China Stands Firm: No Support for Military AI Use Blueprint

China Stands Firm: No Support for Military AI Use Blueprint

China Stands Firm:

Despite the global trend towards military artificial intelligence (AI) integration, China has

reiterated its stance

against the adoption of such technology. At the recent Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized that China would not “pursue “AI military technology.” According to the

Xinhua News Agency

, Xi stated, “China will not engage in an arms race of pursuing military technology for the sake of catching up with others” (Xinhua, 2023). This position aligns with China’s


policy of focusing on civilian applications of AI and avoiding military applications, which has been evident in its

“Made in China 2025” industrial policy

. The Chinese government’s reluctance to embrace military AI may be due to concerns about potential unintended consequences, ethical dilemmas, and security risks. Nevertheless, this stance has sparked some controversy both domestically and internationally, with some experts questioning China’s ability to compete in the global AI market without military applications.

China Stands Firm: No Support for Military AI Use Blueprint

I. Introduction

Military artificial intelligence (ai) is a rapidly evolving field, with significant advancements being made by various countries around the world. Among the major powers, China, Russia, and the United States are making substantial investments in Military ai technology.


Beijing has set a goal to become a global leader in AI by 2030, with military applications being a top priority. China’s Military AI capabilities include autonomous drones for surveillance and reconnaissance, intelligent target recognition systems, and advanced cyber warfare capabilities.


Moscow has also shown a strong interest in Military AI, with the Russian military reportedly testing autonomous drones and unmanned ground vehicles. Russia’s Military AI focus includes developing intelligent systems for military decision-making, autonomous weapons, and cyber warfare capabilities.

United States

The United States has been a leader in Military AI research and development for decades, with applications ranging from autonomous drones and unmanned vehicles to advanced cyber warfare capabilities. The US military is investing heavily in AI to maintain its technological edge.

However, as Military AI becomes increasingly capable and prevalent on the battlefield, it is crucial that we address the ethical and moral implications of its use. Issues such as the potential for autonomous weapons to make life-or-death decisions without human intervention, the risk of Military AI being used for cyber warfare and surveillance against civilians, and the possibility of Military AI systems being hacked or manipulated raise complex ethical questions.

This outline aims to present China’s stance on Military AI use, without any intention to endorse or criticize. It is important to understand the perspectives of major powers in this domain, as they shape the global military landscape and the future of Military AI use.

China Stands Firm: No Support for Military AI Use Blueprint

Background and Context

Historical context:

Ancient Chinese philosophy (Confucianism, Taoism) and its influence on China’s perspective towards technology and warfare:
Ancient Chinese philosophies, particularly Confucianism and Taoism, have shaped China’s approach towards technology and warfare for centuries. Confucianism emphasized moral values, social harmony, and the importance of education and governance. It influenced China’s stance on warfare by promoting the belief that war was a last resort and should be used only to maintain order and defend the nation. On the other hand, Taoism advocated for living in harmony with nature and avoiding unnecessary conflict. These philosophies influenced China’s approach to technological innovation, with an emphasis on practicality, sustainability, and harmony with nature.

China’s experience with foreign invasions and colonization, shaping its stance against advanced military technologies:
China’s history of foreign invasions and colonization, most notably by the Mongols, Manchus, and European powers, has shaped its stance against advanced military technologies. The Chinese have historically preferred to focus on defensive strategies, such as the Great Wall, rather than investing heavily in offensive military technologies. This reluctance can be attributed to China’s experience with foreign powers using advanced military technologies to invade and colonize.

Present geopolitical context:

Increasing competition between major powers in developing Military AI capabilities:
In the present geopolitical context, there is increasing competition between major powers in developing Military Artificial Intelligence (Military AI) capabilities. The United States, China, Russia, and Europe are investing heavily in Military AI research and development. This competition has significant implications for international relations, security, and stability.

Potential implications for international relations:

Military AI capabilities could reshape the global balance of power, potentially leading to new alliances and tensions. For example, the development of autonomous weapons systems could shift the focus from traditional military capabilities, such as soldiers and aircraft carriers, to data and algorithms. This could lead to new alliances based on technological prowess rather than geographic or ideological alignments.

Security implications:

Military AI capabilities could also have significant security implications. Autonomous weapons systems, for example, could make it easier to launch precision attacks without putting human lives at risk. However, they could also be used to launch surprise attacks or cyber-attacks against critical infrastructure. This raises concerns about the potential for Military AI capabilities to exacerbate existing security challenges, such as terrorism and cyber warfare.

Stability implications:

Finally, Military AI capabilities could have significant stability implications. The development and deployment of Military AI capabilities could lead to a new arms race, with major powers competing to develop the most advanced systems. This could create significant instability, particularly if there is a miscalculation or misunderstanding regarding the use of Military AI capabilities in a conflict situation.

China Stands Firm: No Support for Military AI Use Blueprint

I China’s Position on Military AI Use

Official statements from Chinese government representatives and military personnel

“Military artificial intelligence is an important new-generation information technology that supports the modernization of national defense and the military’s transformation,” stated General Chang Wanquan, China’s former Minister of National Defense, emphasizing the significance of Military AI in China’s military modernization (Xinhua, 2017).

“We should accelerate the development of Military AI and strengthen our capabilities in this area,” emphasized General Zhang Youxia, deputy chief of the Joint Staff Department of the Central Military Commission, during a military forum (Xinhua, 2019).

Unofficial views from experts, scholars, and think tanks in China

“Military AI development is a critical aspect of China’s national defense modernization. However, we must not forget that the primary goal of Military AI should be to protect human life and ensure international peace and security,” stated Wang Xin, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (China Daily, 2020).

Reasons behind China’s stance: a balance between national defense, ethical values, and international norms

The importance of sovereignty, security, and non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs

“Sovereignty is the foundation of state existence and development. We will never allow any foreign power to interfere in China’s internal affairs, especially in matters related to our national defense and military modernization,” stressed Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying (China Daily, 2017).

Ethical considerations: respect for human life, the need to prevent autonomous weapons, and potential consequences on society and culture

“We must consider the ethical implications of Military AI development. The use of autonomous weapons could lead to unintended consequences and potential harm to human life,” warned Professor Zheng Bijian, a senior research fellow at the China Institute of International Studies (South China Morning Post, 2019).

Diplomatic reasons: adherence to international laws and norms, including the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) and the United Nations Charter

“China is committed to upholding international laws and norms in Military AI development. We will not develop or deploy autonomous weapons, as this could lead to serious ethical dilemmas and potential conflict with other countries,” stated Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Zhao Lijian (China Daily, 2021).

Economic considerations: investments in civilian AI applications for economic growth, job creation, and technological innovation

“Military AI development is just one aspect of China’s broader strategy for AI advancement. We are investing heavily in civilian applications to drive economic growth, create jobs, and remain at the forefront of technological innovation,” noted Xu Jingxian, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (China Daily, 2021).

China Stands Firm: No Support for Military AI Use Blueprint

Implications of China’s stance on Military AI development

Potential impact on China’s military capabilities, strategic positioning, and future collaboration with other countries.

Implications for China’s military modernization and defense strategies in the context of a rapidly changing technological landscape: With China investing heavily in Military AI research and development, it is expected to significantly enhance its military capabilities. The integration of Military AI in weapon systems could lead to increased accuracy and efficiency, enabling faster response times and improved situational awareness. This could potentially shift the balance of power in regional conflicts and beyond, requiring other countries to adapt their military strategies accordingly.

Effects on international relations: Consequences for multilateral cooperation, arms race dynamics, and security dilemmas: China’s advancements in Military AI could fuel an arms race among nations, resulting in increased militarization and potential tensions. The lack of clear international regulations on Military AI use may lead to ambiguity and uncertainty regarding acceptable boundaries for its application. This could hinder multilateral cooperation on critical global issues, creating a challenging environment for diplomatic efforts to address potential security dilemmas.

Effect on international relations: consequences for multilateral cooperation, arms race dynamics, and security dilemmas (continued).

Additionally, China’s progress in Military AI may impact its relationships with key global powers. The potential for military advantages could create new areas of competition and strain alliances, potentially leading to a more fragmented international system. There is also an opportunity for China to take a leadership role in global debates on Military AI regulations and norms, shaping the discourse around acceptable uses and ethical frameworks.

Ethical and moral considerations: implications for the development of international norms, ethical frameworks, and governance mechanisms regarding Military AI use.

Potential opportunities for China to lead global debates on Military AI regulations and norms: As a major player in Military AI development, China can contribute significantly to the establishment of ethical frameworks and governance mechanisms. By engaging in open discussions with other nations and international organizations, it could help create a common understanding of the acceptable boundaries for Military AI use and promote transparency and accountability.

a. Encouraging international collaboration on Military AI research and development.

Collaboration could enable shared learning, knowledge exchange, and pooling of resources to address the challenges associated with Military AI development. This could lead to more equitable distribution of Military AI benefits while mitigating potential risks.

b. Establishing international standards and guidelines for Military AI use.

Setting clear standards on Military AI use, such as prohibitions on autonomous weapons systems and ensuring transparency in military applications, could help maintain international stability and reduce the likelihood of unintended consequences. This could also promote a more responsible approach to Military AI development by discouraging an arms race mentality.

China Stands Firm: No Support for Military AI Use Blueprint


In this outline, we have discussed China’s stance on the use of Military Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its implications for international relations. China, as a rising global power, has expressed its support for the development of Military AI but with a strong emphasis on ensuring that it is used in a responsible and ethical manner.

Recap of Main Points

China’s military modernization has included investments in Military AI, with the goal of enhancing its military capabilities and maintaining peace and stability in the region. However, China’s stance on Military AI differs from that of the United States and other Western powers. While the US has taken a more aggressive approach to Military AI development, China has emphasized the importance of international cooperation, transparency, and ethical considerations.


The implications of this stance for China are significant. On the one hand, it allows China to position itself as a responsible global actor and potential leader in Military AI development that prioritizes ethics and international norms. On the other hand, it also means that China may miss out on some of the military advantages that come with being a leader in Military AI development. For the international community, China’s stance raises important questions about the role of Military AI in international relations and the need for global norms and regulations. Finally, for future collaborations in military technology development, China’s stance could lead to new opportunities for partnerships that prioritize ethical considerations and international cooperation.

Suggestions for Further Research

This outline has touched on some of the key issues surrounding China’s stance on Military AI and its implications for international relations. However, there are many potential areas for deeper exploration of these topics. One area is the Chinese perspectives on Military AI ethics, including how Chinese ethical frameworks differ from those of Western powers and what this means for Military AI development. Another area is the impact of Military AI on international norms, including how Military AI could challenge or reinforce existing norms and what this means for the future of international relations. Finally, there is a need for further research on the interplay between Military AI development and geopolitical dynamics, including how Military AI could be used as a tool in geopolitical competition or cooperation. By exploring these topics in more depth, we can gain a better understanding of the complex and dynamic landscape of Military AI development and its implications for international relations.
