What does Worldcoin plan to achieve by making Orb software open-source?

What does Worldcoin plan to achieve by making Orb software open-source? - African News - News

worldcoin Makes a Bold Move Towards Transparency: Open-Sourcing Its Orb Software

In a significant development for the blockchain community and in line with its mission to democratize access to the global economy, worldcoin has announced that it will be making the core components of its Orb software open-source. This decision is expected to enhance transparency and verifiability, as well as facilitate collaboration, innovation, and adoption of the worldcoin protocol.

worldcoin Takes an Unexpected Turn

Despite facing skepticism over its use in creating biometrically unique accounts for over four million users, worldcoin has shown its commitment to transparency by announcing on its official blog that the core software supporting its Orb device will be made publicly available.

worldcoin’s move towards open-source has been a gradual process. The company had previously shared details about the Orb’s hardware and made its iris recognition component open source, but not its main software. With this recent release of the Orb’s core functionality, there is now greater insight into how iris scans are converted into unique verifications within the World App.

Accessible Components of Orb Software

The do_signup function within the orb-core repository, a crucial component of the Orb’s software, is now accessible for examination. This function explains the technical processes involved in each World ID verification method, including image capture, biometric processing, and secure data submission.

While the software is capable of producing excellent eye and face images, the company acknowledges that they have faced challenges in integrating the autofocus system. Their software uses a feedback controller incorporating a neural network to provide accurate real-time sharpness estimates.

Throughout the following biometric stage of image processing, Python interfaces are utilized to access custom neural networks and implement Gabor filters. The software first checks if the images have been altered or artificially created.

Introducing Personal Custody: A New Privacy Feature

In addition to making more of the software behind the Orb’s well-known metallic, eye-scanning device available to the public, worldcoin has also introduced a new privacy feature called “Personal Custody.”

This new feature enables users to take control of their data by using a data package that is signed with a private key and encrypted with a user-provided public key before being transferred to their mobile phone.

A Closer Look at the Orb Software’s Technical Aspects

The Orb plays a vital role in capturing images and securely transferring them to the product’s app. With this release, the Rust programming language has been fine-tuned to minimize the adverse effects of frequent reloading of components like IRIS and other models.

worldcoin claims that its software’s implementation on the Orb ensures users’ control over their data with robust security measures. These mechanisms involve using Orb’s private key for signing and the user’s public key for encryption.

Enhancing Transparency: An Ongoing Process

worldcoin’s privacy claims have undergone an audit conducted by Trail of Bits, a reputable security research firm. The company emphasizes that specific parts of the orb-core and orb-secure-element include sensitive code that has been forked for public use.

worldcoin’s approach to minimizing the need for these forks involves a gradual transition towards open-sourcing the software components. This will allow them to develop the non-sensitive parts of the software in a transparent manner while ensuring user privacy, data security, and transparent governance.

For a closer look at the Orb software’s technical aspects, you can refer to the Orb Core repository.

By making its core software open-source, worldcoin continues to demonstrate its commitment to transparency and innovation in the world of decentralized digital currencies.