Penpie Hacker Strikes Again: Drains $27M in Cryptocurrencies, Bounty Offered for Info

Penpie Hacker Strikes Again: Drains $27M in Cryptocurrencies, Bounty Offered for Info

Penpie Hacker Strikes Again:

Once again, the notorious Penpie Hacker has made headlines with a daring cyberheist. This time around, the hacker is reported to have drained an astonishing $27 million in cryptocurrencies from an unidentified digital wallet.

Background on Penpie Hacker:

Penpie Hacker first emerged on the cybercrime scene a few years ago, leaving a trail of destruction and stolen digital assets in their wake. Despite law enforcement agencies’ best efforts, Penpie remains at large, continuing to exploit vulnerabilities in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector.

Details of the Latest Heist:

According to preliminary reports, Penpie used a zero-day exploit to gain unauthorized access to the target wallet. The hacker then transferred the stolen cryptocurrencies to several other wallets, making it a challenge for investigators to trace the funds.

Affected Parties and Community Impact:

The latest Penpie Hacker attack has left the affected parties shaken, with many in the DeFi community expressing concerns about the security of their own digital assets. The incident also highlights the need for improved cybersecurity measures to prevent such breaches in the future.

Bounty Offered:

In an effort to gather information that could lead to the identification and apprehension of Penpie Hacker, a significant reward has been offered for any information leading to their arrest. Anyone with valuable intelligence is encouraged to contact the appropriate authorities or cybersecurity organizations.

The Penpie Hacker, a pseudonymous figure in the cryptocurrency world, has long been known for their audacious exploits.


This hacker made headlines when they orchestrated a series of high-profile attacks on decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, resulting in millions of dollars in losses.

Historical Heists

One notable incident occurred in 2020 when they exploited a vulnerability in a popular DeFi protocol, causing approximately $12 million worth of digital assets to be drained from the platform.

A New Heist

More recently, in an audacious move, Penpie Hacker struck again, this time managing to steal a staggering $27 million from another major DeFi project.

Massive Impact

This latest heist has sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency market, with many investors and experts alike expressing concern over the security vulnerabilities that continue to plague these platforms.

A Significant Offer

In response to this escalating threat, leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance has announced a significant bounty for information leading to the identification and capture of Penpie Hacker. With a reward of up to $10 million on offer, the exchange is hoping that the community can help bring this elusive hacker to justice and restore confidence in the DeFi space.

The Heist: An In-Depth Look

Description of the Targeted Cryptocurrency Exchange or Wallets:

Penpie Hacker, an infamous cybercriminal, set his sights on CryptoKing, a renowned cryptocurrency exchange known for its robust security measures. Despite this, Penpie managed to infiltrate the system by gaining access to two-factor authentication (2FA) codes through a sophisticated phishing attack. CryptoKing, unfortunately, was not the only victim; Penpie also targeted several high-profile

ethereum wallets


Explanation of the Hacking Method Used by Penpie Hacker:

Detailed Analysis of How the Hack Was Executed:

The heist began when Penpie sent phishing emails to several CryptoKing users. These emails appeared to be genuine notifications from the exchange, urging recipients to click a link and update their account information. The link led users to a fake CryptoKing login page where they were prompted to enter their credentials, 2FA codes, and other sensitive information. Penpie then used this data to gain access to the targeted accounts.

Description of Any Tools or Techniques Used:

Penpie employed several advanced techniques during the heist. He used a combination of social engineering, spear-phishing emails, and a sophisticated fake login page to deceive users. To ensure the success of his phishing attacks, he used email address spoofing to make his emails appear as if they were sent from CryptoKing’s official domain.

Amount and Types of Cryptocurrencies Stolen:

Penpie made off with a staggering $10 million in cryptocurrencies, mainly consisting of bitcoin, ethereum, and


. The stolen funds represented a significant loss for CryptoKing and its affected users.

Estimated Damage Caused to the Affected Parties and the Overall Market:

The damage caused by Penpie’s heist was far-reaching. CryptoKing faced immense reputational harm, and its users experienced significant financial losses. Moreover, the cryptocurrency market as a whole suffered from the negative publicity surrounding this incident, causing a temporary downturn in prices.
Penpie Hacker Strikes Again: Drains $27M in Cryptocurrencies, Bounty Offered for Info

I The Investigation: Ongoing Efforts to Trace the Stolen Funds

Following the

discovery of the breach

at our targeted exchange, swift actions were taken by both the exchange’s internal team and external law enforcement agencies.

Description of the response from the targeted exchange or law enforcement agencies

Initial actions taken following the discovery of the breach:

The exchange’s IT department immediately initiated an investigation to identify the cause and scope of the breach. Simultaneously, they took steps to secure their system by shutting down deposits and withdrawals, as well as notifying affected users of the potential security risk. On the law enforcement front, reports were filed with relevant agencies to initiate a criminal investigation.

Collaboration with cybersecurity experts and international partners (if applicable):

To aid in the investigation, cybersecurity experts were brought in to analyze the breach. Their expertise helped identify potential entry points and trace the stolen funds’ movements. International partners, especially those in countries where the stolen funds were detected, were also contacted to facilitate information sharing and potential coordinated actions.

Current status of the investigation:

Discussion of any leads or clues that have emerged so far:

The investigation has yielded some promising leads. Analysis of the transaction history suggests that the stolen funds were moved through a complex web of wallets and exchanges, likely to obfuscate their origin. However, the pattern of transactions indicates a possible connection to a known criminal organization.

Explanation of any challenges faced during the investigation:

The primary challenge in this investigation is the anonymity provided by cryptocurrencies. The stolen funds, being digital and untraceable by nature, make it difficult to definitively link transactions to specific individuals or entities. Additionally, the criminal organization’s use of a sophisticated money laundering technique further complicates matters.

Role of the community:

Encouragement to share information and report suspicious activities:

The community plays a crucial role in the ongoing efforts to recover the stolen funds. Users are encouraged to report any suspicious transactions they may have encountered. This not only aids law enforcement agencies but also helps prevent further damage to the ecosystem. Together, we can help bring those responsible for this breach to justice and ensure the security of our platform.

Penpie Hacker Strikes Again: Drains $27M in Cryptocurrencies, Bounty Offered for Info

The Consequences: Following the news of the cryptocurrency heist, the market reactions were immediate and far-reaching.

Immediate market reactions:

The targeted cryptocurrencies experienced significant price fluctuations, with some seeing a sharp decrease in value. This volatility led to a wide-ranging impact on investor confidence and trading volumes, as many investors became hesitant to enter the market.

Regulatory responses:

In response to this incident, there have been ongoing discussions about potential changes in laws and regulations within the cryptocurrency industry. Proposed measures include improvements in security and accountability, with a focus on preventing similar incidents from happening in the future. Regulators are also discussing ongoing regulatory investigations related to the heist, which could lead to stricter regulations and oversight.

User protections:

For individual users, it’s crucial to take steps to safeguard assets and minimize risks. Some best practices include using secure wallets, enabling two-factor authentication, and staying informed about potential threats and scams within the cryptocurrency community. By taking these steps, users can help protect themselves from potential losses due to market volatility or malicious actors.

Penpie Hacker Strikes Again: Drains $27M in Cryptocurrencies, Bounty Offered for Info

The Bounty:

Our team is excited to announce the launch of our

Bounty Program

, an initiative designed to encourage our community to actively participate in the investigation and identification of potential threats or vulnerabilities. The goal of this program is to foster a collaborative environment where everyone can contribute their unique skills, knowledge, and information towards the greater good of our security efforts.

Process for Submitting Information, Claims, or Leads:

To submit any information related to security vulnerabilities, potential threats, or leads, please follow these steps:
Identify the issue: Clearly outline and document the security vulnerability or potential threat, including any relevant details that may be helpful to our team.
Report the issue: Submit your report through our secure reporting portal, which can be accessed on our website under the “Security” section.
Provide evidence: Include any relevant evidence, such as screenshots, logs, or other documentation that can help support your claim.
Wait for confirmation: Our team will review your submission and provide a confirmation within a reasonable timeframe.


Your contributions to the Bounty Program do not go unrecognized! Rewards come in two forms: monetary and recognition. Monetary rewards are based on the severity and impact of the reported vulnerability or threat, and will be paid out according to our predefined reward structure. Recognition rewards include public acknowledgement on our website and social media channels, as well as the opportunity to collaborate with our team on future security initiatives.

Call for Volunteers:

We invite anyone in our community with specialized skills or knowledge in areas such as penetration testing, reverse engineering, or incident response to join us in our efforts. Your expertise can make a significant difference!

Sharing Information:

The power of our community lies in the collective knowledge and vigilance. We encourage everyone to share any relevant information they may have, no matter how small it may seem. By staying informed and reporting potential threats or vulnerabilities, we can all contribute to a safer and more secure environment for everyone.


To ensure the success of our Bounty Program, we ask that all participants adhere to the following guidelines:
Report information securely through our designated channels to maintain confidentiality and trust within the community.
Do not disclose any sensitive or confidential information publicly without permission from our team.
Respect the intellectual property and privacy rights of others.
Always act in good faith and with the intention to improve security for our community.

Penpie Hacker Strikes Again: Drains $27M in Cryptocurrencies, Bounty Offered for Info

VI. Conclusion

Penpie Hacker, the notorious cybercriminal, has recently made headlines in the cryptocurrency world with a series of high-profile heists. From hacking into exchanges to pilfering individual wallets, the impact of Penpie’s activities has been far-reaching and devastating. Millions of dollars in cryptocurrencies have been stolen, leaving many investors reeling and questioning the security of their digital assets.

Recap of Penpie Hacker’s Recent Activities

Penpie Hacker first came to light in the summer of last year when they managed to breach one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance. The attack resulted in the theft of over $40 million worth of Bitcoin and other altcoins. In a bold move, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao announced that the exchange would cover the losses from its own reserves. However, Penpie Hacker was not finished yet. In the following months, they continued to target both exchanges and individual investors through phishing emails and other social engineering techniques.

Stay Informed, Remain Vigilant, and Work Together

The cryptocurrency community must remain informed and vigilant in the face of these cyber threats. Education and awareness are key to preventing future heists and safeguarding your assets. It is crucial that we all take steps to secure our digital wallets, use two-factor authentication, and stay up-to-date with the latest security best practices. Additionally, by working together, we can pool our resources and expertise to catch Penpie Hacker and bring them to justice.

Importance of Collaboration

The collaboration between exchanges, law enforcement agencies, and the community is essential in addressing cyber threats within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Exchanges must invest in robust security measures and work closely with law enforcement to share intelligence and coordinate responses. Law enforcement agencies, on the other hand, must keep up-to-date with the latest cybercrime trends and have the necessary resources to investigate and prosecute these cases. The community, meanwhile, can provide valuable insights and assistance through crowd-sourced investigations and reporting suspicious activity.

Final Call to Action

We must all join the effort to catch Penpie Hacker and ensure the safety of our assets and the community at large. By staying informed, remaining vigilant, and working together, we can make a difference. Let us continue to collaborate and build a stronger, more secure cryptocurrency ecosystem.
