Messari founder gets extreme with Trump support, calls Vitalik Buterin useless

Messari founder gets extreme with Trump support, calls Vitalik Buterin useless

Messari Founder’s Controversial Remarks:

In a recent interview, Messari‘s founder, Ryan Selkis, made controversial statements that have sparked heated debates within the crypto community. He expressed his extreme support for former President Donald Trump, claiming that Trump’s administration was “good for crypto.” This statement alone raised eyebrows, but Selkis didn’t stop there. He also dismissed Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, stating that “Buterin’s not a leader,” and that he doesn’t believe in his vision for Ethereum.

Extreme Support for Trump

Selkis defended his support for Trump by arguing that the former president’s administration was “pro-business” and had a “light touch” when it came to regulation. He also pointed out that Trump’s tax cuts benefited many tech companies, including those in the crypto space. However, his comments have been met with criticism from those who believe that Trump’s administration was anything but good for crypto. They argue that his administration’s stance on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies was unclear at best, with some officials expressing skepticism or even hostility towards the technology.

Dismissal of Vitalik Buterin

As for his dismissive comments about Buterin, Selkis argued that the Ethereum co-founder is more of a “thinker” than a leader. He stated that he doesn’t believe in Buterin’s vision for Ethereum, which includes a shift towards a more decentralized and community-driven approach. However, many in the crypto community see Buterin as a key figure in the space, and his opinions carry significant weight. Selkis’ comments have been criticized as disrespectful and unnecessary, particularly given Buterin’s important role in the development of Ethereum.


Selkis’ controversial remarks have sparked a lively debate within the crypto community, with many expressing strong opinions on both sides. Some applaud Selkis for his boldness and honesty, while others criticize him for being divisive and disrespectful. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, one thing is clear: these remarks are sure to continue fueling discussion and debate in the crypto space for some time to come.
Messari founder gets extreme with Trump support, calls Vitalik Buterin useless

Messari: A Data-Driven Platform Led by Ryan Selkis in the Cryptocurrency Industry

Messari, a data-driven platform established in 2019, has been making waves in the cryptocurrency industry. Founded by Ryan Selkis, a well-known figure with an extensive background in the crypto world, Messari aims to provide transparent and accurate data to empower investors and stakeholders. Selkis, a veteran journalist in the crypto space with over 10 years of experience, previously served as the executive director at CoinDesk. His expertise and influence in the crypto community have significantly contributed to the platform’s rapid growth.

Background on Messari

Messari was created to fill a gap in the market for reliable, transparent data and insights about cryptocurrencies. With its primary focus on data, research, and analytics, Messari offers a unique value proposition to the crypto community. The platform provides information on various aspects of digital assets, including their market data, fundamental analysis, regulatory news, and more.

Ryan Selkis: A Pivotal Figure in the Crypto Space

As a seasoned journalist, Ryan Selkis has covered the crypto industry extensively and has an in-depth understanding of its trends, challenges, and opportunities. His background in journalism and his involvement in the crypto community make him a respected voice in the space. Selkis has also been an early investor in various cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects, which gives him valuable insights into the market’s dynamics.

The Importance of Professional Images in the Crypto Community

In the highly volatile and rapidly evolving crypto industry, maintaining a professional image is crucial for public figures like Ryan Selkis. The transparency and credibility of their information can significantly impact the trust and confidence of investors and stakeholders. As Messari continues to grow and expand its offerings, Selkis’s reputation as a trusted source of information in the crypto space will undoubtedly contribute to the platform’s success.

The Controversial Statement: Ryan Selkis’ Support for Trump

Context of the statement:

During an interview on link, a popular cryptocurrency podcast, Ryan Selkis, the founder of link, a research platform for crypto assets, engaged in a discussion about Bitcoin and the US economy under the Trump administration.

Details of Selkis’ statement:

Selkis surprised many in the community with his extreme support for Trump, referring to him as a “genius” and dismissing the idea that he’s a racist. He argued that Trump’s economic policies have been beneficial for Bitcoin, which thrives on macroeconomic instability and uncertainty.

Analysis of Selkis’ perspective:

From Selkis’ perspective, he believes that Trump’s economic policies have created a favorable environment for Bitcoin, despite the controversial nature of the president’s rhetoric and actions. He focuses on the economic aspects, arguing that Trump’s tax cuts, deregulation efforts, and pro-business stance have led to increased capital inflows into Bitcoin and other digital assets.

Reactions from the cryptocurrency community:

The cryptocurrency community reacted with a mix of backlash, criticism, and defense for Selkis’ stance. Some argued that supporting Trump goes against the values of decentralization, individual freedom, and anti-establishment sentiment inherent in Bitcoin. Others countered by emphasizing Selkis’ right to his opinion and the importance of separating politics from economics when analyzing Bitcoin’s performance under different administrations.

Messari founder gets extreme with Trump support, calls Vitalik Buterin useless

I The Second Controversial Statement: Dismissing Vitalik Buterin as “useless”

Context of the statement:

In an interview on The Block’s “The Daily Digest” podcast, a heated discussion about Ethereum’s role in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem ensued. The topic of conversation was the future of DeFi and its relationship with Ethereum, the blockchain platform that hosts most decentralized applications in this sector.

Details of Selkis’ statement:

During the interview, Ryan Selkis, the founder and CEO of Messari, made a rather bold statement about Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum. He claimed that “Vitalik is useless” in the current context of the crypto industry. Selkis’ dismissive statement came as a surprise to many, given Buterin’s significant contributions to Ethereum and the broader blockchain ecosystem.

Analysis of Selkis’ perspective:

To understand Selkis’ perspective, it’s essential to consider the context of his statement. He argued that Buterin had done most of his work in Ethereum’s early stages and that it was now time for others to take the lead. Selkis believed that the Ethereum community no longer needed Buterin’s active involvement in day-to-day decision-making, as the ecosystem had evolved and matured.

Reactions from the cryptocurrency community:

Selkis’ comments sparked a wave of backlash, criticism, and defense within the cryptocurrency community. Some agreed with Selkis, arguing that Buterin had fulfilled his role as a founder and should step back to allow new leadership to emerge. Others vehemently disagreed, asserting that Buterin was still an essential figure in the Ethereum ecosystem and that his presence was necessary to guide its continued growth.

E. Impact on Ethereum and the DeFi community:

The controversy surrounding Selkis’ statement about Vitalik Buterin raised important questions about the role of founders in decentralized projects and the evolving nature of blockchain ecosystems. It also highlighted the ongoing debate surrounding centralization versus decentralization in the crypto space. Ultimately, it served as a reminder that even within the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies, strong opinions and heated debates are par for the course.

Messari founder gets extreme with Trump support, calls Vitalik Buterin useless

Aftermath and Reflections

Apology or clarification from Ryan Selkis:

After the heated exchange between Ryan Selkis and an influential crypto commentator, the community eagerly awaited any public statement from Selkis addressing the controversy. Some believed an apology or clarification was necessary to mitigate any damage done to his reputation and Messari’s standing within the industry.

Impact on Messari and his reputation after apologizing or clarifying:

If Selkis did issue an apology or clarification, it would be essential to examine the impact on Messari and his reputation. Apologizing could potentially help Selkis regain trust from the community, while a lackluster or insincere response could further damage his reputation and that of Messari. On the other hand, remaining silent might suggest a disregard for community concerns, potentially leading to long-term consequences.

Lessons learned: Examining how this controversy can teach us about the importance of professionalism and respectful discourse:

Beyond the immediate fallout, it is crucial to consider the broader lessons learned from this controversy. The incident underscores the importance of professionalism and respectful discourse in the cryptocurrency community, particularly for industry leaders and influencers like Selkis. By reflecting on this incident, we can discuss ways to promote a more positive and collaborative environment within the crypto industry.

Future implications: Discussing how this controversy may affect Ryan Selkis’ role, reputation, and influence:

Finally, it is necessary to consider the future implications of this controversy for Ryan Selkis. Depending on how he handles the situation, his role, reputation, and influence within the crypto industry may be significantly affected. An apology and a commitment to learning from this experience could help Selkis rebuild trust and regain his standing. However, if he fails to address the controversy satisfactorily or repeats similar behavior in the future, his reputation could suffer long-term damage.
