Why is India working against the BRICS?

Why is India working against the BRICS?

Understanding India’s Complex Relationship with the BRICS: A Deep Dive into the Factors Influencing New Delhi’s Position

The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) bloc, established in 2006, has been a significant force in global politics and economics. Among its members, India holds a pivotal role due to its demographic size, economic potential, and strategic importance. However, New Delhi’s relationship with the BRICS has been complex, influenced by various factors.

Economic Considerations

India’s economic interests are a crucial factor shaping its position within the BRICS. While India is the fifth-largest economy in the world by nominal GDP, it ranks lower when considering purchasing power parity (PPP). Hence, India seeks to leverage the BRICS platform to boost its economic growth. The bloc’s collective GDP accounts for approximately 25% of the global economy, providing a massive market for Indian exports. Furthermore, India has been advocating for reforms to enhance the BRICS New Development Bank’s (NDB) role in funding sustainable development projects.

Strategic Considerations

New Delhi’s strategic interests are another crucial factor influencing its relationship with the BRICS. India shares geopolitical concerns with China, a dominant member of the bloc. India has been involved in several border disputes with China and seeks to balance its engagement with Beijing through multilateral platforms like the BRICS. Moreover, India aims to deepen its strategic ties with other BRICS members to counterbalance China’s influence in South Asia and beyond.

Political Considerations

Political considerations also play a significant role in New Delhi’s stance towards the BRICS. India has had tense relations with Russia, another BRICS member, due to geopolitical disagreements and Russia’s close ties with Pakistan. However, India and Russia have been strengthening their defense partnership in recent years, which could potentially improve India’s relationship with the BRICS as a whole. Additionally, India seeks to engage more actively with Brazil and South Africa on various multilateral issues, including climate change and global governance.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Despite the potential benefits, India faces several challenges in deepening its relationship with the BRICS. These include political and economic instability in some member countries, differences in development priorities, and competition for regional influence. To overcome these challenges, India needs to engage more actively with other BRICS members on mutual issues, such as economic cooperation, climate change, and global governance reforms. Additionally, India should strengthen its bilateral relationships with key BRICS members, such as China and Russia, to mitigate potential tensions and leverage the bloc’s collective economic and political power.

Table: BRICS Members and Their Role in India’s Position
CountryRole in India’s Position
1.BrazilPotential partner in economic cooperation and climate change initiatives
2.RussiaStrategic partner and key player in defense cooperation
3.ChinaGeopolitical rival and potential partner in economic cooperation
4.South AfricaPartner in climate change initiatives and global governance reforms

Why is India working against the BRICS?

BRICS: An Emerging Powerhouse in the Global Economy

BRICS, an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, is a collective term used to describe an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. This association, established in 2006, represents over 41% of the world’s population and approximately 23% of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) based on nominal values. The member countries share several commonalities, including large and growing economies, significant demographic dividends, and substantial natural resources.

Commonalities among the Member Countries

The BRICS countries are linked by their large and growing economies, which place them among the world’s fastest-growing major economies. Moreover, they possess significant demographic dividends, with substantial young populations that can contribute to future economic growth and development. Additionally, BRICS members have considerable natural resources, giving them competitive advantages in various industries.

Formation of BRICS in 2006

The idea for forming a grouping of the five emerging economies was first proposed during a summit held in Yekaterinburg, Russia, on 16th June 2008. However, the formal founding of BRICS occurred on 16-17 March 2006, during a summit in South Africa’s Durban. The primary objective was to develop closer political and economic ties among the members, as well as to establish stronger partnerships with other major global actors. Since then, BRICS has grown from an informal forum into a significant international organization.

Importance and Significance of BRICS in the International Community

The importance and significance of BRICS in the international community lie in its ability to challenge the traditional Western-dominated global order. Its members represent a new economic and political force, with increasing influence over global decision-making processes. BRICS countries have also been successful in forging closer ties among themselves and with other emerging economies, such as Mexico, Egypt, and Indonesia, forming the so-called BRICS+ grouping. Together, these countries represent a formidable force in the global economy and international politics.

Historical Context of India’s Relationship with BRICS Members

India-China relations:

India’s relationship with BRICS members has been shaped by various historical and contemporary factors. Let us begin with India’s most contentious neighbor, China. The Sino-Indian conflict, also known as the Indo-Chinese War, erupted in 1962 following a series of border disputes between the two countries. The historical background of this conflict can be traced back to the 19th century when British colonial officials drew the McMahon Line, which China has never recognized. Despite several rounds of negotiations, border disputes continued, culminating in a full-blown war. The recent border standoffs and tensions between India and China have been centered around the disputed territory of Aksai Chin and the militarized Himalayan border.

India-Russia ties:

Moving on to another BRICS member, Russia. India and Russia have a long-standing traditional friendship. During the Cold War era, Russia was a key ally to India, providing military and diplomatic support against its adversaries. However, the post-Cold War era brought about economic and strategic changes that have led to shifting dynamics in India-Russia relations. Russia’s pivot towards the West and India’s growing engagement with the United States and other global powers have altered the balance of power in this bilateral relationship.

India-Brazil partnership:

The third BRICS member is Brazil. India and Brazil have been expanding their cooperation in various sectors, creating opportunities for bilateral trade and investment. The two countries have initiated several joint initiatives and collaborations to strengthen their economic ties. In the areas of science, technology, and innovation, India and Brazil have shown a keen interest in collaborating to address common challenges.

India-South Africa relations:

Lastly, India’s relationship with South Africa is marked by a shared history and common challenges. Diplomatic ties between the two countries have been strengthened through cultural connections and people-to-people interactions. India and South Africa are collaborating in various sectors, including the economy, to promote mutual growth and development. The two countries have also shown a commitment to work together on regional and global issues of common concern.

IndiaChinaRussiaBrazilSouth Africa
Historical Context:Sino-Indian ConflictKey Ally during Cold WarTraditional FriendshipBilateral Trade and InvestmentShared History and Challenges
Current Relations:Border Disputes and Economic CompetitionShifting DynamicsMilitary and Diplomatic SupportCollaboration in Various SectorsDiplomatic Ties, Cultural Connections, and People-to-People Interactions

Why is India working against the BRICS?

I India’s Concerns and Challenges with the BRICS

Economic disparities and imbalances within the group

India, as a member of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) bloc, faces several concerns and challenges that impede its full participation and benefits from the group. One of the major issues is the economic disparities and imbalances within the group. India, despite being the world’s sixth-largest economy by nominal GDP and third-largest by purchasing power parity (PPP), lags behind China and Russia in terms of relative economic strength. With a lower Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, India’s economy is less diversified and less industrialized compared to its BRICS counterparts. As a result, capitalizing on the group’s potential economic benefits is a challenge for India due to its relatively weak economic position.

Geopolitical tensions and strategic considerations

Another concern for India in the BRICS context is the geopolitical tensions and strategic considerations. India has traditionally maintained close ties with the US and has been a part of the link, a strategic alliance between India, the US, Japan, and Australia. This alignment with the Quad could potentially create diplomatic tensions with China, which has been increasingly assertive in the Indo-Pacific region. Moreover, China’s growing influence in the region and global arena poses a strategic challenge for India.

Institutional challenges: Limited impact of BRICS institutions on India

Lastly, there are institutional challenges that limit the impact of BRICS institutions on India. Two key initiatives of the BRICS—the link and the link—have not had a significant impact on India’s economy. India’s lack of significant influence on the decision-making processes of these institutions further undermines their relevance to India.

Why is India working against the BRICS?

Possible Reasons for India’s Working Against the BRICS: An Analysis

Economic reasons:

India, being a significant member of the BRICS bloc, has expressed concerns over various issues that have led it to work against the group. One of the primary reasons is economic in nature. India seeks better deals and aims to address economic disparities within the group.

Negotiating favorable trade agreements:

India has been pushing for favorable trade agreements to boost its economy and enhance its global competitiveness. It feels that the existing trade arrangements within the BRICS are not beneficial for it, leading India to explore other opportunities outside the group.

Enhancing India’s global competitiveness:

Moreover, India’s economic growth and global competitiveness are significant factors influencing its actions towards the BRICS. India aims to compete with other global powers in various sectors, leading it to explore opportunities beyond the group.

Strategic reasons:

Strategic considerations also play a significant role in India’s decision to work against the BRICS. India is keen on balancing its interests and safeguarding its national security.

Strengthening alliances with like-minded nations:

India has been strengthening its relationships with other global powers, including the United States, Japan, and Australia. These alliances help India counterbalance China’s influence within the BRICS and safeguard its national security interests.

Maintaining a strategic autonomy in regional and global affairs:

Moreover, India is determined to maintain its strategic autonomy in regional and global affairs. India’s actions towards the BRICS are driven by its desire to preserve its independence and sovereignty.

Political reasons:

Political considerations are also a crucial factor influencing India’s stance towards the BRICS. Addressing domestic concerns and public opinion is essential for India.

Demonstrating India’s commitment to national interests:

India is keen on demonstrating its commitment to national interests and maintaining its domestic peace and stability. Working against the BRICS, in certain circumstances, may help India achieve this goal.

Responding to the growing discontent towards BRICS among Indian public and media:

Lastly, there is a growing discontent towards the BRICS among the Indian public and media. India’s actions against the group may help address these concerns and improve its domestic image.

Why is India working against the BRICS?

Conclusion: The Way Forward for India’s Engagement with the BRICS

Enhancing economic cooperation and addressing imbalances

  1. Encouraging FDI: India should welcome foreign direct investment from BRICS members to boost economic growth and job creation.
  2. Promoting exports: India can increase its exports to BRICS countries by addressing trade barriers and promoting mutual trade agreements.
  3. Increasing collaboration: India and BRICS members can collaborate in sectors like infrastructure and technology to drive economic growth.

Strategic alignment: Balancing interests with cooperation and competition

India needs to engage in dialogue with BRICS members on strategic issues while maintaining its autonomy. This involves balancing interests and engaging in both cooperation and competition.

Building stronger institutional frameworks: Enhancing India’s role and influence within the group

Collaborating on initiatives: India should collaborate on initiatives that address common challenges and align with its interests to enhance its role and influence within the group.

Enhancing India’s role:

India can take a more active role in decision-making and leadership positions within BRICS.

Building stronger institutions:

India can work towards building stronger institutional frameworks to enhance its influence and ensure that the group remains responsive to its needs.

Strengthening bilateral relationships: Developing deeper partnerships with individual BRICS members

Enhancing diplomatic ties: India can deepen diplomatic relations with individual BRICS members through regular high-level dialogue and people-to-people exchanges.

Cultural exchanges:

Cultural exchanges can help build stronger relationships between India and BRICS members.

People-to-people interactions:

People-to-people interactions can foster mutual understanding and strengthen relationships between the two countries.

E. Fostering an open and inclusive dialogue: Engaging with the international community to build a more inclusive global governance structure

India can engage with the international community to foster an open and inclusive dialogue on building a more inclusive global governance structure.
