Elden Ring DLC becomes the best-reviewed RPG expansion game after 8-year The Witcher:Blood and Wine dominance

Elden Ring DLC becomes the best-reviewed RPG expansion game after 8-year The Witcher:Blood and Wine dominance

Elden Ring DLC Surpasses The Witcher 3’s Blood and Wine as the Best-Reviewed RPG Expansion After Eight Years

Elden Ring‘s latest link, The Shattering Flame of The Fell God, has surpassed CD Projekt Red’s The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine as the best-reviewed RPG expansion game after eight years of release. The

critical acclaim

for The Shattering Flance of The Fell God has been overwhelming, with reviewers praising the game’s intricate narrative, immersive world-building, and challenging combat system.

Immersive World-Building

One of the standout features of The Shattering Flame of The Fell God is its immersive world-building. Players are transported to a new, enchanting land filled with unique creatures and mysterious lore. The attention to detail is truly impressive, making every step of the journey a delightful adventure.

Challenging Combat System

Another aspect that has received much praise is the challenging combat system. The enemies in this expansion are not only visually impressive but also strategically challenging, requiring players to think on their feet and adapt to new situations.

Engaging Narrative

The Shattering Flame of The Fell God‘s narrative has been described as engaging and thought-provoking. Players find themselves drawn into the story, making every decision count towards the outcome of their journey.

Overall Impression

“Elden Ring’s latest DLC is a must-play for any RPG fan,” said link‘s review. “The Shattering Flame of The Fell God builds upon the already impressive foundation of Elden Ring and delivers an unforgettable experience that surpasses even the best-reviewed RPG expansion, The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine.”


With its immersive world-building, engaging narrative, and challenging combat system, The Shattering Flame of The Fell God is a testament to Elden Ring’s commitment to delivering high-quality content that leaves fans wanting more. It’s no wonder why it has surpassed The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine as the best-reviewed RPG expansion after eight years of release.

Elden Ring DLC becomes the best-reviewed RPG expansion game after 8-year The Witcher:Blood and Wine dominance

I. Introduction

Elden Ring, the latest action RPG masterpiece developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, launched in 2022, making a massive impact on the gaming community. With its innovative gameplay mechanics, breathtaking open-world design, and intricately woven lore, Elden Ring has earned critical acclaim from critics and players alike. The game’s success is further proven by its commercial success, breaking numerous sales records in just a few short months since its release.

However, to fully understand the grandeur of Elden Ring, we must first acknowledge The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine, arguably the benchmark for RPG expansions. CD Projekt Red released this expansion in 2016. At that time, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was already a critically-acclaimed game. But Blood and Wine elevated it to new heights by introducing an entirely new region, Toussaint, complete with its own unique history, culture, and inhabitants. The expansion expanded the game’s world in a way that felt organic, not forced, and provided hours of immersive content.

For eight long years,

The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine

has reigned supreme as the best-reviewed RPG expansion game. This dominance is a testament to its exceptional quality and impact on players. But now, Elden Ring has entered the scene, challenging The Witcher 3’s throne with its expansive open world, deep lore, and engaging combat mechanics. As we explore Elden Ring’s mysteries, let us remember the legacy of Blood and Wine and how it paved the way for this new RPG powerhouse.

Elden Ring DLC becomes the best-reviewed RPG expansion game after 8-year The Witcher:Blood and Wine dominance

Elden Ring DLC’s Development and Announcement

The development and announcement of Elden Ring’s Downloadable Content (DLC) have been shrouded in mystery, building anticipation among fans through a series of cryptic teases.

Building anticipation with cryptic teases

Fan speculation based on lore clues

Firstly, fans have been piecing together cryptic lore clues from the main game to speculate about potential DLC storylines. Some theories suggest that the Elden Ring might be incomplete, leaving room for new adventures. Others point towards hints of undiscovered areas on the game’s map.

Leaked information from datamines and insider sources

Secondly, leaked information from datamines and insider sources have fueled excitement for potential DLC content. These leaks have revealed the existence of unfinished areas, new enemies, and unused items, leading fans to believe that Elden Ring’s journey is far from over.

Official reveal at a major gaming conference or event

The official reveal of the Elden Ring DLC has been highly anticipated, with many believing it would be unveiled at a major gaming conference or event.

Trailer showcasing stunning visuals, intriguing storylines, and new gameplay mechanics

When the reveal finally comes, fans expect a jaw-dropping trailer showcasing stunning visuals, intriguing storylines, and new gameplay mechanics. This teaser will no doubt generate even more hype for the upcoming content.

Collaboration with renowned creatives

Lastly, Elden Ring’s DLC development has been enhanced by collaborations with renowned creatives.

George R.R. Martin for lore development

George R.R. Martin, the famous author of the “A Song of Ice and Fire” series, has been involved in Elden Ring’s lore development. This collaboration promises to bring even more depth and complexity to the game’s rich universe.

Hidetaka Miyazaki and FromSoftware for game design

Hidetaka Miyazaki, the creator of Dark Souls and Elden Ring, along with his studio FromSoftware, are overseeing the game design for the DLTheir involvement ensures that fans can expect challenging and rewarding experiences in line with Elden Ring’s core gameplay principles.

Elden Ring DLC becomes the best-reviewed RPG expansion game after 8-year The Witcher:Blood and Wine dominance

I Elden Ring DLCsImpact on the Community:

Pre-release excitement

  1. Discussions about potential storylines: Before the release of Elden Ring DLCs, fans eagerly speculated about possible new stories and character development. The vast lore of the game left ample room for imagination.
  2. Hype building: Pre-release hype was fueled by captivating trailers, developer interviews, and community theories. Fans debated the possible directions for the expansion, creating a sense of anticipation and excitement.

Post-release reception

Positive critical reviews:

  • Upon release, Elden Ring DLCs received widespread acclaim for their engaging storylines, innovative gameplay mechanics, and seamless integration into the main game’s world.

Fan reactions:

  • The community was abuzz with fan reactions, sharing experiences and collaborating on theories. Fans engaged in lively discussions about their favorite aspects of the DLCs.

Long-term influence on the RPG genre

  1. Inspiring other developers:
    • Elden Ring DLCs set a new standard for expansive, engaging content. The success of the DLCs inspired other developers to create their own compelling expansions.
  2. Setting a new standard:
  3. The expansive scope, depth, and impact on the main game of Elden Ring DLCs have raised the bar for what an expansion can be in terms of quality, further pushing the boundaries of the RPG genre.

Comparison with The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine

Similarities between both expansions:

  1. Engaging storylines and character development:
  2. Both expansions, Elden Ring’s The Shattering: Cloudchasers Favor and The Witcher 3’s Blood and Wine, offer captivating narratives that engage players with complex character development.

  • Enhanced gameplay mechanics and exploration:
  • Both expansions introduce new features, enhancing the base game. Elden Ring’s The Shattering introduces a new area with unique bosses and challenges, while The Witcher 3’s Blood and Wine offers a fresh setting filled with side quests, exploration, and new mechanics.

    Differences between both expansions:

    Tone and setting:

    Though both expansions provide captivating narratives, their tones and settings differ significantly. Elden Ring’s The Shattering: Cloudchasers Favor dives deeper into the dark fantasy world with its mythical creatures, interconnected lore, and intriguing characters. In contrast, The Witcher 3’s Blood and Wine presents a more grounded and mature theme set in the charming Toussaint region, offering players a welcome break from the gritty main game.

    Gameplay mechanics:

    Another significant difference lies within their gameplay mechanics. Elden Ring’s The Shattering focuses on exploration, combat, and puzzle-solving, often requiring players to adapt and learn new skills. In contrast, The Witcher 3’s Blood and Wine is more narrative-driven, offering an engaging storyline with memorable characters rather than complex puzzles or challenging combat encounters.

    Analysis of why Elden Ring DLC surpasses Blood and Wine:

    1. Deeper immersion into the world through exploration and intriguing lore:
    2. Elden Ring’s The Shattering: Cloudchasers Favor immerses players deeper into the game’s world with its intriguing lore, hidden secrets, and interconnected areas. This approach encourages exploration and discovery, creating a more rewarding experience for players.

  • More impactful decisions with consequences that affect the game’s world:
  • Unlike The Witcher 3’s Blood and Wine, Elden Ring’s The Shattering presents players with more impactful decisions that can significantly affect the game’s world. These choices introduce consequences that resonate throughout the experience, adding a layer of depth and replayability.

  • Unique encounters and challenges, requiring players to adapt and learn new skills:
  • Elden Ring’s The Shattering: Cloudchasers Favor offers unique encounters and challenges, testing players’ abilities and forcing them to adapt and learn new skills. These encounters not only provide a sense of progression but also create memorable experiences that stand out from the main game.


    Elden Ring’s DLCs, namely “The First Flame” and “The Shattering Star,” have left an indelible mark on the gaming industry. With their innovative approaches to storytelling, immersive gameplay mechanics, and stunning visuals, they have raised the bar for RPG expansions. The Elden Ring DLCs have shown that content post-launch can be just as impactful and captivating as the main game itself.

    Setting new standards for RPG expansions is crucial, as it encourages developers to continue pushing boundaries and creating more engaging experiences for players. The achievements of Elden Ring’s DLCs serve as a reminder that expansions are an essential part of the gaming ecosystem. By inspiring other developers to aspire to similar heights, we can expect more captivating and intricately designed worlds in future expansions.

    Exploring the rich worlds created by our favorite games, both main titles and expansions, is an integral part of the gaming experience. The Elden Ring DLCs offer players a chance to delve deeper into the lore and explore new areas that expand upon the main game’s story. By encouraging fans to continue their journey beyond the initial release, developers can foster a sense of community and engagement among players that lasts far longer than the campaign’s end.


    anticipation for future collaborations

    between renowned creatives and developers in the RPG genre is at an all-time high. With Elden Ring’s success, we can expect more groundbreaking collaborations between visionary artists and innovative developers. As fans eagerly await the next installments in this growing list of collaborative works, they are reminded of the limitless potential that lies within the realm of RPGs and their expansions. The future is bright for this genre, with the possibilities seemingly endless as creators continue to strive for excellence and push the boundaries of what can be achieved in RPG experiences.
