Taiwan unveils its draft artificial intelligence bill

Taiwan unveils its draft artificial intelligence bill

Taiwan’s Draft Artificial Intelligence Bill: An In-Depth Outline

Taiwan, a leading technology hub in Asia, is set to join the global race in regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI). The country’s draft AI bill, officially named as the “Act Governing the Use of Artificial Intelligence for Public Services”, was released on August 31, 2021. This

in-depth outline

provides an overview of the key aspects of Taiwan’s proposed ai legislation.

Scope and Application:

The draft bill covers public services, which includes government agencies, public institutions, and their affiliated organizations. The objective is to ensure that the use of AI in these sectors aligns with ethical and legal principles.


The proposed legislation emphasizes six core principles: transparency, fairness, accountability, security, privacy, and non-discrimination. These principles aim to build trust in AI systems and protect the rights of individuals.


The draft bill outlines regulations for various aspects of ai use, such as:

  • Data Collection and Processing:

AI systems must comply with data protection laws, including obtaining consent from individuals before collecting their personal information.

  • Algorithmic Transparency:

  • AI systems must provide clear explanations of how they make decisions, allowing for human review and potential intervention.

  • Non-Discrimination:

  • AI systems cannot discriminate based on race, ethnicity, gender, or other personal characteristics.

  • Human Oversight:

  • Humans must supervise AI systems, maintaining the final decision-making authority and ensuring that the technology aligns with ethical and legal frameworks.


    The Taiwan Data Protection Bureau is responsible for enforcing the proposed ai regulations, with penalties for non-compliance including fines and potential legal action.

    Taiwan’s draft ai bill represents a significant step towards regulating the use of ai in public services and ensures that the technology aligns with ethical and legal principles, fostering trust and protecting individual rights. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.

    Taiwan unveils its draft artificial intelligence bill

    I. Introduction

    Taiwan, a leading technological hub in Asia, has been making significant strides in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) development and strategy.

    Brief background on Taiwan’s AI development and strategy

    The government of Taiwan has been actively investing in AI research and industry through various initiatives. For instance, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) launched the “5+2 Innovative Industries Initiative” in 2015, which includes AI as one of its core focuses. Additionally, the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) and the Academia Sinica have been leading the research efforts in AI and machine learning.

    Government initiatives, investments, and collaborations

    Furthermore, the private sector in Taiwan has also been actively participating in AI development. Companies such as Asus, Acer, and HTC have been investing in AI research and implementation.

    Current state of AI research and industry in Taiwan

    Despite these advancements, it is crucial to recognize the importance and necessity of regulating AI development and usage.

    Importance and necessity of regulating AI development and usage

    Ethical considerations

    AI raises significant ethical concerns, particularly in areas such as privacy, bias, and transparency. It is essential to establish a regulatory framework that addresses these issues and ensures that AI development aligns with ethical principles.

    Legal frameworks in other countries

    Several countries, including the European Union, the United States, and Canada, have already begun implementing AI regulations. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets guidelines for data privacy and protection in the era of AI.

    Objective of the draft AI bill

    In response to these developments, Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) has proposed a draft AI bill.

    Goals and key areas of focus

    The objectives of the draft bill include promoting the ethical use of AI, ensuring transparency and accountability in AI systems, and protecting privacy. The key areas of focus include establishing a legal framework for AI, promoting research and development, and encouraging international collaboration.

    Timeline and process

    The draft bill is currently under review by the Executive Yuan, Taiwan’s Cabinet, and is expected to be presented to the Legislative Yuan for approval in 2022.

    Taiwan unveils its draft artificial intelligence bill

    Overview of the Draft Bill

    Structure and organization of the bill

    The Draft Bill on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Regulation is a comprehensive legislative proposal designed to establish a regulatory framework for the development, deployment, and use of AI technologies in various sectors. The bill is meticulously organized into several sections, including:

    Preliminary provisions
    Scope and applicability
    Ethical guidelines for AI development and use
    Regulatory framework for AI applications
    5. Enforcement mechanisms and penalties
    6. International cooperation and collaboration

    Key definitions related to AI and its applications

    Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, etc.

    The Draft Bill provides the following definitions:

    • Artificial Intelligence (AI): A system or machine that is designed to mimic human intelligence and autonomously learn from experience, adapt to new inputs, and perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.
    • Machine Learning (ML): A subset of AI that involves training models and algorithms to improve performance based on data, without explicit programming.
    • Deep Learning (DL): A subset of ML that uses neural networks with multiple layers to learn and identify patterns from data.

    Autonomous vehicles, robots, drones, etc.

    The Draft Bill also defines various AI applications and systems:

    • Autonomous vehicles: Vehicles designed to operate without human intervention, using AI for navigation, safety systems, and control.
    • Robots: Machines programmed to perform tasks autonomously or with minimal human intervention, including industrial robots, service robots, and medical robots.
    • Drones: Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that use AI for navigation, flight control, and sensing their environment.

    Scope and applicability of the bill

    Domain-specific industries (healthcare, finance, transportation, etc.)

    The Draft Bill covers AI applications in various sectors and industries:

    • Healthcare: Diagnosis, treatment planning, drug discovery, and patient monitoring using AI.
    • Finance: Fraud detection, credit risk assessment, investment management, and customer service using AI.
    • Transportation: Autonomous vehicles, traffic management, logistics optimization, and route planning using AI.
    • Manufacturing: Predictive maintenance, process optimization, quality control, and design automation using AI.
    • Education: Personalized learning plans, assessment, and grading using AI.
    Cross-sectoral applications and implications

    The Draft Bill also addresses the broader implications of AI on various aspects of society, including:

    • Employment and labor markets: The impact on job displacement, skills requirements, and employment patterns.
    • Ethics and human rights: Protecting privacy, freedom, and autonomy in the context of AI applications.
    • Safety, security, and liability: Ensuring safety and security in the development, deployment, and use of AI systems.
    • Innovation, competition, and economic growth: Encouraging innovation, fostering competition, and promoting economic growth through AI applications.

    Key stakeholders and involved parties

    The Draft Bill affects a wide range of stakeholders and parties:

    • Government agencies, regulatory bodies, and ministries: Responsible for setting the policy framework and enforcing regulations.
    • Academic institutions, research centers, and think tanks: Contributing to the scientific advancements in AI and its applications.
    • Businesses, industries, and entrepreneurs: Investing in the development, deployment, and use of AI technologies.
    • Civil society organizations, NGOs, and advocacy groups: Advocating for ethical use of AI and protecting the interests of marginalized communities.
    • International partners and collaborators: Collaborating on research, standardization, and policy development.

    Taiwan unveils its draft artificial intelligence bill

    I Regulation of AI Ethics and Morality

    A. Establishing ethical guidelines and principles for AI development and usage is a crucial aspect of ensuring that technology serves humanity in a beneficial and responsible manner. Three key areas of focus for ethical AI include:

    Non-discrimination, transparency, and fairness:

    Non-discrimination refers to ensuring that AI systems do not unfairly target or exclude individuals based on their race, gender, religion, or other protected characteristics. Transparency involves making the inner workings of AI systems understandable to humans, while fairness encompasses ensuring that AI systems make decisions without bias or prejudice.

    Privacy, data protection, and cybersecurity:

    Protecting individual privacy is essential in an era of increasingly data-driven AI systems. Ethical guidelines should include robust data protection measures, such as encryption and access controls, to safeguard sensitive information. Cybersecurity is also crucial, as AI systems can be vulnerable to cyber attacks that could compromise data or cause harm.

    Accountability, responsibility, and liability:

    As AI systems become more sophisticated, determining accountability and liability for their actions is becoming a significant challenge. Ethical guidelines should establish clear lines of responsibility and liability for both the developers and users of AI systems. Accountability involves ensuring that those responsible for developing and deploying AI systems are transparent about their operations and take appropriate steps to address any negative consequences.

    B. Implementing ethical guidelines through certification schemes and audits is essential to ensuring that AI systems meet these standards. Certification schemes can provide assurance to consumers and regulators that an AI system has undergone rigorous testing and evaluation against established ethical guidelines.

    Requirements for AI developers and manufacturers:

    To earn certification, developers and manufacturers must demonstrate compliance with ethical guidelines and undergo regular audits to ensure ongoing adherence. These requirements can include rigorous testing and evaluation of AI systems, as well as training for employees in ethical AI design and development.

    Enforcement mechanisms and consequences:

    Enforcing ethical guidelines is essential to ensure that certification schemes are effective. Consequences for non-compliance could include fines, revocation of certifications, or legal action. Publicly documenting and sharing information about non-compliant systems can also help deter future violations.

    C. Encouraging public-private partnerships to advance ethical AI research is essential to ensuring that ethical guidelines keep pace with technological developments. Public funding opportunities and collaboration initiatives can help ensure that a diverse range of perspectives and expertise are brought to bear on ethical AI research.

    Funding opportunities and collaboration initiatives:

    Governments, non-profit organizations, and private sector entities can all play a role in funding ethical AI research. Collaboration initiatives can help bring together experts from different fields to share best practices and lessons learned from other countries.

    Taiwan unveils its draft artificial intelligence bill

    Regulation of AI Safety and Security

    Ensuring safety, reliability, and robustness in AI systems

    1. Technical requirements for AI design, development, and testing: To ensure the safety and security of AI systems, it’s essential to establish technical requirements for their design, development, and testing. This includes implementing rigorous testing protocols, adhering to industry standards, and employing best practices throughout the entire AI lifecycle.
  • Human oversight, supervision, and intervention: Despite advances in AI technology, human oversight is still necessary to ensure that systems function as intended. This may involve continuous supervision during operation or timely intervention when errors occur. Human involvement is also critical in addressing any ethical concerns that arise with AI use.
  • Protecting against potential risks and threats from AI misuse or malfunction

    1. Threats to physical safety (autonomous vehicles, industrial robots): AI systems can pose significant risks to physical safety, particularly in applications such as autonomous vehicles and industrial robots. Ensuring that these systems are designed with fail-safe mechanisms and adequate safeguards to prevent accidents is essential.
    2. Threats to digital security (cyber attacks, data breaches, misinformation): AI systems can also pose risks to digital security. Cyber attacks, data breaches, and the spread of misinformation through deepfake technology are just a few examples. Regulations must address these threats by requiring robust security protocols, regular vulnerability assessments, and appropriate response plans in case of a breach.

    Addressing potential AI system failures and errors through insurance schemes and compensation mechanisms

    1. Insurance schemes: Given the potential risks associated with AI systems, insurers will need to develop appropriate risk assessment models and pricing strategies. This will involve analyzing factors such as the nature of the AI application, the likelihood of errors or failures, and the potential consequences.
    2. Compensation mechanisms: Regulations should also establish compensation mechanisms to address any harm caused by AI systems. This could include mandatory liability insurance, no-fault compensation schemes, or a hybrid approach combining both.

    Taiwan unveils its draft artificial intelligence bill

    Regulation of AI Intellectual Property and Data Protection

    Protecting intellectual property rights related to AI inventions and innovations

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries with its ability to learn, reason, and create new inventions. However, as AI becomes more sophisticated, the protection of intellectual property (IP) rights related to these innovations has become a pressing concern.

    Patent law, trademark law, and copyright law considerations

    Patent law provides protection for inventions, while trademark law safeguards distinctive signs used to identify and distinguish goods and services from those of others. Copyright law, on the other hand, offers protection for original literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, including software code. However, these traditional legal frameworks are facing challenges when it comes to AI inventions and innovations. For instance, patents for algorithms, machine learning models, or other AI-related inventions can be difficult to obtain due to their abstract nature. Trademark protection for AI bots and chatbots raises questions about the ability of these entities to hold legal rights. Similarly, copyright protection for AI-generated content is a complex issue, as it’s unclear who owns the IP rights – the creator of the AI or the AI itself.

    Ensuring data privacy and security in AI applications

    Data collection, processing, and sharing practices

    As AI systems collect vast amounts of data for training and improving their performance, it’s crucial to address the potential risks associated with data privacy and security. Companies collecting and processing personal data should adhere to strict guidelines to protect users’ information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

    Transparency, consent, and control over personal data

    Moreover, transparency, consent, and control are essential elements for users in ensuring their privacy is respected. Users must be informed about the purpose and scope of data collection, processing, and sharing practices. They should also have the right to control and delete their personal data when they see fit.

    Addressing potential conflicts between intellectual property rights and data protection

    Resolving the tension between IP protection and data protection is a significant challenge. Balancing these competing interests can be complex, as AI-related innovations often rely on large datasets for training models. Ensuring that data is used ethically while protecting the intellectual property rights of those who create and develop AI systems will be an ongoing challenge for policymakers, regulators, and industry stakeholders.

    Taiwan unveils its draft artificial intelligence bill

    VI. Regulation of AI Impact on Labor Market and Social Welfare

    Minimizing negative impacts on labor market and employment opportunities

    To mitigate the potential negative impacts of AI on the labor market and employment opportunities, it is essential to implement measures that enhance workforce skills and support those who are displaced. Skills training and education programs are crucial in equipping the workforce with the necessary knowledge and abilities to adapt to the changing job landscape. These programs can focus on AI-related skills, as well as soft skills such as creativity, problem-solving, and communication.

    Skills training and education programs

    Additionally, it is essential to support displaced workers and their transition to new roles. This can be achieved by offering employment services, financial assistance, and access to counseling and career guidance.

    Ensuring fair distribution of benefits and opportunities from AI applications

    Ensuring a fair distribution of benefits and opportunities from AI applications is another critical aspect of regulating the impact of AI on society. This can be achieved through investments in

    public services, infrastructure development, and access to technology

    . Governments and organizations must make sure that these resources are accessible to all, regardless of socioeconomic status or geographic location.

    Public services, infrastructure development, and access to technology

    Moreover, addressing the digital divide and unequal access to AI technologies is essential. This can be achieved through initiatives that promote digital literacy, affordable internet access, and the development of inclusive technologies.

    Encouraging collaborations between industries and social welfare organizations

    Collaborations between industries and social welfare organizations are vital in addressing the potential negative impacts of AI on society. By engaging in

    public-private partnerships to address social challenges and support vulnerable populations

    , organizations can leverage their unique strengths and resources to create sustainable solutions.

    Public-private partnerships

    Lastly, it is essential to address potential negative impacts on mental health, privacy, and wellbeing. This can be achieved through the development of ethical guidelines for AI use, transparency in data collection and usage, and investment in research on the psychological and social aspects of AI.

    Taiwan unveils its draft artificial intelligence bill

    V International Cooperation and Collaboration is a crucial aspect of AI development and regulations. In this era of globalization, it’s essential for countries to engage in international dialogues and collaborations.

    Engaging in international dialogues and collaborations on AI development and regulations:

    1. Participating in multilateral forums, such as the OECD and the IEEE, provides an excellent platform for sharing knowledge, best practices, and experiences on AI development and regulations.
    2. Building partnerships with other countries and regions can lead to mutual benefits, including the exchange of ideas, resources, and expertise.

    Adopting international best practices and standards on AI regulations:

    Leveraging the expertise and experiences of other countries is essential in building a robust and effective regulatory framework for AI. It’s crucial to build consensus and common understanding on key issues and challenges.

    Why Adopt International Best Practices?

    International best practices provide valuable insights into how other countries are addressing similar challenges and can help inform regulatory decisions. By adopting these practices, countries can create a more harmonized regulatory landscape that encourages innovation while protecting societal values.

    Leveraging the Expertise of Other Countries

    Countries can learn from each other’s experiences and successes in implementing AI regulations. This knowledge sharing is essential for developing effective and efficient regulatory frameworks.

    Addressing potential conflicts with international regulations and agreements:
    1. Balancing national interests and global cooperation is vital when implementing international regulations. Countries must ensure that their regulatory decisions align with their national priorities while also contributing to the global efforts in AI development and regulation.
    2. Collaborating to resolve potential disputes and conflicts is essential for maintaining a harmonious global regulatory landscape. Countries must work together to find mutually beneficial solutions that respect each other’s interests and values.

    Taiwan unveils its draft artificial intelligence bill

    VI Conclusion

    Taiwan’s draft AI bill, as discussed in the preceding sections, presents several key components that are worth highlighting.


    , the bill emphasizes the importance of promoting AI research, development, and innovation in Taiwan. This includes establishing a national AI strategy, fostering public-private partnerships, and encouraging international collaborations.


    , the draft bill addresses ethical considerations, public trust, and societal acceptance of AI applications. This includes provisions for data privacy, non-discrimination, and transparency.


    , the bill seeks to address potential challenges and opportunities for Taiwan’s AI landscape. In this regard, it emphasizes the need to advance technological capabilities in areas such as natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics, while also addressing societal concerns regarding job displacement and skills gaps.

    Recap of the key components and implications of Taiwan’s draft AI bill

    Looking ahead,

    future developments

    in Taiwan’s AI landscape are likely to be shaped by a number of factors.

    Advancements in research, innovation, and technology

    are expected to continue apace, with a focus on areas such as deep learning, machine perception, and cognitive computing.

    Ethical considerations, public trust, and societal acceptance of AI applications

    will remain crucial issues, with a need for continued dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders to ensure that AI is developed and deployed in a responsible manner. Finally,

    collaboration and partnerships

    between industry, academia, and government will be essential to drive progress in AI and related technologies.

    Potential future developments, challenges, and opportunities for Taiwan’s AI landscape

    In conclusion,

    Taiwan’s draft AI bill

    represents an important step towards shaping the future of AI in Taiwan. While there are still challenges to be addressed, such as ensuring that AI is developed and deployed in a responsible manner and addressing societal concerns regarding job displacement and skills gaps, the potential benefits of AI for Taiwan’s economy and society are significant. By continuing to prioritize research, innovation, and collaboration among stakeholders, Taiwan can position itself as a global leader in AI and related technologies, while also addressing the ethical considerations and societal implications of this emerging field.
