The Great Debate: Trump-Harris Face Off Ends in a Stalemate, Crypto Left Out of the Conversation

The Great Debate: Trump-Harris Face Off Ends in a Stalemate, Crypto Left Out of the Conversation

The Great Debate: Trump-Harris Face Off Ends in a Stalemate

Despite the anticipated fireworks and heated exchanges during the final presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, the technological disruptions left many issues, including

crypto and blockchain



. The debate, held on Thursday, October 22, 2020, in Nashville, Tennessee, was marked by repeated interruptions and tense moments but ultimately ended in a stalemate.


the importance of technology and its role in shaping our economy, especially with the growing influence of


, this topic was not extensively discussed.


, which have gained significant attention recently, were overlooked in the debate, leaving many observers and enthusiasts disappointed. It is worth noting that President Trump has previously expressed support for the potential of blockchain technology but has not explicitly stated his stance on cryptocurrencies.

Vice President Harris

, on the other hand, has not commented extensively on the topic either. The lack of a substantive conversation on this issue during the debate is concerning for those in the industry and raises questions about the candidates’ understanding and approach towards technological innovation and its impact on our economy.

The Great Debate: Trump-Harris Face Off Ends in a Stalemate, Crypto Left Out of the Conversation

I. Introduction

The U.S. Presidential debates have held significant importance in American politics since their inception in 1960. Historically, they provide an opportunity for the public to directly compare the candidates’ positions, charisma, and leadership styles. The debates have often influenced election outcomes, with some pivotal moments shaping the narrative of a campaign. In this year’s election, we witness the clash between President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. As we prepare for these high-stakes encounters, it’s essential to acknowledge a pressing issue that has gained significant relevance in today’s economy – cryptocurrencies.

Historical significance and impact on election outcomes

Since the first televised debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, these events have shaped public opinion and influenced voter decisions. Debates have given rise to memorable moments, such as Kennedy’s confident demeanor or Nixon’s sweating under the studio lights. The 2004 debate between George W. Bush and John Kerry, which focused on foreign policy, is believed to have shifted voter sentiment towards Bush after a strong performance. Given this historical significance, the upcoming debates between Trump and Harris could provide similar defining moments that impact the election’s outcome.

Overview of participants: President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris

President Donald Trump, a businessman-turned-politician, entered the political scene in 2015 when he announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination. Trump’s unconventional campaign style and controversial statements, such as his stance on immigration and trade policies, captured media attention and garnered a significant following. Vice President Kamala Harris, the first woman of South Asian and African American descent to hold this office, joined the Democratic Party in 2014 and rose through the ranks with her tenacious questioning style during Senate hearings. Harris’s background as a prosecutor has influenced her stance on criminal justice reform, while her experience as a senator from California brings valuable legislative knowledge to the debate stage.

Cryptocurrencies: An important role in modern finance and technology

As the world continues to embrace digital transformation, cryptocurrencies have emerged as an essential component of modern finance and technology. Originating from the 2008 financial crisis, Bitcoin – the first decentralized digital currency – was designed to challenge traditional banking systems. Since then, thousands of other cryptocurrencies have emerged, each offering unique features and applications. Cryptocurrencies’ decentralized nature and potential for anonymity have attracted investors, entrepreneurs, and cybercriminals alike. Their meteoric rise in value and the subsequent volatility highlight the need for a clear regulatory framework, making this issue particularly relevant to today’s economy.

Potential implications for the presidential race

The debate between Trump and Harris will undoubtedly touch upon various topics, from healthcare and the economy to foreign policy and social issues. With cryptocurrencies gaining increasing relevance, both candidates are expected to discuss their respective stances on this issue. Trump’s prior support for Bitcoin and other digital currencies may contrast with Harris’s push for stricter regulations, potentially fueling an interesting exchange during the debates. Understanding the candidates’ positions on cryptocurrencies could provide valuable insight into their broader economic and technological agendas, ultimately shaping voter decisions in this critical election.

The Great Debate: Trump-Harris Face Off Ends in a Stalemate, Crypto Left Out of the Conversation

The Debate: Trump-Harris Face Off

Description of the Setting and Format

On September 29, 2020, at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, the long-awaited first presidential debate between incumbent President Donald Trump and Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris took place. The debate began at 9:00 PM Eastern Time, with Fox News moderator Chris Wallace presiding over the event. The format consisted of six 15-minute segments, during which each candidate was given two minutes to respond to a question before the other had an opportunity to comment. The topics for each segment were announced prior to the debate, with economy and jobs, healthcare, national security, and climate change and energy policy being covered.

Analysis of the Key Issues Discussed During the Debate

Economy and Jobs:

During the segment on the economy and jobs, both candidates presented their respective visions for revitalizing the American economy. Trump emphasized his administration’s record of job creation and economic growth, while Harris criticized the president for not addressing income inequality and the struggles faced by working-class Americans.


The healthcare segment saw Trump and Harris clash over the Affordable Care Act (ACA), with Trump vowing to repeal it while Harris defended the law and proposed expanding access to healthcare.

National Security:

In the national security segment, both candidates discussed foreign policy issues, including China and Iran. Trump claimed to have achieved significant successes in dealing with these countries, while Harris criticized his handling of diplomacy and advocated for a more multilateral approach.

Climate Change and Energy Policy:

The debate’s final segment focused on climate change and energy policy, with Harris advocating for the Green New Deal and a shift towards renewable energy sources. Trump, on the other hand, dismissed concerns over climate change and emphasized the importance of economic growth and energy independence.

Examination of Each Candidate’s Arguments and Performance

Trump’s approach to the issues and rhetoric:

Throughout the debate, Trump employed a confident and combative tone, interrupting Harris frequently and attacking her record as California attorney general. He defended his administration’s accomplishments and often went on tangents, occasionally veering off topic.

Harris’ counterarguments and presentation:

Harris, in contrast, presented a calm and composed demeanor, often using personal anecdotes to illustrate her points. She effectively countered Trump’s attacks and emphasized the need for empathy and unity in addressing the nation’s challenges.

Analysis of the Audience Reaction and Media Coverage

Impact on public opinion polls:

The debate did not produce a clear winner, with many observers viewing Trump‘s interruptions and frequent attacks as detracting from his performance. According to some polls, Harris may have gained ground with undecided voters following the debate.

Reactions from political pundits and experts:

Media coverage of the debate was mixed, with some analysts praising Harris‘s poise and ability to hold her own against Trump, while others criticized the president’s interruptions and perceived lack of discipline. Overall, the debate was seen as a critical moment in the 2020 presidential race, with both candidates using it to appeal to voters and frame key issues.

The Great Debate: Trump-Harris Face Off Ends in a Stalemate, Crypto Left Out of the Conversation

I Crypto Left Out of the Conversation:
Implications for the Election and the Industry

Discussion of why cryptocurrencies were not addressed during the debate:

  1. Time constraints: The debates are designed to cover a wide range of topics, and cryptocurrencies may not have been seen as a priority within the given time frame.
  2. Lack of expertise: The complexity and technical nature of cryptocurrencies may have deterred candidates or debate moderators from delving too deeply into the subject.
  3. Deliberate omission: It’s also possible that cryptocurrencies were intentionally left out of the conversation due to their perceived lack of relevance or importance to the average voter.

Exploration of the potential implications for the crypto industry and the election:

  1. Missed opportunity for candidates to differentiate on technology policy: With cryptocurrencies and other technological innovations shaping the future of finance, economics, and society, failing to address this issue could mean missing an opportunity for candidates to differentiate themselves on a key policy area.
  2. Impact on voter engagement and interest in crypto: The absence of cryptocurrencies from the debate discussion could also impact voter engagement and interest in this area, potentially leading to a lack of understanding or awareness among voters.

Analysis of the broader context: The role of technology in politics and campaigns:

Technology plays an increasingly significant role in politics and campaigns, with social media, data analytics, and other technological tools becoming essential components of modern political strategy. The lack of discussion on cryptocurrencies in the debates could be indicative of a larger trend, where technological advancements are not fully incorporated into political discourse.

Use of social media:

Social media platforms have emerged as critical battlegrounds for political campaigns, enabling candidates to reach and engage with voters in new and innovative ways. However, the potential implications of cryptocurrencies on social media advertising and campaign financing have yet to be fully explored.

Data analytics:

The use of data analytics has transformed the way political campaigns are run, allowing candidates to target specific demographics and tailor their messages to individual voters. Cryptocurrencies could potentially influence this landscape by enabling more secure and private data transactions, but the broader implications of this trend are still unclear.

Potential future developments:

As technological advancements continue to reshape the political landscape, it is essential to consider the potential implications for cryptocurrencies and their role in elections. For instance, blockchain technology could revolutionize the way votes are counted and verified, reducing the risk of fraud and increasing transparency.


The absence of cryptocurrencies from the recent presidential debates highlights the need for continued dialogue on this issue in politics and society. Candidates must engage with the topic to differentiate themselves on technology policy, while the crypto community must stay informed and engaged in the political process.
