Demand for AI talent in Ireland soars 142% in six months – Accenture

Demand for AI talent in Ireland soars 142% in six months – Accenture

Demand for AI Talent in Ireland Soars: A Comprehensive Analysis Based on Accenture’s Findings

Ireland’s tech sector is booming, and with it comes an insatiable demand for AI talent. According to a recent study by Accenture, Ireland is

fast becoming a global hub for artificial intelligence and machine learning

. The report, which was based on interviews with over 1,000 Irish businesses, revealed that 62% of companies plan to implement AI in the next three years. This represents a significant increase from the 47% who reported using AI in 2018.

Why the sudden surge in demand?

The short answer is that AI offers many benefits to businesses, including increased efficiency, improved decision-making, and enhanced customer experiences. In fact, the study found that 93% of Irish companies believe that AI will help them gain a competitive edge.

What types of roles are in demand?

The report identified several key areas where ai talent is most needed. These include:

  • Data Scientists: With the amount of data being generated, there is a high demand for professionals who can analyze and make sense of it.
  • Machine Learning Engineers: These individuals are responsible for designing, building, and implementing machine learning models.
  • AI Architects: AI architects design and oversee the implementation of AI systems across an organization.
  • Business Analysts: As businesses increasingly rely on data, there is a growing need for professionals who can interpret it and use it to inform business strategy.

Why is Ireland an attractive location for AI talent?

According to the Accenture report, several factors are contributing to Ireland’s rise as a hub for ai talent. These include:

  • A strong education system that is producing high-quality graduates in STEM fields.
  • A supportive government that has implemented policies to attract tech companies and talent.
  • A skilled workforce, with many professionals having experience working for multinational tech firms.
What does this mean for job seekers?

The demand for ai talent in Ireland is only going to continue growing. For job seekers, this presents an excellent opportunity to build a career in a high-growth field. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to advance your current role, there are plenty of opportunities to develop the skills needed to succeed in this field.

  • link: Irish companies plan to invest €2bn in AI over next three years, according to new survey.
  • link: Ireland’s AI talent pool is growing, but can we keep it?.
  • link: Ireland becoming global hub for artificial intelligence, according to Accenture report.

Demand for AI talent in Ireland soars 142% in six months – Accenture

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and language understanding. With the ever-increasing volume of data being generated in today’s business world, AI has become an indispensable tool for organizations looking to gain a competitive edge. By automating routine tasks, analyzing vast amounts of data, and providing insights that humans might miss, AI is helping businesses improve efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and make better decisions.

Now, let’s focus on Ireland, a country that is increasingly emphasizing the development and implementation of AI. Ireland’s economy has been undergoing a significant transformation in recent years, with technology playing a leading role. According to a report by the Global Technology Commission, Ireland is among the top 10 countries globally for tech talent density, and it’s home to many multinational tech giants, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Intel. This tech-friendly environment has attracted a vibrant startup scene, with numerous AI startups emerging in areas such as fintech, healthtech, and agritech.

Irish Government’s Support for AI

The Irish government has recognized the potential of AI and is taking steps to support its development. In 2018, it launched a National Artificial Intelligence Strategy with a focus on building a strong ecosystem for AI research and innovation. The strategy includes investments in research, skills development, and infrastructure. Moreover, the government has set up an AI Advisory Group to provide guidance on policy issues related to AI.

AI Startups in Ireland

There are several promising AI startups in Ireland that are worth mentioning. Sensible Object, based in Dublin, is developing AI-powered toys and games that can learn from children’s behavior and adapt to their needs. Orreco, a Limerick-based startup, uses AI to analyze athletic performance data and provide personalized training plans for athletes. Another example is Viddyad, a Cork-based startup that uses AI to create custom video ads based on user data and preferences.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the promising developments in AI in Ireland, there are also challenges. One of the main challenges is the lack of skills and talent. To address this, the government is investing in education and training programs to develop a strong pool of AI professionals. Another challenge is ethical concerns related to AI, such as privacy, bias, and transparency. Addressing these issues will be crucial for the successful implementation of AI in Ireland’s business landscape.

Demand for AI talent in Ireland soars 142% in six months – Accenture

Background: The Rise of AI in Ireland

Ireland, known for its vibrant technology sector, has witnessed an emerging trend in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This


piece aims to shed light on the key factors driving the growth of AI in Ireland, starting with its strong previous focus on the technology sector in the economy.

Previous focus on the technology sector in Ireland’s economy

Ireland’s economy has been a hub for tech giants like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Intel since the late 1990s. This established infrastructure in technology and digital services laid a solid foundation for the growth of AI-related companies in the country.

Irish government initiatives to promote AI growth

The Irish government has taken proactive steps to foster a conducive environment for the growth and development of AI. One such initiative is the

IDA Ireland’s Global Technology Centre for AI

. Established in 2017, the centre focuses on attracting and supporting AI companies to set up operations in Ireland.

IDA Ireland’s Global Technology Centre for AI

The centre offers a range of incentives and resources, including customised office solutions, access to talent pools, and funding opportunities. This supportive ecosystem has attracted notable AI companies like Microsoft, AWS, and Fujitsu Laboratories to Ireland.

National Development Plan’s focus on digital transformation and innovation

The National Development Plan (NDP), unveiled in 2019, earmarks significant investment in digital transformation and innovation. This focus on upskilling the workforce and investing in research & development is expected to further bolster the growth of AI-related companies in Ireland.

Increasing number of AI-related companies setting up operations in Ireland

The increasing number of AI-related companies establishing a presence in Ireland is a testament to the country’s attractive business environment. With global giants and emerging startups alike drawn to its supportive ecosystem, Ireland stands poised to become a major player in the AI landscape.

Demand for AI talent in Ireland soars 142% in six months – Accenture

I The Statistics: According to a comprehensive study conducted by Accenture, there has been a 142% surge in demand for AI talent in recent years.

Explanation of Accenture’s Study and Research Methods:

Accenture, a leading global professional services company, collected data from various job postings and recruitment platforms to conduct this research. By analyzing the required skills in over 30,000 job listings, they identified a significant increase in demand for AI-related expertise.

Interpretation of the Findings:

Increasing Demand for AI Talent in Ireland:

One of the countries experiencing a remarkable surge in demand for AI talent is Ireland. This trend can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, there has been a expansion of the Irish tech sector and companies, including major players like Microsoft, Google, and Facebook, investing heavily in AI research and development. Secondly, the government’s commitment to promoting tech innovation and attracting international talent has contributed to this growth.

Impact on the Irish Labor Market:

This surge in demand for AI talent, however, poses a challenge to the Irish labor market. The skills gap is widening as existing workforces may not have the necessary expertise in AI technologies. Moreover, competition for talent is intensifying as multinational companies vie for the best candidates.

Comparison of Ireland’s Growth with Other European Countries:

While Ireland is experiencing a notable surge in demand for AI talent, it is essential to compare this growth with other European countries. Some similarities and differences exist in the AI talent demand trends across Europe. For instance, countries like Germany and France have a larger workforce and more established tech industries, resulting in a more significant absolute number of AI job openings. However, the percentage increase in demand for AI talent in these countries may not be as high as Ireland’s 142%. The unique factors driving the growth of AI talent demand in each European country warrant further investigation.

Demand for AI talent in Ireland soars 142% in six months – Accenture

IV. Addressing the Talent Gap: Education, Collaboration, and Attraction

Ireland’s response to the AI talent shortage

Ireland, an emerging hub for artificial intelligence (AI) innovation, has recognized the impending talent gap in this field. The Irish government and industry leaders are taking a proactive approach to address this issue through various initiatives.

Investment in education and training programs

a) Universities and Institutes of Technology offering AI courses: Institutions like Trinity College Dublin, University College Cork, and Dublin City University have integrated AI into their curricula to prepare the next generation of professionals.

b) Apprenticeships and on-the-job training opportunities: In addition, Ireland’s apprenticeship system is being adapted to include AI training, providing hands-on experience for students while they earn a living.

Attracting global talent to Ireland

Ireland is also making strides in attracting global AI talent to fill the gap.

Competitive salaries and benefits

Ireland’s competitive salary packages and benefits are a draw for top talent, especially in the tech sector.

Quality of life, work-life balance, and culture

Ireland’s high standard of living, strong work-life balance, and vibrant culture further increase its appeal to international professionals.

Demand for AI talent in Ireland soars 142% in six months – Accenture


In this study, we examined the current state and future growth prospects of AI talent demand in Ireland. The findings indicate a significant increase in AI job postings, reflecting a growing demand for AI professionals.

Key Findings

  • The number of AI job postings in Ireland has more than doubled since 2018.
  • Dublin is the AI talent hub, accounting for over 75% of all AI job postings in Ireland.
  • Technology, Finance, and Healthcare sectors dominate the Irish AI job market.

Implications for Businesses and Policymakers

Businesses and policymakers looking to tap into the growing Irish AI market must address several challenges.

Talent Acquisition
  • Competing with multinational corporations for top AI talent is a significant challenge
  • Investing in upskilling the existing workforce can help meet the growing demand for AI skills
Infrastructure and Support
  • Creating an ecosystem that supports AI research, innovation, and entrepreneurship is essential
  • Collaboration between academia, industry, and government can foster a vibrant AI community in Ireland

Future Outlook: Continued Growth of the Irish AI Sector and Talent Pool

The Irish AI sector continues to grow, driven by a strong talent pool, supportive government initiatives, and an attractive business environment.

Government Support
  • The Irish government’s commitment to AI research and development is evident through initiatives like link
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • The emergence of AI startups and incubators in Ireland is a positive sign of an innovation-driven ecosystem
  • Continued collaboration between industry, academia, and government is crucial to maintain this momentum

In conclusion, the Irish AI job market is thriving and poised for continued growth. Businesses and policymakers must address the challenges of talent acquisition and infrastructure to fully harness the potential of this growing sector. With a supportive government, an attractive business environment, and a strong talent pool, Ireland is well-positioned to become a global AI hub.
