Only 72.5% of Ethereum (ETH) is available after staking growth

Only 72.5% of Ethereum (ETH) is available after staking growth

The Impact of Ethereum Staking on Supply Availability:

Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, underwent a significant update on December 1, 2020, when it transitioned from a Proof-of-Work (PoW) to a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. This transition, known as Ethereum 2.0 or Serenity, brought about several changes to the Ethereum network. One of these changes is the impact on supply availability.

Staking Process and Lockup Period

In the PoS model, network validators are chosen based on their staked Ethereum (ETH) amount. Validators must lock up a minimum of 32 ETH to participate in the validation process. This staking process and the associated lockup period reduce the circulating supply of ETH, as those Ethereum coins are no longer available for trading or other transactions.

Percentage of Accessible ETH Post-Staking

With the Ethereum 2.0 update, only approximately 72.5% of the total ETH supply is accessible for trading and other purposes post-staking. The remaining 27.5% is locked up in staking contracts, making it illiquid and effectively taken out of circulation for the time being.

Impact on Market Dynamics and Growth

The reduced availability of ETH due to staking can have significant implications on the market. Some experts argue that this reduction in supply, combined with increasing demand from decentralized finance (DeFi) applications and Ethereum’s growing role as a base layer for various NFTs, may lead to increased price appreciation for ETH.

Increased Demand and Potential Scarcity

As the demand for Ethereum increases due to the rising popularity of DeFi applications, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and other use cases, the scarcity of accessible ETH could potentially push the price higher. The limited availability of Ethereum post-staking also means that investors and developers may be more willing to pay a premium for accessible ETH, further contributing to potential price growth.

Considerations and Liquidity

However, it is essential to recognize that the Ethereum network’s transition to PoS and the resulting impact on supply availability comes with considerations. While the staking process can potentially lead to increased demand and price growth, it also introduces new liquidity concerns. For example, validators who wish to participate in the Ethereum 2.0 staking process may find themselves unable to trade their ETH for extended periods due to the lockup requirement, which could impact their ability to meet other financial obligations.


In conclusion, Ethereum’s transition to PoS has led to a significant decrease in the available supply of ETH due to staking. With approximately 72.5% of the total Ethereum supply now accessible, the impact on market dynamics and potential price growth is a topic of ongoing debate in the cryptocurrency community. It remains to be seen how this shift will influence Ethereum’s role as a key player in the broader crypto ecosystem and its future development.

Only 72.5% of Ethereum (ETH) is available after staking growth

I. Introduction

Ethereum (ETH), the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has been making waves in the blockchain industry since its inception. Initially designed as a platform for building

decentralized applications

(dApps), Ethereum has evolved into a robust ecosystem that fuels the growth of various sectors, including


, gaming, and more. However, beyond Ethereum’s innovative capabilities lies an essential aspect: the dynamics of its supply. Understanding these supply mechanics is crucial to grasping Ethereum’s long-term value proposition. In this context, we introduce the concept of



Ethereum (ETH) as a Popular Cryptocurrency

Ethereum’s popularity is evident from its market dominance, which has put it in a strong position to influence the broader crypto landscape. The platform’s native currency, Ether (ETH), serves as the primary means of transaction and incentive system for its network participants. As Ethereum continues to grow in usage and adoption, so does the significance of monitoring its supply dynamics.

Importance of Understanding ETH Supply Dynamics

Understanding Ethereum’s supply dynamics is essential for investors, traders, and users seeking to capitalize on its price movements. Several factors influence Ethereum’s

circulating supply

, including the rate of new Ether issuance, the total staked Ether, and network demand. These factors can significantly impact Ethereum’s price volatility, providing valuable insights for market participants.

Introduction to Staking and Its Impact on Ethereum’s Circulating Supply


is a process that allows Ethereum holders to secure the network and earn rewards by locking up their ETH. Staking replaces the traditional Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism with a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) system, which Ethereum plans to adopt through the upcoming

Ethereum 2.0 upgrade

. As more ETH is staked, it reduces the circulating supply available for other uses, potentially leading to increased demand and price appreciation.

Only 72.5% of Ethereum (ETH) is available after staking growth

Ethereum Staking: An Overview

Definition of staking and its role in the Ethereum network

Staking is a process whereby participants in a blockchain network pledge their cryptocurrency holdings as collateral to participate in the validation of transactions and creation of new blocks. In the context of link, staking represents a significant shift from the previous mining-based consensus mechanism, Proof-of-Work (PoW). With the upcoming Ethereum 2.0 upgrade, Ethereum is transitioning to a new consensus mechanism called

Proof-of-Stake (PoS)


Securing the network by validating transactions

In PoS, instead of solving complex mathematical problems to add new blocks, validators are chosen based on the amount of cryptocurrency they have staked. The more a participant has staked, the higher their chances of being selected to propose and validate new blocks. This method not only reduces energy consumption but also secures the network by incentivizing validators to act honestly, as they risk losing their staked funds if they attempt any malicious behavior.

Replacing miners with stakers

As Ethereum moves towards PoS, the roles of miners and stakers are becoming increasingly distinct. Miners will no longer be required for block creation, as validators will take on this responsibility through the process of staking. This change is expected to result in a more energy-efficient and cost-effective consensus mechanism, making Ethereum a greener and more sustainable blockchain platform.

Benefits of staking for network security and economic incentives

The transition to PoS not only offers environmental benefits but also provides several advantages for network security and economic incentives. With staking, validators are chosen based on the amount of ETH they have pledged, which creates a strong economic incentive for them to act honestly. Validators are also required to maintain a minimum amount of ETH as collateral – known as the


– which further strengthens their commitment to the network.

Improved network security through economic incentives

The financial commitment of validators in staking their assets acts as a deterrent against malicious behavior, making the network more secure. Validators have an economic incentive to validate transactions correctly and follow the rules of the Ethereum protocol as any misbehavior could lead to their funds being slashed, effectively penalizing them for attempting malicious acts.

Economic incentives for new participants

Staking also offers economic incentives to new participants, as they can earn rewards by contributing their ETH holdings to the network. Validators earn these rewards for proposing and validating blocks, and there are also opportunities to make passive income through staking in pools or delegating their ETH to other validators. These incentives encourage more individuals to join the network and participate in its growth, further strengthening Ethereum’s decentralization and security.
Only 72.5% of Ethereum (ETH) is available after staking growth

I ETH Staking Process: Implications on the Available Supply

The Ethereum staking process plays a crucial role in managing the available supply of Ether (ETH) within the Ethereum network. This section delves into the intricacies of depositing ETH for staking, rewards distribution and compounding, and the withdrawal process.

Depositing Ether for staking:

Unlocking and locking mechanism:

To participate in the Ethereum staking process, users must first unlock their ETH tokens, which involves locking them into a smart contract. Locking the ETH signifies the user’s commitment to support the Ethereum network by contributing to its security and validating transactions. During this period, the Ether becomes inaccessible to the user.

Rewards distribution and compounding:

Earnings from block rewards and transaction fees:

In exchange for their commitment to the network, stakers receive rewards. These rewards consist of two components: block rewards and transaction fees. Block rewards are issued to stakers as a reward for their contribution towards the Ethereum network’s consensus mechanism. Transaction fees, on the other hand, are paid by users who transact on the network.

Stakers receive new ETH proportional to their stake:

The rewards earned by stakers are distributed in the form of newly minted Ethereum. The amount of new ETH received is directly proportional to each staker’s stake size.

Withdrawal process:

Unbonding period and its implications on liquidity:

Before users can reclaim their staked ETH, they must first go through the unbonding period. This process involves waiting for a specified duration before being able to withdraw their staked ETH. The length of the unbonding period can impact network liquidity, as it determines how quickly stakers can exit and re-enter the market with their ETH.

Factors influencing the frequency of staking rewards collection and withdrawals:

The decision to collect staking rewards or withdraw ETH from the Ethereum network depends on various factors. These include the reward frequency, the length of the unbonding period, and the user’s personal investment strategy. Frequent withdrawals or rewards collection can impact network liquidity, while longer holding periods can contribute to increased network security.

Only 72.5% of Ethereum (ETH) is available after staking growth

Calculating the Available Supply Post-Staking Growth: The 72.5% Rule

Origin of the 72.5% rule

The 72.5% Rule is a crucial concept in understanding Ethereum’s (ETH) circulating supply post-staking growth. This rule derives from the dynamics of unbonding periods and compounded staking rewards. When validators or stakers lock their ETH to participate in Ethereum’s proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, they undergo a waiting period called an “unbonding period.” During this time, their staked ETH is not available for transactional use. However, they continue to earn rewards proportional to their staked amount.

Implications of the 72.5% rule on Ethereum’s circulating supply

Current supply availability for various use cases

Considering the 72.5% Rule, approximately 72.5% of ETH is available for various use cases at any given time, such as trading, lending, or paying gas fees. The remaining 27.5% represents the ETH that is being staked and undergoing the unbonding period. As new validators stake their ETH, this percentage may shift.

Potential impact on price volatility and market liquidity

The 72.5% Rule impacts Ethereum’s price volatility and market liquidity in several ways. With a known portion of ETH being locked away, it can help stabilize the price during times of uncertainty or stress. However, if the staking percentage increases significantly, it could potentially decrease market liquidity as fewer ETH are available for trading. Conversely, a higher percentage of ETH in circulation could lead to increased liquidity and potential price volatility.

Adjustments to the 72.5% rule: Factors influencing its accuracy over time

Changing network conditions and incentives

It is essential to understand that the 72.5% Rule is an approximation, as various factors can influence its accuracy over time. One significant factor is changing network conditions, which might alter the incentives for validators to stake or unstake their ETH. For instance, a shift in staking rewards could cause fluctuations in the percentage of ETH available for circulation.

Impact of staking derivatives and secondary markets

Another factor that can affect the 72.5% Rule’s accuracy is staking derivatives and secondary markets. The emergence of these markets allows stakers to trade their rewards or unbonded ETH, which can complicate the calculation of available supply. By taking into account these factors and monitoring Ethereum’s staking dynamics, we can better understand the evolving landscape of the network’s circulating supply post-staking growth.

Only 72.5% of Ethereum (ETH) is available after staking growth


Recap of Ethereum Staking, its Impact on the Circulating Supply, and the 72.5% Rule

Ethereum staking, a process through which validators secure the Ethereum network in exchange for ETH rewards, has become an increasingly popular trend within the Ethereum community. With the shift from Proof-of-Work (PoW) to Proof-of-Stake (PoS), a significant portion of ETH is now locked up in staking contracts, leading to a decrease in the circulating supply. The Ethereum network currently adheres to the 72.5% rule, meaning that at least 72.5% of ETH should be staked to maintain network security. This dynamic has a significant impact on the circulating supply, potentially leading to price appreciation as demand for ETH used in staking grows.

Implications for Ethereum Users, Investors, and Developers

Users: Understanding the staking dynamics is crucial for Ethereum users to make informed decisions regarding their ETH holdings. Staking ETH can provide passive income, but it also involves the risk of potential penalties for early withdrawals or network downtime.

Investors: The staking ecosystem presents both opportunities and challenges for Ethereum investors. On one hand, the decreasing circulating supply could lead to price appreciation. However, the potential risks such as impermanent loss in DeFi platforms and volatility in ETH staking rewards should be considered.

Developers: Ethereum’s transition to PoS and the emergence of staking as a dominant use case opens up new opportunities for developers. Building tools to optimize staking rewards, create automated strategies for ETH holders, and enhance the overall Ethereum ecosystem can lead to significant growth and innovation.

Encouraging Further Research on Ethereum’s Circulating Supply, its Dynamics, and Potential Implications for the Wider Crypto Market

The implications of Ethereum’s circulating supply dynamics extend beyond its own ecosystem. As more projects transition to PoS, the impact on their respective token economies and the wider crypto market merits further research. Understanding the interplay between staking rewards, circulating supply, and price appreciation can provide valuable insights for investors, developers, and users alike. This ongoing research is crucial to fully grasp the potential of Ethereum’s PoS ecosystem and its role in shaping the future of the crypto market.
