ABS2024 in Taipei: AI, Blockchain, and the Future of Governance, 15,000 Attendees Are Expected

ABS2024 in Taipei: AI, Blockchain, and the Future of Governance, 15,000 Attendees Are Expected

ABS2024: Unleashing the Power of AI and Blockchain in Governance – A 15,000-Strong Gathering





, Taiwan, is set to be a

pivotal event

in the global tech community’s calendar. With a

participant count

of over 15,000, ABS2024 aims to delve deep into the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain technologies in governance. The event will bring together

thought leaders, experts, and enthusiasts

from various industries, academia, and governments to explore the latest trends, applications, and challenges in these fields.

AI and Governance

The integration of ai into governance is a

growing trend

. From improving public services to enhancing decision-making processes, the potential applications are vast. However, there are also concerns regarding privacy, security, and ethical implications. ABS2024 will provide a platform for discussing these issues, sharing best practices, and exploring potential solutions.

Blockchain and Governance

Blockchain technology, with its decentralized and secure nature, holds immense potential for governance. It can enable transparency, security, and efficiency in various sectors, such as finance, healthcare, and education. However, there are also challenges related to regulation, scalability, and adoption. ABS2024 will delve into these topics, providing insights from various perspectives.

Networking and Collaboration

With a

robust agenda

, numerous networking opportunities, and a vibrant exhibition hall, ABS2024 promises to be an unforgettable experience. Attendees will have the chance to engage in meaningful discussions, form new collaborations, and learn from their peers. Whether you’re an industry expert or just starting your journey into AI and blockchain, ABS2024 is the place to be.

ABS2024 in Taipei: AI, Blockchain, and the Future of Governance, 15,000 Attendees Are Expected

I. Introduction

ABS2024: The Asia Business Summit (ABS), specifically ABS2024, is set to take place in the vibrant city of Taipei, Taiwan. This annual business event is a significant platform for technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship in the Asian region. With a focus on fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and business growth, ABS2024 aims to bring together industry leaders, experts, and enthusiasts under one roof.

Description of the event

ABS2024 is a three-day conference and exhibition designed to showcase the latest trends, technologies, and business opportunities in various sectors including ICT (Information and Communication Technology), finance, healthcare, education, and more. The event offers a rich program of keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities for attendees.

Importance and relevance in today’s tech landscape

In today’s rapidly evolving tech landscape, staying informed about the latest trends, technologies, and business opportunities is crucial. ABS2024 plays an essential role in this regard by providing a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and collaboration among industry professionals. With a focus on Asia, the world’s most populous region, the summit is particularly relevant for businesses looking to expand their reach and grow in this dynamic market.

Expected number of attendees (15,000)

The anticipated attendance for ABS2024 is estimated to be around 15,000. This impressive number includes representatives from various sectors such as business leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, academics, and students.

Breakdown by demographic groups

The attendee demographics are diverse and include:
– Business leaders (CEOs, CTOs, COOs, etc.)
– Entrepreneurs
– Investors
– Academics and students
– Government officials
– Consultants and professionals

Brief history and background of the event

The Asia Business Summit (ABS) is an annual event organized by the Asia Business Forum. The first ABS was held in 1982, and since then, it has grown into a renowned platform for business innovation and collaboration. Over the years, ABS has attracted high-level participants from all over the world, making it an essential event in the Asian business calendar.

ABS2024 in Taipei: AI, Blockchain, and the Future of Governance, 15,000 Attendees Are Expected

Keynote Speakers

Overview of the keynote speakers

With a lineup of eight esteemed individuals from diverse nationalities, the Keynote Speakers at this year’s conference are set to enlighten and inspire. Hailing from the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia, these speakers bring a wealth of

backgrounds, expertise,



to the table. They include seasoned tech industry veterans, renowned academics, and trailblazing innovators. Together, they represent the very best in AI and blockchain research and application.

Topics to be covered in their speeches

The Keynote Speakers’ presentations will cover a range of intriguing topics. One speaker will delve into the

role of AI in governance

, exploring the ways artificial intelligence is transforming public sector operations and decision-making. Another will discuss the

impact of blockchain technology on the public sector

, examining how this decentralized digital ledger system is revolutionizing transparency, security, and efficiency. Yet another will share insights on the

future trends in AI and blockchain

, offering a glimpse into the exciting advancements that lie ahead.

Significance of keynote speeches to attendees

The keynote speeches

(presented by these esteemed individuals)

significantly contribute to the conference experience for attendees. Not only do they provide valuable insights from experts in their respective fields, but they also offer opportunities for networking and collaboration. Furthermore, the thought-provoking ideas shared during these speeches set the tone for the rest of the event, fostering engaging discussions and productive brainstorming sessions.

ABS2024 in Taipei: AI, Blockchain, and the Future of Governance, 15,000 Attendees Are Expected

I Technical Sessions

Description and Objectives

The Technical Sessions are an integral part of the conference program, providing a platform for in-depth discussions and collaborations around the latest trends, innovations, challenges, and best practices in various technological domains. This year’s technical sessions are organized into three main tracks: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, and Governance. Each track will offer multiple interactive sessions designed to facilitate engaging discussions and foster collaborations among attendees.

Speakers and Presenters

Our esteemed speakers and presenters are industry experts and thought leaders, carefully selected for their extensive knowledge and qualifications in their respective fields. They will deliver insightful sessions on a range of topics, including case studies, use-cases, innovations, and challenges in AI, Blockchain, and Governance. Their presentations will not only offer valuable learning opportunities but also provide attendees with unique perspectives and actionable insights to apply in their own organizations.

Format of Sessions

The technical sessions will be conducted in various formats, including presentations, panel discussions, and workshops. Presentations will allow attendees to learn from industry experts through engaging and informative talks on the latest trends and innovations in their chosen track. Panel discussions, featuring a panel of esteemed speakers, will provide opportunities for attendees to engage with thought leaders and ask questions about specific topics. Workshops, on the other hand, will offer hands-on learning experiences, enabling attendees to gain practical skills and knowledge they can apply in their roles.

Benefits for Attendees

By attending the technical sessions, attendees will reap numerous benefits that include:

  1. Learning from Industry Experts: Attendees will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights and knowledge from industry leaders, expanding their understanding of the latest trends and best practices in AI, Blockchain, and Governance.
  2. Networking Opportunities: The interactive nature of the technical sessions will provide ample opportunities for attendees to connect with like-minded professionals, expand their professional networks, and form lasting relationships.
  3. Opportunities to Collaborate and Showcase Innovations: The sessions will offer attendees the chance to collaborate with other professionals, share ideas, and showcase their own innovations in a supportive and engaging environment.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to engage with industry experts, expand your professional network, and gain valuable insights into the latest trends and innovations in AI, Blockchain, and Governance. Register now for the technical sessions and join us at this year’s conference!

ABS2024 in Taipei: AI, Blockchain, and the Future of Governance, 15,000 Attendees Are Expected

Exhibition and Startup Zone

Description of the exhibition area

Size and layout: The exhibition area spans over 50,000 square feet with a thoughtfully designed layout that optimizes attendee flow. Aisles are wide enough to encourage easy navigation while booths are strategically placed to ensure maximum exposure for participating companies.
Participating companies and their offerings: A diverse range of over 150 companies will showcase their innovative solutions, including tech giants, startups, and academic institutions. The offerings span across various industries such as AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Cybersecurity, Fintech, Edtech, and more.

Objectives and benefits for attendees

Exploring innovative solutions: Attendees can expect to encounter the latest technological advancements and trends in various industries, allowing them to evaluate potential partnerships, collaborations, or acquisitions.
Building business relationships: The event provides an excellent platform for attendees to connect with industry peers, potential clients, and investors, fostering long-lasting business relationships.

Format of the exhibition

Booths: Companies will have designated spaces where they can display their products, services, and demos.
Demos: Live product demonstrations will allow attendees to experience the solutions firsthand and ask questions directly to the experts.
Interactive displays: Engaging, hands-on exhibits will enable attendees to better understand complex technologies and solutions.

Startup Zone

Eligibility and application process: Eligible startups must be less than five years old, have a clear business model, and demonstrate significant growth potential. Applications are reviewed by a panel of industry experts to ensure the selection of high-quality participants.
Mentoring sessions and networking opportunities for startups: The Startup Zone offers mentoring sessions with experienced entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts, enabling early-stage companies to gain valuable insights and feedback. Additionally, the zone provides ample opportunities for startups to connect with potential investors, customers, and partners.

ABS2024 in Taipei: AI, Blockchain, and the Future of Governance, 15,000 Attendees Are Expected

Networking Opportunities

Evening Events

Evening events at conferences are excellent opportunities for attendees to connect with each other and industry professionals. Agenda and Speakers: These events often feature keynote speakers who are leaders in their fields, providing attendees with valuable insights and opportunities to engage in thought-provoking conversations.

Importance of Networking for Attendees

Networking is a crucial aspect of attending conferences, as it allows professionals to build relationships and expand their networks. Importance for Attendees: By connecting with like-minded individuals, attendees can learn from each other’s experiences, gain new perspectives, and potentially uncover new business opportunities.

Breaks between Sessions

Breaks between conference sessions offer attendees opportunities to recharge and connect with one another in a more casual setting. Format: Refreshments are typically provided, creating a relaxed atmosphere where attendees can engage in meaningful conversations and build new relationships.

Opportunities to Connect with Like-minded Professionals

By taking advantage of these breaks and engaging in conversations, attendees can expand their professional network and potentially uncover new opportunities for collaboration or career growth.

Virtual Networking Platforms

Many conferences now offer virtual networking platforms to help attendees connect with each other before, during, and after the event. Description and Features: These platforms often include features such as messaging, video conferencing, and virtual meeting rooms where attendees can connect one-on-one or in groups.

Benefits for Attendees

Using these platforms allows attendees to expand their reach and engage in conversations with individuals they may not have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. Additionally, continuous engagement through these platforms can help attendees maintain relationships built during the conference and potentially uncover new opportunities.

VI. Workshops and Training Sessions: This segment of our event offers a unique opportunity for attendees to dive deeper into specific topics and gain hands-on experience.

Overview and Objectives

The workshops cover a range of cutting-edge technologies and trends, including Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Governance. The primary objective is to provide attendees with an interactive and engaging learning experience. Participants will not just be listening to experts but will also have the chance to roll up their sleeves and work on projects,

Topics Covered

AI sessions could include machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, or robotics. Blockchain workshops might delve into smart contracts, cryptocurrencies, and distributed ledger technologies. Governance topics could encompass regulatory compliance, risk management, and ethical frameworks.

Trainers and Instructors

Our trainers and instructors are industry experts with extensive backgrounds and expertise in their respective fields.

Backgrounds and Expertise

They have years of experience, having worked for leading companies or as independent consultants. Their real-world knowledge and insights will provide invaluable context to the workshop material.

Relevance of their Knowledge to the Workshops

Each trainer is carefully selected based on their expertise and ability to deliver practical, actionable insights. Their knowledge will not only help attendees understand the theory behind these technologies but also equip them with the skills needed to apply them in a professional setting.

Format of Sessions

Our workshops come in various formats, including classroom-style presentations, lab sessions, and interactive exercises.

Classroom-style Sessions

Attendees will learn from engaging presentations delivered by our trainers, with ample time for Q&A and discussion.

Lab Sessions

Participants will work on projects in small groups, allowing them to apply the concepts they’ve learned and collaborate with their peers.

Interactive Exercises

These sessions encourage active participation, helping attendees practice their skills and gain hands-on experience.

Benefits for Attendees

By attending our workshops, attendees will not only gain practical skills but also expand their professional network.

Acquiring Practical Skills

The interactive nature of our workshops ensures attendees leave with a solid foundation in the topics covered.

Building Professional Networks

Working closely with trainers and peers provides opportunities to forge lasting connections in the industry.

ABS2024 in Taipei: AI, Blockchain, and the Future of Governance, 15,000 Attendees Are Expected

VI. AI and Blockchain in Governance: Showcase

Area VII of the World AI & Blockchain Summit is dedicated to showcasing the revolutionary impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain technology in governance. This area offers an engaging and interactive experience for attendees, with a focus on real-life applications of these advanced technologies in public sector organizations.

Description of the Showcase Area

The AI and Blockchain in Governance Showcase is a vibrant hub of exhibits and demonstrations, where various public sector organizations from around the world showcase their ongoing projects and initiatives in AI and blockchain implementation. These interactive displays provide attendees with a firsthand look at how these technologies are being utilized to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and improve the overall effectiveness of government operations.

Exhibits and Demonstrations

The showcase area is adorned with live exhibitions and demonstrations, where attendees can witness the implementation of AI and blockchain technology in various aspects of governance. These displays range from intelligent transportation systems using real-time traffic data analysis, to secure and transparent voting systems based on blockchain technology, ensuring that visitors leave with a clear understanding of the practical applications of these technologies.

Benefits for Attendees

The AI and Blockchain in Governance Showcase offers attendees an unparalleled opportunity to learn from the experiences of governments that have already embarked on their digital transformation journey. The event provides a platform for attendees to:

Understanding real-life applications of AI and blockchain in governance

Attendees can explore how these cutting-edge technologies are being used to address real-world challenges faced by governments. By interacting with the exhibits and listening to presentations from experts in the field, attendees will leave with a comprehensive understanding of how AI and blockchain can be leveraged for various applications in governance.

Learning from best practices and challenges faced by governments

The showcase area offers a unique opportunity for attendees to learn from the experiences of public sector organizations that have successfully implemented AI and blockchain technology. By understanding the best practices and challenges faced by these governments, attendees can gain valuable insights into how they can apply these lessons to their own organizations or projects.

VI Conclusion

Recap of the Event Highlights

The ABS2023 conference was a resounding success, attracting over 5,000 attendees, 300 exhibitors, and 40 sponsors from various industries and sectors. The three-day event featured insightful keynote speeches by industry leaders, engaging panel discussions, informative workshops, and a bustling exhibition floor. Notable sessions included the AI in Healthcare panel, where experts discussed the latest advancements and challenges in applying artificial intelligence to healthcare, and the Tech Startup Showcase, which highlighted innovative new technologies from emerging companies.

Impact on Attendees, Exhibitors, and Sponsors

The ABS2023 conference provided valuable opportunities for attendees to learn, network, and engage with the latest technologies and trends. Many attendees reported gaining new insights and making important connections that will benefit their businesses and careers. Exhibitors reported significant leads and sales generated during the event, while sponsors saw increased brand exposure and engagement with their target audience.

Anticipation for Future Editions (ABS2025)

With the success of ABS2023, the anticipation for future editions is already building. The ABS team is excited to continue providing a platform for innovation, education, and collaboration in the tech industry. Mark your calendars for ABS2025, which is expected to be even bigger and better than ever before. Stay tuned for more information on dates, location, and speakers, and we look forward to seeing you there!
