Binance.US to suspend services in Washington on the 20th of August

Binance.US to suspend services in Washington on the 20th of August

Binance.US Announces Temporary Suspension of Services in Washington State



=”line-height: 1.6;”>Leading cryptocurrency exchange,



=”line-height: 1.6;”>has recently announced that they will be temporarily suspending their services in the state of



=”line-height: 1.6;”>starting from August 20, 2023.

Reason for the Suspension


=”line-height: 1.6;”>The decision to suspend services in Washington State was made due to the

regulatory uncertainty

surrounding the cryptocurrency industry in the state.

Impact on Users

Users from Washington State will no longer be able to trade, deposit, or withdraw cryptocurrencies on Binance.US effective August 20, 2023.

I. Introduction

Binance.US is a cryptocurrency exchange platform

operating in the United States

that provides users with access to digital assets through a variety of trading pairs. It was established as a separate entity from Binance, the global exchange headquartered in Malta, due to regulatory requirements in different jurisdictions.


is committed to bringing innovation, reliability, and freedom to more people, enabling them to make informed decisions in the

cryptocurrency market


Brief overview of Binance.US

Since its launch in 2019, Binance.US has grown to serve users across all 50 states with the mission to

increase the freedom of money

. The exchange offers a range of trading pairs, allowing users to trade various cryptocurrencies against the US Dollar. Binance.US also provides features such as

instant deposits and withdrawals

, a user-friendly interface, and advanced trading tools for experienced traders.

Importance of regulatory compliance for cryptocurrency exchanges

Regulatory compliance is a crucial aspect for any

cryptocurrency exchange platform

in the United States. Complying with relevant regulations helps establish trust and maintain a safe trading environment for users. Binance.US is dedicated to adhering to these rules, ensuring its operations are transparent and compliant with both federal and state laws. This commitment not only allows the exchange to serve a broader audience but also helps promote the long-term growth and adoption of cryptocurrencies within the United States.

Binance.US to suspend services in Washington on the 20th of August


Explanation of the evolving regulatory landscape for cryptocurrency exchanges in the US

**Increasing focus on state-level regulation:** With the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies and the absence of a clear federal regulatory framework, the role of states in regulating cryptocurrency exchanges has been on the rise. **Bithumb**, **Binance**, and other major players have faced regulatory challenges in various states, leading to an increasing focus on state-level compliance.
Overview of Washington State’s regulatory framework for cryptocurrency exchanges
**Introduction of the Money Transmitter Act and corresponding licensing requirements:** In 2018, Washington State’s Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) adopted the Money Transmitter Act and corresponding licensing requirements for cryptocurrency businesses operating in the state. This move was aimed at addressing potential risks associated with cryptocurrencies, including consumer protection and anti-money laundering concerns.

Money Transmitter Act

The Money Transmitter Act, originally enacted in 1991 and updated in 2018, defines money transmitters as any person who sells or issues payment instruments, stores or transmits monetary value, or engages in the business of buying and selling virtual currency. This legislation is designed to ensure that businesses handling financial transactions are subject to regulation, oversight, and licensing requirements.

Licensing Requirements

To obtain a Money Transmitter license in Washington State, applicants must meet several conditions:

  • Submit an application to the DFI, including fingerprints and a background check.
  • Demonstrate financial responsibility through the submission of a net worth statement and proof of insurance coverage.
  • Implement appropriate security measures to protect customer assets, including encryption and multi-sig wallets.
  • Adhere to anti-money laundering regulations, including the filing of suspicious activity reports (SARs).
  • Maintain ongoing compliance with DFI rules and regulations.

The licensing process ensures that only reputable and trustworthy businesses are allowed to operate in the state, thereby safeguarding consumers from potential risks. With these regulations in place, Washington State continues to lead the way in the evolving regulatory landscape for cryptocurrency exchanges in the US.

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Binance.US to suspend services in Washington on the 20th of August

I Announcement of Binance.US’s Decision to Suspend Services in Washington State

Formal announcement from Binance.US:

Binance.US, the American branch of the leading global cryptocurrency exchange Binance, has formally announced its decision to suspend services in the state of Washington as of August 20, 2023. This announcement was made via a link and a

detailed blog post

on the Binance.US website.

Reasons behind the decision:

The reasons behind this decision stem from Binance.US’s failure to secure necessary licenses from the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (WSDFI). According to Binance.US, they have been in ongoing discussions with the WSDFI since 2021 but have not reached an agreement that would allow them to continue operating legally in Washington State.

Timeline for service suspension and potential reinstatement:

Binance.US users in Washington State can expect services to be suspended starting on August 20, 202However, Binance.US is committed to reinstating services as soon as they secure the necessary licenses from the WSDFI. The exact timeline for this remains uncertain, but Binance.US has assured users that they will be notified as soon as there is any update on the situation.

Impact on affected Binance.US users:

Account holders in Washington State will be required to close their accounts and take one of the following actions before August 20, 2023:

  • Transfer their assets to another exchange:
  • Maintain them in a dormant state: This means keeping the assets on Binance.US but not using the account for any trading or other activity.

Binance.US also encourages users to

secure their assets during the suspension period

by using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and keeping a backup of their private keys.

Binance.US to suspend services in Washington on the 20th of August

Binance.US’s Commitment to Regulatory Compliance and Customer Protection

Binance.US, a leading cryptocurrency exchange in the United States, is deeply committed to ensuring regulatory compliance and protecting its valued customers. The exchange’s top priority is to operate within the confines of all applicable laws and regulations. Binance.US understands that regulatory compliance not only builds trust with customers but also safeguards the entire cryptocurrency industry from potential risks and threats.

Statement from Binance.US

In a recent statement, the exchange emphasized its dedication to regulatory compliance by saying, “We believe that transparency and cooperation with regulators are essential for creating a sustainable digital asset industry. Binance.US is committed to working closely with regulatory bodies and self-regulatory organizations to ensure that we meet the highest standards for security, compliance, and customer protection.”

Measures Taken to Ensure Regulatory Compliance

Binance.US has already taken significant strides towards regulatory compliance in various states and countries. The exchange has formed partnerships with several regulatory bodies and self-regulatory organizations to ensure that it adheres to the necessary regulations. For instance, Binance.US became a member of the Crypto Rating Council, an independent rating agency that evaluates the compliance practices of cryptocurrency businesses based on various regulatory frameworks.

Customer Protection Policies

Moreover, Binance.US offers robust customer protection policies. The exchange has implemented various measures to safeguard customer assets. For instance, it provides insurance coverage for certain digital assets stored on its platform using a custodian partner. Additionally, Binance.US employs advanced security solutions to ensure that user funds are safely stored and protected from potential threats. Furthermore, the exchange offers a range of secure storage options, including cold wallets and multi-signature wallets, to give customers peace of mind when it comes to their digital assets. By combining regulatory compliance with strong customer protection policies, Binance.US continues to set the bar high for other cryptocurrency exchanges in the industry.

Binance.US to suspend services in Washington on the 20th of August


Recap of the Key Points Discussed in This Announcement:

Binance.US, a leading cryptocurrency exchange based in the United States, has recently announced that it will suspend its services in Washington State starting August 20, 202This decision comes as a result of regulatory requirements that Binance.US must adhere to in different jurisdictions. Users residing in Washington State should take appropriate actions before the suspension date to ensure they do not experience disruptions in their trading activities.

Encouragement for Users in Washington State:

  1. Transferring Assets:
  2. Binance.US encourages its users in Washington State to consider transferring their assets to another exchange or wallet that is available for use within the state before August 20, 202This proactive measure will help users minimize potential disruptions and maintain access to their digital assets.

  3. Seeking Guidance:
  4. Users who may require assistance with the transfer process or have questions regarding alternative exchanges or wallets can contact Binance.US Customer Support for guidance and further information.

Reiteration of Binance.US’s Commitment:

Binance.US remains committed to regulatory compliance and customer protection. The exchange is dedicated to providing users with a secure and trustworthy trading platform while adhering to all applicable regulations in each jurisdiction. This decision to suspend services in Washington State is in line with this commitment and reflects Binance.US’s ongoing efforts to maintain a compliant business environment for all its users.

Key Points
Decision:Binance.US to suspend services in Washington State starting August 20, 2023.
User Action:Transfer assets or seek guidance before the suspension date.
Commitment:Binance.US remains committed to regulatory compliance and customer protection.

Binance.US to suspend services in Washington on the 20th of August

V References

List of sources used in the article or press release:

link: Binance.US Announces Partnership with Washington State Department of Finance, Insurance, and Secure Retirement Administration
link: Washington State DFI Announces First Virtual Currency Businesses Licensed in Washington
link: Binance.US Launches in Washington State
link: Binance.US to Launch Crypto Exchange in Washington State, Regulator Says
5. link: Binance.US to Launch Crypto Exchange in Washington State

Official statements from Binance.US:

“We are thrilled to announce that Binance.US has been authorized to operate as a Virtual Currency Business under the regulatory framework established by the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions,”

– Brian Shroder, CEO of Binance.US

“We are committed to working closely with regulators to ensure that we provide a secure and reliable platform for our users, and this partnership is an important step in that direction,”

– Brian Shroder, CEO of Binance.US

Official statements from Washington State regulatory bodies:

“We are pleased to welcome Binance.US as the first virtual currency business to be licensed in Washington under our new regulatory framework,”

– Mike Crean, Director of the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions.

“Our priority is to protect consumers and ensure that virtual currency businesses operating in Washington follow sound business practices,”

– Mike Crean, Director of the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions.
