Japanese banks will boost crypto liquidity: Arthur Hayes

Japanese banks will boost crypto liquidity: Arthur Hayes

Japanese Banks Entering the Crypto Space: Boosting Liquidity with Arthur Hayes


In the ever-evolving financial landscape, Japanese banks are making waves by entering the cryptocurrency space. This strategic move aims to boost liquidity and capitalize on the growing popularity of digital assets. Let’s delve deeper into this topic with insights from Arthur Hayes, the CEO of BitMEX.


Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA) has been a pioneer in regulating and promoting cryptocurrencies, making it an attractive market for financial institutions. With the

Japanese government’s support and clear regulatory guidelines

, banks are now exploring opportunities to engage in cryptocurrency-related businesses.

Banking Giants’ Moves:

Leading Japanese banks, such as Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, have already taken steps to participate in the crypto market. They plan to offer cryptocurrency trading services to their clients, leveraging their extensive customer base and resources.

Boosting Liquidity:

Arthur Hayes emphasizes that Japanese banks entering the crypto space can significantly improve market liquidity. He explains, “With their vast resources and customer base, they can absorb large volumes of trades without affecting the market price. This stability is essential for institutional investors looking to enter the crypto market.

Impact on the Market:

As more Japanese banks enter the crypto space, we can expect increased competition and innovation in this sector. Moreover, these institutions may influence the development of new regulatory frameworks to ensure a secure and stable market environment for both banks and their clients.

Japanese Financial Market and Cryptocurrency Market: A Comparative Analysis


In the ever-evolving world of finance, two distinct markets continue to gain significant attention: the Japanese financial market and the cryptocurrency market. Each holds unique characteristics and historical contexts that merit exploration. This analysis will provide a brief background of the Japanese financial market, focusing on its traditional banking system. Simultaneously, it will offer an overview of the cryptocurrency market and shed light on its current state.

Japanese Financial Market: Background and Traditional Banking System

The Japanese financial market, the third largest in the world, is a testament to Japan’s robust economy and its longstanding relationship with global finance. Its history can be traced back to the 17th century, when merchants established mottainai banks – communal financial institutions that functioned as a form of credit cooperative. However, it was not until the late 19th century that Japan began to modernize its financial system with the establishment of the Bank of Japan in 1882.
Fast forward to the late 1990s, Japan experienced a significant economic downturn known as the “Lost Decade.” During this period, its financial institutions faced severe challenges due to non-performing loans and asset price deflation. This led the Japanese government to implement several measures aimed at revitalizing the country’s financial sector, including increasing transparency and strengthening regulatory oversight.
Today, Japan’s financial market is characterized by its stability and resilience. Major players include the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), which is home to companies like Sony, Panasonic, and Mitsubishi Electric. Japan’s traditional banking system is dominated by megabanks such as Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, and Mizuho Financial Group.

Cryptocurrency Market: Overview and Current State

In stark contrast to the established Japanese financial market, the cryptocurrency market emerged just over a decade ago. The first decentralized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was introduced in 2009 by an anonymous entity under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Since then, numerous alternative cryptocurrencies (altcoins) have emerged, each with its unique features and use cases.
The cryptocurrency market operates on a decentralized system, meaning it is not controlled by any central authority or financial institution. Transactions are recorded in a publicly accessible database called the blockchain. Cryptocurrencies’ decentralized nature has made them an attractive alternative to traditional financial instruments for some individuals and businesses.
The cryptocurrency market has experienced significant volatility, with Bitcoin’s price rising from less than $1 in 2009 to an all-time high of nearly $65,000 in 202This volatility has led to both excitement and skepticism among investors and financial regulators. While some countries, like El Salvador, have embraced cryptocurrencies as legal tender, others, such as China, have imposed strict regulations or outright bans.
Japan has taken a more welcoming stance towards cryptocurrencies. It was one of the first major economies to recognize Bitcoin as a legal form of payment in 2016. Today, several Japanese financial institutions are exploring the use of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology to enhance their operations.

The Role of Japanese Banks in Traditional Finance

Overview of the major Japanese banks and their influence on the economy

  1. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group: As the largest bank in Japan with total assets over $3 trillion, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) plays a significant role in the country’s financial sector. Originating from the merger of Mitsubishi Bank and Union Bank of Japan in 2005, it is not only the largest bank in Japan but also one of the largest financial institutions globally. MUFJ’s influence extends beyond banking to insurance, securities, and trust businesses.
  2. Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group: With a total asset base of approximately $2.7 trillion, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (SMFG) is the second-largest banking group in Japan. SMFG was formed through a merger of Sumitomo Bank and Dai-ichi Kangyo Bank in 2001, making it one of the most diversified financial services providers in Japan. Its influence spans commercial banking, trust banking, securities, and insurance.
  3. Mizuho Financial Group: The third-largest financial institution in Japan, Mizuho Financial Group (MFG) has a total asset base of over $2.3 trillion. MFG was created through the merger of Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, Fuji Bank, and Industrial Bank of Japan in 200Its extensive operations include commercial banking, trust banking, insurance, securities, and investment banking.

The importance of liquidity in the banking industry

Definition and role of liquidity in finance: Liquidity refers to the degree to which an asset can be easily converted into cash or another financial instrument without causing a significant price difference or loss. It is essential in finance because it allows institutions and markets to operate efficiently and meet their obligations during times of stress. Banks require adequate liquidity to fund withdrawals by depositors and honor checks, loans, and other financial commitments.

How Japanese banks maintain liquidity:

  1. Maintaining sufficient cash reserves
  2. Managing short-term funding needs through interbank borrowing markets and overnight call money markets
  3. Implementing liquidity risk management strategies like securities investments, open market operations, and issuing commercial paper or certificates of deposit
  4. Collaborating with central banks, such as the Bank of Japan, to ensure stability in the financial system through monetary policy tools and emergency liquidity facilities

Japanese banks will boost crypto liquidity: Arthur Hayes

I The Intersection of Traditional Finance and Cryptocurrencies

Japanese regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies

The intersection of traditional finance and cryptocurrencies in Japan has been a subject of great interest and exploration. In this context, it is essential to understand the regulatory environment surrounding cryptocurrencies in Japan. The Financial Services Agency (FSA), a Japanese government agency, plays a crucial role in this regard. The FSA oversees the implementation and enforcement of laws and regulations related to cryptocurrencies in Japan. One such regulation is the Virtual Currency Act, enacted in April 2017, which requires all crypto exchanges operating in Japan to register with the FSThe FSA’s oversight aims to ensure the security and transparency of cryptocurrency trading activities in Japan.

Japanese banks’ initial approach to cryptocurrencies

Initially, Japanese banks approached the emerging crypto industry with caution and curiosity. They observed and studied the market carefully to understand its potential implications for the financial sector. Some Japanese banks, like Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, even formed partnerships with crypto exchanges to gain a deeper understanding of the market.

Observation and study of the market

Japanese banks began by observing the cryptocurrency market from a distance, analyzing trends, and assessing risks. They studied customer behavior, regulatory frameworks, and the underlying technology powering cryptocurrencies. This initial stage of observation helped Japanese banks gain a better understanding of the crypto market and its potential impact on traditional finance.

Partnerships with crypto exchanges

To deepen their understanding of the cryptocurrency market, Japanese banks formed partnerships with crypto exchanges. These collaborations allowed them to learn about the technical aspects of trading cryptocurrencies and gain access to valuable market data. For instance, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group partnered with Quoine, a Japanese crypto exchange, to create the world’s first cryptocurrency trading platform for financial institutions.

The benefits Japanese banks stand to gain from entering the crypto space

Japanese banks stand to benefit significantly by entering the crypto space. Two primary advantages are:

Access to a growing market and customer base

First, Japanese banks can tap into the growing market for cryptocurrencies, which has seen increased popularity among both individual and institutional investors. By offering crypto trading services, they can cater to this customer base and expand their reach in the financial sector.

Increased liquidity through direct involvement in crypto trading

Second, Japanese banks can improve their liquidity by directly involving themselves in cryptocurrency trading. By participating in the market, they can better manage their risk and gain insights into market trends, ultimately enhancing their overall financial capabilities.

Japanese banks will boost crypto liquidity: Arthur Hayes

Strategies Japanese Banks Are Pursuing to Boost Crypto Liquidity

Establishing their own crypto trading desks or subsidiaries

Japanese banks are leaving no stone unturned in their quest to enhance crypto liquidity. One of the strategies they are pursuing is setting up crypto trading desks or creating subsidiaries dedicated to digital assets. This move is aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the crypto market and providing better services to their clients.

Examples of Japanese banks creating crypto trading units

Two prominent Japanese banks, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, have already established crypto trading units. Mitsubishi UFJ, Japan’s largest bank by assets, created a new company called Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, which will handle the bank’s crypto business. Sumitomo Mitsui, on the other hand, launched its Digital Asset Services division in 2019.

Potential advantages and challenges

The advantages of this strategy include having direct control over trading operations, providing better customer services, and gaining a competitive edge. However, there are challenges such as the need for substantial investment in infrastructure and technology, regulatory uncertainties, and managing risks related to digital assets.

Collaborating with existing crypto exchanges and fintech companies

Another strategy being adopted by Japanese banks is collaborating with existing crypto exchanges and fintech companies. This partnership approach allows banks to leverage the expertise of these players while providing their clients with a more comprehensive range of services.

Partnerships between banks and exchanges

An example of this collaboration is the partnership between Mizuho Financial Group and SBI Holdings‘s crypto exchange, TaoTao. Mizuho is providing banking services to TaoTao’s customers, while SBI Holdings offers its crypto trading platform to Mizuho’s clients. Another instance is the collaboration between Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Wallet. Rakuten Bank, a subsidiary of e-commerce giant Rakuten, is integrating its mobile banking app with the crypto exchange to enable users to buy and sell digital assets.

Potential benefits and risks for both parties

The potential benefits for banks include gaining access to the crypto market, expanding their customer base, and offering innovative services. For crypto exchanges, partnerships with banks can lead to increased credibility, regulatory compliance, and access to traditional financial services for their clients. However, there are risks such as reputational damage, regulatory hurdles, and the need to maintain a strong relationship with banking partners.

Developing their own blockchain technology solutions

Lastly, Japanese banks are exploring the development of their own blockchain technology solutions. Banks have played a significant role in the development of blockchain technology, with initiatives such as R3 Corda and Hyperledger Fabric. In the crypto space, banks can explore use cases such as cross-border payments, trade finance, and securities settlement.

Roles of banks in the development of blockchain technology

Banks have been key contributors to the development of blockchain technology due to their extensive expertise in areas such as payments, settlement, and regulatory compliance. They bring valuable insights into creating enterprise-grade blockchain solutions that meet the needs of the financial industry.

Potential use cases for Japanese banks in the crypto space

One potential use case for Japanese banks is cross-border payments, which can be expensive and time-consuming using traditional methods. Blockchain technology can enable faster and cheaper cross-border transactions, providing a significant advantage for banks and their clients. Another area is trade finance, where blockchain can streamline processes and reduce paperwork, enhancing efficiency and transparency. In the securities settlement sector, banks can explore using blockchain to settle trades faster and more securely, reducing risks associated with counterparty default.
Japanese banks will boost crypto liquidity: Arthur Hayes


Japanese banks’ involvement in cryptocurrencies is set to have a significant impact on the market in various ways.

Increased Liquidity and Stability:

With the entry of Japanese banks into the crypto market, there will be an influx of institutional capital. This increased liquidity can lead to greater price stability and a more mature market. The banks’ participation also signifies a level of legitimization, as they are subject to strict regulatory frameworks that promote transparency and security.

Potential for Further Regulation and Innovation:

The involvement of Japanese banks in cryptocurrencies can pave the way for more regulation. While some view this as a potential hindrance, it could ultimately lead to better oversight and protection for investors. Additionally, these institutions may drive innovation by developing new financial products and services based on blockchain technology and digital currencies.

Impact on the Japanese Financial Industry:

The integration of cryptocurrencies into the Japanese financial industry can bring about several benefits. It could lead to increased competition, as traditional financial institutions look to adapt and stay relevant in the digital age. Moreover, it may also open up new opportunities for collaboration between banks and fintech companies.

Global Crypto Market Implications:

The growing involvement of Japanese banks in the crypto market can serve as a catalyst for other financial institutions worldwide. As more players enter this space, we could witness increased global adoption and acceptance of cryptocurrencies. This could lead to a maturing market with improved infrastructure, greater regulatory clarity, and more investment opportunities.
