Former CFTC official challenges SEC on Ethereum regulation

Former CFTC official challenges SEC on Ethereum regulation - African News - News

Former CFTC Commissioner Brian Quintenz Speaks Out Against SEC’s Approach to Ethereum (ETH)

Brian Quintenz, the former Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), has publicly criticized the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for its treatment of Ethereum (ETH). Quintenz labeled the SEC’s stance on Ethereum as “illegal” and expressed concerns regarding regulatory confusion. This critique came after the SEC’s approval of Ethereum futures ETFs on regulated securities exchanges in October 2023, an action Quintenz believes acknowledges Ethereum’s status as a non-security.

Quintenz Addresses the SEC on Ethereum ETFs

In a detailed thread on social media platform X, Quintenz highlighted the SEC’s decision to allow Ethereum ETFs. He argued that this move indicated the SEC’s recognition of Ethereum as a commodity outside its regulatory purview. Quintenz believes that if the SEC harbored any doubts about Ethereum’s regulatory status in October 2023, it would not have approved the ETFs. Moreover, Quintenz suggested that if Ethereum were deemed a security, then the futures contracts listed by the CFTC, which the ETFs were based on, would be considered illegal. This argument brings to light a potential regulatory contradiction and highlights the need for clarity in the classification of digital assets.

Quintenz Urges SEC to Clarify Ethereum’s Status

Furthermore, Quintenz criticized the SEC for causing confusion and potentially harming the public by not acknowledging these facts. He questioned potential delays or denials of Ethereum ETFs, given the SEC’s previous acknowledgment of Ethereum’s status as outside its jurisdiction. This criticism gained further intensity with the SEC’s pending decision on Prometheum’s request to offer custody services for Ethereum as a security, which has faced opposition from the CFTC.

Quintenz Calls for Coordination Between SEC and CFTC on Ethereum’s Classification

A user’s query regarding the complexity of Ethereum’s classification prompted Quintenz to further elaborate on the SEC’s actions and their implications for Ethereum’s status as a commodity versus a security. According to Quintenz, a commodity is considered a non-security if there is a CFTC-regulated futures or swaps contract on it. This response adds depth to the intricate balance between acknowledging a digital asset’s commodity status and its implications for its classification as a security or non-security.

This ongoing debate highlights the broader challenges facing regulators in the cryptocurrency space. As digital assets continue to evolve, clear and consistent regulatory guidelines become increasingly necessary. The dialogue initiated by Quintenz’s criticisms underscores the potential for regulatory confusion and emphasizes the importance of coordinated efforts between agencies like the SEC and CFTC to ensure a thriving cryptocurrency market.

The conversation surrounding Ethereum’s regulatory classification and the implications of the SEC’s decisions reflect the broader challenges of regulating a rapidly evolving digital asset landscape. As the industry waits for further developments and clarifications from regulatory bodies, stakeholders remain cautiously optimistic about the future of Ethereum and other digital assets.


Former CFTC Commissioner Brian Quintenz has criticized the SEC for its handling of Ethereum (ETH) and expressed concerns over regulatory confusion. He believes that the approval of Ethereum ETFs indicates the SEC’s recognition of Ethereum as a commodity outside its jurisdiction. Quintenz also questions potential delays or denials of Ethereum ETFs given the SEC’s previous acknowledgment of Ethereum’s status as a commodity. He calls for coordinated efforts between the SEC and CFTC to ensure regulatory clarity in the cryptocurrency market.

Key Points

  • Former CFTC Commissioner Brian Quintenz has criticized the SEC’s treatment of Ethereum (ETH).
  • He believes the SEC’s approval of Ethereum ETFs indicates Ethereum’s status as a commodity outside its regulatory purview.
  • Quintenz argues that if Ethereum were deemed a security, the CFTC-regulated futures contracts used in the ETFs would be illegal.
  • Quintenz calls for coordinated efforts between the SEC and CFTC to ensure regulatory clarity in the cryptocurrency market.