BNB Chain activates BEP 336 hard fork, reducing fees by 90%

BNB Chain activates BEP 336 hard fork, reducing fees by 90%


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the impact of technology on education. In today’s rapidly evolving world, it is crucial to understand how technology has transformed and continues to shape the educational landscape.

From Chalkboards to Interactive Whiteboards

The advent of technology in education can be traced back to the introduction of multimedia projectors and interactive whiteboards, which replaced traditional chalkboards. This technological shift marked a significant turning point in education, enabling teachers to deliver more engaging and interactive lessons.

The Rise of Digital Textbooks

Another major development in the realm of education technology is the emergence of digital textbooks. These electronic versions of textbooks offer numerous benefits over their print counterparts, including portability, accessibility, and interactive features.

Online Learning Platforms

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The Future of Education Technology

As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more innovations in the field of education. From virtual reality classrooms and artificial intelligence tutors to adaptive learning systems, the future of education technology promises to be exciting and transformative. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into these topics in our detailed guide.

BNB Chain activates BEP 336 hard fork, reducing fees by 90%

Binance Smart Chain (BNB Chain): A Brief Explanation

Binance Smart Chain (BNB Chain) is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform designed for speed and low transaction fees. It’s an alternative to Ethereum and operates in parallel with the Binance Chain, which focuses more on decentralized exchange functionalities. BSC is built using the Tendermint consensus algorithm and SEP-20 smart contract platform, enabling interoperability with Ethereum and other blockchains. It’s crucial to note that BNB, the native cryptocurrency of Binance, plays a vital role in facilitating transactions on this network.

The Significance of Network Fees and Their Impact

Network fees

are an essential aspect of the blockchain ecosystem.

They are paid to validate transactions and maintain network security. However, high transaction fees on congested networks can pose a significant issue for users, especially those who perform frequent transactions or have limited budgets.

Impact on Users and Transactions

High transaction fees can lead to:

  • Lower user engagement: Users might be deterred from using the network due to the high cost of transacting.
  • Slower transaction processing times: Users might be willing to pay higher fees to expedite their transactions, leading to network congestion.
  • Inequality in access: Users with limited budgets may be unable to participate fully, widening the gap between haves and have-nots.

BNB Chain Activates BEP 336 Hard Fork to Reduce Fees by 90%

To address the issue of high network fees, Binance Smart Chain recently announced the activation of BEP 336 (Binance Smart Chain Improvement Proposal), a hard fork that is expected to reduce network fees by approximately 90%. This move is aimed at making transactions more accessible and affordable for a larger user base. By lowering transaction fees, the network aims to:

  • Increase user engagement: Lower transaction costs could entice more users to participate in the network.
  • Encourage faster adoption: By making transactions more affordable, Binance Smart Chain could potentially attract a larger user base.
  • Promote greater equality: Lowering transaction fees could help level the playing field for users with limited budgets.

This initiative signifies a significant step forward in addressing the challenge of high network fees and improving overall user experience on Binance Smart Chain.

BNB Chain activates BEP 336 hard fork, reducing fees by 90%

Understanding the Background: Binance Smart Chain and Gas Fees

The Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is a decentralized platform powered by the link blockchain network designed for building and deploying smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). Launched in September 2020 as a response to the Ethereum network’s high gas fees and congestion issues, BSC utilizes the BEP-20 token standard that is interoperable with Ethereum’s ERC-20. The Binance team built the BSC to offer users faster transaction speeds, lower fees, and an easier onboarding process for new crypto enthusiasts. In this section, we will explore the fundamental concepts of Binance Smart Chain and the significance of gas fees.

Binance Smart Chain: An Overview

BSC is a decentralized blockchain network that is built using the Tendermint

Byzantine Agreement consensus algorithm, which allows for high transaction speeds and efficiency. Binance Smart Chain is designed to facilitate the deployment of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and other dApps. One of the key features of BSC is its compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and other similar platforms. This compatibility makes it easy for developers to migrate their projects from Ethereum to BSC with minimal effort.

Gas Fees: A Necessary Cost

In the context of blockchain technology, a gas fee

is a payment made by users to the network for each transaction or smart contract execution. The gas fee is denominated in the native token of the blockchain platform, such as Ethereum‘s Ether (ETH) or Binance Smart Chain’s Binance Coin

(BNB) respectively. Gas fees help ensure the security and integrity of the network by incentivizing miners to validate transactions and secure the blockchain from malicious activities.

Factors Affecting Gas Fees

Gas fees on Binance Smart Chain can vary depending on several factors, including network congestion, transaction complexity, and the priority level of the user’s transaction. When the network is experiencing high congestion or increased usage, gas fees tend to rise as more users compete for block space. Complex transactions, such as those involving multiple smart contracts or large token transfers, also typically require higher gas fees due to the increased computational resources needed to process them.

Gas Fees and User Experience

High gas fees can impact the user experience on a blockchain platform, making it more expensive for users to interact with dApps or execute transactions. While Binance Smart Chain generally offers lower gas fees compared to Ethereum, they can still vary significantly depending on network conditions and the specific use case. Understanding how gas fees work and their impact on user experience is essential for anyone using or developing decentralized applications on Binance Smart Chain.


In conclusion, having a solid understanding of Binance Smart Chain and gas fees is crucial for anyone interested in exploring the world of decentralized finance and building or using dApps on this platform. By learning about the underlying technology, network features, and cost structures associated with BSC and gas fees, users can make informed decisions and maximize their experience on this innovative blockchain ecosystem.

BNB Chain activates BEP 336 hard fork, reducing fees by 90%

Binance Smart Chain: A Decentralized Platform for Building dApps

Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is a decentralized platform powered by the Binance blockchain for building and deploying decentralized applications (dApps). It operates as a separate standalone chain from the Binance Chain, which is known for its fast and efficient transactions. BSC leverages the Security of Binance Chain, while offering a more flexible and versatile development environment for developers to build innovative projects. The platform is designed to facilitate the creation of dApps that are interoperable with Ethereum, enabling a wider range of use cases and user adoption.

Understanding Gas Fees on Binance Smart Chain

Gas fees are transaction fees that users pay to the network for executing specific actions on a blockchain platform. In the context of Binance Smart Chain, these fees are paid in Binance Coin (BNB), the native cryptocurrency of the Binance ecosystem. Gas fees on BSC are determined by various factors, including the complexity of the transaction, the congestion level of the network, and the current market demand for gas. A higher gas fee usually translates to faster transaction processing time, as users can bid for priority in the network.

The Recent Increase in Gas Fees and Its Impact on User Experience

Gas fees on Binance Smart Chain have seen a significant increase due to the growing popularity of the network and the surge in DeFi projects being built on it. This has led to longer transaction processing times, as users compete for network capacity by bidding higher fees to secure their transactions. The elevated gas fees can be a deterrent for some users, as they may find the costs prohibitive, especially when making smaller transactions. The increased user experience challenge underscores the importance of developers optimizing their dApps and users managing their gas fees effectively.

Optimizing Gas Fees for DApp Developers

To mitigate the impact of gas fees on users, dApp developers can optimize their smart contracts to minimize unnecessary computational steps and improve overall efficiency. Implementing gas-efficient design patterns, such as batch transactions or using the latest optimization techniques, can help reduce transaction costs for users while maintaining a high level of performance.

User Strategies for Managing Gas Fees


can adopt various strategies to manage their gas fees effectively. These include:

Monitoring Gas Fees

Users should keep track of the current gas fees and network congestion levels before initiating transactions to minimize unexpected costs. They can also use tools like link or other similar platforms to monitor gas fees and network status.

Splitting Transactions into Smaller Batches

Splitting large transactions into smaller batches can help reduce overall gas fees, as smaller transactions generally incur lower costs. This strategy is particularly useful for users who need to perform multiple actions in a single transaction.

Utilizing Automated Gas Fee Optimization Tools

Users can leverage automated gas fee optimization tools, such as link or other similar services, to help manage their gas fees more effectively. These tools can provide real-time insights into the current network conditions and suggest optimal gas prices for users based on their transaction requirements.

Choosing the Right Gas Price

Users should carefully consider their gas price selection when initiating transactions. Setting the right gas price can help minimize the overall transaction cost while ensuring that the transaction is processed in a timely manner.

5. Ensuring Wallet Balance

Users should ensure that they have sufficient BNB in their wallets to cover the gas fees for their transactions. Running out of funds during a transaction can lead to transaction failures and wasted gas fees.


Binance Smart Chain offers a versatile platform for building and deploying decentralized applications. Understanding how gas fees work on the network, and adopting strategies to manage them effectively, is essential for both developers and users to ensure a positive user experience in this rapidly evolving ecosystem.

BNB Chain activates BEP 336 hard fork, reducing fees by 90%

I Introducing BEP 336: The Hard Fork Proposal

BEP 336, also known as BSC-336, is a proposed hard fork on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network that aims to introduce several significant improvements and modifications. This hard fork proposal, if implemented, will bring about notable changes in the functionality, security, and interoperability of the BSC ecosystem. The BEP (Binance Exchange Protocol) is a set of technical rules that provides guidelines for developing new features or making improvements to the Binance ecosystem.

Major Upgrades

With BEP 336, several major upgrades are planned. One of the most notable changes is the introduction of Smart Rechains, a new feature that will allow different chains to be connected and interact with each other in a more seamless manner. This will enable faster cross-chain transactions, improved interoperability, and enhanced security.

Improved Security

Another important aspect of BEP 336 is the focus on enhanced security. The hard fork proposal includes the implementation of EIP-1559, a crucial Ethereum Improvement Proposal that aims to improve transaction security and reduce gas fees. Additionally, BEP 336 includes upgrades to the consensus mechanism of the BSC network, making it more secure against potential attacks.

Improved Compatibility

Lastly, BEP 336 aims to improve the compatibility of the BSC network with other major blockchain platforms. The hard fork proposal includes support for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility, allowing developers to easily port their Ethereum-based smart contracts to the BSC network. This increased compatibility will attract more developers and projects to the BSC ecosystem, further strengthening its position in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space.


In conclusion, BEP 336 is a significant hard fork proposal for the Binance Smart Chain network that aims to bring about numerous improvements and upgrades. The proposed changes include enhanced security through EIP-1559, improved interoperability with Smart Rechains, increased compatibility with Ethereum and other platforms, and more. These upgrades are expected to make the BSC network more attractive to developers and users, further solidifying its position in the DeFi space.

BNB Chain activates BEP 336 hard fork, reducing fees by 90%

Binance Improvement Proposals (BIPs): Binance Smart Chain (BSC), a decentralized platform built for creating and executing smart contracts, has seen significant growth since its inception. To facilitate improvements and upgrades on the network, Binance introduced Binance Improvement Proposals (BIPs). Similar to Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (Bitcoin’s BIPs), these documents outline suggested modifications or enhancements for the Binance Smart Chain. The role of BIPs is essential in driving innovation and progress within the ecosystem.

Introducing BEP 336: A Proposal to Reduce Gas Fees

Recently, a new BIP 336, titled “Dynamic Gas Price & Fee Discounts for Long-Term Stakeholders,” has been proposed. This BIP aims to address the current issue of high gas fees on the Binance Smart Chain, which can be a significant barrier for new users and smaller transactions.

Key Changes Proposed in BEP 336

The BEP 336 introduces several key changes to the Binance Smart Chain fee structure. One of these changes is the implementation of dynamic gas pricing. This means that the network will adjust the base gas price based on current demand, leading to more efficient use of resources and potentially lower fees for users.

Fee Discounts for Long-Term Stakeholders

Another significant change proposed in BEP 336 is the introduction of fee discounts for long-term stakeholders. This incentive encourages users to stake their Binance Coin (BNB) tokens on the network for extended periods. By doing so, they can earn discounted transaction fees and help secure the network through their stake.

BNB Chain activates BEP 336 hard fork, reducing fees by 90%

The Hard Fork Process:

The hard fork process is a significant upgrade to the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network, which involves making changes to the existing codebase that are not backward compatible. This means that once activated, all nodes on the network must upgrade to the new version for it to continue functioning properly. In the context of Binance Smart Chain, hard forks are typically initiated through Business Enterprise Proposals (BEPs). One such BEP that has garnered significant attention is BEP 336.

Understanding BEP 336:

BEP 336, proposed by PancakeSwap, aims to introduce automated fee burning on the BSC network. This mechanism is designed to help reduce the overall supply of Binance Coin (BNB) in circulation, thereby increasing its perceived value and scarcity. The proposal suggests that a portion of each transaction fee on the network be burned, effectively removing those tokens from existence.

The Hard Fork Process:

Activating a hard fork involves several critical steps. First, the proposal must be approved by the Binance Smart Chain community through a vote on the link platform. Once approved, the Binance team implements the hard fork by releasing a new version of the BSC client software that includes the changes outlined in the BEP. It is essential to note that during this process, the network is temporarily halted to prevent any new transactions from being added to the existing blockchain.

Upgrading Nodes:

Once the new client software is available, node operators must upgrade their systems to continue validating transactions on the network. This process is typically straightforward and involves downloading and installing the updated client software. However, it is crucial that node operators follow the official upgrade instructions carefully to ensure a smooth transition.

Resuming Operations:

Once a sufficient number of nodes have upgraded, the Binance team resumes network operations. At this point, all new transactions are validated against the updated codebase, effectively integrating the hard fork into the main network.

Potential Risks:

Hard forks come with potential risks, including the possibility of creating forked chains. In such cases, different nodes on the network may adopt conflicting versions of the updated codebase, leading to the creation of separate but incompatible chains. While this scenario is rare, it can result in significant losses for users and investors if they inadvertently send funds to the wrong chain.


The hard fork process is an essential aspect of evolving blockchain networks like Binance Smart Chain. Through initiatives such as BEP 336, the community can propose and implement innovative features designed to improve the network’s functionality, security, or other aspects. While the process carries inherent risks, the potential rewards – both in terms of network improvements and long-term value creation – make it a necessary component of any thriving blockchain ecosystem.

BNB Chain activates BEP 336 hard fork, reducing fees by 90%

Hard Fork is a significant process in the life cycle of a blockchain network that allows for upgrades and implementation of new features or rules. When the need for an upgrade arises due to bugs, security vulnerabilities, or the desire to introduce innovative solutions, a hard fork is initiated. In this process, the blockchain network is temporarily split into two separate chains: the new, upgraded chain and the old, unaltered one.

The Significance of a Hard Fork

A hard fork signifies a major shift in the protocol or rules of a blockchain network. It results in a permanent divergence from the previous version, necessitating all users, developers, and miners to upgrade their software to continue participating on the new chain. The significance of a hard fork lies in its ability to address critical issues and introduce new functionalities that can enhance the overall security, scalability, and functionality of the network.

Steps to Ensure a Smooth Hard Fork Implementation

Testing: Thorough testing plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth hard fork implementation. Developers rigorously test the new version of the blockchain software to identify and fix any bugs or issues that could potentially disrupt the network during the upgrade process.
Community Engagement: Effective communication and community engagement are essential to ensure a successful hard fork. Developers engage the community by providing clear instructions on how to upgrade, addressing concerns, and maintaining transparency throughout the entire process.
Coordination with Miners: Collaborating with miners is essential to ensure a coordinated hard fork implementation. Developers work closely with miners to schedule the upgrade, communicate the new rules and incentives, and ensure that all nodes are updated in a timely manner.
Backup of Data: Backing up data is essential to mitigate the risk of losing information during the hard fork process. Users and developers are advised to make a complete backup of their data before initiating the upgrade.
5. Consensus: Achieving consensus is crucial for the successful implementation of a hard fork. All nodes on the network must agree to adopt the new rules and upgrade their software, ensuring that the network remains secure and functional.

2.Community Engagement:
3.Coordination with Miners:
4.Backup of Data:
5.Achieving Consensus:

By following these steps, the hard fork implementation process becomes more predictable, ensuring that the upgrades are implemented smoothly and efficiently, minimizing disruptions to the network and its users.

BNB Chain activates BEP 336 hard fork, reducing fees by 90%

BEP 336, also known as the

Hard Fork Proposal for BNB Chain

, introduced significant changes that have


the Binance Smart Chain (BNB) network in various ways. This upgrade, implemented on

February 10, 2023

, was designed to enhance the chain’s scalability and improve its overall performance.

One of the most prominent modifications brought by

BEP 336

was the introduction of a new

consensus mechanism

: Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA). PoSA allows validators to be selected based on their staking balance, making the process more decentralized and fair. This mechanism aims to

increase network security

by encouraging participants with larger stakes to become validators, ensuring the network’s continued stability.

Another noteworthy aspect of the hard fork was the implementation of

Smart Chain Verification

. This feature allows nodes to only download and verify smart contracts that they are interested in, significantly reducing the overall data requirement for node operators. Consequently, the

resource usage

for nodes has been minimized, contributing to a more energy-efficient network.

Additionally, BEP 336 brought enhancements to the

gas fee market

. The hard fork enabled a more dynamic gas price market, where users can set their preferred gas prices for transactions. This feature allows for better transaction processing prioritization and fairness in the network.

Lastly, the upgrade introduced

improvements to cross-chain interoperability

. BEP 336 allowed for easier integration of Binance Smart Chain with other blockchains, making it more accessible to a wider range of users and developers. This interoperability opens up new opportunities for decentralized applications (dApps) and cross-chain DeFi projects, further boosting the growth of the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem.

BNB Chain activates BEP 336 hard fork, reducing fees by 90%

Hard forks, as a means of upgrading a blockchain network, have become an essential tool in the crypto world. A hard fork is a significant upgrade to a blockchain that creates a new version of the protocol with new rules. In this context, let’s analyze the potential benefits of a hard fork for a hypothetical blockchain network.

Improved User Experience

A well-executed hard fork can lead to a significantly improved user experience. This improvement could come in the form of faster transaction processing times, lower fees, or enhanced security features. By upgrading the protocol, developers can address known issues and add new functionality that benefits users.

Increased Transaction Volume

Another potential benefit is the ability to handle a larger transaction volume. As networks grow and more users join, they may reach their limits in terms of processing capacity. A hard fork can provide the necessary upgrades to scale and accommodate a larger user base.

Enhanced Competitiveness

A hard fork can also help a blockchain network remain competitive in the market. By offering new features and improvements, a network can attract more users and maintain its position. This is especially important in an ever-evolving landscape where newer, faster, or cheaper alternatives are always emerging.

However, it’s essential to acknowledge the potential risks and challenges associated with a hard fork.

Possible Bugs or Security Vulnerabilities

One of the most significant risks is the possibility of introducing new bugs or security vulnerabilities. A hard fork involves changing the underlying protocol, and any errors could lead to serious consequences. Thorough testing is crucial to minimize these risks, but no software is ever completely bug-free.

User Adoption

Another challenge lies in user adoption. A hard fork results in a new version of the protocol, meaning that users must upgrade to continue participating in the network. If not enough users upgrade, the fork may fail or result in a fragmented user base. Proper communication and incentives can help mitigate this issue, but it’s still a significant challenge.

BNB Chain activates BEP 336 hard fork, reducing fees by 90%

VI. Conclusion: A Step Forward for Binance Smart Chain

In the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance (DeFi), Binance Smart Chain (BSC) has emerged as a formidable competitor to Ethereum. With its ultra-fast transaction speeds, low fees, and innovative smart contract platform, BSC is attracting developers and investors alike.

Record-Breaking Growth

BSC’s growth has been meteoric. In just a few months, it has surpassed Ethereum in some key metrics. For instance, it has overtaken Ethereum’s daily transaction volume, averaging around 13 million transactions per day. Moreover, its total value locked (TVL) has also surpassed Ethereum’s, reaching a new all-time high of over $16 billion.

Innovation and Adoption

The innovation on BSC is not limited to its core functionality. Binance, the leading cryptocurrency exchange, has integrated BSC into its ecosystem, enabling users to trade and swap tokens directly on its platform. This integration has led to a surge in adoption, with several popular DeFi projects like PancakeSwap, Sushiswap, and AutoFarm migrating to BSC.

Interoperability and Scalability

BSC’s interoperability with Ethereum is another major advantage. It allows developers to build cross-chain applications, enhancing the overall DeFi ecosystem. Additionally, BSC’s scalability is a game-changer. It can process up to 300 transactions per second, making it an ideal choice for high-volume DeFi applications.

Future Prospects

The future looks bright for Binance Smart Chain. With its continuous innovation, expanding ecosystem, and robust community support, BSC is poised to disrupt the DeFi landscape further. It’s not just a step forward for Binance; it’s a giant leap for decentralized finance as a whole.

BNB Chain activates BEP 336 hard fork, reducing fees by 90%

Recap of Key Points Discussed in the Article

The recent hard fork on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) brought several significant changes to the ecosystem. Firstly, the upgrade aimed to improve interoperability between different blockchain networks by enabling cross-chain communication. Secondly, the fork introduced enhanced security measures to prevent reentrancy attacks and improve overall network safety. Moreover, the upgrade resulted in faster transaction confirmation times, making BSC more attractive for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. Lastly, the hard fork paved the way for greater scalability and reduced gas fees.

Reflection on the Significance of the Hard Fork

The hard fork on Binance Smart Chain signifies a major step forward for the ecosystem. It not only addresses current issues like security and scalability but also sets the foundation for future growth. By improving interoperability, BSC is better positioned to connect with other blockchain networks and attract a more diverse user base. Furthermore, the enhanced security measures contribute to growing confidence among users and developers in the platform. The reduced gas fees and faster transaction confirmation times make BSC a more attractive option for DeFi projects, which require quick settlements and low costs.

Potential Implications for the Binance Smart Chain Ecosystem

The successful hard fork on Binance Smart Chain is likely to boost the adoption and growth of the ecosystem. As more decentralized projects migrate or build on BSC, we can expect an increase in both user engagement and developer activity. Additionally, the improved security measures may attract larger institutional investments, further solidifying its position as a leading player in the DeFi space.

Potential Implications for the Wider Cryptocurrency Market

The hard fork on Binance Smart Chain may have wider implications for the cryptocurrency market as a whole. Other blockchain networks might follow suit and undergo similar upgrades, leading to increased competition and innovation. This could result in better user experiences, enhanced security, and faster transactions across various platforms.

Future Outlook: What to Expect from BNB Chain Post-Hard Fork

Post-hard fork, Binance Smart Chain is expected to continue evolving and improving. Future developments could include further interoperability enhancements, increased scalability through sharding or other solutions, and ongoing security updates. With its growing popularity, BSC is poised to play a significant role in the decentralized finance landscape, offering faster transactions, lower fees, and enhanced security compared to some other popular networks.


The recent hard fork on Binance Smart Chain represents a major milestone for the ecosystem, addressing current issues while paving the way for future growth. This upgrade positions BSC as a competitive player in the DeFi space and could have wider implications for the cryptocurrency market as a whole.
