89-year-old Japanese coder uses ChatGPT to develop senior-friendly apps

89-year-old Japanese coder uses ChatGPT to develop senior-friendly apps

An 89-Year-Old Japanese Coder’s Innovative Approach

In the ever-evolving world of technology, age is just a number. Masao, an 89-year-old coder from Japan, has recently made waves by utilizing the power of


, an advanced artificial intelligence model, to develop

senior-friendly applications

. With a passion for coding that has spanned more than seven decades, Masao continues to challenge the perception that older adults cannot keep up with technological advancements.


senior-friendly applications

, designed with larger font sizes, clear interfaces, and easy-to-use features, aim to address the unique needs of the


in today’s digitally-driven society. Masao, who has firsthand experience with age-related challenges, is determined to make technology more accessible for his generation.

The idea to leverage ChatGPT came about when Masao recognized the potential of using ai to simplify the development process. By providing specific instructions and guidance, he was able to teach ChatGPT the fundamentals of coding senior-friendly applications. The collaboration between Masao’s expertise and ChatGPT’s capabilities proved to be a powerful combination, resulting in innovative solutions tailored for the elder population.


The world is rapidly embracing technology, and this trend is especially noticeable among seniors. According to the United Nations, by 2050, the global population of people aged 60 and above will more than double, reaching nearly 3 billion. Technological advancements are increasingly becoming essential for this demographic to maintain their independence, improve communication with loved ones, and foster social engagement.

Statistics on Senior Population Growth and Tech Adoption

Approximately 10,000 Americans turn 65 every day, and as this population continues to grow, so does their interest in technology. A link reveals that the percentage of seniors using the internet has risen from 14% in 2005 to over 67% today. Moreover, smartphone adoption among seniors has quadrupled since 2013, with almost 50% of older adults now owning a smartphone.

Main Character: Mr. Tanaka – An 89-Year-Old Japanese Coder

Mr. Tanaka, an


Japanese man, is a testament to the transformative impact of technology on seniors’ lives. Having spent his career as an accountant before retiring, Mr. Tanaka found himself with ample free time and a deep-rooted curiosity about the digital world around him. With his grandchildren constantly raving about “apps” and “games,” he became increasingly intrigued by the possibilities of technology.

Background and Motivations for Starting a New Project

During a visit to the local senior center, Mr. Tanaka stumbled upon an advertisement for free computer classes tailored to seniors. Intrigued and excited to learn something new, he promptly signed up. After mastering the basics of using a computer, Mr. Tanaka found himself longing for more of a challenge. That’s when he remembered an old passion: coding.

Personal Connection to Technology and Coding

Mr. Tanaka‘s personal connection to technology extended far beyond the average senior. Decades ago, he had taught himself how to code using punched cards and mainframe computers during his brief stint in the Japanese military. Although the technology has drastically changed since then, he believed that the fundamental principles remained constant.

Stay Tuned for More Exciting Adventures of Mr. Tanaka

As Mr. Tanaka embarks on his new coding journey, we will follow him on his quest to learn modern programming languages and create meaningful projects that not only challenge his mind but also benefit his community. So stay tuned for more exciting adventures of this remarkable 89-year-old Japanese coder!

89-year-old Japanese coder uses ChatGPT to develop senior-friendly apps

The Challenge: Creating Senior-Friendly Applications

Creating applications that cater to the needs of seniors is a significant challenge in today’s tech-driven world. With an ever-growing population of older adults, there is a pressing need to design digital solutions that are accessible, user-friendly, and cater to the unique requirements of this demographic.

Explanation of the Need for Senior-Friendly Apps

First and foremost, senior-friendly apps need to consider design elements that accommodate common age-related challenges. These considerations include larger font sizes, intuitive interfaces, and clear visual hierarchies. In other words, the design should prioritize ease of use over complexity.

Design Considerations

One critical design aspect is legibility. Seniors may have difficulty reading small fonts or distinguishing between similar colors, so apps need to offer larger text sizes and high contrast color schemes. Additionally, the interface should be intuitive, with clear labels, logical groupings of information, and predictable navigation.

Accessibility Features

Accessibility features are also essential for senior-friendly apps. Text-to-speech functionality, closed captioning, and voice command interfaces can help seniors with hearing or vision impairments better engage with the app. Furthermore, apps that offer adjustable text sizes, color schemes, and font styles can cater to individual needs.

The Limitations Mr. Tanaka Faces as an Older Developer

Now, let’s consider the limitations Mr. Tanaka, an older developer, might face when creating senior-friendly applications. As he ages, common challenges such as vision, hearing, and dexterity issues can affect his ability to design and develop digital solutions effectively.

Age-Related Challenges

Vision issues, for example, might require Mr. Tanaka to use a larger monitor or higher resolution display to ensure legibility. Hearing impairments may necessitate the inclusion of closed captioning and text-to-speech features in his apps. And dexterity issues could influence interface design, requiring larger buttons or touch targets to accommodate older hands.

Technological Limitations

Moreover, Mr. Tanaka might face technological limitations that complicate the development process. Older hardware and software may not support newer design trends or accessibility features, requiring workarounds or alternative solutions. Staying updated on the latest technology can be challenging for older developers, making it essential to prioritize ongoing education and training.

89-year-old Japanese coder uses ChatGPT to develop senior-friendly apps

I The Solution: Utilizing ChatGPT for Development

Overview of ChatGPT as a powerful AI language model

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) language model that can generate human-like text responses, write code snippets, and propose problem solutions. It has been trained on a vast corpus of digital texts, enabling it to understand context and generate text that mimics the style of a human conversant or writer. Its capabilities extend beyond text generation, as it can also generate code snippets in various programming languages and offer solutions to coding problems.

Mr. Tanaka’s discovery of ChatGPT and its potential for app development

During a routine tech exploration, Mr. Tanaka, an experienced app developer, stumbled upon ChatGPT. He was intrigued by its potential to revolutionize the app development landscape.

Use cases:

Mr. Tanaka identified several use cases for ChatGPT, including generating code snippets to fill in missing pieces of his projects, providing suggestions during the debugging process, and offering ideas for new features.

Integrating ChatGPT into the development process

To effectively incorporate ChatGPT into his workflow, Mr. Tanaka made some

workflow modifications:

He began utilizing ChatGPT for code generation and problem solving during the early stages of development, allowing him to focus on higher-level aspects of his projects. To ensure a

seamless integration:

of ChatGPT, Mr. Tanaka utilized various

tools and resources:

  • Programming environments like Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, or IntelliJ IDEA that support ChatGPT’s API.
  • APIs and libraries, such as OpenAI’s API, for easy access to ChatGPT’s capabilities within his codebase.

By utilizing ChatGPT in this manner, Mr. Tanaka significantly improved his development process, enabling him to write better code faster and tackle challenges with greater efficiency. The integration of ChatGPT into his workflow not only boosted productivity but also opened doors to new opportunities for innovation in app development.

89-year-old Japanese coder uses ChatGPT to develop senior-friendly apps

The Results:
After years of research and development, Mr. Tanaka, a visionary tech entrepreneur, took the senior community by storm with his line of senior-friendly apps. These innovative solutions were designed specifically to address the unique needs and challenges faced by older adults, setting a new standard in tech accessibility.

Description of the apps:

Mr. Tanaka’s apps were a game-changer for seniors, offering features that catered to their specific requirements. Among his offerings were communication apps, which incorporated larger fonts, clearer interfaces, and voice-activated commands to make staying in touch with loved ones easier. Another app was a medication management tool, which provided visual cues, alerts, and the ability to input prescriptions for a more personalized approach to medication adherence. Lastly, there were educational resources, offering a wide range of courses tailored for older adults, from language learning to arts and crafts, ensuring continuous growth and engagement.

Feedback from the senior community:

The reception of Mr. Tanaka’s apps within the senior community was overwhelmingly positive. Seniors shared their experiences through user testimonials, with many expressing their newfound sense of independence and connection to the world. The adoption rates were astounding, with over 50% of seniors surveyed reporting they used at least one app regularly. Positive reviews poured in, praising the intuitive design and user-friendly features that made a difference in their daily lives.

The impact of Mr. Tanaka’s apps on the senior community:

Mr. Tanaka’s innovative apps brought about a significant transformation in the lives of seniors. They provided a platform for increased independence, enabling older adults to manage their daily tasks and maintain their autonomy with ease. Communication apps facilitated stronger bonds with loved ones, while medication management tools ensured that seniors could stay healthy and safe. The educational resources offered endless opportunities for learning and personal growth, providing a sense of purpose and engagement that many seniors cherished. Overall, Mr. Tanaka’s apps proved to be more than just convenient tools; they were a testament to the power of technology in enhancing the lives of older adults and bridging the generation gap.

89-year-old Japanese coder uses ChatGPT to develop senior-friendly apps


As we reach the end of our story, we reflect on the inspiring journey of Mr. Tanaka, an 89-year-old coder, who transformed himself into a

developer of senior-friendly apps

using the powerful tool of ChatGPT. Mr. Tanaka’s story is a testament to the limitless potential of learning, creativity, and perseverance in overcoming challenges at any



Recap of Mr. Tanaka’s Journey

Mr. Tanaka, a retired engineer, was looking for a new challenge to keep his mind active. He discovered the world of coding and was intrigued. At first, he faced numerous obstacles, feeling overwhelmed by complex algorithms and unfamiliar programming languages. However, his curiosity and determination to learn propelled him forward. With the help of online resources and mentors, Mr. Tanaka persevered and eventually mastered the basics of coding.

Embracing Technology, Creativity, and Perseverance

As Mr. Tanaka continued to develop his coding skills, he recognized the importance of using technology to create meaningful projects that addressed real-world needs. He decided to focus on creating applications tailored to seniors, incorporating large fonts, clear instructions, and easy-to-use interfaces. His dedication to this endeavor not only kept him engaged in a creative process but also allowed him to contribute positively to society.

Inspiration for Seniors to Learn and Engage

Mr. Tanaka’s story serves as an inspiration for seniors who may feel intimidated by the prospect of learning new skills or embracing technology. It demonstrates that age is no barrier to creativity, productivity, and growth. By remaining open-minded and committed to learning, seniors can not only enhance their own lives but also make a difference in the world around them.
