UAE digital bank to utilize Swiss Fintech Taurus for digital asset infrastructure

UAE digital bank to utilize Swiss Fintech Taurus for digital asset infrastructure

UAE Digital Bank’s Implementation of Swiss Fintech Taurus for Digital Asset Infrastructure: An In-Depth Outline


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) digital banking sector is witnessing rapid growth, with an increasing number of financial institutions embracing technology to provide innovative services. One such development is the implementation of Swiss fintech Taurus’ digital asset infrastructure by a leading UAE digital bank. This

in-depth outline

will explore the significance of this partnership and the potential impact on the regional financial landscape.

The Swiss Fintech Taurus

Taurus is a Swiss fintech company specializing in digital asset infrastructure. It provides solutions for the custody, issuance, and trading of various digital assets, including cryptocurrencies and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). The company’s technology is designed to cater to the needs of financial institutions, offering robust security, scalability, and regulatory compliance.

Partnership with a UAE Digital Bank

The UAE digital bank in question has chosen Taurus to strengthen its digital asset offerings. By integrating Taurus’ infrastructure, the bank can offer its clients secure storage and trading of digital assets, providing a competitive edge in the market. Additionally, the collaboration allows the bank to explore new opportunities in the field of CBDCs, positioning itself as a pioneer in this space.

Security and Regulatory Compliance

A key aspect of Taurus’ offering is its focus on security. The company utilizes multi-layered encryption, cold storage, and other security measures to ensure the safekeeping of digital assets. Moreover, Taurus adheres to strict regulatory guidelines, enabling it to cater to the needs of financial institutions while maintaining compliance with relevant regulations.

Impact on the UAE Digital Banking Landscape

The collaboration between the UAE digital bank and Taurus marks a significant step forward in the digital banking sector in the UAE. By offering secure digital asset services, the bank can attract a new clientele seeking innovative financial solutions. Moreover, this partnership is likely to encourage other financial institutions in the region to explore similar offerings, leading to increased competition and innovation in the digital banking sector.

UAE digital bank to utilize Swiss Fintech Taurus for digital asset infrastructure

I. Introduction

Brief overview of the digital banking landscape in the UAE

The digital banking sector in the UAE has been witnessing remarkable growth over the past few years, with an increasing number of customers embracing digital banking services. According to a report by KPMG, the number of active digital bank users in the UAE is projected to reach 12.6 million by 2023, representing a significant leap from the current 8.4 million. This trend is driven by several factors, including the convenience and accessibility offered by digital banking channels, as well as the growing awareness of the benefits of using technology to manage finances.

Increasing adoption of digital banking

Digital banking in the UAE is gaining popularity, with more and more customers turning to online channels for their banking needs. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend, with many people opting for contactless services due to safety concerns. According to a survey by YouGov, 71% of UAE residents have used digital banking services in the past month, compared to 63% in the same period last year.

Regulatory framework for digital assets in the UAE

The UAE has taken significant strides towards establishing a regulatory framework for digital assets, also known as cryptocurrencies. In February 2021, the Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) issued new guidelines for initial coin offerings (ICOs), which are a popular way of raising capital using digital assets. The regulations aim to protect investors and ensure transparency in the market. In addition, the Central Bank of the UAE is reportedly working on a regulatory framework for digital currencies, which could pave the way for the establishment of cryptobanks in the country.

Importance of robust digital asset infrastructure for digital banks

The importance of a robust digital asset infrastructure cannot be overstated for digital banks in the UAE. With the increasing adoption of digital banking and the growing interest in digital assets, digital banks need to ensure that they have the necessary infrastructure to support these new services. This includes secure storage solutions for digital assets, robust cybersecurity measures, and efficient payment processing systems. Additionally, digital banks need to comply with the relevant regulatory frameworks to ensure that they are operating in a compliant and transparent manner.

UAE digital bank to utilize Swiss Fintech Taurus for digital asset infrastructure

Understanding Taurus: The Swiss Fintech Solution

Introduction to Taurus

Taurus is a Swiss-based fintech company that has made significant strides in the digital asset industry. Established in 2018, Taurus’ mission is to provide a secure, compliant, and institutional-grade solution for managing digital assets. The company caters to financial institutions and professional investors who are looking to integrate digital assets into their investment strategies while adhering to regulatory requirements and maintaining high levels of security.

Key Features of Taurus


Security is at the core of Taurus’ offering. The company uses a multi-level, institutional-grade security approach to protect its clients’ digital assets from both internal and external threats. Some of the measures Taurus employs include cold storage, multi-factor authentication, and encryption. The digital assets are kept offline in cold storage to minimize the risk of cyberattacks or unauthorized access. Taurus also uses a segregated wallet system, where each client has its unique wallet for their assets.


Another essential feature of Taurus is its interoperability with various platforms. The company understands that digital assets are often part of a broader investment strategy, and clients may need to integrate these assets with other systems or platforms. To cater to this requirement, Taurus provides APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that enable seamless integration with trading platforms, custodians, and other third-party solutions.


Lastly, Taurus is deeply committed to regulatory compliance. The company adheres to all relevant financial regulations and works closely with regulators to ensure that its offerings are compliant. Taurus is also a founding member of the Swiss Blockchain Federation, which promotes the development and adoption of blockchain technology in Switzerland while maintaining regulatory compliance. By focusing on security, interoperability, and compliance, Taurus has positioned itself as a trusted partner for institutions looking to invest in digital assets.

UAE digital bank to utilize Swiss Fintech Taurus for digital asset infrastructure

I Benefits of Taurus for a UAE Digital Bank

Enhanced Security: Protecting Assets and Combating Cyber Threats

Taurus, a Swiss-based digital asset infrastructure provider, offers numerous benefits to UAE digital banks. One of the most significant advantages is its unwavering commitment to security. In an era where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated, Taurus’ robust security features can help digital banks safeguard their customer assets.

Protection against Cyber Threats

Taurus employs a multi-layered security approach, including advanced encryption techniques, secure key management, and rigorous access controls. Its cold storage solutions ensure that digital assets are kept offline, making them inaccessible to hackers. By partnering with Taurus, UAE digital banks can significantly reduce their exposure to cyber threats and protect their reputations.

Safeguarding Customer Assets

Moreover, Taurus’ focus on security provides a strong foundation for UAE digital banks to build customer trust. By demonstrating their commitment to protecting client assets, these banks can attract and retain customers in a competitive marketplace.

Streamlined Operations: Automating Processes and Integrating Systems

Another way Taurus contributes to the success of UAE digital banks is by streamlining their operations. Digital asset management can be complex and time-consuming, but Taurus’ automated processes help simplify these tasks.

Automated Processes

With Taurus, UAE digital banks can automate the transfer and settlement of digital assets between counterparties. This not only reduces operational risk but also increases efficiency, allowing banks to focus on their core business activities.

Integration with Existing Systems

Additionally, Taurus offers APIs and SDKs that enable easy integration with banks’ existing systems. This integration ensures seamless workflows and data consistency, making it easier for digital banks to manage their digital asset operations effectively.

Compliance: Ensuring Regulatory Adherence

Lastly, Taurus can help UAE digital banks comply with various regulations, including Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requirements.

KYC and AML Compliance

Taurus employs a rigorous onboarding process to ensure that all counterparties are KYC and AML compliant. This not only protects the digital bank from potential regulatory fines but also helps maintain a clean reputation in the marketplace.

Regulatory Reporting

Furthermore, Taurus offers robust regulatory reporting capabilities, allowing UAE digital banks to generate reports that adhere to local and international regulations. This not only saves time and resources but also provides peace of mind, knowing that regulatory requirements are being met effectively.

UAE digital bank to utilize Swiss Fintech Taurus for digital asset infrastructure

Implementation Process: A Step-by-Step Approach


Before implementing Taurus into a digital bank’s systems, certain initial steps are required for successful integration:

Assessing the digital bank’s current infrastructure:

It’s crucial to evaluate the existing IT setup, including hardware, software, and network capabilities, to ensure Taurus is compatible. Identifying any gaps or inadequacies early on can save significant time and resources during the implementation process.

Identifying specific requirements:

Determining unique needs and customization options for each digital bank is essential when integrating Taurus. This stage involves consulting with various departments and stakeholders to understand their requirements, ensuring the system caters to their specific demands.


Integrating Taurus into a digital bank’s existing systems involves several strategies:

API integration:

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) enable seamless communication between Taurus and the digital bank’s systems. Properly configuring APIs is essential for ensuring data exchange and functionality between the two platforms.

Data migration:

Transferring existing data from the digital bank’s legacy systems to Taurus is an intricate process that requires careful planning and execution. Ensuring accuracy, completeness, and data integrity during migration is critical for maintaining business continuity.

Testing and Training:

Thorough testing and staff training are essential components of any implementation process:

Ensuring system stability:

Performing extensive testing, including unit tests and integration tests, before launching Taurus helps identify and address potential issues, ensuring a stable system.

Educating employees on Taurus functionality:

Empowering staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to use Taurus effectively is crucial for maximizing its potential. Comprehensive training programs help ensure a smooth transition and promote early adoption.


The final steps in launching the Taurus infrastructure involve:

Coordination with stakeholders:

Coordinating with all relevant parties, including IT teams, business units, and end-users, is essential to minimize disruptions during the go-live process. Proper communication and planning help ensure a successful transition.

Monitoring system performance post-launch:

Continuously monitoring Taurus’s performance after the go-live stage allows digital banks to identify and address any issues quickly, ensuring business continuity and ongoing success.

UAE digital bank to utilize Swiss Fintech Taurus for digital asset infrastructure

Conclusion: The Future of Digital Banking in the UAE with Taurus

The implementation of digital banking solutions by financial institutions in the UAE, such as Taurus, has brought about numerous benefits and implications for both consumers and banks. On the consumer side, digital banking offers convenience, round-the-clock accessibility, and enhanced security features. For banks, digital banking leads to cost savings, improved customer engagement, and a more agile business model.

Anticipated Growth and Developments for Digital Banking in the UAE with Taurus

Looking forward, the future of digital banking in the UAE is promising. With advancements in technology such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and biometric authentication, digital banking services are expected to become more personalized, efficient, and secure. Taurus, for instance, has already integrated AI-powered chatbots into its digital banking platform to provide instant customer support. Furthermore, the integration of blockchain technology could enable faster and more secure cross-border transactions.

The Potential Impact on Competitors and the Broader Financial Services Industry

The adoption of digital banking by Taurus and other leading financial institutions in the UAE is likely to disrupt the traditional banking landscape. Smaller banks and non-banking players may struggle to compete with the enhanced offerings and customer experience provided by digital banks. However, there is also an opportunity for collaboration and partnerships between traditional banks and fintech players to leverage each other’s strengths and offerings. The broader financial services industry, including insurance, investments, and wealth management, is also expected to be impacted by the digital transformation as more innovative solutions emerge.
