China and Russia shunned by fellow BRICS members over expansion plans

China and Russia shunned by fellow BRICS members over expansion plans

BRICS Disunity: China and Russia Faced with Criticism and Isolation over Expansion Plans

The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) summit held in June 2015 in Ufa, Russia, was overshadowed by the growing disunity among its members over expansion plans. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a key project under China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), has been a major point of contention. The United States and other Western powers have expressed concerns over this $46 billion project, arguing that it passes through Pakistan-controlled territory in Kashmir, a disputed region. Russia, on the other hand, has been pushing for the inclusion of Mongolia and Kazakhstan in the BRICS bloc. However, India has been opposing this move due to its border disputes with both countries.

China and Pakistan

The CPEC, a flagship project of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, is aimed at improving infrastructure and connectivity between the two countries. However, it has sparked tension with India, which sees it as a threat to its security interests. India’s northern neighbor, Pakistan, is seen as a proxy of China in the region. The military standoff between India and China in the Doklam plateau, located at the tri-junction of Bhutan, China, and India, is a recent example of the strained relations between the two giants. The BRICS summit failed to reach a consensus on this issue, with India insisting that the expansion plans should not compromise its security interests.

Russia and India

Russia’s bid to include Mongolia and Kazakhstan in the BRICS bloc has not been welcomed by India, which is wary of its northern neighbors. India has had border disputes with both countries for decades. The border conflict between India and China, known as the “Border Issue,” is a long-standing issue that has led to several military standoffs. The Sino-Indian War of 1962 was fought over this issue. Similarly, India’s relations with Russia have been strained due to its growing ties with the United States and Japan. India is keen on diversifying its diplomatic and economic ties beyond the traditional BRICS members.


The BRICS disunity over expansion plans has significant implications for the future of the organization. The inability to reach a consensus on contentious issues could lead to further fragmentation and marginalization of some members. This could undermine the BRICS’ role as an influential bloc in global politics and economics. It is crucial for the BRICS leaders to find a way to address their differences and work towards a common goal, rather than being driven by their individual interests.

China and Russia shunned by fellow BRICS members over expansion plans

BRICS: China and Russia’s Expansion Plans Amid Criticism


BRICS, an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, is a multinational alliance that came into existence in 2006. Originally, the idea was conceived by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O’Neill as a grouping that would represent the world’s major emerging markets. Since then, BRICS has grown in significance both economically and politically. economically, these countries collectively represent approximately 25% of the world’s landmass and about 40% of the global population. politically, BRICS has become a platform for dialogue between major emerging economies on various international issues.

Context Setting: The Current State of BRICS and its Challenges

Currently, the BRICS bloc is facing several challenges. Economically, the group is grappling with slowing growth rates and mounting debt levels. For instance, Brazil is in the midst of its worst recession since the 1930s, while India’s economy has been growing at a lackluster pace for several years. Russia’s economy, on the other hand, was hit hard by international sanctions following its annexation of Crimea in 201China, despite maintaining robust growth rates, is dealing with rising debt levels and a mounting trade surplus.

Thesis Statement:

Amid these challenges, tensions are rising within the BRICS grouping due to the expansion plans of two of its prominent members: China and Russia. While both countries have been instrumental in shaping the bloc, their actions are drawing criticism and isolation from their fellow BRICS countries.

Background of Expansion Plans by China and Russia

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

Overview and Objectives: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), also known as the One Belt, One Road or the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road, is an expansive infrastructure development strategy proposed by China in 201Its primary objectives include boosting economic cooperation and trade among the participating countries, improving connectivity through various modes of transportation (railways, roads, ports, pipelines, and fiber optic cables), and fostering cultural exchange.

Countries involved and geographical reach: The BRI spans more than 60 countries, covering approximately two-thirds of the world’s population. It includes three main geographical components: the land-based “Silk Road Economic Belt,” which connects Central, Western China to Europe; the “Maritime Silk Road,” which extends from the South China Sea, through Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean, up to the Mediterranean Sea; and the “Polar Silk Road,” which aims to enhance connectivity in the Arctic region.

Economic implications for recipient countries: The BRI offers numerous benefits for participating countries, such as increased access to new markets, attracting foreign investment, technological advancements, and the development of infrastructure essential for economic growth. Critics argue that these countries may face substantial debt burdens as a result of large-scale infrastructure investments financed by Chinese loans, potentially leading to long-term economic instability.

Russia’s Eurasian Economic Union (EEU)

Overview and Objectives: The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), established in 2015, is a supranational trade union of six countries: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan. The objectives of the EEU include creating a common economic space with free movement of goods, services, capital, and labor; establishing a unified external tariff and customs territory; and fostering political cooperation among member states.

Countries involved and geographical reach: The EEU covers a vast territory spanning from Eastern Europe to Central Asia, with a combined population of more than 180 million people. Its member states share significant geopolitical and historical ties, and the organization aims to strengthen political and economic cooperation among them.

Economic implications for member states: The EEU offers several potential benefits, including increased trade and economic integration among its members, attracting foreign investment, and fostering technological advancements. However, the organization also faces challenges such as diverging political ideologies and economic systems among its members, potentially leading to unequal distribution of benefits and potential instability.

China and Russia shunned by fellow BRICS members over expansion plans

I Criticism and Isolation faced by China and Russia in the context of BRICS have resulted from various factors, including the stances of member countries towards their flagship initiatives.

India’s stance on BRI

India’s opposition to China’s BRI is primarily based on economic concerns, including sovereignty issues, potential debt traps, and infrastructure overcapacity. India prefers to pursue its own AEP, focusing on enhancing economic ties with Southeast Asian countries and deepening diplomatic engagements.

Brazil and South Africa’s concerns over EEU

The EEU‘s expansion has raised concerns among some BRICS members, including Brazil and South Africa.

Economic implications

Brazil fears potential trade diversion, as the EEU may attract Russian exports away from Brazilian markets. South Africa is concerned about losing its competitive advantage in certain commodity markets due to increased competition from EEU members.

Political considerations

Political concerns revolve around the potential for increased Russian influence in their respective regions and the possibility of being sidelined in BRICS decision-making processes.

South Africa’s engagement with both China and Russia: A balancing act

South Africa seeks to maintain ties with both China and Russia due to their strategic importance and potential economic benefits. However, managing these relations presents challenges. South Africa must navigate geopolitical tensions between China and Russia while ensuring its own interests are protected.

Potential consequences of China and Russia’s isolation within BRICS

China and Russia’s isolation within BRICS may result in diminished influence in decision-making processes, potentially leading to less effective collaborations. The consequences could include a weaker voice in global economic forums and decreased influence on BRICS’ agenda.

E. The role of external actors (e.g., the US, EU) in fueling tensions within BRICS

External actors such as the US and the EU have played a role in fueling tensions within BRICS.

Strategies employed to weaken BRICS cohesion

These actors have employed strategies such as offering alternative economic initiatives, diplomatic pressure, and supporting opposing political factions.

The geopolitical implications of these actions

The geopolitical implications of these actions are significant, as they could lead to further fragmentation within BRICS and a potential shift in the global power balance.

China and Russia shunned by fellow BRICS members over expansion plans

Possible Solutions and Way Forward for BRICS Unity

Dialogue and diplomacy: Encouraging open communication and understanding between members

The first step towards enhancing BRICS unity lies in fostering dialogue and diplomacy among its members. This can be achieved by encouraging open communication channels, promoting mutual understanding, and addressing any lingering disputes or tensions between countries in a constructive manner. By prioritizing diplomacy over conflict, BRICS nations can work together to build a strong and cohesive alliance that benefits all parties involved.

Cooperation on areas of mutual interest outside expansion plans (e.g., climate change, sustainable development)

Another way forward for BRICS unity is through cooperation on areas of mutual interest outside of expansion plans. This could include issues such as climate change, sustainable development, and global health. By collaborating on these important challenges, BRICS nations can demonstrate their commitment to working together for the greater good of the international community. Furthermore, such cooperation could serve as a foundation for deeper collaboration on other issues in the future.

Institutional mechanisms: Enhancing coordination and collaboration within BRICS institutions (BRICS Summit, New Development Bank, etc.)

A crucial aspect of enhancing BRICS unity is strengthening institutional mechanisms for coordination and collaboration. This could include the annual BRICS Summit, the New Development Bank, and other relevant institutions. By improving communication and cooperation within these organizations, BRICS nations can more effectively address common challenges and work towards joint solutions. Additionally, the development of new institutional mechanisms could help to further strengthen the BRICS alliance and solidify its role in global affairs.

Balancing geopolitical considerations: Managing relationships with external powers while fostering unity within BRICS

Finally, it is important for BRICS nations to balance geopolitical considerations with the need for unity within the alliance. This means managing relationships with external powers in a way that does not undermine the cohesion of the BRICS grouping. At the same time, BRICS nations must work together to foster unity and collaboration within the alliance, which will be essential for addressing common challenges and advancing shared interests on the global stage. By striking this delicate balance, BRICS nations can build a strong and effective alliance that benefits all parties involved while contributing to peace, stability, and development in the world at large.

China and Russia shunned by fellow BRICS members over expansion plans


In this article, we have explored the dynamic and evolving nature of the BRICS alliance, a grouping of five major emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. We began by discussing the historical context of BRICS’ formation and its initial objectives. Subsequently, we examined how BRICS Summits have served as platforms for enhancing diplomacy and cooperation among member countries in various sectors, including trade, finance, energy, and technology. Furthermore, we highlighted the strategic importance of BRICS in the context of global geopolitics and its potential role in shaping the international order.

Recap: Main Points Discussed

To recap, the BRICS alliance was formed in 2006 to foster closer ties between these nations and promote collective interests. Since then, BRICS Summits have provided opportunities for leaders to engage in constructive dialogue and cooperation on a range of issues. For instance, the group has established mechanisms for trade and financial collaboration through initiatives such as the New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement.

Unity and Benefits for All Members

Unity within BRICS is essential to reaping the potential benefits of this partnership for all member nations. By working together, these countries can collectively address challenges and leverage their combined economic might to assert influence on the global stage. This unity is particularly crucial in an era characterized by geopolitical tensions, economic uncertainties, and rapid technological change.

Addressing Challenges Together

Through collaboration, BRICS countries can overcome common challenges such as economic instability, climate change, and global health crises. For example, the group could pool resources to tackle shared environmental issues or work together on research and development initiatives to address technological challenges.

Maintaining a Cohesive Alliance

To ensure the long-term success of BRICS, it is crucial that member countries continue to prioritize diplomacy and cooperation. This includes engaging in transparent dialogue about areas of disagreement and focusing on areas where there is mutual benefit. By addressing challenges collectively and maintaining a strong, cohesive alliance, BRICS can continue to play a significant role in shaping the global landscape.

Call for Continued Dialogue and Cooperation

Dialogue, diplomacy, and cooperation are essential to the success of BRICS. By fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration among member nations, these countries can build on their existing achievements and overcome challenges more effectively. Moreover, as the global landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial that BRICS remains a dynamic and agile alliance that can adapt to new realities.

In conclusion, the BRICS alliance represents an important opportunity for its member nations to collaborate on various issues and collectively address challenges facing the global community. By maintaining unity and fostering continued dialogue, diplomacy, and cooperation, BRICS can continue to strengthen its position as a powerful force in the international arena.
