Super Sushi Samurai exploited for $4.6M right before its launch

Super Sushi Samurai exploited for $4.6M right before its launch - African News - News

Super Sushi Samurai: A Blockchain Game Plagued by a $4.6 Million Exploit

The much-anticipated launch of Super Sushi Samurai (SSS), a blockchain game developed on Coinbase’s Blast layer-2 solution, was overshadowed by an unfortunate event. A devastating exploit led to the loss of approximately $4.6 million just hours before the scheduled release of the gaming product. This incident raised significant concerns about the security of decentralized applications (DApps) and their vulnerabilities to exploits.

Super Sushi Samurai’s Token Crashes Amidst the Exploit

Super Sushi Samurai, a GameFi project that operates on both Coinbase’s Base layer-2 blockchain and the Telegram messaging app, experienced an unauthorized withdrawal of 1310 ETH from its primary liquidity pool on March 21. The perpetrator, who identified themselves as a white hat hacker, discovered a double-spending glitch in the system and managed to repeatedly double their balance before liquidating all of it.

According to Certik, a blockchain security firm, the white hat hacker sold the ill-gotten tokens for approximately $4.59 million.

The Exploiter’s Actions Result in Token Collapse

Despite their apparent good intentions, the actions of the white hat hacker led to a significant decline in the value of SSS tokens. The perpetrator’s unauthorized withdrawal caused a 99% slippage in the token, leaving it with only a fraction of its initial worth.

Communication and Reassurance from Super Sushi Samurai

Following the incident, the Super Sushi Samurai team has been actively communicating with its community through its official Telegram channel and other social media platforms. They have shared updates and provided reassurances regarding the ongoing situation.

A Disturbing Trend in Blast Ecosystem

The Super Sushi Samurai exploit is not an isolated incident within the Blast ecosystem. In February 2024, another project based on Blast, RiskOnBlast, gained attention for reportedly deceiving investors by mysteriously disappearing after allegedly losing 420 Ether (approximately $1.29 million) during a token presale. Over 750 victims suffered significant financial losses as the Website and social media accounts vanished without a trace.

Blast’s Journey to Success Marred by Security Vulnerabilities

Despite generating impressive deposits of over $2.3 billion in its mainnet launch, Blast’s journey to success has been marred by security vulnerabilities and instances of exploitation. The network currently holds a staggering $980 million in total value locked (TVL) at the moment.

One month prior to Super Sushi Samurai’s exploit, another ERC-20 token miner, Miner, experienced a devastating crash of 99% due to the unearthing of a double-spending glitch. Unfortunate as it may be, this glitch revealed that the contract contained loopholes at a lower level, allowing users to double their balance merely by transferring money to themselves.


The exploit of Super Sushi Samurai serves as a reminder that despite the potential benefits of decentralized applications and blockchain technology, there is always the risk of vulnerabilities and exploits. It’s crucial for developers and investors to prioritize security measures and stay vigilant against potential threats.

As the blockchain landscape continues to evolve, it’s essential for users to be aware of the risks and take necessary precautions to protect their investments. In an ever-changing digital world, staying informed and cautious is key.