BitMEX Co-Founder Ben Delo to face class-action lawsuit, judge rules

BitMEX Co-Founder Ben Delo to face class-action lawsuit, judge rules

BitMEX Co-Founder Ben Delo Faces Class-Action Lawsuit: An In-Depth Overview

In a significant turn of events, Ben Delo, one of the co-founders of BitMEX, a prominent cryptocurrency derivatives exchange, is facing a class-action lawsuit. Filed in the Southern District Court of New York on July 14, 2021, the complaint alleges that Delo and other top executives at BitMEX violated the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations. This lawsuit comes as a surprise to many in the crypto community, given BitMEX’s reputation as a leading exchange in the industry.

Background of BitMEX and Ben Delo

Founded in 2014, BitMEX has been a significant player in the cryptocurrency market. It offers various crypto derivatives, including perpetual swaps and futures contracts, and is known for its high leverage offerings. Ben Delo co-founded BitMEX with Arthur Hayes, Samuel Reed, and Ivan MacLeod. Prior to starting BitMEX, Delo had a successful career as a software engineer at Google.

The Allegations and Class-Action Lawsuit

The class-action lawsuit, led by plaintiffs John Doe I et al., accuses Delo and other top BitMEX executives of running an unregistered money transmission business and violating AML regulations. The complaint states that BitMEX failed to implement adequate Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering procedures, allowing users to open accounts without proper verification. As a result, the exchange allegedly facilitated transactions involving illegal activities such as money laundering and drug trafficking.

Impact on BitMEX and the Crypto Industry

The lawsuit against Ben Delo and other top executives at BitMEX has significant implications for the crypto industry as a whole. If the allegations are proven true, it could lead to stricter regulations and oversight of cryptocurrency exchanges. Furthermore, this lawsuit may impact BitMEX’s reputation and user base, as some traders may choose to use alternative exchanges with more robust KYC and AML procedures in place.


The class-action lawsuit against Ben Delo and other top executives at BitMEX is a notable development in the cryptocurrency space. As the legal proceedings unfold, the implications for the crypto industry and individual exchanges will become clearer. Regardless of the outcome, this lawsuit serves as a reminder that regulatory compliance remains crucial in the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies.

BitMEX Co-Founder Ben Delo to face class-action lawsuit, judge rules

A Deep Dive into the Class-Action Lawsuit Against Ben Delo of BitMEX

BitMEX, a leading cryptocurrency derivatives exchange, was co-founded by Ben Delo, Samuel Reed, and Arthur Hayes in 201The platform quickly gained popularity due to its innovative leveraged trading features and robust liquidity. However, the success story of BitMEX took an unexpected turn when the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) filed a class-action lawsuit against Ben Delo in October 2020. The lawsuit alleges that BitMEX, including its co-founders, violated the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) and the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations.

Background of BitMEX

BitMEX, which stands for “Bitcoin Mercantile Exchange,” is a Seychelles-based trading platform that offers margin trading for cryptocurrency derivatives. It is well known in the crypto community for its high leverage, with users able to trade with up to 100x leverage on Bitcoin futures contracts. BitMEX’s user interface is designed for experienced traders, making it an attractive option for those seeking advanced trading tools and features.

The Lawsuit Against Ben Delo: Allegations and Consequences

The CFTC’s lawsuit against Ben Delo and BitMEX alleges that the exchange failed to implement and maintain effective Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures. The regulatory body claimed that BitMEX allowed users from the United States to trade on its platform despite knowing they were not in compliance with U.S. laws. According to the lawsuit, this conduct violated provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act and the CFTC’s regulations.

If found guilty, BitMEX and its co-founders, including Ben Delo, could face severe consequences such as fines, civil penalties, or even criminal charges. Moreover, the lawsuit has led to increased scrutiny of other cryptocurrency exchanges and their compliance with regulatory requirements.

Ben Delo’s Role in BitMEX

As one of the three co-founders of BitMEX, Ben Delo played a significant role in building the exchange into a leading platform for cryptocurrency derivatives trading. Prior to BitMEX, Delo worked on various projects within the cryptocurrency space. The class-action lawsuit against him and his co-founders represents a turning point in the history of BitMEX and the broader crypto industry.

BitMEX Co-Founder Ben Delo to face class-action lawsuit, judge rules

Background of BitMEX and Its Founding Team

BitMEX, short for Bitcoin Mercantile Exchange, is a leading global cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform. Established in 2014, this exchange has revolutionized the digital asset industry by providing institutional-grade leverage, advanced order types, and high liquidity. BitMEX’s primary focus is on futures, swaps, and perpetual contracts, allowing users to trade cryptocurrencies against major currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), among others.

Description of BitMEX as a leading cryptocurrency derivatives exchange

As a leadership exchange in the cryptocurrency market, BitMEX offers several advantages to traders. Its advanced trading interface and high liquidity make it an attractive choice for both novice and professional investors. The exchange’s unique features include:

  • High Leverage: Traders can benefit from up to 100x leverage on various cryptocurrency futures contracts.
  • Advanced Order Types: BitMEX offers a range of order types like OCO (One Cancels Other), OSO (Orders Set Outside), and TWAP (Time-Weighted Average Price).
  • Fast Execution: Orders are processed in a few milliseconds, making it ideal for high-frequency trading.

Overview of the three co-founders: Ben Delo, Arthur Hayes, and Sam Reed

Ben Delo, one of the co-founders of BitMEX, holds a degree from King’s College London in Computer Science and Economics. Prior to starting BitMEX, Ben spent several years working as a trader at various financial institutions. His experience in the traditional finance sector helped shape the company’s focus on providing a professional trading environment.

Arthur Hayes

Arthur Hayes, another co-founder of BitMEX, comes from a sales background with experience working for companies like Deutsche Bank and Merrill Lynch. He has also spent time trading in Asia’s emerging markets, which gave him a unique perspective on market trends and risks.

Sam Reed

The third co-founder of BitMEX is Sam Reed, a seasoned software engineer with an extensive background in developing high-frequency trading systems. His expertise in building complex software solutions made him the perfect addition to the team, helping BitMEX create a robust and reliable platform for traders.

Previous regulatory issues faced by BitMEX

Despite its success, BitMEX has not been without controversy. In October 2019, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) charged BitMEX with operating an unregistered trading platform and violating anti-money laundering laws. The exchange subsequently announced it would register with the CFTC, addressing these concerns and reaffirming its commitment to upholding regulatory standards.

Stay updated on the latest news and insights from BitMEX!

For more information about BitMEX, its services, and the latest news from the team, be sure to visit their link or follow them on social media.

BitMEX Co-Founder Ben Delo to face class-action lawsuit, judge rules

I The Class-Action Lawsuit Against Ben Delo: Overview and Allegations

Explanation of the Class-Action Lawsuit:

In December 2020, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Ben Delo, a co-founder of link, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency derivatives exchanges, by the law firm Roche Freedman. The lawsuit was brought on behalf of a proposed class of affected individuals and seeks compensatory damages, punitive damages, and equitable relief. Delo is being sued for his alleged roles in various illegal activities while working at BitMEX.

Detailed description of allegations against Ben Delo:

Violation of anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) laws:

  • Allegation: Delo knowingly permitted BitMEX to operate without proper AML and KYC procedures in place, allowing users to trade anonymously.
  • Evidence: Testimonies from anonymous sources, internal emails, and documents are expected to be presented in support of this allegation.

Unregistered securities offerings:

  • Allegation: Delo was involved in the unregistered offering and sale of securities through BitMEX.
  • Evidence: Internal emails, documents, and regulatory actions against BitMEX will be presented as evidence for this allegation.

Misrepresentation and fraud:

  • Allegation: Delo misrepresented BitMEX’s regulatory status and the nature of its trading activities to users and investors, leading them to believe they were engaging in lawful activities.
  • Evidence: Testimonies from anonymous sources, internal emails, and documents will be presented as evidence in support of this allegation.

Evidence supporting the allegations:

Testimonies from anonymous sources:

Anonymous testimonies from individuals with knowledge of BitMEX’s inner workings are expected to provide substantial evidence against Delo. These sources may include current and former employees, as well as users who have firsthand experience with the exchange’s lack of AML and KYC procedures.

Internal emails and documents:

Leaked internal emails and documents from BitMEX are also anticipated to serve as critical evidence in the case. These materials may reveal Delo’s role in the exchange’s decision-making processes and could potentially shed light on his knowledge of the alleged violations.

Regulatory actions against BitMEX:

Finally, regulatory actions taken against BitMEX by various international authorities are expected to bolster the allegations made in the class-action lawsuit. These actions could include fines, sanctions, or even criminal charges against the exchange and its executives.

BitMEX Co-Founder Ben Delo to face class-action lawsuit, judge rules

The Judge’s Ruling: Significance and Implications

Judge Hockett’s decision to allow the class-action lawsuit against BitMEX and its co-founder, Ben Delo, to proceed carries significant implications for both parties involved. In a

landmark ruling

on October 1, 2020, the judge reasoned that the plaintiffs had sufficiently demonstrated that BitMEX and Delo “violated New York’s Martin Act and common law fraud.” (Reuters, 2020) This decision marks a crucial turning point in the legal battle between the crypto exchange and its accusers.

Impact on Ben Delo and BitMEX

The consequences of this ruling for Delo and BitMEX could be both monetary and reputational. Monetarily, the defendants face potential damages in the millions, as the lawsuit represents over 1 million customers who allege BitMEX operated an unregistered trading platform that facilitated money laundering and other illegal activities. (CoinDesk, 2020) Delo’s personal wealth, estimated to be in the hundreds of millions, could be at risk. Reputationally, this ruling tarnishes the reputation of BitMEX, which has long been considered one of the leading crypto derivatives exchanges. The exchange’s handling of customer funds and compliance with regulatory requirements will now be under intense scrutiny. Furthermore, criminal and regulatory implications loom large for both Delo and BitMEX as the case progresses.

Possible Outcomes of the Case

The possible outcomes for plaintiffs and defendants are vast. For the plaintiffs, a successful outcome could result in substantial monetary compensation as well as improved transparency and regulatory compliance from BitMEX. A loss for the plaintiffs would likely mean a continuation of business as usual for the exchange, although it may face increased regulatory scrutiny and reputational damage.

Defendants’ Outlook

For the defendants, a favorable outcome would entail dismissal of the lawsuit or an agreement to pay damages without acknowledging wrongdoing. However, given the allegations and the judge’s ruling allowing the case to proceed, this scenario appears unlikely. A negative outcome for Delo and BitMEX could result in significant damages, regulatory penalties, and potential criminal charges.

BitMEX Co-Founder Ben Delo to face class-action lawsuit, judge rules

Defense Strategy and Potential Counterarguments

Explanation of possible defense strategies for Ben Delo at BitMEX

Ben Delo, one of the founders of BitMEX, may employ several defense strategies to challenge the allegations made by the plaintiffs. Two potential strategies are:

Lack of intent to violate laws

Delo could argue that despite BitMEx’s operations being in violation of certain regulatory requirements, he did not have the intent to break any laws. This strategy hinges on the belief that as long as there was no malicious intent involved, the violation of regulatory frameworks should be considered less egregious.

Claims that plaintiffs had knowledge of BitMEX’s operations

Another possible defense strategy for Delo could be to assert that the plaintiffs were well aware of BitMEX’s operations and thus, should bear some responsibility for any losses incurred. By highlighting the plaintiffs’ involvement or knowledge of the platform, Delo could attempt to shift blame and reduce potential damages.

Potential counterarguments from plaintiffs

In response to these defense strategies, the plaintiffs may present evidence that undermines Delo’s position. Two potential counterarguments include:

Evidence of intentional disregard for regulatory requirements

The plaintiffs could argue that Delo and BitMEX intentionally disregarded applicable regulations, thereby demonstrating a clear lack of respect for the legal framework in place. This counterargument would highlight Delo’s knowledge or awareness of regulatory requirements and his deliberate decision to ignore them.

Evidence of harm caused to investors

The plaintiffs could also provide evidence of the harm caused to investors as a result of BitMEX’s noncompliance. By focusing on the financial losses and damages incurred, the plaintiffs could strengthen their case and potentially shift the burden of responsibility onto Delo and BitMEX.

BitMEX Co-Founder Ben Delo to face class-action lawsuit, judge rules

VI. Conclusion and Implications for the Crypto Industry

Summary of the key findings from the case:

The SEC’s lawsuit against Ripple Labs and its executives for allegedly selling unregistered securities marked a significant milestone in the ongoing regulatory battle within the crypto industry. The case Ripple v. SEC has brought several important issues to light, such as:

  • The SEC’s position on the classification of digital assets

  • The role and responsibility of exchanges in ensuring regulatory compliance

  • The potential consequences for market participants who fail to adhere to regulatory requirements

Reflection on the significance of the lawsuit for the crypto industry:

The legal implications of this case go far beyond Ripple Labs and its executives. As the first high-profile lawsuit targeting a major crypto player, it sets a precedent that is likely to influence the crypto industry in numerous ways:

Increasing regulatory scrutiny and compliance demands:

With the SEC’s lawsuit, crypto exchanges and market participants are under increasing pressure to comply with securities regulations. This might lead to an influx of regulatory frameworks and compliance requirements for the industry as a whole.

Potential impact on other exchanges and market participants:

As the SEC has not made a clear distinction between different digital assets, many other projects could potentially face regulatory challenges. This uncertainty may negatively impact market sentiment and the valuation of various crypto assets.

Call to action for investors, regulators, and industry players:

In light of these developments, it is essential that all stakeholders take decisive action to ensure a more transparent and regulatory-compliant crypto ecosystem:

Encouragement to prioritize compliance and transparency:

Crypto projects, exchanges, and market participants should proactively work with regulators to ensure they are complying with the applicable securities laws. This will help maintain investor confidence and prevent potential legal disputes.

Urging for stronger regulatory frameworks and enforcement actions:

Regulators, industry bodies, and governments should collaborate to create clearer regulatory frameworks and stronger enforcement actions. This will provide much-needed clarity for market participants and help foster a more stable and mature crypto ecosystem.
