Ryan Selkis steps down as Messari’s CEO after bizarre Twitter rant

Ryan Selkis steps down as Messari’s CEO after bizarre Twitter rant

Ryan Selkis Steps Down as Messari CEO: An In-depth Analysis of the Events Surrounding His Controversial Twitter Rant


In late February 2023, Ryan Selkis, the CEO of Messari, a prominent crypto research firm, posted a series of tweets that sparked widespread controversy and debate within the crypto community. Selkis’ tweets were perceived by many as offensive and insensitive, particularly towards women and individuals from marginalized backgrounds. This incident led to a significant backlash against Selkis and the company he led.

The Controversial Tweets:

Selkis’ tweet thread began with a seemingly innocuous statement about the importance of understanding the economic implications of digital art. However, it quickly took a turn for the worse as Selkis made several provocative and offensive comments that were perceived by many as derogatory towards certain groups. Some of the most controversial tweets included:

“Let’s be clear, there are a lot of women in crypto who are just here for the d—. And that’s fine! But let’s not pretend they’re not,”

– Ryan Selkis, February 2023

The Aftermath:

Following the publication of Selkis’ tweets, there was an immediate outcry from members of the crypto community and beyond. Many called for Messari to take action against its CEO, with some even suggesting that Selkis’ comments were evidence of a toxic culture within the crypto industry. In response, Messari issued a statement condemning Selkis’ tweets and distancing itself from his views. However, despite this, some critics argued that the company had not gone far enough in addressing the issue.

Ryan Selkis Steps Down:

Amidst the growing pressure, Ryan Selkis announced that he was stepping down as CEO of Messari. In a statement, he apologized for his tweets and acknowledged the harm they had caused. However, some critics remained skeptical of Selkis’ sincerity and called for more concrete action to be taken against him and the wider crypto industry.


The incident surrounding Ryan Selkis’ tweets highlights the need for greater sensitivity and inclusivity within the crypto industry. While some argue that the controversy was blown out of proportion, others see it as evidence of a deeper problem with the culture and attitudes prevalent in the space. Regardless of one’s view, it is clear that this incident has raised important questions about the values and priorities of the crypto community and its leadership.

I. Introduction

Messari, a leading

research firm

in the

crypto industry

, has been making waves with its insightful analyses and reports on various

crypto assets

. Founded by Ryan Selkis in 2018, Messari aims to provide institutional-grade research for the digital asset class. With a team of experienced researchers and analysts, Messari’s mission is to bring transparency and trust to the crypto markets through comprehensive data and research.

Brief overview of Messari and its role in the crypto industry

Messari‘s impact on the crypto scene is noteworthy. As a research-driven firm, it focuses on delivering valuable insights and reports to help investors make informed decisions in this highly volatile market. The team’s extensive knowledge of the digital asset class, combined with their data-driven approach, makes them an essential resource for the industry.

Contextualizing the events: recent tensions in the crypto industry

The crypto industry has faced its fair share of ups and downs recently. One significant factor contributing to the market volatility is the public statements of influential figures like

Elon Musk

. His frequent tweets about Bitcoin, sometimes expressing support and other times criticism, have had a noticeable impact on the price of the leading cryptocurrency.

Moreover, the crypto market‘s volatility has led to an increased level of

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD)

among investors. The market’s erratic behavior can make it challenging for investors to make informed decisions, emphasizing the importance of reliable data and research.

Importance of understanding Ryan Selkis’ Twitter rant in the context of Messari and the crypto industry

Given these events, Ryan Selkis‘s recent Twitter rant on the state of the crypto industry has sparked much discussion within the community. As the co-founder and CEO of Messari, Selkis’ views are closely watched by many in the industry. By understanding his perspective and Messari’s role in providing valuable research and insights, we can better navigate this volatile market landscape.

Ryan Selkis steps down as Messari’s CEO after bizarre Twitter rant

Background on Ryan Selkis and his Twitter Rant

Early career: background in journalism, research, and crypto advocacy

Ryan Selkis is a well-known figure in the cryptocurrency space with an extensive background in journalism, research, and advocacy. He began his career as a journalist covering technology and business for various publications, including Wired, Fast Company, and the Wall Street Journal. However, his true passion lies in cryptocurrencies.

Previous roles at CoinDesk, Coinbase, and Digital Currency Group

In the crypto world, Selkis has made significant contributions through his roles at prominent companies such as CoinDesk, where he served as the editor-in-chief, and Coinbase, where he was a research lead. Furthermore, he co-founded and served as the director of the Digital Currency Group’s research wing, known as CoinMetrics.

The Twitter rant: key points and controversies

In early 2021, Selkis caused a stir in the cryptocurrency community with a series of tweets targeting Elon Musk’s involvement in Bitcoin and Dogecoin. The following are some of the most notable points and controversies from the rant:

Criticisms of Elon Musk’s involvement in Bitcoin and Dogecoin

Selkis accused Musk of manipulating the market with his public statements about Bitcoin and Dogecoin, which he claimed were intended to boost their prices. He argued that Musk’s actions could potentially harm the long-term credibility of Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market.

Accusations of market manipulation and insider trading

Selkis alleged that Musk was engaging in market manipulation and insider trading, as he had access to non-public information about Tesla’s Bitcoin purchases before announcing them publicly. This claim raised concerns within the crypto community and regulatory bodies, as such activities are illegal.

Reactions from the crypto community, media, and Musk himself

The crypto community reacted to Selkis’ tweets with mixed opinions. Some agreed with his criticisms of Musk, while others defended him and accused Selkis of attempting to undermine the legitimacy of Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market. The media also covered the controversy extensively, with numerous articles discussing the implications of Selkis’ accusations and Musk’s responses.

Musk himself responded to the situation by denying any wrongdoing and dismissing Selkis’ claims as baseless. However, the controversy highlighted the need for increased transparency in the cryptocurrency market and raised questions about the role of influential figures like Musk in shaping public perception and prices.

Ryan Selkis steps down as Messari’s CEO after bizarre Twitter rant

I The Fallout: Ryan Selkis Steps Down as Messari CEO

In a surprising turn of events,

Ryan Selkis

, the co-founder and CEO of Messari,

announced his departure

from the company on July 13, 202The news came after allegations of

conflicts of interest

emerged, with Selkis being accused of using his position at Messari to promote his personal investments.

Initially, Selkis

denied and defended himself

against these allegations on Twitter. He


the controversy as a “non-story,” stating that he had disclosed his personal investments in various public forums and that there was no evidence of wrongdoing. However, the controversy continued to gain traction, with many in the industry calling for transparency and accountability from Messari’s leadership.

In response, Messari

addressed the controversy

in a public statement, acknowledging that Selkis’ departure was necessary to maintain trust in the company and its mission. The statement explained that the decision was made after an “internal review” of Messari’s policies and procedures, and that the company would be implementing new measures to ensure transparency and independence.


impact of the controversy on Messari’s reputation

was significant, with some industry experts and investors expressing concern about the potential consequences for the company’s growth and fundraising efforts. Others, however, defended Messari, pointing out that conflicts of interest are common in the crypto industry and that the company had taken swift action to address the issue.

Opinions from industry experts, investors, and partners

were mixed. Some criticized Messari for not addressing the issue more transparently and more quickly, while others praised the company for taking decisive action to maintain its integrity. Ultimately, the controversy serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and accountability in the crypto industry, and the need for clear guidelines and regulations to prevent conflicts of interest and maintain investor trust.

Ryan Selkis steps down as Messari’s CEO after bizarre Twitter rant

Implications and Reflections:

Understanding the Significance of Selkis’ Twitter Rant in a Broader Context

Lessons learned from the incident for individuals and companies in the crypto industry:

Transparency, ethical conduct, and crisis management are crucial in the crypto industry for both individuals and companies. The Selkis incident serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a professional image in a rapidly evolving and often volatile market. Companies must be prepared to handle crises effectively, while individuals need to be mindful of the impact their words and actions can have on their personal brand.

Reflections on the role of social media in shaping public perception and driving market dynamics:

Social media platforms, particularly Twitter, play a significant role in shaping public perception and driving market dynamics within the crypto industry. The Selkis incident highlights the power of social media to influence sentiment, with a single tweet potentially leading to a significant price swing. As such, regulations and self-regulation in social media use by crypto figures are worth considering to mitigate potential risks.

Future implications for Selkis’ career and personal brand in the crypto industry:

The future implications for Selkis’ career and personal brand in the crypto industry are multifaceted. As a prominent figure in the space, he may face opportunities or challenges depending on how he navigates this situation. Possible opportunities include demonstrating his ability to learn from mistakes and adapt, while challenges could come in the form of reputational damage or increased scrutiny. Regardless, Selkis’ case underscores the importance of resilience and adaptability in a constantly evolving industry.

Ryan Selkis steps down as Messari’s CEO after bizarre Twitter rant

Conclusion: moving forward in the crypto industry with integrity and transparency

Reiteration of the importance of ethical conduct, transparency, and maintaining trust

The crypto industry‘s rapid growth and evolution have presented numerous opportunities for innovation and financial gain. However, with this progress come challenges that necessitate a commitment to ethical conduct, transparency, and trust. The importance of these values cannot be overstated as they serve as the foundation for building a sustainable and thriving industry. It is essential that individuals, companies, and regulators recognize their role in upholding these values and counteracting negative influences.

Call to action for individuals, companies, and regulators

For individuals, the path forward lies in staying informed about the latest developments, engaging in open dialogue with peers and experts, and adhering to best practices. This includes conducting thorough research before investing, using secure wallets to store assets, and reporting any suspicious activities.


Companies, on the other hand, need to lead by example and prioritize transparency in their operations. They must provide clear information about their products, services, and business practices while adhering to relevant regulations and industry guidelines. By fostering a culture of trust and accountability within their organizations, these companies can gain the trust and loyalty of their customers and stakeholders.


Lastly, regulators play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the crypto industry. They must continue to evolve their approach to regulation, focusing on clear guidelines, consistent enforcement, and open communication with industry stakeholders. This will help ensure that the crypto ecosystem remains fair, secure, and accessible to all participants while minimizing the risks associated with its complex nature.

Final thoughts on the evolving nature of the crypto industry, its challenges, and opportunities for growth

As the crypto industry continues to evolve, it is crucial that we remain committed to these core values of ethical conduct, transparency, and trust. By doing so, we can not only mitigate the challenges facing this industry but also unlock its vast potential for growth and innovation. With continued collaboration between individuals, companies, and regulators, the future of the crypto industry looks bright, offering endless possibilities for those who are willing to embrace its ever-changing landscape.
