AI poses job threat, says Indian Economic survey

AI poses job threat, says Indian Economic survey

AI and Automation: A Looming Job Threat

According to the Indian Economic Survey 2021-22, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation are set to transform the Indian labor market in a significant way. The report highlights that these technologies have the potential to disrupt various sectors, leading to both job losses and new employment opportunities. The sectors most at risk are those with a large labor force in repetitive tasks, such as manufacturing, agriculture, and services.

Impact on the Manufacturing Sector

The manufacturing sector is expected to be one of the most affected by AI and automation. With the increasing use of robots and advanced machinery, there is a clear trend towards labour displacement. However, it’s important to note that these technologies can also lead to new jobs being created in areas such as robot maintenance and programming.

Impact on the Agricultural Sector

The agricultural sector, which employs a large percentage of India’s workforce, is also not immune to the effects of AI and automation. The adoption of precision agriculture and drone technology can lead to improved efficiency and higher yields, but it may also lead to job losses for farmers and laborers.

Impact on the Services Sector

The services sector, which accounts for a large portion of India’s economy, is also likely to be impacted by AI and automation. The report suggests that customer service roles, data entry jobs, and even some white-collar positions could be at risk of automation. However, there are also opportunities for new employment in areas such as AI development and implementation.

Skills Required to Adapt

The report emphasizes the importance of reskilling and upskilling for workers in order to adapt to the changing labor market. The demand for skills related to AI, automation, and digital technologies is expected to grow significantly in the coming years. Workers who can adapt to these new technologies and develop the necessary skills will be best positioned to thrive in this new employment landscape.

AI poses job threat, says Indian Economic survey

I. Introduction

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation, two revolutionary technologies, have been gaining significant attention in the contemporary economy. AI, a subset of computer science that deals with creating intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that would normally require human intelligence, has been making waves in various industries. Automation, on the other hand, refers to the use of technology to perform tasks without human intervention. Both these technologies have been instrumental in increasing productivity and efficiency in businesses worldwide.

Brief explanation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation

AI, with its ability to learn from data, can analyze complex patterns, make decisions, and even create new ideas. It has applications in areas as diverse as healthcare diagnosis, stock market prediction, and even writing news articles. Automation, on the other hand, includes technologies like robotics, computerized control systems, and software applications that can automate repetitive tasks. Together, AI and automation are transforming industries and creating new business models.

Importance of AI and Automation in the contemporary economy

The importance of AI and automation in the contemporary economy cannot be overstated. These technologies are driving innovation and economic growth by increasing productivity, reducing costs, and improving quality. They are also transforming industries, creating new business opportunities, and changing the nature of work. However, they come with challenges as well, including the displacement of jobs due to automation and the need for new skills and training.

Thesis statement:

This outline will provide an in-depth analysis

of the Indian Economic Survey’s warning

regarding ai posing a significant job threat

AI poses job threat, says Indian Economic survey


Brief overview of the Indian Economic Survey (IES)

The Indian Economic Survey (IES), an annual publication of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India, serves as a comprehensive review of the country’s economic achievements and challenges during the preceding year. Initially introduced in 1897, the IES has since evolved as an essential document for shaping India’s economic policies. It provides valuable insights into various sectors, including agriculture, industry, services, and infrastructure, as well as fiscal trends, monetary policy, and external sector developments.

History and objectives

The IES was first presented to the British Parliament in 1897 by Sir Dinshaw Edulji Wacha, India’s first Finance Member. Its primary objective was to inform the public and Parliament about India’s economic condition and fiscal policy measures. Over the years, the scope and depth of the IES have expanded significantly, reflecting the evolving nature of India’s economy and the need for comprehensive economic analysis.

Role in shaping India’s economic policies

The IES plays a crucial role in guiding India’s economic policy discourse. It provides a platform for analyzing trends, identifying challenges, and proposing solutions to enhance the overall economic performance of the country. By offering an in-depth analysis of various sectors and policy interventions, the IES influences the formulation of budget proposals and informs stakeholders about key economic developments.

Previous concerns raised by the IES regarding AI and automation


In recent years, the Indian Economic Survey has acknowledged the growing impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation on India’s economy. As early as 2017, the IES highlighted the potential benefits and challenges of AI, including productivity gains, job displacement, and skill requirements.

Impacts on labor market

The IES has emphasized the importance of preparing India’s workforce for the future of work in the face of AI and automation. According to the Survey, while these technologies may lead to job displacement in some sectors, they could also create new employment opportunities in others. The Survey emphasizes the need for continuous skill upgradation and education to remain competitive in the rapidly changing labor market.

Policy recommendations

To address the potential challenges posed by AI and automation, the IES has suggested a range of policy measures. These include investments in education and skill development, incentives for industries to adopt labor-intensive processes, and targeted social safety nets for vulnerable populations. The Survey also advocates for a collaborative approach between governments, businesses, and workers to ensure a smooth transition towards an increasingly automated economy.

AI poses job threat, says Indian Economic survey

I The Job Threat Posed by AI and Automation: An Overview

A. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation are revolutionizing the way businesses operate, leading to significant concerns about their impact on employment. The potential for job losses is a major concern as AI and automation continue to advance.

Impact on Various Industries and Sectors:

a. Manufacturing

Manufacturing industries, which have already seen significant job losses due to automation over the past few decades, are expected to be hit hardest by AI. With advancements in robotics and machine learning, manufacturers can now automate tasks that were previously performed by human labor. According to a report by the International Federation of Robotics, China, Japan, South Korea, and the United States accounted for 91% of global industrial robot sales in 2016.

b. Transportation and Logistics

The transportation and logistics sectors are also at risk, with autonomous vehicles and drones becoming increasingly common. According to a report by the Boston Consulting Group, up to 25 million transportation jobs worldwide could be displaced by automation by 2030. Self-driving trucks, for instance, can operate around the clock without breaks and require fewer drivers.

c. Retail

Retail is another industry facing significant disruption from AI and automation. With the rise of e-commerce, robots and automated systems are being used to pick, pack, and ship orders. Furthermore, chatbots and AI-powered customer service agents are becoming more common, reducing the need for human interaction in sales and support.

d. Healthcare

The healthcare sector is also undergoing significant changes due to AI and automation. Robots are being used for surgeries, diagnoses, and patient care, while AI-powered chatbots provide medical advice and support. A report by the McKinsey Global Institute estimates that up to 800,000 jobs in the US healthcare sector could be displaced by automation and AI by 2030.

Statistics Supporting the Job Threat:

Data from International Studies and Reports

According to a report by the World Economic Forum, 75 million jobs may be displaced globally by 2030 due to automation and AI. However, at the same time, new jobs are expected to be created, with an estimated 133 million new positions arising from technological advances.

Evidence from India’s Labor Market Trends

India, which is rapidly adopting AI and automation in various industries, provides a useful case study. According to a report by the Centre for Business and Economics Research at the London School of Economics, India’s labor market is becoming increasingly informal, with a growing number of jobs in the services sector being replaced by automation. This trend is expected to continue as more companies adopt AI and automation to reduce labor costs.

AI poses job threat, says Indian Economic survey

IV. Strategies to Address the Job Threat:

Upskilling and Reskilling of the Workforce

  1. Government Initiatives in India: The Indian government has launched several initiatives to upskill and reskill the workforce. For instance, link mission aims to train over 40 crore people in India by 202Other initiatives include link (PMKVY) and link. These programs focus on providing training in various sectors such as IT, healthcare, manufacturing, and construction.
  2. Role of Educational Institutions and Training Programs: Educational institutions and training programs also play a crucial role in preparing the workforce for the future. They offer certification courses, diplomas, and degrees that focus on skills required by industries. For instance, many universities in India offer courses in artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning, robotics, etc.

Encouraging Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment Opportunities

  1. Support for Startups and Small Businesses: The Indian government has introduced several initiatives to support startups and small businesses. For instance, link aims to provide funding up to INR 10 lakh to women and marginalized communities, while link provides financial assistance to MSMEs. These initiatives help create self-employment opportunities and reduce unemployment.
  2. Provision of Financial Assistance and Incentives: The government also provides financial assistance and incentives to entrepreneurs. For instance, the link campaign offers tax incentives and subsidies to companies that set up manufacturing units in India.

Focus on Labor-Intensive Industries and Sectors

  1. Promotion of Agriculture and Rural Development: The Indian government has initiated several programs to promote agriculture and rural development. For instance, link provides crop insurance to farmers, while the link provides loans to rural entrepreneurs and farmers. These initiatives help create employment opportunities in the agriculture sector.
  2. Expansion of the Services Sector: The services sector, which is labor-intensive, has immense potential for creating employment opportunities. The government plans to expand this sector by investing in sectors such as healthcare, education, tourism, and IT.

Collaboration Between Humans and AI

  1. Human-AI Collaboration in Various Industries: Instead of replacing humans, AI can be used to augment human capabilities and improve productivity. For instance, AI can be used to analyze data and provide insights that help humans make better decisions. Industries such as healthcare, education, manufacturing, and finance are already using human-AI collaboration to improve efficiency.
  2. Importance of Soft Skills for Workers: As AI and automation become more common, soft skills such as creativity, communication, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence will become increasingly important. Workers who possess these skills will be in high demand.

AI poses job threat, says Indian Economic survey


Summary of the key findings from the Indian Economic Survey regarding AI and automation posing a significant job threat

The recent Indian Economic Survey report has highlighted the growing concern of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation posing a significant challenge to the Indian workforce. With the rapid advancement in technology, machines are increasingly capable of performing tasks traditionally done by humans, leading to concerns about job displacement and unemployment. The survey estimates that approximately 23% of the Indian workforce is at risk of being automated in the next decade.

Importance of proactive measures to address this challenge

The implications of this finding are far-reaching and require immediate attention from all stakeholders. The government, businesses, and educational institutions have a critical role to play in mitigating the impact of AI on employment. The government needs to implement policies that encourage the growth of new industries and create jobs in areas where humans can add value, such as creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. Businesses, on the other hand, must invest in reskilling their workforce to keep up with the changing times. Lastly, educational institutions need to revamp their curricula to equip students with the necessary skills for the future job market.

Call for continuous research and dialogue on the topic to ensure a smooth transition towards an AI-driven economy

Furthermore, it is essential to continue the research and dialogue on this topic to ensure a smooth transition towards an AI-driven economy. This includes understanding the implications of AI on various industries, identifying potential solutions, and promoting public awareness about the benefits and challenges of this technology. By working collaboratively towards these goals, we can ensure that India remains at the forefront of the global economy while minimizing the negative impact on its workforce.
