The Bank of Israel to Roll Out Sandbox for CBDC Experiments

The Bank of Israel to Roll Out Sandbox for CBDC Experiments

The Bank of Israel’s Sandbox for CBDC Experiments: An In-depth Outline

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), a digital form of fiat currency issued and backed by central banks, have gained significant attention in recent years. The Bank of Israel, the country’s central bank, has also expressed interest in exploring the potential benefits and challenges of issuing a CBDTo facilitate this exploration, the Bank of Israel announced in December 2020

The Launch of the Sandbox Project

In response to this interest, the Bank of Israel introduced its Project Daniel

, also known as the “Sandbox Project.” The project aims to create a controlled environment, or a sandbox, for testing various use cases of a CBDThis sandbox is designed to allow financial institutions, technology companies, and other interested parties to experiment with the potential benefits, risks, and challenges of a CBDC within a secure and controlled setting.

Collaborative Effort

The Bank of Israel’s Sandbox Project is a collaborative effort with the Israeli Ministry of Finance, the Israel Tax Authority, and other relevant organizations. The collaboration ensures that various aspects of a CBDC, such as taxation, legal implications, and regulatory requirements, are explored comprehensively.

Phased Approach

style=”text-align: justify;”>Phase 1

of the project focused on the design and development of a technical platform for testing the CBDThis phase included the selection of a technology partner to develop the platform, as well as the establishment of guidelines and frameworks for testing scenarios.

Phase 2

style=”text-align: justify;”>Phase 2

will focus on the execution of actual tests and experiments within the sandbox environment. This phase is expected to provide valuable insights into the potential benefits, risks, and challenges associated with a CBDC.

Expected Outcomes

The expected outcomes of the Sandbox Project include a better understanding of the potential benefits and challenges of issuing a CBDC in Israel. Additionally, the project aims to provide valuable insights that could inform central banking practices and regulations not only in Israel but also globally.

The Bank of Israel to Roll Out Sandbox for CBDC Experiments

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Significance and Experiments

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), also known as digital fiat currencies, represent a new chapter in the evolving landscape of digital money.

What are CBDCs?

In simple terms, CBDCs refer to digital currencies issued by central banks that can be used for financial transactions, similar to traditional paper money. However, unlike decentralized digital currencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, CBDCs are centralized, controlled and issued by a country’s monetary authority.

Benefits and Challenges of CBDCs

The introduction of CBDCs presents a multitude of benefits for the digital economy. They can offer enhanced financial inclusion and stability by reaching underbanked populations and facilitating real-time transactions, respectively. Additionally, CBDCs can help monetary policy implementation by providing the central bank with greater control over interest rates and inflation. However, challenges remain, including potential risks to financial stability, privacy concerns, and technical complexity.

The Importance of CBDC Experiments for Central Banks

In light of these potential benefits and challenges, central banks are exploring the possibilities of introducing CBDCs through experiments.

Technological Capabilities

Testing the technological infrastructure for issuing and managing CBDCs is a crucial first step, as it involves integrating these digital currencies with existing payment systems and ensuring security.

Monetary Policy Implications

Understanding the impact of CBDCs on monetary policy is another significant area of exploration, as central banks aim to maintain control over interest rates and inflation despite the digitalization of money.

Enhancing Financial Inclusion and Stability

Lastly, CBDC experiments offer opportunities to address financial inclusion and stability concerns, particularly in the context of underbanked populations and potential systemic risks.

The Bank of Israel’s CBDC Experiments

As one of the pioneering central banks in this area, the Bank of Israel has initiated several CBDC experiments to evaluate their potential impact on the Israeli economy. These explorations include assessing technological capabilities, exploring monetary policy implications, and enhancing financial inclusion and stability within the country.

Background: The Bank of Israel and its Role in the Digital Economy

The Bank of Israel, established in 1954, is the

central bank



. Its primary


includes maintaining price stability and ensuring the

financial stability

of the country. The Bank of Israel’s role in the economy is multifaceted, encompassing

monetary policy


payment system oversight

, and other related functions.

Monetary Policy

The Bank of Israel employs various instruments to influence the

interest rate

and thus control inflation and interest rates in the economy. The primary tool is the

discount rate

, which affects the cost of borrowing for commercial banks from the Bank of Israel. Additionally, the Bank issues

government bonds

to regulate the money supply and manage short-term interest rates.

Financial Stability

Beyond monetary policy, the Bank of Israel plays a crucial role in maintaining

financial stability

. It monitors financial institutions and markets to detect potential risks, manages the foreign exchange market, and implements measures to mitigate systemic risks.

Approach to Digital Currencies and Fintech

In the context of the

digital economy

, the Bank of Israel has taken a cautious yet innovative approach. Regarding


, the Bank views them as commodities and does not consider them legal tender. The

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

and the

Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

guidelines have influenced Israel’s regulatory framework. The

Israeli Securities Authority

and the

Tax Authority

, along with the Bank of Israel, collaborate on cryptocurrency-related matters.

Collaborations with Fintech Firms

The Bank of Israel recognizes the importance of collaboration and innovation in fintech. It has initiated various projects to foster a conducive environment for fintech firms. One such project,


, focuses on creating a regulatory sandbox for testing innovative payment solutions under the Bank’s supervision.

Previous Experiments and Initiatives

The Bank of Israel has experimented with digital currencies in the past. In 2016, it launched a

proof-of-concept project


“Shekel Coin”

, which aimed to investigate the potential benefits and challenges of a central bank digital currency (CBDC). The project was discontinued due to its limited scope, but it demonstrated the Bank’s openness towards exploring the possibilities of CBDCs in the future.

The Bank of Israel to Roll Out Sandbox for CBDC Experiments

I The Announcement: Sandbox for CBDC Experiments

Explanation of the “sandbox” concept in financial innovation and regulation

  • Definition and objectives: A regulatory sandbox is an experimental environment established by financial regulators, allowing innovative businesses to test new products, services, business models, and technologies in a controlled manner while being subject to flexible and tailored regulatory requirements. The primary objectives include fostering innovation, supporting regulatory learning, and ensuring consumer protection.

The Bank of Israel’s decision to launch a CBDC sandbox

Reasons and objectives: The Bank of Israel has decided to establish a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) sandbox to explore technological possibilities, enhance the central bank’s digital capabilities, and prepare for future monetary policy developments. The sandbox will provide a platform for innovative firms to experiment with CBDCs, gather valuable insights, and collaborate with the Bank of Israel.

The Bank of Israel’s decision to launch a CBDC sandbox (continued)

Key features of the sandbox:

  • Participation criteria and eligibility: Eligible applicants include financial institutions, fintech companies, and other relevant industry players. Applications will be assessed based on the novelty, potential impact, and alignment with the sandbox’s objectives.
  • Timeline, duration, and scope: Participants will be granted a specific period to test their proposals within the sandbox environment. The duration of experiments may vary depending on the complexity and outcomes.
  • Regulatory framework and oversight: The Bank of Israel will provide a flexible regulatory framework for sandbox participants, allowing them to experiment with minimal regulatory barriers while ensuring consumer protection and financial stability.

Potential benefits of the CBDC sandbox for all stakeholders

Financial institutions and fintech companies: By participating in the CBDC sandbox, financial institutions and fintech companies can learn from real-world experiments, gain insights into CBDC implementation, and build partnerships with the Bank of Israel. These collaborations may lead to increased efficiency, improved services, and innovative solutions.

Potential benefits of the CBDC sandbox for all stakeholders (continued)

Regulators and policymakers: The sandbox environment offers regulators and policymakers an opportunity to gain experience in regulating CBDCs, understand potential risks and challenges, and collaborate with industry players on solutions. This knowledge will be essential in shaping future regulatory frameworks and monetary policy decisions.

Potential benefits of the CBDC sandbox for all stakeholders (continued)

The Israeli economy and citizens: The CBDC sandbox is expected to encourage innovation and competition, improve financial inclusion and accessibility, and enhance overall economic efficiency. By fostering an environment for experimentation, the central bank aims to create a more dynamic and adaptive financial ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders.


In the ever-evolving world of finance and technology, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) have emerged as a significant trend that has grabbed the attention of central banks worldwide. Among them is the esteemed

Bank of Israel

, which recognizes the potential of CBDCs to revolutionize monetary policy, financial stability, and cross-border transactions.

The importance of experimenting with CBDCs cannot be overstated, as they offer several advantages such as improving

monetary policy effectiveness

, enhancing financial inclusion, and fostering innovation in the payment ecosystem. By participating in CBDC sandbox programs, central banks like the Bank of Israel can gain valuable insights into the design, implementation, and potential risks associated with these digital currencies.

Looking beyond the central bank’s perspective, the CBDC sandbox can bring about numerous opportunities for Israel’s financial sector and economy. By embracing this technology, we can expect to witness a more

efficient payment system

, reduced reliance on cash, and increased competition among financial institutions. Additionally, this digital transformation could pave the way for innovative use cases in various sectors like trade finance, remittances, and more.

To ensure a successful CBDC sandbox program, it is crucial for the Bank of Israel to collaborate with key stakeholders, such as fintech companies and other industry experts. By fostering a collaborative environment, we can leverage their expertise in technology, innovation, and regulatory compliance to create a robust and secure digital currency ecosystem that benefits all parties involved.
