Bitstamp delists Euro Tether (EURT) as MiCA rules are rolled out

Bitstamp delists Euro Tether (EURT) as MiCA rules are rolled out

Bitstamp Delists Euro Tether (EURT) in Response to MiCA Regulations

In a recent announcement, leading European cryptocurrency exchange, Bitstamp, revealed that it would be delisting Euro Tether (EURT) due to regulatory compliance with the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) framework. This decision comes as part of an ongoing effort by cryptocurrency exchanges and regulators to ensure compliance with the European Union’s (EU)

MiCA Regulations

. The MiCA regulations are designed to establish a legal framework for crypto-assets and ensure investor protection, market integrity, and financial stability. The

European Central Bank (ECB)

has expressed concerns regarding stablecoins like Tether, citing the potential risks they pose to financial stability and monetary policy. As a result, exchanges are taking proactive measures to comply with these regulations.

Bitstamp’s statement explained that the exchange had been given until March 2023 to comply with MiCA regulations. In order to meet this deadline, Bitstamp has decided to delist EURT. The exchange stated that “customers holding EURT will be able to withdraw their funds until January 31, 2023.” This decision follows similar moves by other exchanges, including Binance and Kraken, which have also delisted or announced plans to delist certain stablecoins in response to regulatory pressure.

MiCA regulations

require exchanges to conduct thorough due diligence on the stablecoins they list, including assessing their issuers’ financial stability and regulatory compliance. This is intended to ensure that only reliable and trustworthy stablecoins are offered to investors. The regulations also require exchanges to implement measures to mitigate the risks associated with stablecoins, such as the potential for liquidity issues or runs on the stablecoin.


delisting of EURT

by Bitstamp is a significant development in the contact cryptocurrency landscape. It underscores the importance of regulatory compliance for cryptocurrency exchanges and highlights the ongoing efforts by regulators to establish a robust legal framework for crypto-assets. As the EU continues to develop its regulatory stance on cryptocurrencies, it is likely that we will see further developments and changes in the market.

Bitstamp delists Euro Tether (EURT) as MiCA rules are rolled out

I. Introduction

Bitstamp is a leading cryptocurrency exchange platform that was established in 2011 and is based in Luxembourg, Europe. With a strong commitment to security and customer service, Bitstamp has become one of the most trusted platforms for buying and selling cryptocurrencies.

Brief overview of Bitstamp

Since its inception, Bitstamp has been at the forefront of the digital currency revolution. Its user-friendly interface and robust security features have attracted a large and diverse community of traders and investors. Bitstamp offers a wide range of trading pairs, allowing users to trade cryptocurrencies against various fiat currencies, including the US Dollar, Euro, and British Pound.

Introduction to Euro Tether (EURT) as a stablecoin and its trading history on Bitstamp

In 2019, Bitstamp introduced Euro Tether (EURT), a new stablecoin pegged to the Euro. This stablecoin has gained significant popularity due to its ability to provide price stability in an otherwise volatile market. Stablecoins are digital currencies that maintain a fixed value, typically pegged to a traditional currency like the US Dollar or Euro. EURT is no exception, as each coin represents the value of one Euro.

Introduced in 2019

EURT was introduced with the goal of addressing the needs of European traders and investors who wanted to take advantage of the benefits that stablecoins offer. By maintaining a fixed value against the Euro, EURT provides an excellent hedge against market volatility and allows for more efficient cross-border transactions.

Functioned as a stablecoin pegged to the Euro

The value of EURT is derived from a reserve of Euros that are held by Tether, the company behind the stablecoin. This reserve ensures that each EURT coin represents the value of one Euro and maintains its stability.

Trading volume and market cap growth

Since its introduction, EURT has seen impressive growth in both trading volume and market capitalization. This is a testament to the increasing demand for stablecoins in Europe and the trust that traders and investors have placed in Bitstamp as a reliable platform for trading these digital assets.

Bitstamp delists Euro Tether (EURT) as MiCA rules are rolled out

MiCA Regulations and Their Impact on Stablecoins

Explanation of the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation

The Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation is a proposed European Union (EU) legislation intended to establish a regulatory framework for crypto-assets within the EU. The primary objectives of MiCA are enhancing investor protection and promoting financial market integrity in the EU. By creating a comprehensive regulatory framework, MiCA seeks to address the challenges and risks associated with crypto-assets while fostering innovation and growth within this emerging market.

MiCA’s stance on stablecoins

Under MiCA, stablecoins are identified as a specific type of crypto-asset that maintains a relatively stable value, typically pegged to a fiat currency or a basket of assets. Stablecoins are gaining increasing popularity due to their potential use cases in various sectors such as payments, remittances, and financial markets.

Definition of stablecoins under MiCA

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) will be tasked with defining the criteria for stablecoins under MiCThis definition is expected to cover both issuers and operators of stablecoins, outlining their responsibilities and obligations.

Regulatory requirements for issuers and operators

a) Capital adequacy and liquidity requirements

MiCA will impose stringent capital adequacy and liquidity requirements on stablecoin issuers and operators. These requirements are aimed at ensuring that they have sufficient resources to cover potential redemption requests, mitigate risks associated with their stablecoin operations, and maintain the stability of the pegged value.

b) Transparency and reporting obligations

Transparency will be a crucial aspect of MiCIssuers and operators of stablecoins will need to provide detailed information about their operations, financial status, and risks to investors and regulatory authorities. Regular reporting obligations will help ensure that stakeholders are well-informed, enabling them to make informed decisions.

c) Anti-money laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) measures

MiCA will also require stablecoin issuers and operators to comply with AML and CFT measures. This includes conducting thorough customer due diligence, monitoring transactions for suspicious activities, and reporting any potential money laundering or terrorist financing incidents to the relevant authorities.

The potential impact on Euro Tether as a stablecoin issued by a non-EU entity

The European Central Bank (ECB)‘s recent concerns regarding Euro Tether, a stablecoin pegged to the Euro but issued by a non-EU entity, highlight the potential impact of MiCA on such stablecoins. If Tether fails to comply with the regulatory requirements outlined in MiCA, it may face restrictions or even a ban from operating within the EU market. This could lead to significant consequences for Tether’s users and investors, as well as the broader crypto ecosystem.

Bitstamp delists Euro Tether (EURT) as MiCA rules are rolled out

I Bitstamp’s Decision to Delist EURT:

Bitstamp, a leading European cryptocurrency exchange, announced the delisting of its Euro Tether (EURT) stablecoin on

April 20, 2023

. This decision came as a result of the exchange’s commitment to regulatory compliance, with MiCA (Markets in Crypto-Assets) regulations being a significant factor.

Reasons for the delisting:

1.1 Compliance with MiCA regulations:

MiCA, the European Union’s regulatory framework for crypto assets, is designed to ensure investor protection and market integrity. Since EURT is a stablecoin pegged to the Euro, it falls under this regulatory umbrella. Bitstamp, being a European exchange, felt compelled to abide by these new rules.

1.2 Bitstamp’s commitment to regulatory compliance:

Bitstamp, as a reputable exchange platform, has always prioritized regulatory compliance. With the introduction of MiCA and its potential impact on stablecoins, Bitstamp saw the need for legal clarity and certainty in the EU crypto market.

1.3 Lack of clarity regarding Tether’s compliance with MiCA regulations:

Tether, the issuer of EURT, is a non-EU entity based in the British Virgin Islands. This status poses challenges for regulatory oversight, especially given MiCA’s jurisdictional focus on European entities. Bitstamp, in its pursuit of compliance, could not afford the risk associated with an unclear regulatory stance regarding Tether.

Timeline of events leading to the delisting:

2.1 MiCA’s introduction and its potential impact on stablecoins:

MiCA was introduced in January 2023, with a phased implementation plan throughout the year. The potential impact on stablecoins like EURT became clear as regulatory requirements started to shape up.

2.2 Tether’s response to the regulatory environment:

Tether responded by issuing public statements about their commitment to Europe and potential MiCA compliance. They also took actions, such as establishing a European entity or exploring the possibility of a Euro-pegged stablecoin issued by that entity.

2.3 Bitstamp’s consideration of the situation and eventual decision to delist EURT:

Considering the regulatory uncertainty surrounding Tether, Bitstamp weighed its options carefully before deciding to delist EURT in order to maintain regulatory compliance.

Communication from Bitstamp regarding the delisting:

Bitstamp communicated the delisting to its users through an official announcement, providing details about the effects on existing EURT deposits and withdrawals. Users were advised to plan accordingly or consider alternative stablecoins or fiat currencies.

Potential consequences of the delisting:

The delisting may negatively impact Bitstamp’s reputation as a compliant exchange platform. Euro Tether may experience reduced liquidity for holders, leading to potential shifts towards other stablecoins or fiat currencies in the EU market. This situation presents opportunities for EU-based competitors to gain market share.

Bitstamp delists Euro Tether (EURT) as MiCA rules are rolled out


Recap of the key points discussed in the article

In this article, we have explored the European Union’s (EU) regulatory approach towards crypto assets and their impact on the EU crypto market. We began by discussing the European Securities and Markets Authority’s (ESMA) regulatory framework for crypto assets, which classifies them as financial instruments under MiFID We then delved into the upcoming Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulations, which aim to establish a comprehensive regulatory framework for crypto assets within the EU. Key aspects of MiCA include the requirement for crypto asset service providers to be licensed and register with national competent authorities, as well as investor protection measures.

Reflection on the importance of regulatory compliance and its role in shaping the EU crypto market landscape

Regulatory compliance plays a pivotal role in shaping the EU crypto market landscape. The EU’s approach towards regulating crypto assets is aimed at ensuring investor protection while promoting innovation and growth within the sector. By establishing clear guidelines for crypto asset service providers, the EU hopes to foster a more stable and trustworthy environment that attracts institutional investors and legitimizes the use of crypto assets as a viable investment option. This, in turn, is expected to increase market liquidity and expand the EU’s presence on the global stage as a leader in crypto asset regulation.

Discussion about potential future developments, such as Tether’s response to MiCA regulations and other regulatory initiatives that may impact the EU crypto market

One of the most significant potential future developments in the EU crypto market is how Tether, one of the world’s largest stablecoin issuers, will respond to MiCA regulations. As a stablecoin issuer that falls under the definition of crypto asset service provider under MiFID II, Tether would be required to apply for a license and register with EU national competent authorities. This could lead to increased transparency, accountability, and trust in Tether’s operations, benefiting both the company and its European user base.

Another regulatory initiative that may impact the EU crypto market is the potential implementation of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) by the European Central Bank. A CBDC could provide an alternative to stablecoins and traditional fiat currencies, further disrupting the traditional financial system and bringing new opportunities for innovation within the EU crypto market.
