Vitalik Buterin’s Prediction: Only Stage 1+ Rollups Will Matter in 2025

Vitalik Buterin's Prediction: Only Stage 1+ Rollups Will Matter in 2025

Vitalik Buterin’s Prediction: Only Stage 1+ Rollups Will Matter in 2025

In a recent interview, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin shared his insights on the future of scaling solutions for Ethereum and the broader crypto ecosystem. Buterin, who is widely regarded as a thought leader in the blockchain space, expressed his belief that only Stage 1+ rollups will matter in 2025. This prediction is significant, as rollups are a promising scalability solution that enables more transactions to be processed on Ethereum’s blockchain without increasing the network’s energy consumption.

What are Rollups, Exactly?

Before delving into Buterin’s prediction, it is essential to understand what rollups are. Rollups are a scalability solution that enables more transactions to be processed off-chain and batched into a single transaction on the Ethereum blockchain. There are different types of rollups, including Zero-Knowledge Rollups (ZK-Rollups) and Optimistic Rollups. Both types offer different advantages in terms of scalability, privacy, and gas costs.

Why Only Stage 1+ Rollups Will Matter in 2025

Stage 1 rollups, also known as optimistic rollups, are the most widely used and deployed rollup solution. These rollups assume that all transactions in a batch are valid, allowing for faster processing times and lower gas costs. However, they require a deposit from users to cover the cost of potential rollback fees if a batch turns out to be invalid.

Buterin believes that Stage 1+ rollups, which refer to optimistic rollups with additional features like recursive rollups and fraud proofs, will dominate the space in 2025. These advanced rollup solutions offer enhanced scalability, privacy, and security features compared to their basic counterparts.

Implications for Ethereum and the Broader Crypto Ecosystem

Buterin’s prediction has significant implications for both Ethereum and the broader crypto ecosystem. The widespread adoption of Stage 1+ rollups could lead to increased transaction throughput, lower gas fees, and improved user experience on Ethereum’s network. Furthermore, this scaling solution could attract more developers and projects to build on Ethereum, further bolstering the network’s position as a leading blockchain platform.

Beyond Ethereum, Buterin’s prediction highlights the importance of scalability solutions for the broader crypto ecosystem, as increasing transaction throughput and reducing gas fees are crucial factors in driving mass adoption and mainstream use cases for decentralized technologies.


Vitalik Buterin’s prediction that only Stage 1+ rollups will matter in 2025 underscores the growing importance of scalability solutions for Ethereum and the broader crypto ecosystem. As adoption grows and transaction volumes increase, it is essential to have robust and efficient scaling solutions in place to ensure a positive user experience and maintain network security.

Vitalik Buterin

I. Introduction

In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies, few figures have made as significant an impact as Vitalik Buterin. As the co-founder of Ethereum, the open-source blockchain platform that has revolutionized the way we build and use decentralized applications, Buterin’s influence on the crypto space is undeniable. With Ethereum being the bedrock of numerous decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible token (NFT), and other innovative projects, understanding its scalability solutions is crucial. One such solution that has garnered much attention recently is rollups. In this paragraph, we will delve into the background of Vitalik Buterin and provide an overview of rollups and their importance in scaling Ethereum.

Background on Vitalik Buterin

Vitalik Buterin, a Canadian-Russian programmer and writer, was born on January 27, 199He gained recognition in the crypto community for his white paper proposing Ethereum—a decentralized platform that enables developers to build and deploy smart contracts using its own cryptocurrency, Ether. Buterin’s vision for Ethereum has been instrumental in paving the way for numerous decentralized applications and innovative technologies that have transformed the crypto landscape.

Overview of rollups and their importance in scaling Ethereum

As Ethereum’s popularity surged, so did the network’s transaction volume and gas fees. This led to a pressing need for scalability solutions that could process more transactions without compromising security or decentralization. Enter rollups. Rollups are layer 2 scaling solutions that allow for the batching and off-chain processing of multiple transactions before being verified and settled on the Ethereum blockchain. In simpler terms, rollups enable the compression of several transactions into one single transaction, thereby significantly reducing transaction fees and increasing network throughput.

Moreover, Ethereum’s switch to a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism with the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade has opened doors for further rollup developments, such as optimistic and zk-Rollups, to boost Ethereum’s overall scalability and usability. With the importance of rollups in the future growth and success of Ethereum becoming increasingly apparent, it is a topic that warrants further exploration and understanding.

Vitalik Buterin

Understanding Rollups:
Definition of rollups:
Rollups are a layer 2 scaling solution designed to increase the transaction capacity and reduce costs on the Ethereum mainnet. They do this by batching transactions into a single rollup transaction and processing them off-chain, before settling the final state on the Ethereum mainnet.

Three stages of rollups:

Stage 0: Optimistic Rollups and ZK-Rollups (Zero-knowledge rollups)

Stage 0 rollups refer to the initial implementation of optimistic rollups and zero-knowledge rollups (ZK-Rollups) on Ethereum. Both optimistic rollups and ZK-Rollups are live on the network. Optimistic rollups operate under the assumption that every transaction is valid until proven otherwise, allowing for quick processing and confirmation. Zero-knowledge Rollups, on the other hand, hide proofs of transactions off-chain to provide more privacy-preserving solutions.

Stage 1: Optimistic Rollups with fraud proofs

In Stage 1 rollups, the implementation of fraud proofs is added to optimistic rollups. These fraud proofs help prevent double-spending and increase the overall security of the system.

Stage 2: ZK-Rollups with fraud proofs

Stage 2 rollups build upon the foundation of Stage 1 but use ZK-Rollups instead. The fraud proofs in this stage enhance security, allowing for more efficient and secure scaling solutions on Ethereum.

Comparison of the three stages and their scalability benefits

Scaling potential (transactions per second)

The scaling potential of each stage varies significantly, with Stage 2 rollups offering the most significant increase in transactions per second due to their use of ZK-Rollups.

Cost efficiency

Cost efficiency also differs between the stages, with optimistic rollups in Stage 0 being the least cost-efficient due to their reliance on gas fees for handling potential fraud proof disputes. Cost efficiency improves as we progress through the stages, with Stage 2 rollups offering the most cost-effective solutions.


Security is an essential factor to consider when evaluating rollups. Each stage builds on the previous one, with Stage 2 rollups providing the highest level of security due to their use of ZK-Rollups and fraud proofs.

Vitalik Buterin

I Vitalik Buterin’s Prediction: Only Stage 1+ Rollups Will Matter in 2025

Reasoning behind the prediction:

  1. Current state of rollup development and adoption:

    Currently, two main types of rollups are in development: Optimistic Rollups and Zero-Knowledge (zk) Rollups. Optimistic Rollups, which include solutions like Optimistic Ethereum, are already in use and offer a scalability solution by batching transactions off-chain. However, they rely on a trust model and can require costly exit fees. Zk-Rollups, which include solutions like zkSync and Loopring, offer greater scalability and cost efficiency by enabling the verification of batched transactions off-chain. However, they are still in the process of being fully adopted due to challenges such as complex implementation and potential regulatory issues.

  2. Market demand for scalability and cost efficiency:

    As the Ethereum network continues to grow and handle an increasing number of decentralized applications (dApps), scalability and cost efficiency have become critical issues. Rollups offer a solution by enabling the processing of more transactions off-chain, reducing the load on the Ethereum mainnet and lowering gas fees.

  3. Improvements in rollup technology:

    Further advancements in rollup technology, such as sharding and Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) like EIP-1559, will continue to improve the scalability and efficiency of rollups. Sharding, which involves splitting the Ethereum network into smaller parts called shards, will enable more transactions to be processed in parallel, reducing congestion and increasing throughput. EIP-1559, on the other hand, aims to improve Ethereum’s transaction ordering and fee market.

Potential implications of the prediction:

  1. Ethereum’s competition and interoperability with other Layer 2 solutions:

    If only Stage 1+ rollups matter in 2025, Ethereum may face competition from other Layer 2 solutions that offer similar benefits but are more advanced or have better interoperability with the Ethereum mainnet. For instance, Polygon (previously Matic Network) offers scalable and low-cost solutions using Plasma and Optimistic Rollups.

  2. Impact on Ethereum’s gas fees and network congestion:

    The widespread adoption of Stage 1+ rollups could help reduce Ethereum’s gas fees and network congestion, making it more accessible to a wider range of users.

  3. Potential impact on DeFi and NFT projects built on Ethereum:

    The scalability and cost efficiency gains brought about by the adoption of Stage 1+ rollups could be particularly beneficial for decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible token (NFT) projects, which often face high gas fees and congestion when using the Ethereum mainnet.

Risks and challenges associated with the prediction:

  1. Scalability limits of rollups:

    Despite their benefits, there are scalability limits to rollups. For instance, the number of transactions that can be processed off-chain is limited by the capacity of the data availability samplers and proof generators used in each rollup solution.

  2. Security concerns and potential regulatory issues:

    The trust model used in Optimistic Rollups may pose security risks if malicious actors are able to manipulate the system. Additionally, regulatory issues related to off-chain transaction processing and privacy concerns could hinder the widespread adoption of rollups.

  3. Ethereum’s ability to adapt to new technologies:

    The prediction assumes that Ethereum will be able to adapt to new technologies, such as Layer 3 solutions, and maintain its position as the dominant smart contract platform. However, if Ethereum fails to innovate or faces competition from other platforms, this prediction may not hold true.

Vitalik Buterin


Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, made a bold prediction back in 2015 that Ethereum would be able to process 1 million transactions per second (TPS) by 202This prediction has significant implications for the Ethereum ecosystem and the wider crypto space.

Recap of Vitalik Buterin’s Prediction and its Significance

Firstly, let’s recap Vitalik Buterin’s prediction. He envisioned Ethereum as a global platform for decentralized applications (dApps) and believed that it would require high transaction throughput to support the growing number of users and dApps. To achieve this, Buterin proposed a roadmap for Ethereum scaling solutions, with rollups being a key component. Rollups are layer-2 scaling solutions that enable off-chain transactions to be verified and settled on-chain in batches, increasing Ethereum’s transaction capacity without the need for hard forks.

Implications for Developers, Investors, and Users

The implications of Vitalik Buterin’s prediction are far-reaching for developers, investors, and users in the crypto space. For developers, a higher transaction capacity means more opportunities to build decentralized applications that can cater to larger user bases. It also opens up new possibilities for blockchain gaming, decentralized finance (DeFi), and other dApps that require fast and reliable transaction processing.

For investors, the potential for Ethereum to scale and support more users and applications could lead to increased demand for the ETH token. As more dApps are built on Ethereum, there will be a greater need for ETH as a fuel for transactions and smart contract execution.

For users, Vitalik Buterin’s prediction means a better user experience with faster transaction processing times and lower fees, making Ethereum more accessible to a broader audience. It also opens up new possibilities for use cases that were previously not feasible due to the network’s limited transaction capacity.

Future Outlook and Potential Developments in Rollups and Ethereum Scaling Solutions

Looking ahead, the future outlook for rollups and other Ethereum scaling solutions is promising. The Ethereum community continues to work on improving rollup technologies like Optimistic Rollups, ZK-Rollups, and others. These solutions have the potential to increase Ethereum’s transaction capacity significantly, bringing us closer to Vitalik Buterin’s prediction of 1 million TPS.

Moreover, Ethereum is exploring other scaling solutions like sharding and state channels to further increase the network’s capacity and improve overall performance. These innovations could pave the way for Ethereum to become the dominant platform for decentralized applications, solidifying its position as the go-to blockchain for developers and users alike.
