rights concerns. Nigeria has been criticized for its human rights record, particularly with regard to freedom of speech and religion. The US government has responded by imposing visa bans on Nigerian officials involved in human rights violations.

Finally, there is the issue of economic cooperation. The United States and Nigeria have cooperated on economic issues through the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which provides preferential access to the US market for certain African countries. Nigeria is one of the largest beneficiaries of AGOA, and the act has helped boost Nigerian exports to the United States.

US-Nigeria Relations: A New Challenge with Binance and Tigran Gambaryan

I Binance: The Crypto Giant Entering the Nigerian Market

Binance, founded in 2017 and headquartered in the Cayman Islands, has emerged as the largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume. Binance’s success story began with a vision to create a platform for users to trade various cryptocurrencies and tokens under one roof. With an initial focus on providing high liquidity, minimal fees, and innovative products, Binance quickly gained traction in the global crypto community.

Overview of Binance and its global expansion

Binance’s growth has been remarkable, with the exchange expanding its reach beyond traditional financial markets. The team behind Binance has implemented a robust business strategy that includes strategic partnerships, acquisitions, and an unwavering commitment to innovation.

Founded in 2017, headquartered in the Cayman Islands

The company was founded by Changpeng Zhao (CZ) and his team, with the main goal of creating a decentralized exchange that could offer users a more secure and efficient trading experience. Since its inception, Binance has expanded rapidly, offering a wide range of products and services tailored to various market segments.

Binance’s entry into Nigeria and its implications

Binance’s global ambitions have led the crypto giant to make inroads into the Nigerian market. In early 2021, Binance announced a strategic partnership with Mara Group, a leading Nigerian technology and investment firm. This collaboration aimed to provide Nigerians with access to various crypto services, including trading, staking, and lending.

Partnership with a local Nigerian firm, Mara Group

Mara Group, led by serial entrepreneur and tech visionary, Ashish J. Thakkar, is a key player in the Nigerian market, with a focus on technology, energy, and hospitality sectors. The partnership between Binance and Mara Group signaled a significant step forward in Binance’s mission to democratize access to the digital economy for people in Africa.

Growing popularity in Nigeria due to crypto adoption

Nigeria, with a large and vibrant youth population, has been among the leading adopters of cryptocurrencies on the continent. The country’s economy is characterized by high inflation and limited access to traditional financial services, making cryptocurrencies an attractive alternative for many Nigerians. With Binance’s entry into the market, the exchange is expected to provide a more secure and regulated platform for those looking to participate in the crypto ecosystem.

Binance’s regulatory challenges and its impact on US-Nigeria relations

Despite the excitement surrounding Binance’s entry into Nigeria, the exchange has faced regulatory challenges both locally and internationally. In 2021, the Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a warning against using Binance for trading crypto securities in Nigeria. This warning highlighted the need for regulatory clarity surrounding cryptocurrencies and their role in the Nigerian economy.

Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) warning against Binance in 2021

The SEC’s warning came as part of a larger push by African regulators to establish clear guidelines for the crypto industry. The Nigerian SEC’s statement emphasized that Binance was not registered as a cryptocurrency exchange in Nigeria and therefore, users were operating at their own risk.

US regulatory scrutiny of Binance’s activities

In addition to local regulatory challenges, Binance has faced increased scrutiny from US regulators. The exchange has been under investigation for potential violations of securities laws and anti-money laundering regulations. This regulatory environment could potentially impact the US-Nigeria relationship, as Nigerians looking for a more regulated platform may turn to other exchanges that are compliant with both Nigerian and international regulations.

US-Nigeria Relations: A New Challenge with Binance and Tigran Gambaryan

Tigran Gambaryan: A New Player in US-Nigeria Relations

Background and role of Tigran Gambaryan

Tigran Gambaryan, an Armenian entrepreneur, has recently emerged as a significant figure in US-Nigeria relations. With a strong business interest in Nigeria, Gambaryan is the founder of the Mara Group, which has become Binance’s local partner in this West African country. The Mara Group is an

Amsterdam-registered company

that aims to provide affordable internet access and digital financial solutions to underserved communities in Africa. With operations in Rwanda, Uganda, and Ghana, Nigeria is the latest addition to Mara’s growing presence on the African continent.

Tigran Gambaryan’s impact on US-Nigeria relations

Economic cooperation: Mara Group and the African tech sector

Gambaryan’s impact on US-Nigeria relations goes beyond his business interests. The Mara Group’s entry into the Nigerian market comes as the US government seeks to strengthen economic ties with Africa’s most populous nation. With the tech sector being a major focus of US-Nigerian collaboration, Mara’s presence could

facilitate further economic cooperation

between the two countries. Binance, as one of the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges, could bring innovative financial solutions to Nigeria, a country with an increasing number of tech-savvy individuals.

Diplomatic implications: Possible role in US-Nigeria business negotiations

Moreover, Gambaryan’s close ties with the Nigerian government could potentially influence US-Nigeria business negotiations. As a prominent figure in Nigeria’s tech scene, Tigran may have

insights into the country’s business environment

that could benefit US businesses looking to enter or expand in Nigeria. In addition, his Armenian background may provide an interesting diplomatic angle to the relationship between both countries.

Security concerns: Tigran’s Armenian background and potential geopolitical implications

However, Gambaryan’s Armenian background may raise security concerns for the US government given the geopolitical implications of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Any perceived affiliation with either side could complicate US-Nigeria relations, especially if tensions escalate between the two countries involved in the conflict. It remains to be seen how Tigran’s involvement in US-Nigeria relations will play out, but one thing is clear: his role as an Armenian entrepreneur with strong interests in Nigeria represents a significant development in the evolving relationship between both countries.

US-Nigeria Relations: A New Challenge with Binance and Tigran Gambaryan

US Policy Towards Binance and Tigran Gambaryan in the Nigerian Context

US Regulatory Responses to Binance’s Activities

The United States (US) has shown increasing regulatory scrutiny towards Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume. Binance’s financial crimes enforcement network (FinCEN) regulatory issues came to light in 2019, when the exchange was ordered to cease operations in the US. According to FinCEN, Binance failed to register as a Money Service Business (MSB) and implement Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures.

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Regulations

In July 2019, Binance received a letter of formal assessment from FinCEN for its failure to comply with AML/KYC regulations. The exchange was required to register as an MSB and appoint a compliance officer to ensure adherence to these regulations moving forward. Binance’s non-compliance raised concerns about the potential risks of money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illicit activities on the platform.

US Engagement with Tigran Gambaryan and the Mara Group

Economic Cooperation: AGOA, US-Africa Business Forum, etc.

Tigran Gambaryan is the co-founder and CEO of The Mara Group, an Africa-focused technology investment firm. His company has established partnerships with US organizations such as the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and the US-Africa Business Forum. These collaborations aim to promote economic cooperation between African countries and the US.

Diplomatic Engagement: Possible Role in US-Nigeria Dialogue on Business and Security Issues

As a prominent business leader based in Nigeria, Gambaryan’s influence extends beyond the tech industry. He has been identified as a potential candidate for diplomatic engagement between the US and Nigerian governments on business and security issues. The US may leverage his connections to facilitate discussions on topics such as trade agreements, cybersecurity collaborations, and regional security matters.

US-Nigeria Relations: A New Challenge with Binance and Tigran Gambaryan

VI. Conclusion

Recap of key points:

The United States and Nigeria have a long-standing relationship that has seen various ups and downs. US-Nigeria relations have been shaped by numerous factors, including trade, security, and diplomacy. Lately, the entry of Binance into the Nigerian market and the emergence of figures like Tigran Gambaryan have brought new dynamics to this relationship. Binance’s entry marked the first major step in bringing cryptocurrency investment and trading to Nigeria, a country with a large youth population and increasing digital adoption. Meanwhile, Tigran Gambaryan’s role as the CEO of Binance in Nigeria has highlighted the potential for economic opportunities and innovation.

Implications for the future of US-Nigeria relations:

The recent developments in US-Nigeria relations present both opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, the growing relationship between Nigeria and Binance could lead to increased economic engagement and innovation. This could include the development of new technologies, job creation, and the attraction of foreign investment. On the other hand, there are challenges that need to be addressed. These include regulatory issues surrounding cryptocurrency trading, security concerns related to digital transactions, and the potential impact on Nigeria’s traditional industries.


The opportunities presented by the growing US-Nigeria relationship are numerous. The entry of Binance into Nigeria has opened up new avenues for economic growth and innovation. The country’s youthful population, combined with its increasing digital adoption, makes it an attractive market for tech companies and investors alike. Additionally, the Nigerian government has expressed support for the use of technology to drive economic growth, which bodes well for the future of this relationship.


Despite the opportunities, there are also challenges that need to be addressed. One of the most pressing issues is regulatory uncertainty surrounding cryptocurrency trading in Nigeria. The Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has yet to issue clear guidelines on the regulation of digital currencies, which has created a grey area for investors and businesses alike. Additionally, there are security concerns related to digital transactions, particularly in the context of cybercrime and fraud. Finally, there is a risk that the growing popularity of cryptocurrency could negatively impact Nigeria’s traditional industries, particularly those related to agriculture and manufacturing.
