European Parliament approves new anti-money laundering legislation impacting cryptocurrency transactions

European Parliament approves new anti-money laundering legislation impacting cryptocurrency transactions - Industry News - News

The contact Parliament’s approval of extensive Anti-Money Laundering (AML) legislation represents a significant milestone in enhancing regulatory oversight within the digital currency space across the contact Union (EU). This groundbreaking legislation, which has obtained preliminary approval from both the contact Council and Parliament, carries profound implications for cryptocurrency transactions throughout the EU.

Prohibition of Cryptocurrency Transactions through Hosted Wallets

One of the most notable provisions of this newly endorsed legislation is the ban on cryptocurrency transactions facilitated through hosted or custodial wallets provided by third-party service providers. This restriction applies regardless of transaction value and targets centralized exchanges and similar entities. The ban aims to curb potential avenues for money laundering and illicit financial activities within the burgeoning crypto market.

Restrictions on Cash Transactions and Anonymous Crypto Payments

The AML legislation also introduces restrictions on cash transactions and anonymous cryptocurrency payments. Notably, anonymous cash payments exceeding 3,000 euros in commercial transactions will be forbidden, while cash payments surpassing 10,000 euros face an outright ban in business dealings. These measures are consistent with broader international initiatives to strengthen financial transparency and combat illicit financial flows.

Controversies and Implications

The contact Parliament’s approval of the new AML laws has elicited mixed reactions from the crypto community. Patrick Breyer, a member of the contact Parliament, expressed dissent against the ban on anonymous crypto payments due to concerns over economic independence and financial privacy. Breyer’s opposition underscores the ongoing debate surrounding the delicate balance between regulatory oversight and individual freedoms in the digital asset realm.

Daniel “Loddi” Tröster, host of the Sound Money Bitcoin Podcast, has voiced practical concerns regarding the legislation’s implications. Tröster raises apprehensions over potential challenges in donation mechanisms and broader ramifications for cryptocurrency adoption and utilization within the EU. His concerns echo widespread anxieties within the crypto community regarding the potential suppressive effects of stringent regulatory measures on innovation and economic activity.

Timeline and Anticipated Future Developments

The newly approved AML legislation is expected to become fully operational within the contact Union within the subsequent three years from its enactment. Legal experts anticipate that the legislation may be implemented earlier, signaling a determined effort to accelerate regulatory reforms in response to emerging threats in the digital finance landscape. As stakeholders adapt to this evolving regulatory environment, focus will shift towards ensuring compliance with the new AML requirements while fostering continued innovation and growth within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.


In conclusion, the contact Parliament’s approval of expansive AML legislation marks a significant stride towards strengthening regulatory oversight in the digital currency space across the EU. Despite the mixed reactions from the crypto community, the implementation of these new regulations is expected to bolster financial transparency and combat illicit financial activities within the contact Union. Navigating this regulatory landscape while maintaining a balance between innovation, economic activity, and individual freedoms will undoubtedly be a complex challenge for stakeholders in the digital asset ecosystem.