Google Sued: Gemini AI Service Trademark Dispute Heats Up

Google Sued: Gemini AI Service Trademark Dispute Heats Up

Google Sued: Gemini AI Service Trademark Dispute Heats Up

In a significant turn of events, Gemini, an up-and-coming AI company, has filed a




over the tech giant’s alleged use of a similar name for its new

artificial intelligence

service, “Google Gemini”. According to the complaint filed in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Gemini claims that Google’s use of the name infringes on its registered trademark for “Gemini”, which was granted in 2018. The


argues that Google’s use of the name is likely to confuse consumers and cause damage to its reputation. The

trademark dispute

comes as Google prepares to launch its new ai service, which is expected to compete directly with Gemini’s offerings. In a statement, Google said it was reviewing the complaint and would respond in due course.

Gemini‘s lawsuit

seeks injunctive relief, as well as damages for Google’s alleged infringement. The company argues that it has spent significant resources building its brand and developing its ai technology under the Gemini name. It claims that Google’s use of a similar name for its new service will create confusion among consumers, leading them to believe that the two companies are affiliated or that Gemini’s products and services are endorsed by Google. The lawsuit also argues that Google’s use of the name will dilute the value of Gemini’s trademark, making it harder for the company to distinguish itself in the crowded ai market.


trademark dispute

is just the latest legal challenge for Google in its rapidly expanding AI business. In recent years, the company has faced numerous antitrust investigations and lawsuits over its dominant market position in search and advertising. The Gemini lawsuit adds to Google’s growing legal headaches, and could potentially derail the launch of its new AI service if the dispute is not resolved quickly.

The outcome of this

legal battle

will be closely watched by the technology industry and investors. A ruling in favor of Gemini could set a precedent for other companies looking to protect their trademarks in the rapidly evolving AI market. On the other hand, a victory for Google could send a signal that larger companies have the resources and legal firepower to bulldoze smaller rivals.

As the dispute heats up, both sides are gearing up for a long and costly legal battle. Gemini is represented by law firm Foley Hoag, while Google has hired

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom

to defend against the lawsuit. The case is expected to be heard in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan.

Google Sued: Gemini AI Service Trademark Dispute Heats Up


The world of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving, and with this growth comes the increasing importance of intellectual property protection. One of the most notable trademark disputes in the AI industry is the ongoing case between Google and Gemini AI. This dispute, which began in 2019, revolves around the use of the name “Bard” for Google’s new conversational AI product and Gemini AI’s similar offering.

Background of the Dispute

Google’s new AI, named “Bard,” was introduced at the Google I/O conference in May 202However, Gemini AI, a small startup specializing in conversational AI, claimed that they had already been using the name “Bard” for their product since 2017. After Google’s announcement, Gemini AI sent a cease-and-desist letter to Google, demanding that they stop using the name and pay damages.

Implications for AI Industry and Trademark Law

The significance of this case extends beyond the two companies involved. It raises important questions regarding trademark law and its application to the AI industry. With the increasing use of AI in various sectors, including technology, marketing, and healthcare, trademarks that include the term “AI” or related terms become more valuable. This case may set a precedent for how such disputes will be resolved in the future.

Key Issues and Legal Analysis

The primary issues in this dispute revolve around the likelihood of confusion, the priority of use, and the strength of the trademarks. Gemini AI argues that Google’s use of “Bard” is likely to cause confusion with their product, as both offer conversational AI services. However, Google contends that there is no likelihood of confusion due to the differences in target audiences and markets. The court will also consider which company had priority of use for the “Bard” name. Additionally, the strength of both trademarks, including their distinctive nature and secondary meaning, will be assessed.


The outcome of the Google-Gemini AI trademark dispute will have far-reaching implications for the AI industry and trademark law. It is essential to monitor this case closely as it may impact future disputes involving AI-related trademarks.


Description of Google’s new AI-powered chatbot, “Bard,” announced at Google I/O 2023

Google’s latest innovation in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) is “Bard,” an AI-powered chatbot unveiled at Google I/O 202

Intention to compete with ChatGPT and other AI models

With the rising popularity of AI models like ChatGPT, Google aims to enter the chatbot market with Bard. The company intends to provide users with a more advanced and feature-rich conversational AI experience.

Integration into various Google services (Search, Docs, etc.)

Bard is expected to integrate with several Google services such as Search, Docs, and Drive. This integration will allow users to interact with the AI model seamlessly across various platforms, providing a more cohesive user experience.

Introduction of Gemini AI and its “Gemini Assistant”

Before Google introduced Bard, there was Gemini AI, a conversational AI platform launched in 2021 specifically for businesses.

Launch in 2021 as a conversational AI platform for businesses

Gemini AI aimed to provide businesses with an intelligent and efficient communication solution, enabling them to automate customer interactions and streamline their workflows.

Trademark registration of “Gemini Assistant” (USPTO Application No. 90/058,173) in September 2021

To further establish its brand, Gemini AI registered the trademark for “Gemini Assistant” with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in September 2021.

Google’s use of the name “Bard” for its AI product, leading to trademark infringement claims

The similarities between Google’s Bard and Gemini Assistant have led to allegations of trademark infringement.

Allegations that Google intentionally copied Gemini’s name to confuse consumers

Critics argue that by using the name “Bard,” Google intentionally intended to confuse consumers and capitalize on the recognition and goodwill associated with Gemini Assistant.

Similarities between “Bard” and “Gemini Assistant” in terms of function and branding

The names “Bard” and “Gemini Assistant” share similarities not only phonetically but also in terms of function (AI-powered conversational assistant) and branding (associated with intelligence and assistance). This close resemblance only adds fuel to the trademark infringement claims.
Google Sued: Gemini AI Service Trademark Dispute Heats Up

I Legal Analysis

Overview of Trademark Law and Its Relevance to the Google-Gemini Dispute

Trademark law is a crucial aspect of intellectual property protection, designed to prevent consumer confusion and maintain fair business practices. The link, enacted in 1946, is the primary federal legislation governing trademarks in the United States. Its purpose is to provide a legal framework for protecting distinctive signs, words, phrases, logos, or symbols used by businesses to identify and distinguish their goods and services from those of their competitors.

The Lanham Act and the Purpose of Trademark Protection

By creating a legal infrastructure for trademarks, the Lanham Act aims to promote fair competition and protect consumers from potential confusion. It sets forth several provisions concerning registration, enforcement, and remedies for trademark infringement.

Application of Trademark Law to the Google-Gemini Dispute

The Google-Gemini dispute, revolving around the names of their respective AI products, raises important questions about trademark law and its application in this context. Let’s explore the key elements of a successful trademark infringement claim:

Likelihood of Confusion Test and Its Significance in This Case

The likelihood of confusion test is the most commonly used standard for evaluating trademark infringement cases. It assesses whether the use of a mark by another party is likely to cause confusion among consumers as to the source, sponsorship, or affiliation of the goods or services.

a. Analysis of the Similarities Between “Bard” and “Gemini Assistant “

The first factor to consider is the similarity between the marks themselves. In this case, we have “Bard,” Google’s AI, and “Gemini Assistant,” offered by another company. The question is whether there are sufficient similarities between these names to create a likelihood of confusion among consumers.

b. Assessment of the Target Audience for Both Products

Another factor to consider is the target audience for both products. If they are similar, this could increase the likelihood of confusion. In this context, both “Bard” and “Gemini Assistant” cater to tech-savvy consumers interested in AI products.

c. Potential for Dilution or Tarnishment of Gemini’s Trademark

Lastly, the potential for dilution or tarnishment of Gemini’s trademark should be assessed. Dilution refers to the weakening of a famous mark’s distinctiveness, while tarnishment involves using a mark in an unflattering manner that could harm its reputation. It remains to be seen whether Google’s use of “Bard” could lead to such outcomes.

Defenses Google Could Raise in Response to the Infringement Claim

Google might argue several defenses against a trademark infringement claim, such as:

a. Fair Use or Descriptive Fair Use of the Term “Bard “

Google could claim that using the name “Bard” is a fair use of the term. Fair use allows limited use of someone else’s trademark without permission when it is necessary to convey an idea or information, and does not create confusion.

b. The Fact That Google’s AI Is Named After an English Poet (Algernon Charles Swinburne)

Google could also argue that the name “Bard” is descriptively related to its AI’s function or character. Descriptive fair use allows the use of another’s trademark if it accurately describes the goods or services, and is not likely to cause confusion. In this case, Google could claim that “Bard” refers to its AI’s ability to generate poetic or eloquent responses.

Potential Impact on the Outcome of the Dispute Based on Various Factors

Several factors could influence the outcome of this dispute:

The Strength of Gemini’s Trademark Registration

The strength and scope of Gemini’s trademark registration will be crucial in determining the likelihood of confusion. A strong registration could make it more difficult for Google to argue that its use of “Bard” is not likely to confuse consumers.

Google’s Intent and the Potential for Consumer Confusion

Google’s intent when naming its AI will also be a significant factor. If it intentionally sought to create confusion with Gemini’s trademark, this could strengthen Gemini’s infringement claim.

Evidence of Actual Consumer Confusion, if Any

Evidence of actual consumer confusion will play a crucial role in this case. If consumers have mistakenly believed that Google’s “Bard” is associated with Gemini, this could bolster Gemini’s infringement claim.

The Parties’ Financial Resources and Reputation

The financial resources and reputation of both parties could also impact the outcome of this dispute. A well-funded company like Google may be more able to defend itself against a trademark infringement claim, while a smaller company like Gemini might struggle to mount an effective challenge.

This analysis offers a brief overview of the legal complexities surrounding the Google-Gemini dispute, illustrating how trademark law can be applied to resolve potential conflicts in the fast-evolving world of technology and intellectual property.

Google Sued: Gemini AI Service Trademark Dispute Heats Up

Legal Proceedings and Developments

Initial filings in the lawsuit:

In April 2023, Gemini AI filed a complaint (link) in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California against Google. The complaint alleges that Google’s use of the name “Google Bard” for its new AI product infringes on Gemini AI’s registered trademark for “Bard” in the field of AI services. Gemini AI seeks injunctive relief, damages, and attorneys’ fees.

Google’s response, counterclaims, and any subsequent filings or motions:

Google responded to the complaint by denying any infringement and asserting fair use. The tech giant also filed counterclaims alleging that Gemini AI’s mark is descriptive or generic, and therefore not protectable. Google requested a declaration of non-infringement and an award of its attorneys’ fees. Subsequent filings included various motions and discovery requests, such as depositions of key witnesses and document production.

Discovery process and potential expert witnesses:

The discovery process in this lawsuit involves the exchange of relevant documents, depositions, and interrogatories between both parties. Each side aims to gather evidence that supports their position and undermines the opposing side’s arguments. Potential expert witnesses may include intellectual property lawyers, trademark experts, and AI industry analysts who can provide opinions on the strength of the parties’ positions and the potential impact on the industry.

Settlement negotiations and possible resolution strategies for both parties:

Settlement negotiations are ongoing in this case, as both parties seek a mutually beneficial resolution. Two potential strategies include: (1) Negotiating a licensing agreement or coexistence arrangement: This would allow both companies to use the “Bard” name in their AI products, potentially under certain conditions that prevent confusion among consumers. (2) Changing the name of one or both products to avoid confusion: This could involve Google renaming its product, or Gemini AI agreeing to limit its use of the “Bard” mark in a specific market segment. The settlement negotiations are complex and require careful consideration of various factors, including the cost of litigation, the potential impact on brand reputation, and the future developments in the AI industry.

Table summarizing key elements of the lawsuit:
Initiator of the lawsuit:Gemini AIFiled a complaint alleging trademark infringement
Respondent to the lawsuit:GoogleDenied infringement and filed counterclaims
Potential resolution strategies:Negotiating a licensing agreement or coexistence arrangement
Changing the name of one or both products to avoid confusion

Google Sued: Gemini AI Service Trademark Dispute Heats Up


The Google-Gemini dispute, a notable intellectual property (IP) case in the AI industry, centered around Gemini’s allegation that Google’s new product, Bard, infringed upon their registered trademark for “Gemini” in the realm of AI and conversational interfaces. Google denied any wrongdoing, asserting that their product’s name was distinct from Gemini’s. This dispute signified a growing tension between established companies and emerging AI technologies.

Recap of the Google-Gemini Dispute and Its Significance

The case unfolded in early 2023, with Gemini filing a lawsuit against Google for trademark infringement. The dispute highlighted the complexities and challenges surrounding IP protections in the rapidly evolving AI industry. With advancements in technology, it becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate between similar-sounding names or brands and determine if they are truly infringing upon one another. This case underscored the need for a clearer legal framework regarding trademarks in the AI sector.

Anticipated Outcomes and Implications

Trademark Law: This case could pave the way for significant changes in trademark law, particularly in relation to AI and conversational interfaces. The courts will be faced with deciding whether or not two seemingly similar marks are actually confusing when applied to AI products or services. This could result in stricter enforcement of existing trademarks, or a shift towards more lenient policies that acknowledge the unique challenges posed by AI and conversational interfaces.

Lessons Learned for Businesses

Brand Protection: The Google-Gemini dispute serves as a reminder for businesses to thoroughly research and protect their brand names, especially when entering new markets like AI. It is essential to ensure that your brand does not infringe upon existing trademarks, as this could lead to costly and time-consuming legal battles.


Collaborate with Experts: To avoid potential disputes, businesses can collaborate with trademark attorneys and experts in the AI industry to assess the viability of their brand names. By seeking professional advice, businesses can mitigate the risk of infringement and protect their intellectual property.


Consider Diversifying Your Brand Name: Another lesson businesses can learn from this dispute is the importance of diversifying their brand names to minimize the risk of infringement. By introducing distinct elements or nuances to their brand name, businesses can create a unique identity and differentiate themselves from competitors.


Embrace Innovation: Finally, the Google-Gemini dispute emphasizes the importance of innovation in the AI industry. By continuously pushing boundaries and developing new technologies, businesses can distinguish themselves from competitors and minimize the risk of infringement. This not only helps protect intellectual property but also drives growth and competitiveness in the industry.
