Microsoft Rumored to be Developing Xbox Handheld: Multiple Prototypes in Progress

Microsoft Rumored to be Developing Xbox Handheld: Multiple Prototypes in Progress - Gaming Hardware - News

During the latest episode of the Xbox Two podcast, Jez Corden from Windows Central shared intriguing insights about Microsoft’s reported development of multiple prototypes for an Xbox handheld gaming device. Although these prototypes do not guarantee a market release, several factors indicate that such a product could potentially make its way into the gaming industry.

Favorable Market Conditions and Potential Market Entry

The recent success of handheld gaming platforms like the Steam Deck has created a favorable market landscape for Microsoft to explore its handheld gaming solution. The potential for natively playing Xbox games on such a device could cater to an audience increasingly drawn towards portable gaming experiences. Moreover, the ability of handheld platforms like Steam Deck to incorporate exclusives from major players such as Microsoft and Sony into their ecosystem further highlights the potential viability of handheld gaming devices.

While rumors about an Xbox handheld have been circulating, concrete details regarding its release timeline remain elusive. According to Corden, the device is under consideration but its launch may not be imminent, as evidenced by the absence of significant leaks or information typical of products nearing release. This lack of information contrasts with recent leaks surrounding the PlayStation 5 Pro, implying that the Xbox handheld might still be in its early stages of development.

Speculation Regarding the New Dev Kit

In addition to the discussions about the Xbox handheld, Corden also touched upon the recent certification of a mysterious new dev kit in South Korea. Although details regarding this dev kit are scanty, Corden speculates that it could represent a new iteration with enhanced ai features designed to help developers prepare for the next generation of consoles. However, without definitive information, the nature and purpose of this dev kit remain shrouded in speculation.

The rumors surrounding Microsoft’s potential handheld gaming device have generated considerable excitement within the gaming community. With industry insiders like Jez Corden shedding light on the subject, the possibility of Microsoft entering the handheld gaming market continues to captivate and spark anticipation among gaming enthusiasts.


Although Microsoft’s handheld gaming device is still in the development phase, its potential entry into the market represents an interesting development for the gaming industry. With successful handheld platforms like the Steam Deck paving the way and Microsoft’s existing ecosystem of games, a handheld Xbox device could cater to a growing segment of gamers seeking portable gaming experiences. As we await further developments, the speculation and excitement surrounding this potential product continue to mount.

Key Takeaways

  • Microsoft is reportedly developing multiple Xbox handheld gaming device prototypes.
  • Favorable market conditions and successful handheld platforms like the Steam Deck indicate potential viability for Microsoft’s entry into the handheld gaming market.
  • Although rumors about an Xbox handheld are circulating, concrete details regarding its release timeline remain elusive.
  • Recent certification of a new dev kit in South Korea could represent a new iteration with enhanced ai features for next-gen console development.
  • Exciting developments and speculation surround Microsoft’s potential handheld gaming device, as gaming enthusiasts await further information.