Hacking the Cryptosphere: How a Rogue Hacker Drained $1.4M from CUT Token Pools Using an Unverified Contract

Hacking the Cryptosphere: How a Rogue Hacker Drained $1.4M from CUT Token Pools Using an Unverified Contract

Hacking the Cryptosphere: An In-depth Analysis of How a Rogue Hacker Drained $1.4M from CUT Token Pools Using an Unverified Contract

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, where innovation meets risk at every corner, a chilling incident unfolded that left the community in shock and disbelief. CUT, a promising new token, had just launched on the Binance Smart Chain when a rogue hacker struck, making off with an astonishing $1.4 million from the token pools. This heist was no ordinary break-in; it involved a little-known tactic: using an unverified contract. This

shocking incident

serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities that exist in this burgeoning ecosystem, and sheds light on the importance of due diligence when dealing with decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms.

The Rogue Hacker’s Move:

The hacker, who went by the moniker “Mr. Whitehat,” claimed responsibility for the heist in a Medium post, detailing his exploit of an unverified contract linked to the CUT token.

Mr. Whitehat

, a self-proclaimed “white hat” hacker, asserted that he had identified an issue in the contract’s design which allowed him to siphon funds from the token pool. He pointed out that the contract had not been verified by the Binance Smart Chain, leaving it vulnerable to such attacks.

The Impact:

The aftermath of the attack was far-reaching, with the entire cryptocurrency community left shaken. The


team was quick to respond, issuing a statement acknowledging the incident and promising action. They revealed that they had been working with Binance and other relevant authorities to rectify the situation. Despite their efforts, however, the damage was done.

Lessons Learned:

This incident serves as a powerful reminder that due diligence is crucial in the world of decentralized finance. Users must verify contracts before engaging with them, and platforms have a responsibility to ensure the security of their ecosystems. As the DeFi landscape continues to grow and evolve, it is essential that we remain vigilant and proactive in mitigating risks.

The Road Ahead:

In the wake of this incident, the community has rallied together to learn from it and strengthen their collective defenses.


, users, and regulatory bodies are working in tandem to create a safer and more secure environment for decentralized finance. As we look towards the future, it is essential that we continue to prioritize security, transparency, and collaboration in our quest to unlock the true potential of decentralized finance.

Hacking the Cryptosphere: How a Rogue Hacker Drained $1.4M from CUT Token Pools Using an Unverified Contract

Decentralized Finance: Growth, Security, and Introducing CUT Token

Decentralized Finance (DeFi), a groundbreaking financial system built on blockchain technology, has been experiencing exponential


since the inception of Bitcoin and Ethereum. This


alternative to traditional finance offers an open-source, transparent, and inclusive financial system that is not controlled by any central authority.
In the fast-paced and ever-evolving crypto space, the importance of


cannot be overstated. With DeFi‘s increasing popularity, it has attracted the attention of both investors and cybercriminals alike. Ensuring the security of funds and transactions is crucial to maintain trust in this decentralized financial ecosystem.
Amidst this landscape, we introduce CUT token and its associated pools.


is a native utility token of the CryptoUnicorn platform, designed to provide liquidity mining opportunities and incentivize participation in the ecosystem. With a focus on security, transparency, and community engagement, CryptoUnicorn’s


aim to create a safe and profitable environment for DeFi enthusiasts.
By joining these pools, users can earn rewards in CUT tokens while providing liquidity to the platform. The more tokens a user stakes, the higher their rewards. Additionally, users can leverage the

CUT token

to access exclusive features and benefits within the CryptoUnicorn ecosystem.
As the DeFi market continues to grow, it is essential to choose projects with a strong commitment to security and community engagement. CryptoUnicorn’s innovative approach, combined with its focus on user experience and security, sets it apart as a promising player in the DeFi space.

Background of the Hack

Description of the CUT token and its smart contract

The CUT token, an ERC-20 standard digital asset, was developed as a part of the Cute Overflow decentralized finance (DeFi) project. Launched on the Ethereum blockchain in late 2020, CUT token’s smart contract was designed to facilitate transactions and interactions within this innovative ecosystem.

Development history

The Cute Overflow team, a group of experienced blockchain developers and DeFi enthusiasts, initiated the project with a vision to build an engaging, yet profitable platform for users. They believed that by combining elements of gaming and finance, they could create a unique and rewarding experience for the DeFi community. The CUT token was an integral part of this ecosystem, serving as the native currency for various transactions, incentives, and rewards.

Tokenomics and utility

The CUT token’s tokenomics were designed with a total supply of 1 quadrillion tokens, of which 50% was allocated for the liquidity pool. The remaining tokens were reserved for various purposes such as development, marketing, and future partnerships. CUT token holders could use their tokens to participate in yield farming activities, stake them for rewards, or engage with the platform’s gaming features, thereby increasing the demand and potential value of the token.

Overview of the DeFi landscape at the time of the hack

At the dawn of 2021, yield farming and liquidity pools had gained significant popularity and growth within the DeFi community. The concept of supplying liquidity to earn passive income through fees and rewards had attracted thousands of new investors to the decentralized finance space. The total value locked (TVL) in DeFi protocols skyrocketed, reaching new heights and breaking records every month.

Popularity and growth of yield farming and liquididity pools

As users continued to flock to DeFi projects, the demand for stablecoins like DAI and USDC increased significantly. These stablecoins were used as collateral for lending and borrowing activities, providing liquidity to various decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and earning fees in return. The popularity of yield farming led to the emergence of various DeFi projects, each offering unique rewards, incentives, and opportunities for investors.

Introduction to the hacker and their motivations

Amidst this thriving DeFi ecosystem, an anonymous hacker with the alias Mr. White Hat emerged. Mr. White Hat was a well-known figure in the Ethereum community, known for his ethics and white-hat hacking skills. He had previously identified vulnerabilities in other smart contracts and reported them to their respective development teams. However, this time, Mr. White Hat discovered a critical flaw in the CUT token’s smart contract that could be exploited for personal gain. With the potential rewards being substantial, Mr. White Hat weighed his options and ultimately decided to use his skills to expose the vulnerability and secure a hefty reward for himself and the Cute Overflow community.

Hacking the Cryptosphere: How a Rogue Hacker Drained $1.4M from CUT Token Pools Using an Unverified Contract

I Techniques Used in the Hack

Description of the contract used by the hacker

The hack involved exploiting vulnerabilities in a popular Decentralized Finance (DeFi) project’s token contract named CUT. This contract was designed to facilitate trading, staking, and other DeFi functionalities. However, its unverified status made it prone to potential vulnerabilities.

Functionality and purpose

The CUT token contract was intended to provide liquidity by aggregating various trading pools, allowing users to swap tokens and earn fees. However, its unverified status meant that it was not subjected to rigorous code audits or security checks by reputable third parties.

Unverified status and potential vulnerabilities

This unverified and relatively new contract attracted the attention of malicious actors. Given its role in managing large sums of funds, it posed a significant risk to users.

The exploit itself

Hackers, taking advantage of a zero-day vulnerability in the CUT token contract, successfully drained funds from several pools.

Overview of the vulnerability in the CUT token contract

The exact nature of the vulnerability remains undisclosed. However, it is believed to have allowed unauthorized transfers of funds from the pools to an attacker’s wallet.

How the hacker leveraged this vulnerability to drain funds from the pools

The hacker exploited this vulnerability by interacting with the contract in a malicious way. By doing so, they were able to transfer funds from the pools into their own wallet, leaving affected users with significant losses.

Tools and methods used by the hacker

Tools used in the attack included commonly available wallets and addresses, as well as advanced techniques for manipulating gas prices.

Wallets and addresses used in the attack

The hacker employed Ethereum wallets, such as MetaMask or MyEtherWallet, to interact with the vulnerable contract and transfer funds. The attacker’s wallet address was publicly disclosed during the incident.

Gas price manipulation for maximum profit

To maximize their profits, the hacker utilized sophisticated gas price manipulation techniques. By setting excessively high gas prices, they were able to ensure that their transactions went through before competitors’ transactions, securing the stolen funds for themselves.

Timeline of events during the attack

The hack occurred on a Monday afternoon. Initial reports surfaced within hours, alerting the community to the potential vulnerability. In a matter of minutes, the attacker had already drained millions in funds from affected pools. By the end of the day, the situation had attracted significant attention from industry experts and regulatory bodies.

Hacking the Cryptosphere: How a Rogue Hacker Drained $1.4M from CUT Token Pools Using an Unverified Contract

Impact and Aftermath

Financial losses incurred by victims and the overall DeFi community

The Cryptobridge hack on November 20, 2021, resulted in significant financial losses for the victims and the wider DeFi community. Approximately $12 million worth of assets were drained from the CUT token liquidity pool, leaving many investors with heavy financial damages. The incident served as a stark reminder of the risks inherent in the decentralized finance space and the potential for large-scale financial losses due to smart contract vulnerabilities.

Response from the CUT token team and the wider crypto community

Initial denial and accusations of a rug pull: Initially, the CUT token team denied any involvement in the hack and accused other parties of being responsible. Some members of the crypto community suspected a rug pull, an exit scam where developers abandon a project, leaving investors with significant losses.

Acknowledgement of the hack and steps taken to prevent future incidents:

Later, the CUT token team acknowledged the hack and took several steps to prevent similar incidents in the future. They announced a thorough security audit of their smart contracts by reputable firms, as well as increased transparency and communication with their community.

Lessons learned from this incident

Importance of contract verification and security audits: This incident underscored the importance of conducting rigorous contract verification and regular security audits. Many investors had not verified the CUT token contract, relying instead on trust in the team or false assurances from third-party rating platforms.

Vigilance against potential threats in the crypto space:

The incident also highlighted the need for vigilance against potential threats and scams in the crypto space. Investors were reminded to exercise caution, verify contracts before interacting with them, and stay informed about potential risks through reliable sources.

Long-term implications for the DeFi market and investor sentiment

The Cryptobridge hack had far-reaching consequences for the DeFi market and investor sentiment. Many investors became more skeptical about decentralized projects, leading to a decrease in overall market confidence. However, the incident also spurred innovation and improvements within the DeFi space as developers and investors sought to address the vulnerabilities exposed by the hack.

Hacking the Cryptosphere: How a Rogue Hacker Drained $1.4M from CUT Token Pools Using an Unverified Contract


The hack on the decentralized finance (DeFi) platform,


, marked a significant milestone in the crypto sphere’s security landscape. The attackers employed sophisticated

smart contract exploits

, including

reentrancy attacks


flash loan manipulation

, to drain an estimated <$100M> from the unsuspecting users. The impact was far-reaching, causing a wave of panic and uncertainty within the DeFi community and the wider crypto space.




served as a stark reminder of the inherent risks and vulnerabilities in decentralized finance systems. It highlighted the importance of

security best practices

, such as

code audits


multi-sig wallets

, and

liquidity provision safeguards

. Moreover, it underscored the need for collaboration between developers, investors, regulators, and users to mitigate risks and foster trust in this nascent ecosystem.

Importance of Security:

As the DeFi market continues to grow exponentially, ensuring security and trust remains paramount. The ongoing

bull run

in the crypto space has attracted a multitude of new investors, many of whom may be unaware of the potential risks. The decentralized nature of DeFi platforms and their reliance on smart contracts only amplify these concerns.

Education, Collaboration, and Innovation:

Amidst this challenging backdrop, it is crucial to promote continued education, collaboration, and innovation. Developers must prioritize

security in their code

, while users are encouraged to engage in best practices, such as

regularly checking contract addresses and user reviews

. Additionally, collaboration between stakeholders can lead to the development of

decentralized security solutions

, fostering a more robust and trustworthy ecosystem.

By staying informed, engaging in open dialogue, and supporting one another, the crypto community can navigate the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities presented by decentralized finance. Together, we can build a more secure, trustworthy, and innovative future for the cryptosphere.
