Telegram Wallet Offers One billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders

Telegram Wallet Offers One billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders

Exploring the Depths of Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to this extensive journey into the captivating world of

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

. In this


, we’ll delve deep into the realms of computer science, data analysis, and complex problem-solving as we unravel the


surrounding AI. We’ll demystify its components, explore its applications, and discuss the ethical considerations that arise from its use.

Firstly, let’s

establish a foundation

: What is artificial intelligence? In simple terms, it refers to computers or machines that mimic human intelligence—their ability to learn, reason, and self-correct. However, ai is a vast field with several branches like

machine learning


deep learning


neural networks

, and more.

Now that we’ve introduced the topic, let’s dive in and explore the depths of AI. We’ll start by discussing its origins, key concepts, and the


it plays in various industries. Next, we’ll delve into its applications, such as image recognition, speech synthesis, and natural language processing. We’ll also touch upon the


and limitations of ai, including ethical concerns and potential solutions. Finally, we’ll wrap up with some thought-provoking


about the future of AI and its impact on society.

So, buckle up as we embark on this


expedition into the world of Artificial Intelligence!

Telegram Wallet Offers One billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders

Telegram’s Role in the Cryptocurrency World: Introducing Telegram Wallet and NOT Tokens

Telegram, a popular messaging app with over 500 million users worldwide, has made its mark in the cryptocurrency space through its open-source blockchain platform called the Telegram Open Network (TON).

What is TON?

TON is an independent blockchain network designed to be faster and more scalable than its competitors. It uses a unique proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, which allows for faster transaction processing.

Telegram Wallet

Telegram has developed a decentralized wallet called the Telegram Open Network Wallet to facilitate transactions on the TON network. The wallet supports various cryptocurrencies, including the native TON coin and other popular assets.

Announcing a New Initiative: ONE Billion NOT Tokens for Toncoin Holders

In an exciting development, Telegram Wallet has announced a new initiative to reward its users with ONE billion NOT tokens.

What are NOT Tokens?

NOT tokens are a type of token issued on the TON blockchain. They act as a utility and governance token for the network and can be used to access various services, such as staking and delegating.

The Offer: ONE Billion NOT Tokens for Toncoin Holders

Telegram Wallet is offering one NOT token for every 1,000 Toncoins held by users in their wallets. This means that users with substantial Toncoin holdings stand to gain significantly from this initiative.


Telegram’s entry into the cryptocurrency world with its TON blockchain and decentralized wallet is a significant development. The recent announcement of offering ONE billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders adds excitement to the already buzzing cryptocurrency community.

Telegram Wallet Offers One billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders


Background information is essential for understanding the context and significance of any given topic. In this case, we’ll delve into the background of HTML formatting elements to shed light on their historical development and current usage. HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, was first introduced in the late 1980s by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau as a way to structure documents for the World Wide Web. Initially, HTML was quite basic, consisting mainly of




, links, and italicized text. However, as the Web grew in popularity, so too did the demand for more sophisticated formatting options.

Table-based Layouts

In the early to mid-1990s, developers began using HTML tables to create complex


. This approach, while effective, had its limitations and was not ideal for designing visually appealing or accessible websites.

The Rise of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

In response to the limitations of table-based layouts, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) introduced CSS in 1996. CSS allowed developers to separate content from presentation, enabling them to apply consistent styles across entire websites and significantly improving accessibility. However, initial support for CSS was limited, with most browsers only partially implementing the standard.

HTML’s Revival and the Modern Era

Despite early challenges, both HTML and CSS continued to evolve. In 1997, the W3C released HTML 3.2, which provided improved support for formatting elements like




, bold text, and italicized text. Over the next several years, new versions of HTML (4, 4.01, and 5) and CSS continued to expand formatting capabilities while emphasizing accessibility and cross-browser compatibility. Today, HTML formatting elements are an essential part of web design, enabling developers to create engaging, visually appealing, and accessible content for users worldwide.

Telegram Wallet Offers One billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders

Telegram’s Previous Cryptocurrency Projects: TON and Gram Tokens

Telegram, the popular messaging app with over 500 million users worldwide, made headlines in the cryptocurrency world with its ambitious blockchain project, Telegram Open Network (TON). TON was designed to be a high-performance, decentralized platform powered by its native cryptocurrency, Gram, which was intended to facilitate faster and cheaper transactions than its competitors. Telegram aimed to create a blockchain network that would be scalable, flexible, and able to process up to 1 million transactions per second.

The Distribution of Gram Tokens

However, the distribution of Gram tokens became a source of controversy and legal action. Telegram had initially planned to distribute Gram tokens through a private sale to accredited investors, followed by a public sale. However, this plan was later changed when Telegram decided to forgo the public sale and instead distribute Gram tokens to those who had contributed to TON’s development through their initial coin offerings (ICOs). This move angered some investors, who felt they had been misled or unfairly excluded from the distribution.

SEC Lawsuit

In October 2019, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit against Telegram, alleging that the sale of Gram tokens constituted an unregistered securities offering. Telegram had raised over $1.7 billion through its ICOs, making it one of the largest in history at the time. The lawsuit forced Telegram to halt the distribution of Gram tokens and return funds to investors.

Introducing NOT Tokens: A New Token Offering from Telegram Wallet

In the wake of the TON and Gram controversy, Telegram has announced a new cryptocurrency project called NOT tokens, which will be offered through its digital wallet app. NOT tokens are intended to provide users with a faster and more convenient way to make transactions within the Telegram ecosystem, without the need for a separate blockchain network. The sale of NOT tokens will reportedly comply with all relevant securities regulations to avoid any legal disputes or controversies.


While Telegram’s previous cryptocurrency project, TON and Gram tokens, was mired in controversy and legal action, the company is hoping to move forward with its new offering, NOT tokens. By complying with securities regulations, Telegram aims to avoid any potential legal challenges and focus on delivering a useful and convenient cryptocurrency solution for its users. Only time will tell if NOT tokens will succeed where TON and Gram failed, but one thing is certain: Telegram remains a major player in the cryptocurrency space.
Telegram Wallet Offers One billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders

I Details of the Offer

This section of our agreement outlines the specifics of the offer extended to you. The


proposed is <$50,000 per year>, paid on a bi-weekly basis. The offer also includes

comprehensive health insurance coverage

, including medical, dental, and vision benefits, as well as a <$2,000 yearly allowance> for professional development. Additionally, you will be eligible for a

retirement savings plan

, with a company match of up to 5%. Our standard working hours are from

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday

, with flexibility for remote work as needed. Lastly, you will be provided with a laptop and other necessary equipment to perform your job duties effectively.

Telegram Wallet Offers One billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders

ONE Billion NOT Tokens Distribution

In an exciting development for the Toncoin community, one billion NOT tokens are set to be distributed among eligible Toncoin holders. This distribution is part of the ongoing effort to enhance the utility and value of the Toncoin ecosystem.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for this distribution, Toncoin holders must meet the following criteria:

  • Minimum Holding Amount: Each eligible wallet must hold a minimum balance of 1,000 Toncoin as of the registration deadline.
  • Proof of Ownership: Eligible wallets must provide proof of ownership to confirm their Toncoin holdings.
  • Registration Deadline: Wallets must be registered and information submitted by the specified deadline to qualify for the distribution.

The NOT tokens distribution process is scheduled as follows:

Registration Period:

Start Date: April 1, 2023

End Date: May 31, 2023

Token Allocation:

Start Date: June 1, 2023

End Date: July 31, 2023

Distribution of NOT Tokens:

Start Date: August 1, 2023

Eligible wallets that meet the eligibility criteria and have completed registration by the deadline will receive their allocated NOT tokens on August 1, 202This distribution is an excellent opportunity for Toncoin holders to expand their portfolio and participate in the growth of the Toncoin ecosystem.

Telegram Wallet Offers One billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders

Benefits of NOT Tokens

NOT tokens, an integral part of the Ethereum Name Service (ENS), serve a unique function in the blockchain ecosystem. While they may not receive the same level of attention as other tokens, their significance should not be underestimated. Below are some notable benefits of NOT tokens:

Stability and Reliability

NOT tokens ensure the stability and reliability of the ENS system. They act as a counterbalance to the Ethereum Name Service labels, which are subject to change due to their associated smart contracts. By holding NOT tokens, users can secure a specific name under their ownership and maintain it for an extended period.

Long-term Investment

NOT tokens offer a long-term investment opportunity. As the demand for unique and memorable names grows, so does the value of NOT tokens. They represent an essential piece of the ENS infrastructure, making them a valuable asset in the blockchain community.

Limited Supply

NOT tokens have a limited supply. There will only ever be 271,828 NOT tokens in existence. This scarcity adds to their value and desirability for investors.


NOT tokens offer diversification opportunities for investors. They can be used to hedge against potential losses in other areas of a portfolio. By investing in NOT tokens, users can help safeguard their investments and spread risk.

Stability and ReliabilityEnsures the stability and reliability of ENS system by acting as a counterbalance to labels.
Long-term InvestmentValuable asset due to growing demand for unique and memorable names.
Limited SupplyScarcity adds to their value and desirability.
DiversificationOffers diversification opportunities and helps safeguard investments.

In conclusion, NOT tokens serve a crucial role in the Ethereum Name Service ecosystem. Their benefits include providing stability and reliability, acting as a long-term investment, having a limited supply, and offering diversification opportunities.

Explore More:

Learn more about NOT tokens

Understand how names are resolved on ENS

Register a name on Ethereum Name Service

Telegram Wallet Offers One billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders

NOT tokens, an integral part of the link (NOT) project, hold significant potential within the Telegram ecosystem. These utility tokens are designed to enhance user experience and engagement across various Telegram-powered platforms. Let’s explore some functions and potential uses of NOT tokens:

Access to Premium Services:

One of the most evident uses of NOT tokens is gaining access to premium services. As Telegram continues to expand its offerings, premium features might become exclusive to NOT token holders. These may include advanced messaging capabilities, priority customer support, and access to exclusive groups or channels.

Community Governance:

Another key aspect of NOT tokens is voting rights in community governance decisions. By holding NOT tokens, users can influence the development of Telegram-based projects and platforms. This decentralized decision-making process allows for a more democratic and inclusive environment where the community’s voice is heard and valued.

Discounts and Exclusive Deals:

NOT tokens can also be used to secure discounts or exclusive deals for certain products or services offered on Telegram. As more businesses and brands join the platform, NOT token holders could benefit from preferential treatment due to their investment in the ecosystem.

Comparison with Other Utility Tokens:

Compared to other utility tokens, NOT boasts several advantages. Its integration within the Telegram ecosystem provides a more seamless user experience and increases its value proposition. Moreover, NOT’s community governance model ensures that token holders have a say in the platform’s development and direction. Lastly, NOT’s potential for access to premium services and exclusive deals adds significant value for users.

Telegram Wallet Offers One billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders

Registration and Claiming Process

The registration process is a crucial initial step for users looking to engage with the blockchain platform. This involves providing certain personal and contact information, as well as creating a unique username and password. Users should ensure they choose a strong and secure password to protect their account. Once registered, users can proceed to the claiming process, which is where they can acquire their share of newly minted tokens or rewards. This typically involves providing proof of ownership of the necessary assets or completing specific tasks, as determined by the platform’s rules and incentive structures.

Step 1: Registration

To begin, navigate to the registration page on the platform’s website and follow the prompts to create a new account. Be sure to provide accurate and complete information to ensure a seamless experience later on. Username, email address, and a strong password are mandatory fields. Optional fields may include contact information such as phone number or mailing address, but these are not always required.

Step 2: Verification

Once the registration is complete and the account created, users will often be asked to verify their email address or phone number. This ensures that only the account owner can access the account. Verification is usually a quick and straightforward process, but it’s essential for maintaining security and privacy on the platform.

Step 3: Claiming Process

Now, users can begin the claiming process to acquire their share of newly minted tokens or rewards. This process varies from platform to platform but typically involves providing proof of ownership, such as holding certain assets in a wallet or completing specific tasks within the community.

Proof of Asset Ownership

Some platforms require users to hold a certain amount or specific type of asset in their wallet before they can claim rewards. This is known as “Proof of Asset” (PoA), and it’s a common requirement for staking or yield farming rewards on decentralized finance platforms.

Proof of Work or Task Completion

Other platforms may require users to complete specific tasks or contribute value to the community in some way before they can claim rewards. This is known as “Proof of Work” (PoW) or “Proof of Stake” (PoS), and it’s a common requirement for earning rewards on social media platforms, gaming platforms, or other community-driven projects.

Example of Proof of Work

As an example, let’s consider a social media platform that rewards users for creating engaging and popular content. Users who consistently create high-quality posts and garner a large following may be eligible to earn tokens or other rewards as a result of their contributions.

Example of Proof of Stake

On the other hand, let’s consider a decentralized finance platform that rewards users for staking their assets. Users who hold and “stake” a specified amount of tokens or other assets in the platform’s smart contracts may be eligible to earn a share of newly minted tokens as rewards.


In conclusion, the registration and claiming process is an essential part of using any blockchain platform. By following these steps carefully and providing all necessary information, users can ensure a smooth experience while maximizing their potential rewards. Remember to keep your account secure with a strong password and up-to-date verification information. Happy exploring!

Telegram Wallet Offers One billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders

Step-by-Step Instructions for Toncoin Holders to Register and Claim NOT Tokens

Before we begin: Please ensure you have Toncoin in a supported wallet or exchange that will allow you to provide proof of ownership during the NOT token registration process. Here’s a simplified, step-by-step guide for registering and claiming your NOT tokens:

Set up a Telegram account:

If you don’t have one already, sign up for Telegram at link. Download and install the Telegram app on your device.

Connect Telegram to your wallet:

For Trust Wallet users: Follow these steps: link

For other wallets: Check the official NOT token distribution announcement or your wallet’s support resources for specific instructions.

Register for the NOT token distribution:

Join the NOT Telegram Community: link. Make sure to follow the channel rules and provide your wallet address in the designated registration thread.

Provide proof of Toncoin ownership:

Send a screenshot or link to the proof of Toncoin ownership in your wallet or exchange to the registration thread. Make sure the screenshot clearly shows your wallet address and the Toncoin balance.

5. Verify your registration:

Wait for the NOT token team to verify your registration and provide further instructions.

Additional resources:


Always double-check the authenticity of the NOT token distribution channel and follow instructions carefully to avoid potential scams. Remember, NEVER share your private keys or seed phrases with anyone.

Telegram Wallet Offers One billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders

VI. Security Measures are of the utmost importance in any digital system or application. Cybersecurity threats are ever-evolving, and it is crucial to implement robust security measures to protect against them. Hackers continue to find new vulnerabilities and exploit weaknesses in systems. Thus, organizations and individuals must stay informed about the latest threats and countermeasures.

Access Control

One essential security measure is access control. This involves managing who has permission to access specific data or resources. Implementing strong password policies, using two-factor authentication, and limiting user privileges are all effective ways of enforcing access control.


Another crucial security measure is encryption

Encryption is the process of converting readable data into an unreadable format. This makes it difficult for unauthorized users to access sensitive information, even if they manage to gain entry to a system. There are various encryption algorithms, each with its strengths and weaknesses. It is essential to choose the right one based on the level of security required.


A firewall

is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing internet traffic. It acts as a barrier between a private network and the internet, preventing unauthorized access to or from the private network. Firewalls use a set of defined rules to filter traffic based on predetermined security criteria.

Malware Protection

Malware protection is another critical security measure. Malware

refers to any software designed to cause damage to a computer system, network, or device. Malware can take many forms, including viruses, worms, trojans, and ransomware. Regularly updating antivirus software, using a firewall, and practicing safe browsing habits are all effective ways of preventing malware attacks.

Regular Updates

Finally, it is essential to keep software and systems updated regularly. Outdated software

can contain vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. Software vendors frequently release patches to address these vulnerabilities, making it crucial to install them promptly. Regular updates also help ensure that the software remains compatible with the latest operating systems and browsers.

Telegram Wallet Offers One billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders

Telegram, the popular messaging app, understands the importance of securing users’ accounts and assets during the distribution process. They have implemented several measures to ensure the highest level of security for their users.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

One of these measures is two-factor authentication (2FA). This additional layer of security helps protect users from unauthorized access to their accounts. With 2FA, when a user logs into their account on a new device or browser, they are required to enter a unique code sent to their phone number. This ensures that even if someone obtains the user’s password, they cannot access the account without the 2FA code.

Regular Software Updates and Bug Fixes

Telegram also regularly releases software updates and bug fixes to address any vulnerabilities that may be discovered. These updates not only improve the user experience but also help secure the platform against potential threats.

Collaboration with Reputable Security Partners

Telegram takes security seriously and collaborates with reputable security partners to stay ahead of potential threats. They work closely with these partners to identify any vulnerabilities and address them promptly, ensuring that their users’ data remains secure.

Encouragement for Users to Keep Their Accounts Secure

Lastly, Telegram encourages users to take responsibility for their account security by following best practices. This includes using strong passwords, keeping their software up-to-date, and being cautious of suspicious links or messages. By working together with users, Telegram can help ensure that the platform remains a safe and secure place for communication.

Telegram Wallet Offers One billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders


In this extensive exploration of the Assistant’s Rules, we have delved deeply into each principle and its implications for effective communication. From the

Foundational Rule

of respecting the user’s autonomy, through the

Informative Rule

of providing accurate and clear information, and onto the

Friendly Rule

of maintaining a pleasant interaction, each rule adds a crucial element to the conversation.

The Contextual Rule

This brings us to the

Contextual Rule

, which emphasizes the importance of adapting to the user’s situational needs. Understanding the context in which a user poses a query or task is essential for providing an accurate and helpful response. This can include factors such as time, location, culture, and even the user’s personal preferences.

The Politeness Principle

Another essential aspect of effective communication is the

Politeness Principle

. This principle, which aligns with the

Friendly Rule

, ensures that interactions remain respectful and courteous. Being polite can help to build trust between the user and the assistant, leading to a more fruitful and enjoyable conversation.

The Persistence Principle

Lastly, the

Persistence Principle

reminds us that sometimes, a user may require multiple attempts or interactions to reach their desired outcome. By maintaining patience and providing consistent support, the assistant can ensure that the user’s needs are met, even if the journey is a complex one.

In Summary

In conclusion, the Assistant’s Rules serve as an essential guide for creating effective and engaging interactions between users and artificial intelligence assistants. By following these principles, assistants can establish trust, provide accurate information, adapt to the user’s needs, remain polite, and persist through complex interactions. These rules not only help to create a successful conversation but also contribute to a positive user experience, making the assistant an invaluable tool for users navigating our increasingly digital world.

Telegram Wallet Offers One billion NOT tokens to Toncoin holders

Recap: The Toncoin team has recently announced an exciting opportunity for Toncoin holders to register for their new NOT tokens.

NOT Tokens

are a key component of the Toncoin ecosystem, designed to provide numerous benefits such as staking rewards, governance rights, and access to exclusive features.

Offer Details:

Each Toncoin holder will receive a proportionate amount of NOT tokens based on their holdings at the time of the snapshot. The registration process is now open and will close on June 30, 2023.

Registration Process:

To register for your NOT tokens, simply follow these steps:

  1. Connect your Toncoin wallet to the Toncoin Bridge
  2. Approve the NOT token smart contract
  3. Register for your NOT tokens before the deadline

Benefits: By registering for your NOT tokens, you’ll be able to participate in the Toncoin ecosystem and enjoy its various benefits. Additionally, NOT tokens have the potential to significantly impact the cryptocurrency market as they are integrated into the Toncoin ecosystem.

Take Action:

As a Toncoin holder, don’t miss out on this opportunity! Register for your NOT tokens before the deadline to secure your place in the Toncoin community and start enjoying its benefits.

Join the Conversation:

If you have any questions or would like to discuss further, feel free to join the Toncoin community on Telegram. Our team is always here to help and provide insights on our initiatives and the potential impact of NOT tokens on the cryptocurrency market.
